0 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
From Page 1
In addition to China's goals
for economic growth, Zhou
said that improving the qual-
ity of life of Chinese citizens is
essential to creating a prosper-
ous China.
"China will do its best to
guarantee the rights of all its
people to education, employ-
ment, medical and old-age care
and housing," Zhou said. "Our
goal is to build a harmonious
In light of several recent
health scares involving Chi-
nese imports, Zhou said his
country is working to improve
the quality and safety of prod-
ucts exported to the United
The ambassador criticized
U.S. lawmakers for politiciz-
ing U.S.-China trade issues like
currency exchange policies and
the restrictions on obtaining
U.S. business visas.
"However, one should not
lose sight of the mutual com-
plementary and the 'win-win'
nature of this relationship,"
Zhou said.
Zhou praised the University's
Center for Chinese Studies and
spoke highly of the University's
partnerships with the Peking
Union Medical College Hospital
and Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni-
"As China continues to devel-
op and expand its openness, the
exchanges and the cooperation
with the state and the Univer-
sity of Michigan will make for
greater progress," Zhou said.
Zhou's presentation was part
of the University's China theme
year, sponsored by the College
of Literature, Science and the
Cynthia Wilbanks, Univer-
sity vice president for govern-
ment relations, said events like
Zhou's visit to campus help
increase the University's recog-
nition on a global level.
"China plays a critical role
in the global economy, and we
want to engage with them in
that role," Wilbanks said.
After finishing his presen-
tation, Zhou fielded questions
from members of the audi-
Many pressed the ambassa-
dor on remarks he made during
his presentation that reiter-
ated the Chinese government's
opposition to Taiwanese inde-
Zhou said that Taiwan
belongs to mainland China
and any attempts by Taiwan to
separate itself will pose a seri-
ous threat to the safety of the
He added that any U.S. sup-
port of Taiwanese attempts at
independence would endanger
trade relations with China.
"It is a strategic interest of
China and the United States
to oppose all Taiwan indepen-
dence," Zhou said.
Accompanying China's rapid
growth have been numerous
accusations of human rights
violations, including attacks
on the Chinese government for
its ties to the current Sudanese
regime and indifference to the
violence taking place in the
Darfur region.
But that hasn't stopped Uni-
versity officials from working
with China.
In 2005, University Presi-
dent Mary Sue Coleman and
a University delegation made
an official visit to China to
establish relationships with
several major Chinese uni-
In an interview last month,
Coleman said the creation
of the China theme year is
important because it exposes
students to the culture and
politics of a booming nation
like China.
"It doesn't mean that we
endorse everything that happens
there, but I've found that ignor-
ing a certain part of the world
isn't going to help us understand
it," Coleman said.
Several protesters out-
side Rackham carried signs
that described Chinese policy
toward Taiwanese indepen-
dence as "outright lies" and
Ann Arbor resident James
Chen, who attended the speech
and afterwardjoinedtheprotest-
ers, said he strongly disagreed
with the Chinese government's
refusal to allow Taiwanese inde-
Chen said China's rejection
of Taiwanese independence and
its claim to ownership of the
country, is both imperialistic
and illogical.
"If Taiwan belongs China,
as Zhou says, then the United
States should still belong to
England, shouldn't it?" Chen
From Page 1
carrying the formidable opposition
leader, Prime Minister Benazir
LSA senior Usman Shahid, presi-
dent of the Pakistani Students'
Association, said that the urgency
of the situation as portrayed in the
Western media is a bit over the top.
"Basically if you are living in Pak-
istan you won't be disturbed by the
suspension of the constitution," he
said. "You'll look at it and say, yeah,
that's wrong. You gotta understand
it's a third-world country."
Razi said Pakistan is accustomed
to political turmoil.
"We're used to it. We're used to
things happening all the time. I can
tell you that for sure."
