The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - 5 SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@UMICH.EDU Coleman must do more to help students cope with tragedy TO TH E DAILY: I want to express my discontent with the email University Presi- dent Mary Sue Coleman sent out last night regarding the shooting at Virginia Tech University. She did not offer any insight into our university's prepared- ness to handle a similar situation, which is a fear many students are struggling with in the wake of this tragedy. She didn't even indicate that answers to these questions would be forthcoming, or that the administration was reacting at all beyond being "sad- dened and horrified." Furthermore, I find her com- ment "If you feel the need to talk about this" to be far too flippant and insensitive. The wording implies that seeking counseling is somehow unnecessary, or an overreaction. I can admit that I may be biased because of my involvement in promoting mental health resources on campus. But, I am very concerned that she did not provide nearly enough infor- mation about resources available. Counseling and Psychological Services provides free and con- fidential help on a walk-in basis. It is imperative that she send out another email addressing these issues immediately in order to avoid an increase in student con- cern during an already perplex- ing time. Diana Parish LSA junior Daily overlooks charity from Greeks TO THE DAILY: More than two weeks ago, a student organization made up of roughly 15 percent of the student population concluded an event that raised over $70,000 for char- ity. Yet to this day, aside from two one-sentence photo captions, not a word has been written by the Daily about these events. While I played no role in the planning or administration of Greek Week 2007, I cannot help but feel a bit slighted on behalf of friends who helped run the event, as well as the Greek community as a whole. Greek Week 2007 was an over- whelming success that involved the participation of 42 chapters representing the Interfraternity Council, the Panhellenic Asso- ciation, the National PanHellenic Council and the Multicultural Greek Council. Over the course of the semester, thousands of Uni- versity students from the Greek community came together in the spirit of competition to benefit eight local charities. While the idea of Greeks doing something positive may rattle the "Ani- mal House" stereotypes held by the Daily, it's time to give credit where credit is due. Josh Young Kinesiology senior Step it up in the war on global warming TO THE DAILY: This Saturday, April 21, Ann Arbor will become part of his- tory by participating in the Step It Up 2007 National Day of Cli- mate Action. Along with more than 1,300 events hosted around the country, this Ann Arbor rally will make a statement: We want Congress to cut carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050. With the support of more than 26 organizations, this movement is somethingthateveryoneshould care about. The issues of climate change and global warming need to be confronted. Although the University has taken positive measures by providing recycling, more could be done to reduce our ecological footprint. This day is meant to show Con- gress that we care about climate change, and believe that without government support of the issue, the effects of global warming will not be prevented in time. We only get one shot at the world, and it is up to each and every one of us to make it clear where we stand and what we care about. Step It Up is the local chapter of a national movement focused on reducing carbon emissions and becoming less wasteful as a society. Step It Up is only the first of many events, initiatives and actions to come. Monica Musialowski Architecturejnior Engineering and LSA are different TO THE DAILY: The author of Friday's letter to the editor (LSA kids at Daily jeal- ous ofengineers, 04/13/2007) was well-intentioned in his attempt to clarify potentially mislead- ing conclusions presented by the Daily's coverage of academ- ic integrity among engineers. Unfortunately, he made an inane statement, which for me, after I reread it several times in disbe- lief, fatally undermined the cred- ibility of the entire letter. The letter writer claims that "The College of Engineering is founded on the premise that our students are smarter then the students in LSA." However, according to its website, the Col- lege of Engineering's mission is to be a "world leader in engineer- ing academics and research." No mention is made of the proposed "founding principle" that engi- neering students are smarter than those in LSA. Irrespective of the ridiculous- ness of this notion, I am most interested in dispelling the myth that LSA students are less intel- ligent than engineering students. One may argue that students entering the College of Engineer- ing have higher standardized