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April 04, 2007 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-04-04

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The academic year through the lens of the Daily
The Statement.
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Ann Arbor Michigan


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

In as
Former WVU
coach to be
introduced today
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan Athletic Director
Bill Martin will hold a press
conference today to introduce
former West Virginia coach
John Beilein as the new Michi-
gan men's basketball coach.
The announcement will end
the 17-day search by Martin
and a four-person advisory
committee that began after for-
mer coach Tommy Amaker was
fired on March 17.
"I am very pleased to
announce John Beilein as our
new head coach for the men's
basketball program," Martin
said in a written statement.
"He is an individual with a
great knowledge of the game.
He is a proven winner. He is an
extraordinary teacher of the
game. He is a great basketball
In a somber afternoon meet-
ing in Morgantown, W.Va. yes-
terday, Beilein told his former
team about his decision to come
to Ann Arbor, said a source who
'as at the meeting but asked to
remain anonymous because he
is not allowed to speak to the
The source said Beilein told
his staff and players that money
was not a factor in his decision,
See COACH, Page 3A

12 students arrested in Fleming

wanted 'U'
to act on
Daily News Editor
Campus police arrested 12 stu-
dent activists yesterday after they
refused to leave University Presi-
dent Mary Sue Coleman's office in
the Fleming Administration Build-
ing when it closed at 5p.m.
The protesters, who staged the
sit-in as part of Students Organiz-
ing for Labor and Economic Equal-
ity's Sweatfree Campaign, were
all released later last night. They
were demanding that the Univer-
sity toughen its labor standards for
suppliers producing University-
licensed apparel.
Administrators didn't interfere
with the students or ask them to
leave until the office closed, pro-
testers said.
At about 5:20 p.m., Dean of Stu-
dents Sue Eklund and Gary Krenz,
special counsel to the president,
gave the students a final warn-
ing before waiting Department of
Public Safety officers entered the
office to arrest the students'
"I want to make sure that an
arrest this evening feels like this
is the best decision to help your
cause," Eklund told the protesters.
Everyone remaining in the
building, including news report-
ers, was then warned that if they
did not vacate the building imme-
diatelythey risked arrest.
Before taking the students into
custody, police again gave each
protester the option of leaving the
Meanwhile, about 40 SOLE sup-
porters circled the building chant-
See ARRESTS, Page 3A

TOP: LSA fresh-
man Yousef
Rabhi is escorted
out of the Flem-
iog Building yes-
terday evening.
LSA junior Aria
Everts is put into
the back of a
police car.
Protesters post a
sign on the door
of University
President Mary
Sue Coleman's
office yesterday.

Professor in
intensive care

In MSA, a new way to train campus leaders

Bailey was slated to
retire at end of year
Daily StaffReporter
English Prof. Richard Bailey's
lunch break came to a tragic end
on March 13 when a car ran a red
light, crashed into his Volvo and
sent it flying into the front yard of
a house on Pauline Boulevard.
Bailey, who suffered bruised
lungs, frac-
tured ribs
and a frac-
tured pelvis,
has been on a
ventilator in
intensive care
at the Univer-
sity Hospi-
tal since the BAILEY
Bailey's wife, Julia Huttar Bai-
ley, said the other driver crashed
into the driver's side door of her
husband's car and totaled it. Rich-
ard Bailey had to be cut out of the
wreckage by emergency person-
nel, she said. Bailey's friend, who
was sitting in the passenger seat
of the car, escaped uninjured.
Julia Huttar Bailey said prog-
ress has been slow, but her hus-
band is alert. Although he is
unable to speak, he can mouth
words, she said. A full recovery
is expected after he goes through
rehabilitation, and a release date
has not been set.

Because of the severity of his
injuries, his doctors have discour-
aged friends from visiting him in
the hospital. As an alternative, the
family has set up an online blog
where friends can read updates
by Bailey's wife and son, Andrew,
who flew in from England to be
with his father.
Richard Bailey left the Univer-
sity last semester after teaching
for more than 40 years. He will
officially retire at the end of this
Julia Huttar Bailey, a self-
described optimist, said there is
a bright side to the timing of her
husband's accident.
"He's not missing his classes
at least," she said. "But he's got
books to write and projects."
Ernesto Medina, an Episcopal
pastor and friend of Bailey's who
flew in from Los Angeles after the
accident, described the hospital
"I swear, there must be over
200 cards here," said Medina,
who is the godfather of Bailey's 8-
year-old daughter, Oceana. "The
nurse said she doesn't even get
that much at Christmas."
Another friend, English Prof.
Anne Curzan, said she has visited
Bailey to keep him up to date on
news from the department and
to pass along messages from col-
"We want to see him back in
Angell Hall," Curzan said.
Bailey mentored Curzan when
she attended the University as a
See PROF, Page 3A

Internship program
to train students in
campus politics
Daily StaffReporter
It may not be a gig at Goldman
Sachs, but the Michigan Student
Assembly is planning an unpaid
internship during the school year
for first-year students to learn the
ropes of student government.
At last night's meeting, the
assembly passed a resolution to
establish the MSA Intern Pro-
gram Select Committee. The com-
mittee will establish and oversee
the recruitment and selection of
interns who will be trained in lead-
ership, campus politics and how to
work on student government proj-
The first class of interns are slat-
ed'to start when school resumes in
the fall.
The idea for an internship com-
mittee came from observing other
student governments at the Asso-
ciation for Big Ten Students confer-
ence, which some members of MSA
attended in January.
In an interview after the meet-
ing, MSA vice president Moham-
mad Dar said the intern program
would have a dual effect - help new
students become more involved
with campus and provide a more
experienced MSA for the student
"A well structured intern pro-
gram is a really good way to teach
students about how to get work

Mohammad Dar, vice president of the Michigan Student Assembly, with gavel in hand during last night's meeting. The group
passed a resolution tostart an MSA internship program

done," said Dar, who is also the
executive director of the Asso-
ciation for Big Ten Students, an
umbrella organization for student
government groups at other uni-
versities in the Big Ten.
Dar said other student organiza-
tions could also potentially benefit
from the program. He said an intern
from Ohio State's student govern-
ment program went on to serve as
the president of Dance Marathon
The interns might also serve on
MSA committees, Dar said.
Representatives on the assembly

will mentor interns by coaching
them on organizing events and giv-
ing effective leadership tips.
"It's almost like planning aclass,"
he said.
Dar said.he expects the chair for
the intern committee to be selected
at next week's meeting, and the
majority of preparation will be car-
ried out this summer.
During the meeting, assembly,
members said they were expect-
ing a high turnout for the intern-
ship positions after seeing a great
deal of interest in the Assembly
expressed by new students each

"This just came as a really
good way to take the enthusi-
asm and desire to work that new
students have and put them in a
more structured environment,"
Dar said.
To ensure that the committees'
efforts are noticed, Dar said he
plans to "ramp up" advertising for
the internships.
"We're really excited about this
and we're goingto be working on it
all summer," Dar said. "I want this
to be as productive and professional
as it can be."


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The Order of Angell channels the Village People

volI COV~l No. 18
2007 The Michigan Dail


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