Shahid, who said he generally
supports Musharraf but would like
to see the constitution reinstated,
said the Pakistani Students' Associ-
ation is planning to circulate a peti-
tion among its members asking the
Pakistani embassy in Washington
D.C. to urge Musharraf to reinstate
the constitution.
But he also said that concerns
over the bare necessities of life
trump politics for many Pakistanis.
"I don't think a normal Pakistani
would worry about the constitution.
People care about food, jobs. I think
those are the reasonable concerns
they have right now," Shahid said.
None of the students interviewed
have family members or friends in
danger in Pakistan.
"Most of the people who come (to
the University) come from cities and
from influential families at home,"
Shahid said. "Basicallynothing dan-
gerous happens in the cities."
Business School junior Wasay
Ahmad said the media's reaction to
Musharraf's actions is overblown.
"Lawyers and judges have been
arrested, but overall everything's
the same," he said. "My sister goes
to school everyday, my father goes
to work. For life in general, every-
thing is fine. In the sense of every-
day life, it's not a big deal."
But Mohammad Dar, the vice
president of the Michigan Student
Assembly, who was born in the Unit-
ed States and has family in Pakistan,
said he was deeply disappointed by
the recent events in the country.
"Elections are something that
the Pakistani people have been
promised and denied again and
again for many years," he said. "My
family's not too involved in the
public sector, but for the people of
Pakistan, the feeling I get is that
it's a continual feeling of disenfran-
Some of the students suggest-
ed that the differing reactions to
Musharraf's actions are connected
to class and national origin.
Ahmad said people who haven't
visited the country recently may
not be aware of the positive chang-
es Musharraf's government has
brought to Pakistan like the growth
of the economy.
Many Pakistani and Pakistani-
American students at the Univer-
sity say it will be a long time before
Western-style democracy arrives
in Pakistan.
"Every Pakistani is wondering if
democracy is possible right now,"
Shahid said.
Ahmad said Musharraf is mov-
ing toward democracy, if slowly.
"I believe in democracy," he said.
"But Pakistan has a long way to get
the kind of democracy the U.S. or
Europe have achieved. That's what
President Musharraf is trying to do."
On Sunday, Musharraf, bowing
slightly to international pressure,
said he would hold presidential
elections in January as scheduled.
But political science Prof. Ashutosh
Varshney, who studies India and
South Asia, said he is unsure the
elections will be a move toward
"I think free and fair elections in
January would basically set a new
path for Pakistan's recovery," he said.
From Page 1
University spokeswoman Kelly
Cunningham said the University
was not taking a position on Cole-
man's drop in the rankings.
"It is what it is," she said.
Coleman's contract guaran-
tees her a base salary of just over
$500,000. The Board of Regents
can give Coleman a raise or a
bonus every year.
Although Coleman's total com-
pensation has grown every year
since she became president in 2002,
the compensation of her peers at
other institutions of higher educa-
tion has grown at a higher rate.
Coleman's raises have never
been more than 3.5 percent annu-
From Page 1
and political science programs.
"If I'm not an American student,
you don't get financial aid," said
Uozumi, who also plans to study
abroad in England or China in the
future. "Michigan was the cheap-
est. I didn't have a first choice or a
second choice. It wasn't such a big
factor, but if you're thinking about
three schools and one is the cheap-
est, you're going to say 'OK, that
schoolwould be a good idea."'
The report also said that the
University had the 15th most stu-
dents studying abroad. More than
1,700 students went abroad last
Carol Dickerman, director of
ally, which is in line with the aver-
age pay increases for faculty and
staff at the University.
The University Board of
Regents gave Coleman a 3-percent
raise at their September meeting.
She then donated the $15,495 pay
hike back to the University.
In 2004, Coleman ranked third
in the Chronicle's list with a total
compensation of $677,500. In2005,
her compensation rose to $724,604,
which ranked first among presi-
dents of public universities.
About 60 of the 182 public uni-
versities in this year's rankings
gave their presidents bonuses, for
both performance and, less com-
monly, retention.
