I 8A - Thursday, September 20, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4 Alums, inspire Blue By JACK HERMAN Daily Sports Editor With his brother and former Michigan football captain Pat standing outside the Michigan Sta- diumtunnel,tightend Mike Massey had a family affair awaiting him when he stepped off the bus before Saturday's game. But with about 100 former play- ers also waiting, the rest of the team joined the reunion. Looking to lift the spirits of the bruised and battered Wolverines, a group of alumni ranging from Rick Leach to Tyrone Wheatley greeted the Michigan team and offered words of encouragement as it entered the stadium before its 38- 0 romp of Notre Dame. Although it seems like a simple gesture, the Wolverines needed it after starting the season 0-2 for the first time since 1998. "You want fan support, but they aren't going to be happy when you lose - that's just how fans are," senior running back Mike Hart said. "But when you have your fam- ily, when they stick behind you and keep you strong, there is nothing better than that." MichigancoachLloydCarrsaidhe considersformer players a part of the "Michigan Football family." Know- ing they've been through highs, lows, good, bad, wins, losses and just about everything in between, Carr relies on alumni to help his players through tough times. So far, they've backed up the coach. The week leading up to the Notre Dame game, wide receiver Adrian Arrington spoke ,to former Michi- gan stars Charles Woodson and Braylon Edwards about the team's struggles. Former safety Marcus Ray tried to inspire the current Michigan secondary to play with the characteristic Michigan tough- ness after the two heart-breaking losses that started the season. Froshes impress on and off field By RYAN PODGES For the Daily Before the season began, Michigan field hockey coach Nancy Cox expected this year's freshmen to contribute imme- diately. And after an impres- sive pair of victories over the weekend, it's obvious her expectations were warrant-A ed. No. 15 Mich- igan defeated Vermont and No. 16 Con- necticut in SEKHON Louisville, Ky., last week- end. Fresh- ° men Meredith Way and Van- essa Sekhons had standout performances against Con- necticut, WAY including Way's first- career goal and Sekhon's sec- ond-career goal. Way, a native of Newman- stown, Penn., was the only Michigan freshman to play on the U.S. Under-21 Team this summer. Sekhon, a native of West Van- couver, B. C., was the leading scorer for the British Columbia Under-19 Provincial Team and won a silver medal at the 2007, U-19 Canadian National Field Hockey Championships. "Those opportunities for those players have made a sig- nificant difference in where they started out at the begin- ning of the season, in terms of their hockey intellect," Cox said. "I think last weekend was huge for our freshmen group because what they see now is that we can compete with any team in the country." As with all freshmen, the ini- tial adjustment to a new school and a new team was a challenge for the duo. "It was a little overwhelming, playing with girls I have never played with before and getting used to the new coaching style," Way said. "It can be alot to han- dle at one time, but off and on the field, everyone is so supportive and has made it alot easier." For Sekhon, the adjustment was more unusual. "Canada doesn't really have the whole university sports thing," she said. "It was pretty cool to see all the fans and such a big athletic atmosphere. I was pretty overwhelmed at first, but now I love everything about it." Although their teammates anticipated a strong group of freshmen, Way and Sekhon's athleticism and early success have been a pleasant surprise for everyone. "They have exceeded my expectations," senior co-cap- tain Lucia Belassi said. She emphasized the impres- sive ability of the freshman to rise to the level of competition and quickly adapt to the rest of the team. "I don't think of them as fresh- men," Belassi continued. "They have taken on a leadership role and don't rely on the seniors." Cox is encouraged by the way her freshmen have been playing and by how the team has com- peted with the top teams in the nation. The Wolverines defeated No. 9 Old Dominion, and Cox pur- posely schedules the country's top four teams the beginning of each season to prepare every- one for the challenges of Big Ten play. Although the games, ahead will be another difficult test for the freshman players, Way isn't intimidated. "We're all so competjtive that we all try to motivate each other to be better and push.each other before games," she said. Tight end Mike iassey and the rest bf the Wolverines were greeted before Saturday's game by about 100 football alumni in an7 effort to reverse the team's fortunes following its 0-2 start. But with fans booing the team, Still, actually seeing the support game. The two became friends last local media calling for Carr's head provided a boost. year when Carr used scenes from and the national press