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September 13, 2007 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2007-09-13

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2A - Thursday, September 13, 2007

In Other Ivory Towers Arbor Anecdotes
Anepccas str u
Every spring, droves of students con- The tug of warv
gregated on the banks of the Huron River annual spring gao
to watch freshmen and sophomores battle ed an obstacle rane
it out in a massive tug of war match across ball" in which the
the water.,The match was over when the to keep a 6-foot tal
anchor of the opposing team was dragged and maneuver ita
into the icy water. other game that d:
A referee - typically an upperclassman a version of captt
and athlete - looked on from a canoe or the winner was t
an island in the river while thousands of a greased pole a:
spectators watched from the banks. team's flag.
Once assembled on the banksajust below The student cot
the dam, the contenders were divided by in 1905 as an outlE
weight, and captains selected sides. The ties. At the time, to
rsver'a north bank was considered a heavy man and uppercla
advantage, as it's footing was far superior hazing practices
to the south bank. games were origin
In1918, the freshmen managed an upset October to signal
from the south bank, marking the first win period at the begin
from the historically unfavorable side of tug of war continuf
the river.
Some years, the match lasted less than - Information fo
a minute, while in others, the battle of tram materials at the
strength raged on for over an hour.


was the highlight of the
nes, which also includ-
e, a game called "push-
etwo teams attempted
ill leather ball in the air
across a goal line. The
Irew large crowds was
are the flag in which
-he first team to climb
ad retrieve the other
uncil started the games
at for inter-class rival-
ansions between fresh-
asman were high and
were escalating. The
nally scheduled in late
in end to the hazing
nning of each year. The
xed into the 1970s.
orthis article was gathered
Bentley Historical Lihrary.

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Freshmen and sophomores engage in a tug at mar hattie over the Haron I
1924 spring games.


Wallet lost, Just WHEN: Tuesday at about 4:45 Conservation
like game WHBAT: An Ann Arbor Tran- Ce brto
like game sit Authority bus backed into ce brto
WHBERE: Michigan Stadium another vehicle, resulting in
WHEN: Tuesday at about 11 minor damages, but no inju- WHAT: The s2th annual
pr. ies, DPS reported. M Energy~est, a celebrate
WHTp Amnunfm.ae of the University's efforts
WHTDAmnanfilae energy conservation with
with the University reported Dia drinker exhibits
his wallet was stolen following WHO: Energy Managem(
the Michigan football game, nabbed WHEN: Today from 11 a.i
the Department of Public Safe-to2pm
ty reported. It contained $150. WHERE: The Diag toERE2Pori laa
WHEN: Wednesday an about Duderstadt Center
'U'bus hits car 1:0am
WHAT: A subject was titled Su yara
WHERE: 300 block of N. after being found with open Su yara
Ingalls St. alcohol, DPS reported."
nnneF.-Tonu nt yoeoeeeA ITe

I Barrack Obama


group mass
WHAT: A msass meeting for
students who want te help
Barack Obama's campaign for
WHO: University of Michi-
gan Students for Barack
WHEN: Today at H p.m.
WHERE: Kuenzel Room,
Michigan Union
. The editosrial in Wednes-
day's edition of the Daily
(Fromo the Daily: A different
standard, 09/12/07) mis-
takedly referred ton the Uni-
versity Research Corridor as
the MRC. The correct
abbreviation is URC.
" Please report any error
in the Daily to entree-

1The city of Ann Arbor
launched a website yester-
day devoted to helping the
disabled get around town. The
site, www.a2gov.org/disabili-
tyresources, highlights accom-
modations and resources for
the. disabled comsmunity on
topics such as public safety,
transportation and sports pro-
2The first Friday of every
month is Soul Night at
the Blind Pig, and the
lastcFriday is Funk Night at the
Bohemian National in Detroit.
3Wal-Mart changed its
slogan from "Always low
prices" to "Save Money.
jLive Better" yesterday. The
new motto is a part of a cam-
paigneto strike a more emotion-
al ntone with the superstore's

WHAT: A University bus
backed into a Toyota Corolla
while exiting a bus stop, DPS
Ann Arbor bus
hits car
WHERE: Simpson Rd.

Care package
WHERE: West Quad
WHEN: Tuesday at about 2:30
WHAT: A UPS package con-
taining phone cards and cash
was stolen from the mail room
overnight, DPS reported.

WHAT: A fair devoted to
providing information about
the H7 different study abroad
programs in 39 different
WHO: Office of International
WHEN: Today from 3 to A
WHERE: Wolverine Room,
Michigan Union





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