The first column from the Daily's first public editor
Opinion, page 4
IPt e I~idligan 4Ba IV
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tuesday, October 9,2007
'08 race
Republicans to
debate in Dearborn;
Ron Paul to speak
on Diag
Daily Staff Reporter
The race for the Republican
nomination for president is com-
ing to the University of Michigan
At 4 p.m., GOP candidates will
debate in Dearborn at a forum
sponsored in part by the Universi-
ty's Dearborn campus.
Republican candidate Ron Paul,
a Texas congressman, plans to
come to Ann Arbor to deliver a
speech from the steps of the Grad-
uate Libraryi at 7:30 p.m.
Rob.Johnson, chair of the Uni-
versity's chapter of Students for
Ron Paul for President, said his
group only had a week to prepare
for the visit, but they've been pro-
moting the event since then.
Paul, a libertarian Republican,
is a longshot to win the Republican
nomination. But he has generated
intense interest and support from
across the political spectrum. He's
lured supporters from the left with
strong opposition to the war in Iraq
and an activist foreign policy. He's
lured supporters from the right
with strident opposition to tax
hikes, abortion rights and many
federal government programs.
Abdullateef Muhiuddin, the
University of Michigan at Dear-
See CAMPAIGN, Page 7
Avoiding a
dispute over
your deposit
Playboy magazine held tryouts at Weber's Inn yesterday for its Girls of the Big Ten pictorial, slated to run in May.
In A2, dreams of gloss and glory
Students try out for
Playboy magazine's
Girls of the Big Ten
Daily StaffReporter
"Put your hands in your hair,"
commanded veteran Playboy mag-
azine photographer Kim Mizuno.
'Stretch out."
Mizuno fed these lines to a tall,
blond LSA junior who would only
give her first and middle name
- Amber Sue - during a tryout
yesterday at Weber's Inn for Play-
boy's Girls of the Big Ten issue. She
smiled, shaking out her hair and
turned awkwardly in her stilettos
on the plush carpet.
"It's just you and me - and a
hundred other people," he said,
referring to the few local reporters
and photographers also crowded
into the bedroom suite. One other
girl, a School of Nursing junior
whose first and middle names are
Renee Alison, was scheduled for
the morning; at least half a dozen
were supposed to show later in the
afternoon, said stylist Linda Ken-
ney. More are scheduled for today.
Playboy representatives advised
the candidates not to give their Pull
names to the press.
All this was uncommon for the
beautiful but stodgy Weber's Inn
on Jackson Avenue - the mainte-
nance men showed up suspiciously
fast when called to fix the air con-
Playboy is on a campus tour of
all 11 Big Ten Conference schools
in search of models for its annual
college girls pictorial. The feature
- slated to run in the May 2008
edition of the magazine - will be
the first college pictorial to feature
Big Ten co-eds since the "Girls of
the Big Ten" issue in October 2003.
Amber wants to make the pages
of Playboy. She attended an open
casting call two summers ago in
Cleveland, subscribes to the maga-
zine and follows the website ("Like
everyday," she confessed), where
she found out about the tryouts.
"I skipped three classes this
morning for this," she said.
Playboy has also advertised
for the pictorial on MySpace and
Facebook, Kenney said. The week
See PLAYBOY, Page 7
Student Legal
Read your lease
Daily StaffReporter
Engineering senior Marty
Austin wishes he had read his
lease more carefully.
Austin, whose lease ended
Aug. 19, is still involved in a
security deposit standoff with
his landlord.
Austin and his roommates are
now awaiting mediation by the
University's Office of Student
Conflict Resolution to avoid
taking roughly $1,000 in dis-
puted damages to small claims
court. The damages include
thumbtack marks exceeding
the lease's quarter-inch limit,
an allegedly soiled bed and resi-
due from stickers that the ten-
ants deny ever existed.
Austin said he and his five
roommates spent lots of time
and money hiring a maid ser-
vice to clean their six-bedroom
house on Prospect Street before
moving out.
Disputeslike Austin's become
more common during October,
said Stephanie Chang, a hous-
ing law attorney for Student
Legal Services.
The definition of damage
depends on your lease. Melissa
Goldstein, a housing adviser
Tips formaking sure yougetyour
security deposit back at the sad at
your lease
* Read your lease thoroughly to know
what types of damages you will be
charged for.
* Check to see if your landlord is reg-
istered with the Off-Campus Housing
Program. Registered landlordsagree to
work with Student Legal Services and the
University's Office ofConflict Resolution.
* Take pictures of any preexisting dam-
age when you move in.
" Document all correspondencebetween
you and your landlord
" Provide your landlord with aforward-
ing address within four days after you
move out.
with OSCR, said that many ten-
ants simply forget to read the
lease, which outlines specific
details like whether renters
are subject to fines for large
nail holes or too much leftover
A security deposit can't be
more than one-and-a-half times
a tenant's rent. State law consid-
ers the deposit to be the tenant's
property until the landlord
claims deductions - at the end
of the lease. If no damages are
found, the tenant shouldreceive
the full deposit back.
