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September 05, 2007 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-09-05

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 - 7A

PRIMARY: Gov. signs
bill moving up contest

initiative to fight hazing

From page 1A
LSA sophomore Kelly Bernero,
co-chair of the University chap-
ter of Students for Hillary.
The change seems to be having
a small effect on political activ-
ism on.campus. So far, there are
groups supporting Republicans
Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and John
McCain and Democrats Barack
Obama, Hillary Clinton and John
Both Bernero and LSA senior
Travis Radina, Students for John
Edwards for President chair, are
hopeful that a compromise will
be made between the Michigan
legislature and the DNC so that
Michigan will be represented at
the convention.
The Students for Edwards
group had hoped to kick off the
new school year with a visit from
Edwards or his wife, Elizabeth,
which would have coincided with
the group's mass meeting. But

because Edwards has vowed not to
campaign in Michigan, the group
has decided to put the meeting
on hold. The group is considering
bringing other speakers to campus
on Edwards's behalf.
Radina said the earlier primary
puts more pressure onthe Students
for Edwards group because it will
have to provide more information
to students about the Democratic
"We'll have to do the campaign
for him," Radina said.
LSA sophomore Tom Duvall,
chair of the University chapter
of Students for Obama, said he
doesn't share Radina's concern.
"We will continue our plan just
as it was before," he said. "The
primary is an important test and
event that will show Obama's sup-
port in a key battleground state for
the election."
Duvall said the Obama group
had no previous plans to arrange
a campus visit for Obama and will

continue to promote his candi-
LSA senior Amy Drumm,
chair of the University chapter
of Students for Romney, said the
group's plans for the fall wouldn't
be affected. Those plans include
participating in regular phone
banks, recruiting members, regis-
tering new voters and promoting
Romney's candidacy in other ways
around campus.
"As long as we are having a pri-
mary, there will still be voters,
which would (include) students,"
Drumm said.
Romney - a Bloomfield Hills
native and the son of former Gov.
George Romney - is polling even
in Michigan with Rudy Giuliani
for the Republican nomination.
Clinton is leading the Demo-
cratic field in Michigan by a large
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report.

From page 1A
Two attorneys from the firm
listen to messages left on the hot-
line and forward reports to the
national offices of the Greek orga-
nizationsinquestion. InMichigan
and most other states, the report
ends there, but in six states, the
firm must also contact state law
enforcement agencies because
state law requires it. The law firm
will look into hazing allegations
if the Greek organization asks for
help in the investigation.
The idea for a national hazing
hotline was first discussed at a
January conference of fraternities
and sororities, McCarthy said.
The fraternities chose to run the
hotline through Manley Burke,
which has 26 years of experi-
ence providing legal counsel to
national Greek organizations and
publishes a monthly newsletter
called Fraternal Law.
"It was kind of a natural selec-
tion," McCarthy said.
The University's Greek system
already runs a similar service,
called the Hazing Task Force.
Students with concerns or tips
can anonymously e-mail hazing-

hotline@umich.edu. In Febru-
ary 2005, the task force found
three campus fraternities and
one sorority guilty of hazing after
receiving e-mail tips.
The Michigan Greek com-
munity welcomes extra help in
responding to reports of hazing,
said Evan Waters, a spokesman
for the University's Interfrater-
nity Council, in an e-mail.
Several Greek organizations
that weren't among the founders
of the program have expressed
interest in being associated with
the hotline.
Sigma Alpha Mu is investigat-
ing becoming a user of the hotline,
said Andy Huston, risk aware-
ness director for the fraternity's
national chapter.
"All the national fraternities
and sororities have the same goal
- that's to eliminate hazing com-
pletely," McCarthy said.
The University plans to pub-
licize the new hotline to fra-
ternity and sorority members
during National Hazing Preven-
tion Week, which runs from Oct.
22 to Oct. 28, said Chris Haughee,
assistant director of the Universi-
ty's Office Greek Life.

The national chapters of these University
fraternities and sororities are sponsors of
a new hazing hotline:
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alpha Sigma Phi
Delta Chi
Delta Sitma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Upsilon
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Psi
Sigma Pi
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Phi
Alpha Sigma Tau
Chi Omega
Kappa Kappa Gamma

money, shop around

From page lA
0 Some students prefer to wait
until after classes start to buy
textbooks to better gauge whether
a class relies heavily on the text-
book listed on the syllabus. If a
book is only going to be used once
or twice, it might be better to find
a copy at the library or share with
a friend. Waiting to buy books,
however, may lead to having to pay
more as a result of not being able to

find used copies.
Buying older editions of text-
books will often drastically reduce
cots. For example, the seventh
edtion of "Psychology: Themes
ant Variations" costs $132.95 as
a ew book on Amazon.com. The
sane edition of the book can be
found used for about $70 on mar-
ketelace.umich.edu. But the sixth
editon of the book is listed on the
sane site for $20. Comparing both
editons can help you determine
whther there's a significant dif-

ference between them. Having an
older edition of a textbook is not
always ideal, though. The infor-
mation might be outdated, and the
page and chapter numbers of the
older edition might be different
from the new one.
" As a final option, check
whether the books for your classes
are available in the course reserves
at the library. Most are. Keep in
mind that most course reserve
items can only be checked out for
two to four hours at a time.

PLANE: Student won
wealthy alum's contest

From page 1A


team's winged helmet. It features a
blue nose, maize cockpit area and a
maize-and-blue stripe running the
length of the plane along the top.
There's a block 'M' logo on the tail.
Rogel began advertising the
competition on the Art and Design
career website on Aug. 20, offering
a $500 prize to the winner.
When the contest ended Aug.
27, Rogel said there was an obvious
"It was clear what the best
design was," he said. "But there
was another one that came very
close, so I decided to add a $100

second place prize."
Kuehl had never entered a
design competition before.
"I thought my design was good,
but I was surprised when I found
out the day after submitting it that
I had won," she said.
It's fitting that Rogel would ask
students to design his plane. He's
the chairman of the Michigan Dif-
ference campaign, a member of one
of President Coleman's advisory
committees and a former Alumni
Association president.
Art and Design freshman Sean
Thompson came in second place.
Like;f uehl, thefootball team's
helmets inspired Thompson. He

'M' in the design and a large sun
in his design, which was meant tc
symbolize the University's ideals
of excellence and social aware-
John Luther, a career develop-
ment coordinator in the School
of Art and Design, said work or
projects like Rogel's is essential tc
students because they each cus-
tomize their own bachelor of fine
arts program.
"Studentsneed freelance oppor-
tunities, contests, exhibitions and
internships to build their portfo-
lios," he said. "Contests especially
are a way for students to play with
the real world and earn money or
top ofit."

Katie Kuehl's winning design for University alum
Richard Rogel's new Learjet

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