The Statement Your i'fe after col ge Career Section §F5 08 ie 1iIcigan Bail ONE-H UNDE-EVIGLTEL EN YEA S (F 1 EIOIL FII E)M Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, October 3, 2007 michigandailycom ACADEMICS Out-of- staters get better grades But in-state students had higher marks in high school By LISA HAIDOSTIAN Daily Staff Reporter In-state students get better grades than out-of-state students in high school, but out-of-state students have higher grade point averages at the University. According to an analysis of the 2007 freshman class, students from the state of Michigan had an average high school GPA of 3.8, while out-of- state students earned a 3.67. Out-of-state students currently studying at the University are doing slightly better than their in-state counterparts. They have a 3.25 GPA on average while in-state students have a 3.21 average. Erica Sanders, the University's associate director of admissions, said differences in curriculum might explain the gap between in-state and out-of-state applicants' GPAs. Some schools offer more chal- lenging classes than others. Sanders wouldn't say whether applicants from in or out of state have taken heavier course loads. She also said that in the context of the entire application, both in-state and out-of-state students are equally qualified. The University's admissions office aims to enroll about 70 percent in- state students and 30 percent out- of-state students each year, Sanders said. "There has always been very much See GPA, Page 7A UNDERAGE DRINKING Law deters students' attempts to get kelp Some avoid seeking care because calls for ambulance often end in an MIP By MARA GAY Daily StaffReporter LSA freshman Terra Neukam does not want another minor in possession of alcohol citation. So when she drinks with her friends, someone throw- ing up isn't enough to risk calling an ambulance. In the state of Michigan, police respond to every emergency call. That means getting your belliger- ent friend to the hospital can also bring an MIP right to your door. Neukam is not alone. Dozens of other Univer- sity students say fear of receiving an MIP would make them think twice before seeking medical attention for themselves or others. In Michigan, underage drinking is a misdemeanor and can carry steep penalties. A first-offense charge for an MIP includes a $400 fine, a day in court, and - if the student doesn't want a misdemeanor on his record - the completion of an alcohol-education course. "The chance that I might really be OK would encourage me to hold out rather than get an MIP and a record," LSA freshman Elliott Darvish said. But ifa drunk minor gets taken to the hospital on his own, he probably won't face a ticket. Dr. Jeffrey Desmond, the Emergency Medicine Service Chief at the University of Michigan Hos- pital, said that unless there is evidence of a violent crime, the University Hospital does not contact law officials when underage drinkers seek medi- cal attention. "There's a common misperception among students that we call DPS and that students will get MIPs if they come to the hospital," Des- mond said. "Our interest is in making sure that they're getting the help they need. We don't want See MIP, Page 7A The messy backstage area of the Residential College's theater will likely get an overhaul this summer. A pair of donors will fund a renovation at the theater with a $1 million donation. A NEW ACT FOR THEATER RC auditorium to be renovated this summer By RYAN A. PODGES For the Daily The Residential College Theater is worn from 40 years of rehearsals and performances. The lighting is poor, and the seats are tattered. Next summer, the theater in the basement of East Quad Residence Hall, where the RC is housed, will be reno- vated for the first time since it opened, thanks to a $1 million donation from former insurance executive Kenneth Keene, a Rackham alum, and his wife Janet Keene. It will be renamed the Keene Theater in their honor. Although no timetable for construc- tion has been established, Martin Walsh, the head of the RC drama con- centration, said the renovation will probably begin in May and be complet- ed by the beginning of next school year so that the renovation will not displace groups that use the theater during the academic year. The 220-seat theater was installed in East Quad in 1967, the same year the RC was established. Several RC musical ensembles and community groups use the theater near- ly every day. Visiting theater companies and guest writers also use the theater for public readings and performances. Walsh said the theater's electric and sound systems need repair, its curtains are "shabby" and the backstage area needs to be rethought and rearranged. "It's