Coleman gets a $100,000
retention bonus each year of her
the University's Office of Interna-
tional Programs, said the survey's
findings about study abroad pro-
grams show how important the
programs are to college students.
"Students think that this is
something that they want to do
while they're a Michigan under-
grad," Dickerman said.
Britain, Italy and Spain are the
most popular sites for studying
abroad, according to Dickerman.
She said that not as many students
study in Japan or China, even
though Japanese and Chinese are
popular languages at the Univer-
sity. She also said the new study
abroad programs in Turkey and at
the American University in Cairo,
Egypt are growing in popularity.
"These are not only trends here
at Michigan - these are national
trends," Dickerman said.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - 7
Judge says gov't
required to
retain messages
eral judge yesterday ordered the
White House to preserve cop-
ies of all its e-mails, a move that
Bush administration lawyers had
argued strongly against.
U.S. District Judge Henry Ken-
nedy directed the Executive Office
of the President to safeguard the
material in response to two law-
suits that seek to determine wheth-
er the White House has destroyed
e-mails in violation of federallaw.
In response, the White House
said it has been takingstepsto pre-
serve copies of all e-mails and will
continue to do so. The adminis-
tration is seeking dismissal of the
lawsuits brought by two private
groups, Citizens for Responsibility
and Ethics in Washington and the
National Security Archive.
The organizations allege the
disappearance of 5 million White
House e-mails. The court order
issued by Kennedy, an appointee
of President Clinton, is directed
at maintaining backup tapes
which contain copies of White
House e-mails.
The Federal Records Act
details strict standards prohib-
iting the destruction of gov-
ernment documents including
electronic messages, unless first
approved by the archivist of the
United States.
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For Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007
(March 21 to April 19)
You will do something that calls atten-
tion to yourself today. Quite likely, it
will invive parents, bosses, teachers or
authority figures in your life. Be mindful
of this.
(April 20 to May 20)
This is an easy day to learn something.
Studies will go well. You have an urge to
understand more about the world in gen-
eral. Travel anywhere if you can.
(May 21 to une 20)
You'll want to secure your belongings,
especially anything having to do with
shared property. Focus on debt. low
much do you own, and how much do
you owe?
(June 21 to July 22)
Today the Moon opposes your sign.
This means you have to go more than
halfway when dealing with others.
Listen to what others say, especially
partners and close friends.
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Be patient with co-workers today.
Although others are ready to talk, agree-
ment might not come easily. Try to make
your success the success of others.
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
You're playful today but in a serious
way. This is an excellent day for creative
ventures. Artists can be productive.
Discussions about the care or education
of children are sensible.
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Home, family and real estate matters
are your primary focus today. What can
you do to feel more secure about your
domestic scene
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Discussions with others are serious.
This is a good time to plan ahead for the
future. You might also get advice from
someone older, wiser or more experi-
enced than you.
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
If shopping today, you won't spend
your money frivolously. You don't want
to waste anything today. You want to buy
practical things that will last for a long
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
The Moon is in your sign today.
Although this can make you more emo-
tional than usual, it will probably draw
people to you in an indirect way. Lady
Luck is with you today.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Work alone or behind the scenes if you
can today. You need a little time by your-
self. It's a good day to sort out details if
you have to deal with the government.
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
Discussions with friends might be
frank and emotional today.
Conversations with someone of an age
difference could beiimportant.
YOU BORN TODAY You're involved
in the world around you. You have a
strong social conscience because you're
passionately opposed to injustice. You
work hard to stay abreast of things. (You
do your homework.) You're a realist;
nevertheless, you have a whimsical,
imaginative side. Your year ahead will
be fascinasing because you're going to
study or learn something important to
Birthdate of: Whoopi Goldberg,
comedian/actress; Chris Noth, actor;
Robert Louis Stevenson, poet/novelist.
2007 King f e s \ Ii t..irs