Ad Ann Arbor Soul Club brings you the greatest single you've never heard. Catwalk controversy: The spring collection of Marc Jacobs ~li fii~ian Dail Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, September 13, 2007 LEFT PHOTO BY ANGELA CESERE/Daily, TOP PHOTO BY ROB MIGRIN/Daily ABOVE: Wind Power Washtenaw planner Jeremy McCalion at Energy Fest 2007 on the Diag Tuesday. LEFT: Wind farm owner Rich VanderVeen talks about his wind farm in Mackinaw City during a University conference on climate change in July. THE WINDIS UP City part of state-wide movement to get more energy from wind turbines, but obstacles abound By Arikia Millikan I Daily Staff Reporter Deal with Comcast unlikely, exec says New channel will broadcast 13 'W basketball games, but it won't appear in many A2homes this year By KEVIN WRIGHT Daily Sports Editor Big Ten Network President Mark Silverman has a message to Big Ten fans who subscribe to Com- cast cable: If you want the Big Ten Network, look for another cable company. At Big Ten Media Day in early August, Silverman was optimistic the two sides could reach a deal before the network launched on Aug. 30, but now says he's not expecting to finish a deal with Comcast this year. "If people want to get the network, they're going to have to make alternative arrangements," Silverman said. "I can't see it being on Comcast anytime soon." Comcast and the Big Ten Network have long dis- agreed on where the network should fit into a cable package. Both Silverman and Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany publicly asked the company to carry the network on basic or expanded cable, but Comcast wanted to incorporate it in a special sports package. Comcast spokesman John Demming said the cable provider is ready to immediately add the Big Ten Net- work, but just onto its sports tier package. The package costs $4.99 per month and includes the Golf Channel, NFL Network, NBA TV and a soc- cer channel. The network will carry at least 13 Michigan bas- ketball games and at least one more Michigan football game. Much of its programming will be made up of sports like soccer that aren't usually televised. See NETWORK, Page 7A A 11 over campus Tuesday there were cries of "It's so windy" as students hurried to class, clutching their belongings close to keep them from beinglost to the powerful gusts. But the participants in Energy Fest 2007 weren't bothered at all whentheir presentationboards were blown around. The participants say Ann Arbor needs all the wind it can get if it wants to be more energy effi- cient. The city has been working since 2005 to meet deadlines set by Mayor John Hieftje that require the city to get more of its energy from renew- able sources. Hieftje says expanding reliance on wind power is crucial to meeting that goal. Although there are currently no wind-harnessing turbines in Ann Arbor, the Washtenaw County Board ofCommissionersluasenlisted a team called Wind Power Washtenaw that is working with a University class to. determine the feasibility of building a wind farm in Washtenaw County. Jeremy McCallion, one of the project's planners, said for at least six months his team will test wind speed and consistency by placing poles with wind speed monitors on farms on the west side of Washtenaw County. With that data, researchers - aided by students in an Engineer- ing class on wind energy taught by Prof. Jerry Keeler -- will decide which places are the most suitable sites for wind turbines. It's not certain that turbines will be built in Ann Arbor, though. Hieftje said wind turbines in Ann Arbor wouldn't generate as much energy as coastal areas of Michigan that get strong winds from the Great Lakes. That means it would take a longer period of time to generate a return on an initial investment that could be up to $2 million per tur- bine. Rich VanderVeen, the owner of a wind farm with two turbines in Mackinaw City, Mich., said the price of wind turbines is growing expo- nentially every year because of high demand. All turbine manufacturing companies have sold out of turbines through 2008. "The whole world is going wind power," he said.d Hieftje said even if Ann Arbor doesn't build its own windmills, it's willing to buy wind energy from the thumb area of Michigan, where the wind is faster and 250 windmills already exist. "We are ready and willing to pay wind producers more for wind ener- gy than for fossil fuels," he said. Hieftje said he would like to see wind energy available to all Ann Arbor residents