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October 18, 2007 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-10-18

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'The danger with 'The Darjeeli g Li ited'
The B-Side
IIe c~ia :at

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Adidas under
ire at WisC.,
Athletic Department doesn't hold its apparel suppliers to
high enough labor standards.
signed contract with The Worker Rights Consortium,
a labor rights watchdog group cre-
Adidas in June ated by college administrators,
reported last October that a facto-
By ANDY KROLL ry in El Salvador subcontracted to
Daily StaffReporter produce Adidas university apparel
refused to pay about $825,000 in
Adidas, the new provider of gear back pay and severance to workers
for Michigan sports teams, is under after the factory closed. Another
attack on other college campuses nearby factory manufacturing Adi-
for several cases of labor malprac- das university apparel blacklisted
tice and human rights violations. workers who protested to receive
The labor standards in the Uni- their pay, the WRC reported.
versity of Michigan's Adidas con- StudentsattheUniversityofWis-
tract are nearly identical to those consin at Madison have demanded
found in the contracts that those that Wisconsin terminate its con-
universities have with Adidas. tract with Adidas because of the
There is almost no change in labor incidents.
standards from the University's University of Michigan Athletic
previous contract with Nike. The Director Bill Martin said in July
University has often come under that Adidas had agreed to let the
attack from activists who say it See ADIDAS, Page 7A
Council could cut
lease law loophole

Residential College marks four decades of
experimentation in East Quad

Daily StaffReporters
Close to 400 Residential Col-
lege alumni will descend upon
East Quad this weekend. The
alumni will join current RC stu-
dents to revel in the college's his-
tory and officially celebrate the
40th anniversary of its founding.
Since it was founded in 1967,
the RC has functioned as a small
liberal arts college within the
University. It has managed to
survive even as similar colleges
at other universities have failed.
It has its ownbasic requirements,
professors, courses and concen-
trations. Students in the college
are required to live in East Quad
- a mixture of dormitories, fac-
ulty offices and classrooms - for
two years, which creates an envi-
ronment that blurs the boundar-
ies between school and home,
class and recreation.

TOP: RC students on a field trip to Kentucky in the early 1970s.
BOTTOM: The RC planning committee in April 1967.

For om .-2mva ..- .
Sieta TOlorr ,

The RC began as an experi-
ment through which professors
could study the learning process
of undergraduates and how a
highly personalized, controlled
environment would affect learn-
ing. Ted Newcomb, then a profes-
sor in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, designed
the program. Now, it exists not
to test new ideas on students,
said RC Director Charles Bright,
but to improve the
quality of
trL education
for RC stu-
A "Once a
c place like
this has been
A around for a
0D while and gets
established, the
. A4 M experiments
! that work tend
C to stay in place,"
he said. "And the
experiments that
don't work. we for-

get as quickly as we can."
When the RC opened its doors
in the fall of 1967, about 1,500
students applied for admission.
Out of these, 215 students were
selected for the college's first
class, which was designed to rep-
resent a cross-section of the LSA
studentbody as a whole.
But because of the experi-
mental nature of this endeavor,
and because the students were
self-selecting, they differed from
their LSA counterparts, Bright
"The students who chose the
RC tended to be a little more
rebellious, a little more creative,
a little more free-floating and
independent in their studies," he
An integral part of the experi-
ment was the implementation
of the core curriculum -spe-
cific classes all RC students were
required to take in their first two
RC Prof. Carl Cohen, a founder
and one-time associate direc-
tor of the RC, designed the cur-
See RC, Page 7A

