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October 03, 2007 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2007-10-03

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Wednesday October 3, 2007 - The Michigan Daily

ElectIng a president,
Guys, you've been there, you're at a house party where you hoped there would be keg stands, but instead,
there's wine and cheese. You're about to leave when you see her. She must be the most beautiful girl on
campus, talking with a group of people. You want to say something, but since the hot topic of conversation
at the party is the electibility of Sen. Barack Obama and Sen Hillary Clinton's campaign finance policies,
you're at a loss.
Fear not, it doesn't take much of a primer to get up to speed with the ins and outs of the presidential
race. Political science Prof. Vincent Hutchings talks about the real-life application of your poli sci course in
deciphering the primary season for the 2008 presidential election.

eIt's been sad watching
him transform from
political maverick to
religious right mouth-
- IRA FORMAN of the National Jewish
Democratic Council on John McCain's
comment that he would prefer a
Christian president

"They fired at him
again and again with
his blood flowing in the
street, but they contin-
ued to shoot him.
describing an incident he witnessed
where Blackwater contractors opened
fire on Iraqi civilians in Baghdad

Three things you can talk about this week:
1. Michigan's budget agreement
2. Radiohead's new album

"Kim Jong Il does not cooperate for free."
- BRUCE KLINGER of the Heritage Foundation's Asian Studies Center on the likelihood that Kim Jong
II was offered incentives to meet with South Korea's president at a summit this week.

While Mitt Romney's recent adoption of a pro-life stance on abortion has him in hot water with conservative
voters wary of flip-floppers, Rudy Giuliani's tactic of deferring abortion legislation to the states has gone over
Giuliani and Hillary Clinton are being hailed as likely winners for their respective parties, but if either forerun-
ner takes a hit in an early primary, news sources might be after a "David slays Goliath" story like the one that
helped sink Howard Dean's campaign after he lost in Iowa in 2004
Candidates want the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries to maintain their primacy because it's cheaper to
effectively campaign ina scarcely populated state and a small state than it is elsewhere,

It's hard to predict how and if voters will be affected if
faced with the chance to vote for a Mormon, a black
person or a woman for the first time in a 200-year
Candidates this cycle are raising
unprecedented amounts of money.
With a crowded field in each party's
primaries, competitors are more likely
to play nice than in 2000. This elec-
tion's candidates will save their worst
venom for when they have only one
direction to aim it.
Each party's candidate could he
decided by the first weekofuFeb-
ruary, with so many states having
their primary elections on or before
Feb. 5G
ANEsA CE cStEtys ly

3. Dangerous toothpaste
And three things you can't:
1. The Big Ten Network
2. Anita Hill
3. Halo 3r

If you like Jet Li,
you'll love this
Cheesy fight scenes come in
many varieties. There are the old
school Jet Li movies, featuring
sweaty shirtless men hitting each
other. Then there's your gory, more
modern American movie where
random appendages dangle off of
well sculpted bodies. "The Best
Fight Scene Ever" combines the
best of both worlds.
Thn clip opens with a pair of
beautiful, built preparing to fight,
one even licks his already-dirtied
blade in a gesture of madness and
possibly cannibalism d
Then they rip off their shirts and
fight, and if there's a more stilted
or more wonderful fight scene out
there, I haven't seen it.
The relentless suspense comes
to a head when a manly redhead,
sporting true '80s bangs, walks in
armed with nothinghbut a wet towel
in her right hand. After assembling
pseudo-numb-chucks, the woman
begins to fight for herself.

Second Life soiree - This Friday, skip party
primping and go out by staying in with Second
Life. Match your virtual doppelganger drink for
drink, indulge your.most licentious vices and take
comfort that you aren't going to wake up to a
police citation or burning sensation in the morning.
Throwing this party? Let us know. TheStatement@umich.edu



"Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo"

I£E 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes
Ground Floor Ranch Style!
Private Entrance!
Spacious Kitchen!
Air Conditioning!
Laundry Facilities!
24-Hour Emergency Maintenance!
Pets Welcome!
And much, much morel
Call today to reserve your new address!
Equal Housing opportunity

Dollars raised by an auction in Indonesia that offered
naming rights for newly discovered fish species. The amount sets
the record for an auction of its kind,
Number of species whose names were auctioned off
Dollars offered in the night's highest bid, which won naming rights
for a Hemiscyllium shark from Cendrawasih Bay
Source: The Washington Post

It illustrates th
nation of gore, ch
YouTube vid

ie perfect combi- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (sometimes known as Bo x 7, Bo^7, or Bo-
ivalry, sweat and bobo) is a manga by Yoshio Sawai, published by Shueisha in Japan
and serialized in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Bobobo-bo Bo-
-ZOE BAMBERY bobo has also been adapted into an anime.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is a comedy that uses puns, double-talk,
See this and other breaking of the fourth wall, non-sexualized cross-dressing, visual
eos of the week at gags, and satirical and pop-culture references, which makes its ran-
er/michigandaily dom humor very specific to Japanese audiences.
Despite its limitations, the American dubs of the anime and manga
manage to preserve the spirit of the show; the translators and adap-
tation writers were forced to rewrite several of the jokes due to the
Y differences between the Japanese and English languages. At several
points in the dub, the American version makes fun of the fact that it
is a translation of a Japanese product (for example, when Bo-bobo is
filling out an application card in one episode, he botches it because
the application is in Japanese and he cannot read it, instead draw-
ing "little doodles" for answers; in the original Japanese version he
messes up the application for a completely different reason, and the
"little doodles" are his honest answers written in hiragana).

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