parachuting "The two weeks before we got "Cinderella Man," in which Crowe in to cover the resulting circus, a booed," linebacker Shawn Crable starred, to inspire his team. group of players decided to take ita said. "Then we came in and every- Although Crowe also delivered step further. Led by Ron Simpkins, body is cheering and got hopes, so a speech, just his presence was the players joined together to cheer it was kind of exciting for us to see enough. With the former players the Wolverines. everyone still believing." also in attendance, the players didn't Carr said he learned of the plan a Carr bolstered the alumni's want to let anyone down. day beforethe game, and the players efforts with a visitor of his own. "Between that and Russell Crowe found out just before they left their After actor Russell Crowe called and all that stuff it was 'My God, hotel that the special guests would to console Carr, the coach invited we really got to win this game,' " be waiting. the Academy Award winner to the Massey said. Interested in writing for sports? Come to our weekly meeting. Sunday at noon at 420 Maynard St. From the start, class of 2008 is special hree years ago, I was assigned to interview the five freshmen on the Michi- gan volleyball team. I was scared because with the excep- tion of Stesha Selsky, all of ' them were taller than me.J Fortunately, I they sat during H. JOSE the interview. BOSCH Unfortunately, my recorder The Bosch didn't work. But Watch what I captured that afternoon that my recorder couldn't was that this group was poised to do great things. And why not? It was the No. 6 recruiting class in the nation as ranked by prepvolleyball.com. Four of the five recruits were in the top 100. Two of them (Selsky and Katie Bruzdzinski) won player of the year in their respective states. And three of them were major contributors on a team that went 9-1 in nonconfer- ence play. So I didn't feellike I was goingout on a limb when I figured this class would lead the Michigan volleyball team to its first regular-season Big Ten Championship. What I didn't know at the time was the Big Ten isn't a cakewalk. The snow-covered Midwest is a far cry from the sun-drenched West Coast, but the Big Ten has some of the nation's perennial volleyball powers - Penn State, Minnesota and Ohio State. After the super freshmen helped the team to a 20-win season, the Wolverines fell flat the next year, finishing 13-16. The class of 2008 wasn't solely responsible for the down year, but it sure took it per- sonally. The five fought back for another 20-win season last year, even after the injuries hurt the team at the beginning of the Big Ten sea- son. Despite all the words and phrases that could describe the class of 2008 (talented,tenacious and tall), the one that still eludes it is Big Ten Cham- pion. On the surface, this looks like a major disappointment. But don't let that fool you. This senior class may not have the hard- ware yet, but it's given more to Michigan volleyball than a trophy could. Selsky,Bruzdzinski, Sarah Draves and Lyndsay Miller not only built on Michigan coach Mark Rosen's win- ning tradition, they've transformed the way the team thinks of itself. "When we first got here, our team looked at the Big Ten like, 'Wow, the BigTen is reallygood,' type of thing, sort of a justification for not coming into the top five," Selsky said. "Now, we look at it, and we're not afraid of it. We've changed that outlook for our team this year to say, 'You know what, OK, so what?"' This year, the seniors' influence has translated into Michigan play- ing, training and even winning bet- ter than ever before. Miller called it a "grittiness" the team didn't have last year when a 12-0 start didn't translate into con- ference success. This newfound grittiness has allowed the Wolver- ines to win, even when they're not at their best. Last season, Michigan failed to take a five-game match. But four weeks into this season, it's already 3-0 when it goes the distance. And in two of those matches, the Wol- verines came from behind, includ- ing last Saturday's win over Georgia Tech. So there's reason to believe the Wolverines can finish above .500in conference play for just the second time in Rosen's eight-year tenure. The seniors can't do it all on their own, of .course. Freshman setter Lexi Zimmerman will be just as important for conference success as the four startingseniors. But the class of 2008 is front and center this weekend for the start of the Big Ten season. It's time for the four to shine and help propel the program to even greater heights.tr; "Are they good enough?,", Rosen asked of whether this class is the greatest in the program's history. "Surebut that's somethingyouhave to go out and prove." This weekend will be the seniors' first step. JEREMY CHO/a - Bosch can be reached Middle blocker Lyndsay Miller is part of a senior quartet that has helped elevate at hectobos@umich.edu. Michigan volleyball to new heights. 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