0 9 U w U U U U w 0- .0 -W -07 8B Saturday, October 27, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com f TALE TAPE LITTLE BROWN Name: The Little Brown Jug Established:.1903 Location: Undisclosed. The actual jug disappeared from the Michigan trophy case in 1930 and wasn't returned until an Ann Arbor gas station attendant found it behind a clump of bushes in 1934. Since then, the equip- ment manager for each team is responsible for closely guarding the real trophy while a replica sits in the trophy case. Drinkability rating: Low. As Lloyd said when asked if he had ever drank anything out of it: "No. I don't think I would want to do that." Urineability rating: None existent. We would never desecrate such a hallowed trophy. Favorite story: We shouldn't have to tell you this one. But if you want to hear a great rendition of the history, listen to Lloyd's press conference from Monday. About as good as it gets. BROWN Name: The Brown Jug Established: 1938 Location: 2014 S. University st. Drinkability rating: Pretty high. A football player or two (or 10) have been known to show up at the watering hole on a Saturday night. Urineability rating: Average. Sure, a trough filled with ice seems like a fine place to pee after you've knocked back a few, but have you ever done it sober? It's a little too awkward for Daily Sports. Favorite story: Insert your own. Bonus points if vomiting is included. Former defensive back Darnell Hood poses after taking back the Brown Jug with a 28-l4 win at Minnesota last season.