4A - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 413 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 tothedaily@umich.edu EMILY BEAM DONN M. FRESARD CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK JEFFREY BLOOMER EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views ofttheir authors. xRuM :tHE Y ILY New life for stem cells Discovery must not be excuse for hindering progress cientists have made another breakthrough in the conflict- ridden realm of stem-cell research. On Sunday, research- ers at Harvard and Wake Forest universities announced that amniotic stem cells - drawn from amniotic fluid without harm to the mother or fetus - promise potential benefits similar to those of embryonic stem cells. However, the versatility of amniotic stem cells remains unclear, and some experts contend that this new method of stem-cell research is still more limited than research on embryonic stem cells. While amniotic stem cells are a very promising discovery that should be further explored, there's no reason for scientists to abandon the sure thing. Congress will soon discuss and likely pass a bill lifting the ban on federal funding for research on new embryonic stem-cell lines, and it would be an uncommon stroke of sensibility for President Bush to refrain from vetoing it again. The Harvard and Wake Forest findings make use of stem cells found in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women. Scientists drew and cultivated amniotic stem cells without any harm to the mother or fetus - thereby eliminating several of the arguments pro- life conservatives make against embryonic stem-cell research. Unlike adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells are flexible and can develop into many different types of tissue - including brain, liver and bone - making their possible med- ical application broad. Pregnant women can also freeze their amniotic stem cells, should their child need them in the future - there-, by eliminating the risk of rejection of foreign tissue by the child's immune system. However, the extent of the flexibility of amniotic stem cells remains unknown. The real advantage of amniotic stem cells is their ability to offer a less controversial alternative, but while this is beneficial in the short-term, it isn't an effective long term compromise. Research on amniotic stem cells is years behind embryonic stem-cell research, and nothing has yet proven that amniotic stem cells could yield the same results. Embry- onic stem cells can turn into more than 220 cell types that can be used to cure count- less diseases like diabetes, brain cancer and Parkinson's. Pro-life activists continue their oppo- sition to embryonic stem-cell research because drawing stem cells kills the embryo. Regardless, this result is hardly different from the fate of the 90 percent of embryos that are discarded anyway. So what exactly is so anti-life about using such embryos to potentially save countless lives? Embryonic stem-cell research in America has been notoriously and needlessly hin- dered since Bush's 2001 veto of Congress's bill to allow federal funds for research on new embryonic stem-cell lines. Scientists and the new Democratic Congress must not allow developments in amniotic stem cells to fuel complacency on the embryonic stem- cell issue. Overly and unnecessarily restrictive embryonic stem-cell policy isn't a problem only on the federallevel. Michigan, for exam- ple, has one of the most restrictive embry- onic stem-cell research laws in the country. Because of such limitations, the University's hands are often tied. Top researchers and scientists hesitate to come to an institution in a state where their research may never be supported. The University's new $100-mil- lion state-of-the-art Life Sciences Institute doesn't do much good in the way of contrib- uting to a knowledge-based economy - not to mention saving lives - if state laws con- tinue to stifle its potential. Federal and state legislators have no business tying scientists' hands on this issue. My nature is to look at the glass half full. I don't have a son or daughter in Iraq." - Actress Suzanne Somers, putting things in perspective after her Malibu home burned down, as reported yesterday by El Online. KIM LEUNG ' T EA - X 1 Hope for the hopeless n Der Spiegel, the German pampered by indulgent baby-boomer peek their heads above the parapet, it's equivalent of Time magazine, a parents, our generation came of age not surprising that many Americans writer described an encounter during one of the longest periods wouldoptforwillfulstupidity.It'sbegin- that sums up German pessimism. A of prosperity in American history ningto look like the pinnacle of national colleague told her that "anyone with - after our country's last serious rival prominence that our generation grew any intelligence could never be as had collapsed and left us in an unprec- up in has left us with nowhere to go but happy as you." One wouldn't expect edented position of military, econom- down. While President Nero struggles Germany's historical experience to it and cultural dominance. What do to present history a single good deci- encourage optimism. But