8A - Monday, April 16, 2007 PHOTO ESSAY The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com q Rf th artork. seng a asteaver, sea of the artwork. Ascending a stepladder, she _ ' L- " .. y __ _ _. i i ',. ' . ves the ria ttan carei ily acK anaGorl n acossLhe a si03 i etU31C. KIUM t: (Gin ay tGUiC i Csposle forC U n na unl g the Cun lit ecarefully traces artwork from a projection onto the balloon surface. By Angela Cesere I Managing Photo Editor L ining the walls of Camer- on Balloons in Dexter are at least a hundred photos of hot air balloons with vary- ing colors, patterns, shapes and sizes. Seemingly simple looking, the process of making hot-air balloons is complex and time consuming. BASKET CONSTRUCTION One of the most important parts of the hot air balloon is neither the hot air nor the balloon - it's the basket. Bas- kets are given the same care and attention that the balloon receives. "Every balloon and basket gets a production card that explains the different colors, the size of the basket," said Paul Petrehn, an account represen- tative at Cameron. "It's kind of like a birth certificate" Before the weaving begins, an assemble form - a sturdy wood and metal structure - ensures that the basket is the right size and shape and holds its form. The baskets at Cam- eron are made with Indonesian rattan, a vine-like palm plant resembling bamboo. The rattan is made pliable enough to weave with an overnightwater-soak. THE ENVELOPE Every one of the dozens of panels it takes to construct the envelope, also known as the balloon, are carefully mapped out and labeled. The envelope is assembled panel by panel, sewn by a team of dedicated workers. The sewers are surrounded on all sides by pieces of brightly colored fabric, sometimes with hints of artwork or a brand name that is readable when the panel puzzle iscomplete. RIGGING Rigging occurs after the last stitch is completed on the enve- lope. When enough floor space inthebuildingcanbesacrificed, the entire envelope is stretched out to its full length across the floor. After being hooked to pul- leys connected to the expansive roof of the building, the balloon is slowly inflated with two fans on either side. At 9 a.m. on a Tuesday morn- ing last month, the balloon is just about inflated enough to start rigging. After the top of the envelope is inflated enough to walk in, Debbie Branch, the supervisor for the sewing and art department, spreads out the parachute inside of the balloon. She carefully starts attaching the parachute to the inside of the balloon. The purpose of the para- chute is to regulate how much hot air is trapped in the bal- loon, allowing the balloon to change elevation by lower- ing and raising the parachute with the rigging. By the time the rigging is finished, ropes will be running down the entire length of the balloon, ready for the last step before it is sent off to its owners. TEST INFLATION Weather is checked repeat- edly and calls are exchanged before a test inflation of three balloons can be confirmed for a frosty April morning. Not exactly ideal conditions for a test inflation outside Cam- eron's building, but with the winds steadily below 10 m.p.h. and the merciful lack of snow, it is " opportunity not to be missed. Customers are anx- iously awaiting their balloons as the warm spring weather approaches, eager to get their feet off the ground and into a basket. For one person, 210,000 sq. ft. of balloon is too much to handle alone. A group of five work together to make the inflation process go smoothly. Balloons are inflated one at a time. The envelope is spread out to its full length on a tarp to avoid getting it dirty. Ropes from the envelope are attached to the basket with heavy-duty carabineers. A 9 horse-power inflation fan is turned on and pointed toward the mouth of the balloon. Great waves of air travel across the balloon as it inflates with a surprising amount of speed. The burner is turned on. Gradually the balloon lifts off the ground until the basketcan sit upright with the balloon above it. Fully inflated, the rigging is checked. Pending a few adjustments, the balloon is ready to be sent.to its owner. ABOVE: Cameron Balloons owner Andrew Baird and Debbie Branch, supervisor for the sewing and art department, in the partially inflated balloon to do a general check and make sure the balloon is ready for hot air. RIGHT: Branch sews part of a green alien balloon together while retired Cameron employiee Phyllis Bennett watches. E E ABOVE: Baird and Paul Petrehn, an account representative at Cameron, bunch together the balloon to squeeze out the air so that it can be packed up. RIGHT: With the basket attached by rope to two vans, Petrehn inflates the bal- loon enough to get ita few feet off the ground. While the balloon is inflated, rigging can be tested and stitching and be checked for flaws.