andultimately wants 100 percent of Ann Arbor's energy to come from renewable sources. But there are political and physical bar- riers preventing that vision from becoming reality. One is the local energy company. "DTE Energy has not been pro- active with obtaining (renewable) energy," Hieftje said. "I just don't see them being interested in wind See WIND, Page 7A SHOWDOWN AT THE STATE HOUSE House rejects plan to hike taxes WAITING FOR A BURRITO As shutdown nears, state funds for 'U' in limbo From staffand wire reports LANSING - The Democrat-led state House yesterday quickly scuttled voting on a measure that would have placed a sales tax increase proposal before Mich- igan voters in January after it became clear there was not enough bipartisan support to advance it. The proposal to raise the sales tax from the current 6 percent to 7 percent would need the approval of two-thirds of the members of both the House and Senate to make the Jan. 15 presidential primary ballot. The measure would need 74 votes to clear the House, where it had the support of only 50 members - and no Republicans - before the voting pro- cess was stopped. State funding for the University is uncertain as the deadlock over the bud- get continues. Michigan's new fiscal year begins Oct. 1. So far, there has been no resolution on how to address a projected $1.7 billion deficit in budgets that fund K-12 schools, universities, prisons and dozens of other state services. State funding makes up about 24 per- cent of the University of Michigan's gen- eral fund. The state withheld its August pay- ment of $29.6 million to the University because of lower-than-expected rev- enues, forcing administrators to put off payments into the University's endow- ment. The Democrat-led House and Repub- lican-led Senate appear to be going their separate ways on reaching a solution to the deficit, although eventually they'll See BUDGET, Page 7A Man pleads guilty to charge of assault ZACHARY MEISNER/Daily People line up outside Chipotle Mexican Grill on Washtenaw Avenue for the "100% discount" offered by the chain all day yesterday. The location, which opened in the spring, was prepared to serve about 5,500 burritos, according to a store employee. Study: Students who get text messages more likely to vote Charges lowered in case of men who threw drawer, yelled homophobic slurs By DAVE MEKELBURG DailyNewsEditor One of the men accused of yel- pled guilty yesterday to a misdemeanor assault and battery charge. The charge against Cody Williamson, 22, had been reduced from two charges of aggravated assault and two charges of assault with a deadly weapon. The other man who was charged - Engineering senior Michael Brown, 21 - had his pretrial examination post- poned until Oct. 3. Williamson's sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 18 in 15th District Court. after he and a friend were walking past the two men's apartment on East Ann Street. The two suspects allegedly shouted homophobic slurs and hurled a dresser drawer at them. The drawer crashed onto the sidewalk a few feet behind them. After the incident was reported, offi- cers found splintered wood pieces of broken drawer on the pavement, police said at the time. Williamson declined to comment. Brown could not be reached. By KYLE SWANSON For theDaily Forget Rock the Vote. According to a Uni- versity study, sendingtext messages to young people on or before Election Day helps.get them to the polls. A study released yesterday by the Univer- sity of Michigan and Princeton University found that young people who receive a text message reminding them to vote the day before an election are significantly more likely to vote than those who did not receive a text message. In the November 2006 election, 4,000 voters between the ages of 18 and 31 who had recently registered to vote were sent a text message reminding them to vote. Out of the 4,000 participants, 59 percent reported See TEXTING, Page 7A ing homophobic slurs and throwing The charges stem from an incident in a drawer at two passersby last month which an Ann Arbor man called police TODAY'S HI73 WELATHER L 56 GOT A NEWS TIP? ,Call734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know. ON THE DAILY BLOGS The impact of the University Research Corridor MICHIGANDAILY.COM/THE WIRE INDEX NEWS............ Vol CXViIlNo.8 OPINION........ Cl007The Michigan Daily CLASSIFIEDS. michigandoily.comn .2A StUDOKU... . 4A SPORTS.... .........6A THE B-SIDt .......... .7A .8A .............. 1........... A4 4