test scores on average. However, this trend is the result of lower accep- tance rates and stricter admis- sions requirements in the College of Engineering, not some con- spiracy to hoard the most intel- lectually capable students at the expense of the University's other colleges. Furthermore, it is impor- tant to note that most students choose to enter LSA as a result of their interest in its courses of study, not because they were too academically inept to gain admission to the College of Engi- neering. Suffice it to say, LSA students at The Michigan Daily staff are likely not "jealous of engineers." They just appreciate the excellent academic opportu- nities and other benefits that are offered by LSA. Derek Peters ESA senior Students already part of the solution TO THE DAILY: In response to Thursday's news story A magnet for grads (04/12/2007), Itam also amechan- ical engineering major who loves cars yet have a very different mentality about the automotive industry in Michigan. If talent- ed people wait for companies to recover from a slump, then who will be responsible for this recov- ery? Now is the time to step up and do what we do: have a posi- tive impact. So why aren't students from the University taking the lead to help the ailing Michigan econ- omy? We are. As a testament to this, our student chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers was recently recognized, out of 400 university-level groups from around the world, as the Outstanding Student Chapter of 2006. The SAE earned this award through the quality of SAE-host- ed on-campus events and the per- formance of three student-run competition vehicle teams. On campus at this year's Michigan LeadershipAwards, SAEwasvery well represented. Next Septem- ber on Elbel Field, the University of Michigan Car Show will focus on increasing student interest in the automotive industry. I would especially like to high- light the Formula SAE race team. This group was invited to the global competition in Japan last fall and came home with a third place trophy. After a complete redesign of last year's car (includ- ing Magnesium wheels and a tur- bocharger), they have built a new vehicle from the ground up and are set to race in England this summer. All of these talented stu- dents are determined to succeed in the auto industry. We could sit and talk forever about these problems, but I'd rather be an active part of the solution. Dave Clark Engineeringsenior Free speech not a factorfor Imnus TO THE DAILY: In response to calls for the firing of Don Imus, I've heard the right to freedom of speech invoked quite often on his behalf. There is obviously a misunder- standing about this right. Free- dom of speech offers mostly unfettered protection of speech without fear of censorship or prosecution. This is not equal to "you can say what you wish and continue to both represent a major corporation and receive a huge paycheck." imus was not, and will not be, held accountable in a court of law for his comments. However, as a public figure who uses the airwaves to entertain people, he can and will be held accountable by his audience. In other words, when your public actions upset enough people that the people who are paying you (the advertis- ers) chose to stop paying you, you can and will lose your job. This is not the first time Imus has made publicly unacceptable statements, and the only thing he is sorry about is that someone confronted him about it. Finally, the call for removal was loud enough to shut him up. Sean Serraguard Rackhan Scientists already on the right track TO THE DAILY: In regards to Thursday's view- point (Innovation worth funding, 04/12/2007); I first wish to con- gratulate the author on bringing the issue of the HIV pandemic to light. And I certainly agree that HIV is not only an issue of health but also of poverty, oppression and liberty. The issue is compli- cated and its solution, as the let- ter writer notes, must include the social, political and economic factors that allow the disease to spread. That aside, I need to address some of the author's points about the state of aca- demic research and the novelty of network analysis. The author claims that "aca- demia sucks." Not a problem. I can't argue with this argument any better than if had he said, "orange juice sucks." My issue is with his suggestion that science is somehow not concerned with making a difference in the real world. In the University's School of Public Health, there are many professors working on practical problems in HIV prevention, like how to aid the hardest hit areas or understanding exactly how different social factors affect the spread of HIV. Manyofthese peo- ple are physicists, chemists and biologists. The only difference is that they apply science to making a difference in the real world. In the words of Louis Pas- teur, "Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity and is the