"Some (repair) issues don't
See DEPOSITS, Page 7
On day of gay rights rally, hate on Diag
Daniel Pipes, a controversial Middle East columnist and scholar, drew a crowd at tl
Modern Language Building last night.
Pipes: West must work
to'modernize' Islam
a crow
ing rad
the can
it "Isla
cent, ai
cholar draws stressed that it is this small group
that poses a "threat to us all."
small protest "It is these ten to fifteen per-
cent, I believe, that are the enemy
By ANDY KROLL of Muslims and non-Muslims," said
Daily StaffReporter Pipes, who described radical Islam
as "terroristic," "suicidal" and
el Pipes, a controversial "hegemonic."
Eastscholarandauthor,told Pipes said the goal in defeating
d at the Modern Languages radical Islam must be a "transfor-
.g last night that combat- mation of the enemy" as was the
ical Islam and empowering case with Nazi Germany in World
te Muslims are critical to War II and the Soviet Union in the
g the war on terrorism. Cold War.
s's speech, sponsored by "Our goal in the case of the cur-
mpus group Israel IDEA, rent war is the modernization of
I radical Islam - he called Islam," said Pipes, founder of the
mism" - as the enemy in Middle East Forum, an American
g terrorism and empowering, think tank studying Middle East-
te Muslims to take action ern political and economic policy.
their radical counterparts. Pipes, a columnist for the New
s said only a minority of all York Sun and the Jerusalem Post,
people, about 10 to 15 per- said that the empowerment of
re radical Muslims, but he See PIPES, Page 7
As students come
out of closet,
draws anger
Daily StaffReporter
Two clusters of people stood on
opposite sides of the block 'M' on
the Diag at about noon yesterday.
On one side, students from the
Office of Lesbian Gay Bisexual and
Transgender Affairs were handing
out buttons publicizing National
Coming Out Week, which is this
On the other, Michael Venyah
and Chris Lemieux of Soulwin-
ners Ministries International were
preaching that anyone who mas-
turbates, lies, engages in same-sex
relations or is Jewish, amongmany
other things, will go to hell.
Venyah explained to the crowd
of roughly SO students that one of
the girls in the crowd was going to-
hell for wearing a low-cut shirt.
"If she was a Christian she
would be covered up - her chest
would be covered up like my
wife's," Venyah said.
Venyah and Lemieux aren't
strangers to controversy on cam-
pus. A year ago, they preached
the same message. Yesterday, they
received nearly the same agitated
response from students as they did
last fall.
Venyah turned to LSA junior
Piotr Picz, asking him if he was
Jewish. When Picz said yes,
Venyah told him he was going to
"He's misinformed," Picz said.
"He misinterprets the Jewish bible
to propagate his own agenda. He
takes the old scripture and doesn't
read it correctly and tries to come
up with something really hateful
and he probably also forgets that
Jesus himself was a Jew."
When people in the crowd
reminded Venyah that Jesus was
Jewish, he responded: "Jesus was
a Jew, but unlike you," he said,
pointing aimlessly into the crowd,
"he didn't sin."
To show their displeasure, stu-
dents in the crowd began to chant
"asshole" at Venyah and Lemieux.
As the circle of spectators sur-
rounding Venyah swelled, a more
subdued group congregated on
the steps of the Hatcher Graduate
Library to watch a coming-out rally.
The commission kicked off the
rally by prominently displaying
a rainbow flag on the steps of the
library and singing "Hail to the
Victors." The group also chanted,
"Hey hey ho ho, preacher guy has
got to go."
At about 1 p.m., after the crowd
began to disperse, students who
identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual
or transgender walked through a
library. The walk through the door
symbolizes the student revealing
his sexuality to the world.
Some students said Venyah and
Lemieux brought much-needed
attention to the kickoff of National
Coming Out Week.
"We're kind of excited because
it brings out a crowd," said Ashley
Schwedt, co-chair of the Universi-
ty's LGBT Commission. "It makes
people realize how ignorant some
people can'be. We just want to
stress the importance of visibil-
ity because silence never gets any-
thing done."
LSA senior Kolby Roberts, a
programming intern at the Office
of LGBT Affairs, said he was glad
he attended the rally, even with
the controversial preachers.
"It showed why we do what we
do," he said.
- Cole Merkel contributed
to this report.
After Michael Venyah, right, called LSA junior Jeneanne Orlowski a "whore" and University alum Nick Stadts a "homo," the
pair started dry-humping and kissing each other on the Diag yesterday
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The Booze News sweeps college campuses
INDEX NEWS.................2 CLASSIFIEDS............6
olTCX hllaNo.2 n OPINION............................4 SUDOKU...... ... .........10
7TheMichiganDaily ARTS........ .... SPORTS.... 5 S O T ...............1