2A - Thursday, April 12, 2007 MOCNDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: The Extremist Arbor Anecdotes Before You Were Here FRIDAY: Explained 'Swiping cards, steal ing hearts' Barb Bedolla has six children, 12 grandchildren and 10 great grand- children. But her title of grandma extends far beyond her biological family to work, where she has the nickname of Sooth Quad's grandma. Bedolla has worked for the Uni- versity on and off for almost 12 years, greeting students as she swipes MCards and welcomes them to enjoy their meals at the South Quad cafeteria. "She brings joy to everyone who walks in here," said Jerry Walker, one of her co-workers. A Facebook.com group honor- ing Bedolla, "South Quad Grandma... Swiping Our Cards, Stealing Our Hearts," has more than 200 members. As students entered the cafeteria and smiled to see that she was work- ing yesterday afternoon, Bedolla explained that she began her career at the University on the night shift at the University Hospital 12 years ago. She then moved to South Quad to work in the food service department. After transferring to Oxford for a short term job, in facilities, Bedolla returned to South Quad where she began her work as a greeter. "I look forward to coming to work everyday," Bedolla said. "There's always someone I can talk to." Bedolla doesn't let anyone escape a sincere greeting as they pass. "Everyone is 'Honey' to me," she said. A smile spread across Bedolla's face as two girls approached her desk and handed her their MWards. "I have a lot of special ones," said Bedolla, referring to the girls as they passed through the line. She reached into her purse and pulled out a handmade thank you card. Bedolla explained that she once consoled a girl who entered the cafeteria in tears. In return, the student sent a card that she now carries in her purse everyday. Bedolla said she still receives birthday and Christmas cards from students who have graduated. Two students even called her from the Rose Bowl to wish her a happy New Year, she said. Bedolla said she dreads the thought of graduation and saying goodbye to students. She plans to attend commence- ment this year to cheer on her favor- ite students. "I've seen them come in as fresh- man, and if I can smile at them or give them a hug to make their tran- sition better, I do," Bedolla said. "She made our year a whole lot easier," said Kinesiology freshman Krista Phillips. Barb Bedolla's warm greetings have left lasting impressions on her "special ones." "We definitely miss her on the days she's not sitting there," Phillips said. LAUREN SLETE - Know oif a campus character wor- thy of a profile? E-mail suggestions to news@michigandaily.com. The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 413 E.Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com KARL STAMPFL ALEXIS FLOYD Editor is Chief Business Managee 734-647-3336 734-764-0008 stampl@michigandailycom flayd@miehigandailycom CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom Oficei,,hous un.-Thurs.. 11 aeen.-2 am News Tipsnews"@miehigv'idaiy.ei,,i torrections crecinsw ichigandaiiy.com Letersltolhe Editor tothedaiiyg,,,ichiganeduiiy.w,,, Photography Department photo~nichigandaiy.wcn, Arts Section artspaeemichiandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@nicigiawdaiiy.om Sports Setion sportsoichigandaiiy.com Display Sales dispilay@nchiga,,daiiy.com tiassified Sales classifiedgnmichigandaily.comi Online Sales oninveadvgmiigandaiy.com, Finance finac@ich5iandaiy.com, EDITORIAL STAFF Jeffrey Bloomer ManagingEditor blooer@m~ichitanidaiy.comn Andrew Grossman Managing NewsvEditorgoswan~meihiganediy.com NES DTOS:Kll Fer,DaveoMekelburg, Gab Ns, Walterinsi, ImranSynded itoial iPage Editor syedhmicig~iandaiiy~com Sctt lBell MnagigSprti Editor beliwmichiganaily.com, AmbriColvin, Jack5,Herman,einiWight SPiiTNIGHTiiEITivOS:Da Fiin,Chis Hernig,OMak Andrew Sargus Klein MangingArtsnEditor uiein@,,iiyi,,,day.ew, A0TS