To view the complete schedule of
events, visit www.rc.isa.umich.edu
FRIDAY, OCT. 19,2007:
" Exhibit opening
3 to 5:30 p.m.
BC Gallery
BC alum and artist Nancy Gildart will host a
reception to open her RC-themed installa-
tion exhibit "Bricks, Mortar, Spirit."
" Parade and Convocation Circus
5:10 to 7 p.m.
A parade featuring bagpipes and costumes
will begin in the East Quad courtyard and
move through the Diagto the Modern Lan-
guage Building for the Convocation Circus.
Several notable RC alumswill speak and a
band will perform during the circus.
" Concert in the Co-op
10:30 p.m.to1:30a.m.
Performanceswill include Tyvek, Root Beer
and Bad Party and the East Quad Music
Co-op. The show will open with open mic
SATURDAY, OCT. 20,2007
* Ribbon cutting ceremony
2:30 p.m.
Ousideaof the RC Auditorium
A ribbon cutting ceremonyfor the recently-
announced RC Theatre renovations
. Panel discussion about a liberal arts
3 to 5 p.m.
RC Auditorium
Provost Teresa Sullivan, LSA Dean Terrence
McDonald and RC Director Charlie Bright,
former directors and students will discuss
the value of aliberal arts education.
" Closing Panel
10 a.m.to noon
RC Auditorium
A closing lecture titled, "Art, Politics and
Ethics in the YouTube World"

Waiting period likely
to be shortened
Daily StaffReporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
and the Ann Arbor City Council
are in the final stages of modifying
a city ordinance designed to pre-
vent the fall housing rush. They are
working to reduce the period land-
lords must wait to show a property
from 90 days into the lease to 70
days and closing a loophole that
allows landlords to skip the wait


period if current tenants sign a
The ordinance was originally
meant to give students more time
to shop for housing. But since its
ratification by the City Council
almost a year ago, the ordinance
has drawn some criticism from
both landlords and students. Land-
lords don't like the waiting period
because they say it complicates
renting properties. Students don't
like the ordinance because, as ten-
ants, they say they feel pressured
to sign a lease before the waiting
period has expired.
Last week, the City Council's
See LEASES, Page 7A

The Ann Arbor Film Festival holds a glam rock karaoke rally on Liberty Street yes-
terday as part of its campaign to raise $75,000. After the fundraising campaign hits
certain goals, its members perform "Acts of Audacity," like the karaoke rally.

At Diag rally, a call for the United


- c,
Naiost-it -g'U' researchers aim to clean up Internet
Nations to meet its anti-poverty goals

Daily StaffReporter
Students rallied on the Diag
and all over the world last night to
let the United Nations know that
merely setting goals isn't good
enough in the fight against pov-
The rally was part of a coordi-
nated worldwide campaign called

"Stand Up, Speak Out." Yesterday,
rallies were held in more than 30
different countries to highlight
the United Nations's slow prog-
ress in achieving its Millennium
Development Goals, which were
set in 2000 to alleviate poverty
and improve global health by
Last year, more than 23 million
people participated in the rally

across the world.
About 50 people attended the
rally at the University, which was
preceded by lectures from Univer-
sity professors on topics related to
global poverty such as sustainable
agriculture and the World Bank.
Lisa Treumuth, a co-chair of
the Michigan Student Assembly's
Peace and Justice Commission,
See RALLY, Page 3A

Daily StaffReporter
With spam, viruses and false
identities clogging the Internet,
going online can be a scary and
dangerous proposition.
Faculty and doctoral candidates
from the University of Michi-
gan and Wayne State University
are working together to alleviate
some of the safety concerns sur-

rounding Internet use through a
joint program, the Socio-Techni-
cal Infrastructure for Electronic
Transactions. The program is
working to create technology to
battle the evils of the online world
but also to build a community that
works together to overcome the
issues created by the Internet.
"It's working to make the Inter-
net more safe and profitable for
everyone," said School of Informa-

tion Prof. Jeff MacKie-Mason, the
program's director.
Part of the problem is that many
Internet transactions rely on trust.
Internet users must trust that Wiki-
pedia's user-submitted articles are
factual, eBay sellers are honest and
e-mail is safe.
Through its new research, the
program aims to increase the secu-
rity of these services.


CC: 59 Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Colbert joins the presidential fray

INDEX NEWS................2A SUDOKU..................5A
Vol. CXVill,No.31 OPINION...........................4A CLASSIFIEDS .. . . A......... 6A
J2007 TheMichigan Daily SPORTS .............................SA THE B-SlDE. . .B.............1B


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