I Tuesday, April 17, 2007- 9 W The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Other students and facul mem- said, then pushed his way in. FromHOTS page 1idtha there had b a vague Gene Cole, who works in Virginia From page 1 notion that there had bee a shoot- Tech's housekeeping services, was ag at the dorm. Seve l faculty on the second floor of Norris Hall . "I was crying," Otey said. "I was members said they h, d reached yesterday morning and saw a per- worried that the guy with the gun campus during or just after the son lying on a hallway floor, he told was going to come upstairs too." Norris Hall shooting a d had gone The Roanoke Times. As Cole went The violence began early in the unimpeded to their bui dings. up to the body, a man wearing a hat morning at West Ambler Johnston, Many were bewildeid or angry and holding a gun stepped into the the school's largest dormitory, where that the campus had n t been locked hallway. "Someone stepped out of two people were killed, officials down earlier, afterth first incident. a classroom and started shooting said. But when the first class started "I am outraged a hat happened at me," he said. Cole fled down the two hours later, many on campus todayon the Virgir iaTechcampus," corridor, then down a flight of steps remained unaware of any danger. wrote Huy That Ton, a member of to safety. "All I saw was blood in the "I woke up and I didn't know the chemical en ineering faculty, in hallways," Cole said. anything was wrong," said Sarah an e-mail mess ge "Countless lives The gunman was described as Ulmer, a freshman who lives in East could have b en saved if they had methodical, squeezing the trigger Ambler Johnston. "I went to my informed th student body of the almost rhythmically. "Sometimes first class and my teacher was talk- first shooti What was the secu- there would be like a minute or ing about how some people weren't rity depart ent thinking?!" so break in between them, but for coming because there was a gun Campus officials said they the most part it was one right after threat at West A.J. and they were believed th , first incident was con- another," Otey said. blocking it off. It was like, 'Oh."' fined to a ingle building and was Elaine Goss of Waynesboro, Va., The school did not notify students essentiald a domestic dispute, and said she first spoke to her son, Alec by e-mail of the first shootings until had no id a that the violence would Calhoun, a student, at about 9:30 9:26 a.m., said Matt Dixon, who lives spread e sewhere. a.m., after he had leapt from a sec- in the dorm. Dixon did not receive The p lice said they still did not and-story classroom window as the the e-mail message until he returned know if the two shootings were the gunman entered. "I couldn't under- from his 9:05 class. When he left for work o the same gunman. stand him. It was like gibberish," that class, he said, a resident adviser The gunman in Norris Hall was Goss said. "It took a while to figure told him not to use the central stairs, descri red as a young Asian man out shootings, lots of shootings, and soe left another way.w t o pistols who calmly entered that his whole class had jumped On dry erase boards, advisers c lass oms and shot professors and out the window." He landed on his had riten,"Sty i yor roms" sud Is. He peeked into the Ger- back, and "we made him go to the Dixon said. man class in Room 207, witnesses emergency room," she said. MESAInt rnet, plasma-screen televisions, "Put it back into the community From pageUiversity computers and printers, instead of things like beauty salons," From page 8 sh wer facilities and a vintage disco she said. "That would be a lot more th rodrvoc, Otzsad b 11. useful." the broadervoice," Ortiz said It is also the only University build- While most programs like the between MESA and the Assisting ig with a restaurant license that Trotter additions are still in the Latinos to Maximize A shisteng egally allows student groups to use works, one change that Acosta has Lroran then MAcs achievement ts kitchen. This allows the groups to already implemented at both the program when Acosta asked ALMA ire caterers outside of the Univer- MESA office and Trotter is the stu- of its publications. ALMA's largest sity or prepare food in the kitchen on dent staff. t pidin. aL s ret io their own, Burnett said. Acosta said when he began work- rogram pis providing an urientatio Burnett said that some University ing in August, there weren't many program that is solely for ami buildings are sterile and hands-off student employees in MESA. Latino students, and Accsta ase d but that he tries to make Trotter stu- "Students were not an integral them to remove the race-sed dent-friendly. part of the services and program aspect wftheirprogram. Burnett said he plans to add an development," he told the Daily in Acostasaidthathewasconcern d art gallery, coffee cart, barber shop February. "How can you service about providing1equal services to 1 and media library to Trotter before students if students are not an inte- minority groups, but ALMA m m- September. gral part?" lers said his actions made it s em Acostasaid the gallery would fea- Now both the MESA