2 - Friday, April 6, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: The Extremist Arbor Anecdotes Before You Were Here Campus Characters Explained yColeman's castle After Students Organizing for and has just a few small windows, tall and have understated entrances Labor and Economic Equality held it's hardly a fortress, University to get a large amount of floor space a sit-in at the Fleming Administra- Planning Assistant Julia Truettner out of a small footprint. The Ann tion Building on Tuesday that led said. Arbor City Hall was built in the police to arrest 12 students, admin- Former University Planner Fred same style. istrators might wish that the rumors Mayer, who began working at the Until the Fleming Administra- that the building was designed tobe University in 1966, said rumors tion Building was completed in riot-proof were true. about the Fleming Building's 1968, administrators used offices in Too bad the building is more strength started soon after he the LSA Building. function than fortress. arrived because of ongoing Viet- At the time, the LSA Build- For almost 40 years, students nam War protests. ing didn't have air conditioning, have traded stories about the build- Butthebuilding's designerAlden and its large windows allowed ing's fortress-like exterior. Dow, began drawing up plans for it too much heat to enter during the According to myth, the build- in the early 1960s - before student summer and escape during the ing was designed in the 1960s so activism would have made safety a winter, Truettner said. University administrators could lock them- concern. administrators wanted a building selves inside, protected from riot- Dow was offended by myths that was more energy efficient, ing students outside. The story is about the security of the building, she said. often retold to prospective students Truettner said. He designed the The ideal design would have been on campus tours. building the way he did because he a long, low building with small win- But it's a myth - Fleming was not hoped to make the building a show- dows, but the lack of space between FILE PHOTO BY SHU BRA OH RI/Daly built to be riot-proof. case of the "composed order" style, the Michigan Union and the Stu- Greek life supporters write on the wall oft the eeing Ad- ministration Building in March 2004. Hundreds of students Although the building was com- she said. dentActivities BuildingmeantDow protested funding cuts for student services in front of the Flem- pleted in 1968 as protests became Buildings designed using the had to make the building taller. ing Building that month. increasingly common on campus composed order style are typically JAKE HOLMES CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES 413 E. 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University affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptionstforfall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 01 e machines, DPS reported. PlaybyrRude spilli 150s MPlayanRude spilling 150 Man refuses Mechanicals gaiions of giycol to leave health WHERE: Biomedical Science sy e b lding Research Building silding WHEN: Wednesday at 3:30 pm. WHERE: Briarwood Health t WHAT: A pipe burst and 150 Associates Building S, 325 Bri- gallons of glycol spilled into arwood Circle a machine room, the Depart- , WHEN: Wednesday at 2:25 ment of Public Safety reported. P.m. Although a maintenance WHAT: A man not affiliated I worker was present, no one was withthe University was asked injured and nothing was dam- by health system staff to leave aged in the spill. the building, DPS reported. He refused. Police escorted him off1 the premises. Beggar nabbed . Projector taken in the early . from Union morning WHERE: Michigan Union WHERE: Mason Hall WHEN: Wednesday at about WHEN: Wednesday at 3 p.m. 3:10 p.m. WHAT: A man not affiliated WHAT: An Epson Data Pro- with the University was escort- jector valued at $2,865 was ed out of Mason Hall after he stolen from the second floor was found begging passersby of the Union on Sunday, DPS for money near the vending reported. WHAT: A production of "Venus," about a South Afri- can woman taken to England and turned into a circus act WHO: Rude Mechanicals WHEN: Today at 8 p.m. WHERE: Mendelssohn The- atre Vignettes on Arthur Miller WHAT: Four 10-minute per- formances about the life and work of Arthur Miller WHO: Basement Arts WHEN: Today at 7:15 p.m. WHERE: Waigreen Drama Center Geology talk Students WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Auditorium B, Angell Hall CORRECTIONS 0 A column on page 4A yester- day's Daily (Lovable losers) said that Rudy Giuliani has raised $23.5 million for the 2008 Republican presidential prima- ry. He has raised $15 million. " A story on yesterday's front page (Shutdown could hurt 'U') incorrectly attributed some information to University Chief Financial Officer Tim Slovtow.in came frosshthe 2006 University financial report. * A story on Monday's front page ('U'makes your nameyour choice) misidentified School of Social Work Prof. Michael Woodford as Michael Woods. * A story in yesterday's B-Side (Expression through shadow and song) listed the time of the "Sinta Ablaze" concert as 2 p.m. on Sunday. The show is 1A South Dakota woman praised by former Presi- dent Bill Clinton in 1999 for housing and feeding the poor was convicted Wednesday for drug trafficking, ABC News reported. Police estimated that she has sold $2 million of cocaine in the last three years. Miami-Dade County is allowing five sex offend- ers to live outdoors under a bridge because the county's strict restrictions on where sex offenders can live has prevent- ed many of them from finding affordable apartments, - CNN reported. Three naval officers work- ingon a Japanese destroy- er accidentally transferred classified data from Japan's Aegis missile-defense radar sys- tem while trading pornography from one computer to another. 0 WHAT: A speech by Geology at 4 p.m. Prof. Rob Van der Voo about Please report any error in the "Snowball Earth" theory the Daily to corrections@ WHO: Society of Biology michigandaily.com. 0 6 I