SUB EDITORS: Abigai B. Cioer,, Caroliine 0Hartmann, Angela teseresMnag1ingaPhotoEditor eere iiandaiy.com PeterlSchttenfels ManaingeotEditoreschoteielsich~igndiy.om BridgelO'Donnell Managaing DesignEditornodonneli@mihigandaiiy.com Angela tesere Managing OnlineEditor ceee mciga ndaiy.comn Anne VanderMeyMaazine Editor vendermeygmichigandaiy.com BUSINESS STAFF David Dai Dispiay esManager Ben Schnotenbner Dispay SaiesManager KristinDiamanlani Cti~ied SalesManvgn, ASSISTANTiCLASSIFIEDiSALES MANAGER:ichaelsi Moore EmilytCipniano nli~inn alsManvage DavidlJia Gnh Fivane naguer Bitany0O'Keefe LayoutnManaer thelsea Hoard ProductionvManager TheMcigam Daly(ISlSNl001167)is publshiedMondaylthrough Friday duringithe flliiaid winier ionms by siudents aitie University vf Michigan. One com is available free ofchargtoall reades.Odditimnal copies may bepickedvup athe aiy's office for $2. Subsciptinsforfall tem, stininS eptembervia U.S. mail are $110. Winter term (January through April) is $10, yearlong (September through April) is $195. University affiliates are subect to a reduced subscripion rain. On-canpus subscriptions for flli lemaen $35. Subscripionsvmust be prepaid. The Michigan Daily isa menber of The AssoatedPressanded ssociatdClleiae Pess. Barb Bedolla swipos MCards in South Quad cafeteria yesterday afternoon. Residents olien refer in Bodoll 0as the Soulh Quad Grandma for hnr warm greetings and attachwentlio the students she weels. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES -rL'-.a:.. n --A Garbage can 6:45A etee muan Student film Cabaret concer smolders screening WHAT: A performance of songs inspired by Cabaret WHERE: Angell Hall Young skaters WHAT: An M-agination film songs WHEN: Tuesday at about alngcreeninsgof student work. WHO: Soprano Measha 12:15 p.m. movedalnAdiso is free. Brueggergosman and pianis- WHAT: A staff msember WHO: University Activities Willians Bolcom reported that a garbuge can WHERE: Biomedical Science Center WHEN: Today at 8 pm. outside the south side of the Research Building WHEN: Today from 7:30 to WHERE: Hill Auditorium buildingywas smoking, the WHEN: Tuesday at about 9:30 p.m. Department of Public Safety 4:4S p.m. WHERE: Michigan Theater T reported. Police said it appears WHAT: Three boys between V isa workshop that a cigarette started the fire. the ages of 12 and 13 were Performance WHAT: A workshop for J found skateboarding near the visa holders on the Two-Yea: Backpack, cell sou th side of the building,DP of The Who's PrinRsdcyequie repoted.ment and how to apply fora phone and Tommy A St ar Pr 1The Australian version of "Next Top Model" has opened the competition to girls under 18. as FOR MORE, SEE THE B-SIDE 2 Legislators in Norway are considering a puni- tive tax on soft drinks because the beverages are unhealthy, the Norwegian paper Aftenposten reported. Lawmakers are also consider- ing lowering the sales tax on produce. 3Knut, a4-month-old polar bear born in a Berlin zoo, .appears on the cover of the May issue of Yanity Pair with Leonardo DiCaprio as a part of its annual "Green Issue."KRunt is reportedly a sensation in Europe, appearing on T-shirts and coffee mugs. wallet stolen WHERE: Dance Building, 1310 N. University Court WHEN: Tuesday ar 6 p.m. WHAT: A nmale student reported Iis backpack con- taining a cell phone and a wvallet stolen, DPS reported. The backpack was left outside staffer WHERE: Stockwell Hall WHEN: Tuesday at about 12:30 p. WHAT: An object fell on a worker, injuring the worker, DPS reported. WHAT: A performance of the The Who's rock opera Tommy. Tickets are available at the League Ticket Office and range from $9 with a student ID to $22 for others. WHO: Department of Musical Theatre WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m WHERE: Power Center WHEN: Today fruom 10 a.m. to noon WHERE: Rooms 9, the Inter- national Center CORRECTIONS Pleave report any error in the Daily to corrections@ michigandailycom. I I 0 4 I I