it is surpris- we have to be so emo about? sion which might salvage his legacy, it ing to see sunny America approaching Well, look at the headlines. Iran is appears he'll instead go down as the liv- a positively European level of despair trying to build nuclear weapons, Rus- ing embodiment of American failure. during the decade of the double zero. sia is backsliding into dictatorship, and The scope and complexity of the American - Israel and Palestine are, well, Israel and problems that confront us and the inad- pessimism Palestine.The genocide in Sudan is only equacy of our response so far could shows up in a the rawest wound of Africa, which is lead anyone to believe our civiliza- misleading way. now so crippled by poverty and corrup- tion is in terminal decline. But history From "Forrest l tion that entire nations are succumbing often occurs in the background. There Gump" to the to lawlessness, disease, terrorism and are changes taking place in fields far latest Will Fer- war. Inthe face of mounting aggression, removed from one another, on a level rell movie, from the United Nations has been under- that passes unnoticed in the wider Homer Simpson * mined by America's own contempt for stream of events. Taken, separately, to Jessica Simp- international law and is too weak to son, our popular TOBY address these crises. culture is filled MITCHELL America itself is locked in a vicious Give up on with brilliantly cycle of stupid, in which each retreat calculated glorifications into denial leaves us less able to deal pessimism, of rank stupidity. Given a supposedly with the problems the last retreat hopeless world, Germans would rath- caused. New Orleans still lies in ruins. Am erica. er be intelligent and dejected, while Iraq is a lost cause. Fundamentalists Americans apparently prefer to be preach a gospel of despair that calls for stupid and happy - even if they're not the world tobe destroyed before it can these flares of hope amount to little. really stupid at all. be saved, and America is answering the Together, they point toward a new There's something profoundly dis- call. China and India's growth suggests mode of understanding and action, ingenuous about a ruthless careerist that white-collar jobs may soon follow one which is not only up to the task but like Simpson earning her fame by factory work overseas, but while Asian which may foreshadow a new peak in playing a vapor-headed bimbo. There's students admire famous geneticists, the ebb and flow of human history. no way someone that smart could actu- American students want to know what In future columns, I'll be shifting ally be that dumb. The same applies to Britney blogged about Paris. my focus from criticism to encourage- our political culture. President Bush's Michiganders know about the ment, discussing positive changes in strategy of casting himself as a well- decline of the American empire from American politics andinscience,busi- meaning dumbass persecuted by elitist bitter experience. Europeans used to ness, international relations and reli- nerds in the media and the Democrat- dream of trading their Volkswagens for gion. There's nothing predetermined ic Party was brilliant. Regardless of Cadillacs. Now Americans can't sell a about these changes - they may well whether these individuals ortheir han- Ford for the interest on a Mercedes, and not occur until humanity has endured dlers are responsible, playing dumb is a present-day Detroit looks less like the the suffering of another great war or smart strategy for success in America. Motor City and more like Berlin circa until America's decline becomes too But Americans are not as stupid as we 1945. Detroit's despair is palpable and is obvious to deny. Nevertheless, all we would like to think, just afraid of how felt beyond the city through its export need to begin is a willingness to aban- we'd feel if we acted smart. of drugs and gang culture. It's difficult don the anesthesia of despair and the on the face of it, American pes- to imagine that a healthy society would courage to risk hope. simism seems ridiculous. Raised on tolerate such blatant decay, but we've Rainbow Brite and the Care Bears, gotten used to it. Toby Mitchell can be reached taught self-esteem in school and If this is the view they get when they at tojami@umich.edu. JOHN OQUIST r HEY...WHAT ARE YOU YEAH, I KNOW. THAT'S WHAT YOU I HAVE TIME FOR ANOTHER STILL DOING UP? TOLD ME WHEN I ASKED Y0U EPISODE BEFORE CLASS LAST NIGHT. NOW WHAT THE THEN. WATCHING TV SHOWS HELL ARE YOU STILL DOING UP, , *' ONLINE. THERE ARE IT'S 1:30 IN THE MORNING. _ SEVEN-THIRTY-IN- EPISODES OF LITERALLY / THE-MORNINGI 'EVERYTHING. Viewpoint Policy The Michigan Daily welcomes viewpoints from its readers. Viewpoints may have one or several authors, though preference will be given to pieces written on behalf of individuals rather than organizations. Editors will run viewpoints according to timeliness, order received and available space. Viewpoints should be no longer than 750 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit for length, clarity and accuracy. Send viewpoint submissions to editpage.editors umich.edu, or contact the editors at that