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April 11, 2007 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-04-11

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2A - Wednesday, April 11, 2007

N4 2

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


Arresting the protesters

Last Tuesday's Students Orga-
nizing for Labor and Economic
Equality protest, which resulted in
the arrests of 12 students, pales in
comparison to the 1968 sit-in and
rally for welfare rights in Washt-
enaw County.
On Sept. 6, 1968, police arrest-
ed about 170 University students
and 12 others after the protesters
staged a four-hour sit-in at the
Washtenaw County Building on
Main Street.
The day before, 52 protesters -
28 of which were students - were
removed from the second floor of
the building and arrested.
The sit-in was in support of a
supplemental grant for welfare
mothers to purchase school cloth-
ing for their children.
On the second day, a mixed mob
of protesters - including several
welfare recipient mothers - sat for
four hours in the building's lobby

while more than 1,200 supporters
rallied on the Diag,
Of those 1,200 supporters, about
half marched on to the County
around the building's closing time
and met heavy police resistance.
As the protesters moved closer,
more than 150 officers dressed in
riot gear held off the crowd with
rifles, shotguns and riot sticks,
accordingto Michigan Daily stories
about the incident.
The Daily described the police as
"Tactical Mobile Pigs" who "escort-
ed their prey into waiting pigmo-
biles" and "maintained a no-man's
land on Huron Street."
As their counterparts locked
down the building's exterior, the
police units inside arrested the
remaining protesters. Because of
the number of arrests, protesters
were taken to City Hall by bus.
In a first-hand account published

in the Daily two days afterthe sit-in,
then-Features Editor Daniel Okrent
described the scene when he was
booked for trespassing charges:-
"The initial booking operation was
very much like (class) registration
in the Waterman gym."
The protesters were arraigned in
the Ann Arbor Municipal Court for
trespassing. A bail fund was set up
by an assortment of contributors,
including the student government
and the Ann Arbor chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union.
Okrent admitted he didn't par-
ticipate just for welfare mothers.
"I also got arrested so I could
stop the Vietnam war, promote
black control of black communi-
ties, kill off the Democratic Party,
end police brutality, support the
California grapepickers strike, and
provide liberty and justice for all,"
he wrote.

Juniors Jim Marcicki, Lawrence Okwali and Kyle Rademacher
test their golf ball-hurling mechanism for Mechanical Engi-
neering 350 class yesterday at Miles of Golf driving range.

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Empty cash
register knocked

near Subway. After discover-
ing a high level of alcohol in his
body, DPS transported him to
the emergency room.

Golden Apple
WHAT: Golden Apple

Discussion about
faith and LBGT An English man died yes-
terday after accidentally
WHAT- Mi di-nz an d rnnv I Ehannvinv himself durinrn a


: xers an conveoverg ggn
over Debit card taken winner and Sociology Prof- sations about being transgen- sex game, The (London) Sun
WHERE: Michigan Union Andrei Markovits's ideal last der, bisexual, lesbian or gay as reported. The man had put
WHEN: Monday at about 9:45 from ATM used lecture, "Sports as Culture on well as a person of faith noose around his neck. After
Two Continents: Metaphors WHO: Office of Lesbian Gay he kicked away the chair, his
WHERE: Michigan Union for My Life" Bisexual and Traesgender ied wa
WHAT: Staff from the Univer- BieI gn rnsedr irlfriend was supposed to cut
. WHEN: Yesterday at about WHO: SHOUT Affairs
ty mornid t arrived g 11:30 p.m. WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m. WHEN: Today at 7 p.m. him down, but the knife he had
ster knocked over the d part- WHAT: A female's debit WHERE: Rackham Audito- WHERE: Parker Rom, given her was too dull.
ment of Public Safety reported. card was stolen from an ATM rium Michigan Union
The drawer - which contained and $40 was taken from her
no money - was missing along account, DPS reported. She had International Recital from2 Smokers and coffee drink-
with a set of keys. left her debit card in the ATM, I trastiongal T.d L ers may be less susceptible
w and when she returned to look army band to Parkinson's disease,
for it, the card was missing. food tastingaccording to a new study, New-
WHAT: The International WHAT: A performance by Scientist.com reported. The
TkaWaste-FestInexhibition thatthe United States Army Brass study compared smokers and
DrunrmavTate-estanplexbonthad Quintetcoffee drinkers to their healthy
harasses M UTO Graffiti found in rinidad, Ecador, Mexico, WHO: U.S. Army Brass Quin- siblings.
WHERE: Michigan Union Bangladesh, Ghana and New tet
WHEN: Monday at about the ArbOrleans WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
: m WHERE: Nichols Arboretum WHO: International Taste- WHERE: Britton Recital Australian parents are
10:30 a.m. WHR:Nihe rbrtm H It erainlat- H all, E.V. Moore Building calling for an end to
WHAT: Staff from the Michi- WHEN: Monday at about est homework The Austra-
WHEN: Today from noon to
gao Underground Ticket Office 10:45 p.m' 2p.m. CORRECTIONS Tian reported. A national orga-
said an intoxicated man was WHAT: Graffiti was written WHERE: McGregor Coin- * Please report any error in nization has asked for a review
harassing them, DPS reported. on a sign in red permanent mons, Schoolof Social Work the Daily to corrections@ of the practice, saying there is
DPS made contact with the man marker, DPS reported. Building michigandaily.com. nothing beneficial about it.





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