The Michigan Daily -
Mondav November 12. 2007 - 3A
Sunni insurgents
ambush al-Qaida
Former Sunni insurgents
asked the U.S. to stay away, then
ambushed members of al-Qaida in
Iraq, killing18 in a battle that raged
for hours north of Baghdad, an ex-
insurgent leader and Iraqi police
said yesterday. L
The Islamic Army in Iraq sent r
advance word to Iraqi police c
requesting that U.S. helicopters d
keep out of the area since its fighters
had no uniforms and were indistin- e
guishable from al-Qaida, according c
to the police and a top Islamic Army a
leader known as Abu Ibrahim. t
Abu Ibrahim told The Associ- 1
ated Press that his fighters killed 18 b
al-Qaida militants and captured 16 t
in the fight southeast of Samarra,
a mostly Sunni city about 60 miles fa
north of Baghdad. a
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia B
Genocide D
suspects detained t
Police detained the ex-foreign p
minister of the brutal 1970s Khmer E
Rouge regime and his wife on Mon-
day and brought them to Cambo- t
dia's U.N.-backed genocide tribunal
Monday to face charges, an official
- Ieng Sary and his wife, Ieng
Thirith, are both accused of
involvement in the slayings of polit-
ical opponents during the 1975-79
radical communist regime, accord-
ing to documents from prosecutors
seen by The Associated Press. Ieng
Thirith served as the regime's min-
ister for social affairs.
Police detained the couple at
their Phnom Penh residence at
dawn. Officers later brought them
to tribunal offices, where they were
tomake aninitial appearance before
the judges later Monday, said tribu-
nal spokesman Reach Sambath. He
did not elaborate on the charges
they would face.
WACO, Texas
Pres. Bush
honors troops
with speech
Marking his fifth Veterans Day
since the invasion of Iraq, President
Bush honored U.S. troops past and
present at a tearful ceremony yes-
terday for four Texans who died
The White House had said Bush
was going to also use his Veterans
Day speech to scold Congress for
not sending him a veterans spend-
ing bill. But the president finished
without any reference to the bill or
"In their sorrow, these families
need to know - and families all
across our nation of the fallen -
need to know that your loved ones
served a cause that is good and just
and noble," Bush said. "And as their
commander in chief, I make you
this promise: Their sacrifice will
not be in vain."
YANGON, Myanmar
U.N. investigator
claims he'll override
Myanmar ban
A U.N. human rights envoy
arrived yesterday in Myanmar
on a mission to get inside the
country's prisons to determine
the numbers of people killed
and detained since the military
P regime's crackdown on pro-
democracy protesters.
Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, the U.N.'s
independent rights investigator for
Myanmar, had been barred from
visiting the country since Novem-
her 2003.
"If they don't give me full coop-
eration, I'll go to the plane, and I'll
go out," he said recently after the
government gave him a green light to
visit the country for five days.
Pinheiro has submitted a proposed
itinerary for his visit to the Myanmar
- Compiled from
Daily wire reports
Budget woes stall
other state issues
energy concerns
by financial crisis
LANSING (AP) - The state
egislature's nearly year-round
umble with Michigan's budget
risis has overshadowed efforts to
Jo much of anything else.
Most legislation concerning
nergy, the environment, health
are and other issues not immedi-
tely related to the state budget or
axes has been stalled more than
l0 months, since little time has
een left to focus on such mat-
Lawmakers could begin moving
aster on some non-budget issues
fter they return from what could
e a two-week break this month.
.ut it's unlikely any major policy
hanges will be addressed until
"The state budget should be
heir No. 1 priority, so setting that
traight is good," says James Clift,
olicy director for the Michigan
nvironmental Council.
"But it's unfortunate it's taken
his long."
Several Democratic and Repub-
lican lawmakers from both cham-
bers have been absorbed in the
state budget and related finan-
cial issues, brought on in part by
Michigan's struggling economy
and what some consider an out-of-
whack tax structure.
It's been one of the tough-
est, longest and messiest budget
debates in modern Michigan his-
The new Legislature convened
in January knowing the budget
would consume the early part of
the session.
But the budget problem grew
almost weekly, ballooning to a
projected $1.75 billion deficit by
Michigan budget debates are
typically wrapped up by July or
August, well in advance of fiscal
years that start in October.
But as autumn slowly turns to
winter, lawmakers still haven't
finished the job for the fiscal year
that began Oct. 1.
An unprecedented four-hour
government shutdown highlighted
the budget crisis in the early hours
of Oct. 1.
A 30-day emergency extension
was passed to delay the start of the
new budget year to Nov. 1.
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The Fr. Gabriel Richard Lectures
Calling us to examine current issues in~ light of our faith
via teCt fc oa
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
4:00 pm-1014 Tisch Hall
by Dr. Eugene McCarraher
Associate Professor of Humanities and History
Villanova University
Eugene McCarraher received his Ph.D. in American History from Rutgers
University. He is the author of Christian Critics: Religion and the Impasse in Modern
American Social Thought. In addition to articles for scholarly journals,
Dr. McCarraher writes essays and reviews for Commonweal; Books and Culture;
and In These Times. His research and teaching interests include the relationship
of economics, culture, and religion; the intersection of politics and literature
the history of radical or utopian movements; and the cultural and intellectual
history of modern America. McCarraher is currently working on a cultural
history of corporate capitalism in the United States.
Co-Sponsored by:
Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, LSA Department of History
President's Initiative on Ethics in Public Life, and
St. Mary Student Parish
Number of American service mem-
bers who have died in the war in
Iraq, according to The Associated
Press. No new deaths were identi-
fied over the weekend.