quite obvious the renovations we need," he said. The lighting and sound equipment will also be upgraded duringthe renovation. Although Walsh said no final deci- sions have been made about what will be done to the theater during the reno- vations, the project could also include new carpeting and seating and making the front entrance more accessible. The theater might also be redecorated in order to make its style more consistent with East Quad, which was built in 1940. "A million dollars might not go very far considering what electrical equip- ment costs and all our furnishings, but we're hoping to enhance it quite a bit with all the things a million dollars can buy," Walsh said. Keene, who has a master's degree in actuarial science from the Univer- sity, donated the money to the theater because he believes that a liberal arts education is essential for success. "I have worked with bright people who have been trained with such a nar- row professional focus that they can't see the broader picture. The liberal arts prepared me to anticipate and respond to a wide variety of people and environ- ments," he said in a written statement. POSER Car rental service Afte Arbor, nation has se of peol The custon or the Zipcar to add its Ann Arbor fleet, said Adam Brophy, the company's director of more vehicles business development. The company opened in Ann By JAKE HOLMES Arbor last fall with six cars sta- Daily StaffReporter tioned around the University --- - two each on North Campus, er a slow start when its Ann on Central Campus and near the operations opened last year, Medical School. The company now al car-sharing firm Zipcar plans to add between two to four en an increase in the number more cars, Brophy said. ple renting its cars. To use the service, members company, which allows reserve the cars for specific time ners to rent cars by the hour slots and use electronic keycards to day, now plans to expand access the vehicles duringreserved expanding in A2 times. At the University, users can each month, said David Miller, the rent Mazda 3, Ford Escape and executive director of Parking and Toyota Matrix models. Transportation Services. If Zipcar Brophy said the cars have been made less than that, the University used about as often as the com- would have to cough up the differ- pany predicted a year ago. At ence. first, the service failed to take off Because it took several months in Ann Arbor. In November, cars for Zipcar to catch on in Ann were being used about 5 percent of Arbor, the University ended up the time. By winter semester, that owing Zipcar about $30,000. number had risen to between 20 to Since then, use of the car- 25 percent. sharing service has dramatically To lure Zipcar toAnnArbor, the increased. In August, the cars University guaranteed the com- were being used about 37 percent pany $9,000 in revenue from users See CARS, Page 7A Textbook reforms coming soon, task force says Presentation to MSA responsetostudentconcernsabout textbook prices, to the Michigan details ways to Student Assembly last night. According to Gunderson, the lower costs task force found that the best way to lower the overall cost of text- By ZOE BAMBERY books without hurting local book- Daily StaffReporter stores is to encourage professors to select their texts earlier, which Thanks toinitiativestohelp pro- will allow students to save money fessors release book lists early and by using the used book market. to provide students with a website According to a study by the task where they can swap usedbooks, it force, which is operated by the could be less stressful for students Office of the Provost, the Univer- to buy textbooks next year. sity ranked 38th of 39 colleges in Statistics Prof. Brenda Gunder- how early professors order their son presented the findings of Uni- textbooks. Gunderson laid earlier versity's Textbook Task Force, a book ordering would give book- committee created in December in See BOOKS, Page 7A ROB MIGRIN/Daily LSA senior Sarah Sprague draws at the open figure drawing sessions offered every Tuesday and Thursday night from 8 to 9 p.m. in Alice Lloyd Hall. MAX COLLINS/Daily Prof. Brenda Gunderson presented a report to the Michigan Student Assembly last night that detailed ways to lower textbook prices. TODAY'S WEATHER HI: 73 GOT A NEWS TIP? LO: 59 Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know. ON TH E DAiLY BLOGS Paterno weighs in on Michigan's possible forfeit MICHIGANDAILY.COM/THEGAME INDEX OPINION- .....................4A SPORTS.. . . ............A Vol. CXVill, No. 22 ARTS ..............................SA THESTATEM ENT.............8.....1B ©2007Th"MichiganDaily CLASSIFIEDS..................6A CAREERS....................t....1C