address to arrange one in advance. Editorial Board Members: Reggie Brown, Kevin Bunkley, Amanda Burns, Sam Butler, Ben Caleca, Devika Daga, Milly Dick, James David Dickson, Jesse Forester, Gary Graca, Jared Goldberg, Jessi Holler, Rafi Martina, Toby Mitchell, Rajiv Prabhakar, David Russell, Katherine Seid, Elizabeth Stanley, Jennifer Sussex, John Stiglich, Neil Tambe, Rachel Wagner ALESSANDRO SALUPPO ' T Living iln Ann Arbor Living the American campus experience - shown grotesquely to be bewildering, absurd and irreverent in pop culture ("American Pie," "Porkies") - has enlightened me about many aspects and subtle nuances of the American way of life. The linguistic labyrinths of slang, bizarre, non-traditional cooking methods, tracking of obscure sports statistics, the col- lege football craze and the overabundance of all types of TV shows have helped me appre- ciate, criticize and sometimes even envy the interesting, extravagant and funny aspects of this universe of multicultural youth. Like all Italians who have grown up with an orthodox culinary tradition, I admit to being bewildered by the world of American fast food. I have been left worried or suspicious by the mysterious names of sandwiches (Pepe, Vito, Italian night club), the diffusion of ethnic cooking, the unlikely folkloric slogans ("your mum wants you to eat here") and - not to men- tion - the anguishing caloric impact. And let's not forget the dogmatic American restaurant world - the incomprehensible passion for ice, rigorous logic of tipping servers, the con- stant presence and perseverance of the waiters, coupons that grant discounts just about every- where and the obsessive scrutinizing of IDs when buying alcohol.Americans even wait for atable in a restaurant, whereas we Italians get angry and walk out if we do not obtain atable immediately. After much effort, I have learned to substi- tute espresso with coffee. American cafes are centers of cultural and intellectual growth, transforming themselves into study centers for the future ruling class - with background tunes featuring Chat Baker, John Coltrane and Bossanova. This is in stark contrast to the Italian cafes I'm used to that are cathedrals of debates of soccer, amateur and demagogic politics, trashy pop music and the pathology of alcohol. In America, however, tables are crowded with books, papers, notes and lap- tops, and people who are bored of studying take naps on the comfortable couches while others exchange baritone words. And then there are the Michigan Wolverines, toward whom all students seem to nourish an enthusiastic, maniacal infatuation. The team is a symbol of identification and faith that goes past the simple excitement toward sports, yet this obsession is different from the European gueril- la fanaticism I have previously experienced. In these two months, though always faithful to the god of soccer, I have learned names like Hart, Manningham, Breaston and Arrington while following their deeds against Notre Dame, Penn State, our envious little cousins of Michigan State and our bitterest rivals in Columbus. I have lived the traditional campus party and thealcoholicrestlessnessthatprecedesanygame. At the stadium, invaded by more than 110,000 fans - such numbers for non-professional sports would be absurd in Europe - I have become familiar with the pre-game show of the march- ing band, the overly energetic cheerleaders, and the announcer, who manages to be galvanized by every little inch gained. And how can I forget the many hats, shirts, scarves, key chains, signs and loud chants of "The Victors" that echo for three hours straight. It is a sea of maize and blue that is truly moving and enthralling - even more so if you're lucky enough tobe thrown in the air after a Wolverine score. After the game, Ann Arbor returns back to its normal sleepy, phlegmatic rhythms. The girls change out of their "game clothes" and into their stretch pants and geometrically squared boots, while the boys drown the triumph or disappointment with alcohol and yells (some would merit an anthropological comparison with the yelping monkeys of Botswana). Every day I observe with enthusiasm the praiseworthy demonstrations on the Diag, the piles of newspapers left on the side of the road, the impressive number of squirrels crowded in flowerbeds and the groups of heroically cocky youngsters in shorts, skirts and flip flops regardless of the weather. I am convinced that Americans can't feel cold. At night, in front of the television, I franti- cally and impatiently flip channels, confused by their sheer number and the incredible amount of commercials. Tired and defeated, I shut off the idiot box and go to bed. The next day I need to convince my brain that baseball is really a sport. Poor Joe DiMaggio. Alessandro Saluppo is a visitor to Ann Arbor. He graduated from the University of Siena in Italy. 6 Thumbs: Ford edition Ford Motor Company officials announced yes- terday that the company will invest $866 million in existing southeast Michigan plants... ... but former Ford Chair- man William Clay Ford, also owner of the Detroit Lions, still feels team President Matt Millen's 24-72 record warrants another shot. Y