Office and like an attempt to sever the relat on- ture artwork that celebrates cultural Trotter are run by student employ- ship between ALMA and M.'SA. heritage and awareness months. ees, including some employed Acosta said he only want d to The barber shop would offer through the work-study program. expand ALMAs program to i lude haircuts to students from all back- Acosta has also developed various other ethnic groups, grounds. Acosta said Ann Arbor student initiatives, like the group Part of s plan fore mmu- lacks this amenity. of students who will travel to the sfty scampus would e ere ating a "Here I am, a brown man with National Conference on Race and saounsa tor tets nf I back- kinky hair, and the community of Ethnicity in American Higher Edu- grounds to iteract and to. discuss Ann Arbor is not welcoming," Acos- cation in California this summer to issues of race and etheit ta said. "Why is it that if a student of understand how diversity issues are Acosta said these types nf inter- color wants to get a haircut, the best addressed. actions are nut taking p ce in the place to get a haircut is in Ypsi?" Acosta said he hopes these stu- pravide spaces for studeS needs to Acosta also said he plans to work dents plan a small symposium at the to expe- with the American Culture depart- University similar to the one they're rience diverse exchanges ment to bring some classes to Trotter. attending. The William Motu e Trotter Ortiz disagreed with Acosta's Acosta said he doesn't want stu- Multicultural Center sa prime can- focus on Trotter. She said the dents to think that MESA is straying didate frthis propose space. improvements at the center would from its dedication to a cross-cultu- Aotam Cswre with Trot- not be the best way to spend funding al, inclusi'e campus. "We still have ter Program Cente Coordinator for the majority of Latino students. the same mission. We still have the Edward Burnett to dd more ame- She said putting money into plan- same goals," Acosta said. "I think ng on Washt- ning, minority groups, educational we're just trying to embrace more enaw. initiatives and conferences would be brothers and sisters into the pro- Trotter is equi ped with wireless better. cess." Students watch from the doorway at Virginia Tech as police infiltrate the area where yesterday's shooting took place. 'U' RESPONSE From page 1 DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown said she could not speculate on what specific steps police might take in response to a shooting on campus, but she said DPS officers are trained in "quick action deploy- ment," a model that includes the use of special tactics and equip- ment and can be used to respond to a situation similar to the one at Virginia Tech. Brown said DPS has increased such training in recent years in response to workplace and school shootings. Some students interviewed yes- terday called for administrators to increase security on campus. "I used to walk around campus alone at night up untilithis point, but now I'm afraid to go to class," said LSA freshman Fiona Nowlin. The shootings took place in a dorm and a classroom building. "The University needs to make sure that only students enter Uni- versity buildings," Nowlin said. But Brown said the University needs to find a balance between security and openness. "We don't want to make our cam- pus so restrictive that you can't have a community environment," Brown said. "We're not a gated community. We're not a private institution. We are open to public." After the 1999 shootings at Col- umbine High School in Colorado, many high schools installed metal detectors and tightened security. Brown said because no building can be made completely secure, stu- dents should call police when they see suspicious activity on campus and not let people they don't know into residence halls. "We have the residence halls locked 24 hours a day," she said. "Yet we know that people that are unauthorized are getting in." As of deadline early this morn- ing, police had not confirmed that the two separate shootings were connected. The chief of the Vir- ginia Tech campus police said at a press conference last night that the gunman responsible for the second wave of shootings, who was found dead at the scene, was not aVirginia Tech student. Brown said that the University is part of a county-wide agreement that would ensure that DPS gothelp in an emergency situation from area police agencies, including the Ann Arbor Police Department. But communications with those other agencies could be a problem, Brown said. She said DPS can get a common channel with only some of the surrounding police departments. "Right now that is a bit of a chal- lenging situation," she said. There is an effort underway to improve emergency communica- tions between police agencies in 'Washtenaw County, Brown said. Brown said she doesn't know what changes in campus security the shootings might cause. "It's reasonable to expect that police agencies across the country and universities across the country are going to be following this inci- dent closely and looking for lessons learned," Brown said. - Jessica Vosgerchian and Alese R-avr ' -rnntihi ,"+ o t-" r nnrt_