torch which illuminates the world." Although this might be true, I sympathize with the author's frustrations with academia. Academia can seem pedantic, overly abstract and slow moving, but to condemn science for these frustrations seems, at the very least, overkill. The author also claims, "No one has ever done (network analysis on HIV)before."This is incorrect. There are hundreds of empirical and theoretical studies that have examined the role of networks in HIV transmission. In fact, it was mathematicians and scientists, including many from the Univer- sity, working in the realm of the abstract that developed the tools in network analysis that are now being applied to HIV. Network analysis is a fascinat- ing and quick moving discipline in applied sciences, but it is not a panacea. Stopping the spread of HIV is an absolutely essential element of an ideal future. The author's passion is an important part of the solution, but soare the often unnamed and unappreci- ated contributions of thousands of scientists working globally to stop this pandemic. These sci- entists are not just working in molecular biology and medicine but also in economics, epidemi- ology and international policy. It is together as a collaborative net- work that we will eventually stop the destruction caused by HIV. Ethan Romero-Severson Rackham SOLE, SDS on the workers' side TO THE DAILY: Workers everywhere deserve fair treatment, decent pay and respect. This is what all mem- bers in Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality are striving for. Just this semester, SOLE members volunteered with the union UNITE HERE! and its organizing campaign at a local airport, in addition to pressuring the University to adopt the Des- ignated Suppliers Program and become sweatfree. We stand with Robert Overmy- er and support his disappointing experience as a temporary work- er here in Ann Arbor (SOLE's struggle should start at the 'U' itself 04/11/2007). In fact, in addition to bringing attention to the Sweatfree Campaign, SOLE members are supportive of Stu- dents for a Democratic Society's Temporary Worker Organizing Campaign here at the University. We encourage Overmyer and oth- ers who have experienced injus- tice at the University to contact SDS for more information. Aria Everts LSA junior Memberof the Universitychapter of Students Organizingfor Labor and Economic Equality The law must be enforced for now TO THE DAILY: The next time Aaron Willis writes a letter to the editor he should do his homework first. His last letter notes that leather product manufacturer Michael Bianco, Inc. of New Bedford, Mass. was raided by immigra- tion enforcement officials back in March, resulting in the arrest of more than 350 illegal immi- grants (A governmental waste of time, 04/03/2007). The letter also points out that the company is "struggling to maintain its con- tract obligations," notably several multi-million-dollar contracts with the U.S. government to manufacture peripheral tactical equipment for the military. Willis, however, paints the company as the victim, con- veniently omitting several key facts. During the raid, which was organized following an 11-month investigation, several company officials were arrested as well. The indictment states that owner Francesco Insolia "knowingly and actively hired. illegal immi- grants to expand his workforce." It is also alleged that his staff assisted illegal immigrants with obtaining fake documents. The allegations of illegal activ- ity do not stop there. Workers were purportedly subjected to deplorable working conditions, a common abuse of undocumented immigrants who cannot go to the authorities for help. Willis states that the govern- ment "needs to decide if it is more important to arrest people try- ing to make a living and harming nobody or properly protecting our soldiers from very real harm." I'm all for protectingour soldiers, but how can an investigation into fraud and worker abuse turn a blind eye to hundreds of illegal workers? Law enforcement offi- cials were just enforcingthe laws on the books. Until those laws are overturned, they should continue to do so. Matt Williams Engineeringsophomore Moving? #1 Don't Trash It *neeiiy Sell ItI " Cameras 'Musical " IPods Instruments " Sporting -"Cell Phones Goods -"AudioNideo North Side 1691 Plymouth Rd. (inside Rapid Refill Ink, in the Courtyard Shops) Mon-Fri 10-6; Sat 10-4 734.761.6187 South Side e69E W, Eisenhower Pkwy (n the Colonnade Center) Mon-Sat 10-6 Bring in this ad for a discountil JOBS!!!o o Spring/Summer Term Apply now at the Law Library- * non-Law Students * Law Students " S.I, Students Minimum pay is $9.00 per hour! Apply at the hiring table outside room S-180 in the Law Library's underground addition. University of Michigan University of Michigan Engineering Council Presents... SPRINGFESI 007: Sponsored in part by: ENERAL DYNAIVIIC AdvanCed Information Systems