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March 20, 2007 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-03-20

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Funding your education
Perspectives on the financial aid
These coaches might take over for the fired Tommy Amaker dilemma
Sports, 9 Op-ed, Page 5
PI 1id4igan hatIg.j



1M .
Tuesday, March 20,2007


BTB Burrito co-owner Adam Lowenstein stands next toa baron South University Avenue yesterday in what will become BTB Cantina. The space used to house Charley's Upstairs, a
night club. Charley's will reopen its restaurant downstairs.
On South, plans for a 'cantina

Margaritas and burritos
upstairs, Charley's to reopen
Daily StaffReporter
If all goes according as planned, students will
be able to order margaritas with their burritos on

South University Avenue.
University alumni Adam Lowenstein and Justin
Herrick, owners of student hot spot BTB Burrito,
purchased Good Time Charley's on South Universi-
ty Avenue. They plan to introduce a spin-off of their
burrito business in the space above the restaurant.
Good Time Charley's, which has been closed
since Dec. 22 last year, will reopen on the ground
Along with the space, Lowenstein and Her-
rick bought the business' liquor license and entire

inventory. Lowenstein said he will open a smaller
restaurant called BTB Cantina upstairs. In addition
to standard BTB fare, it will serve Mexican beers,
margaritas and other drinks. The upstairs location
will share the liquor license with the bar down-
While Charley's will reopen downstairs next
month, BTB Cantina wont open until August.
"The upstairs is really the coup de grace," Low-
enstein said of his plans. "It's gonna be awesome."
See CHARLEY'S, Page 3

City Council, MSA
to hold forum to
discuss ordinance
Daily Staff Reprter
The Ann Arbor City Council
approved a motion last night to
have a committee review the ordi-
nance thatprohibitslandlordsfrom
showing or signing properties to
prospective renters until 90 days
after the current lease begins.
The ordinance - passed last
April - stipulates that the coun-
cil must review the ordinance and
recommend changes to it before its
first meeting in April 2007.
Council members Leigh Greden
(D-Ward 3) and Christopher East-
hope (D-Ward 5) have partnered
with Michigan Student Assembly
representatives on the City Coun-
cil's student relations committee to
review the ordinance.
City Council will co-sponsor a
public hearing with MSA onoMarch
28 at 7 p.m. in the Michigan Union
to gather feedback about the ordi-
nance from landlords and students.
Greden said the committee has
been reviewing the measure. On
April 2, it will make recommenda-
tions to the full council from infor-
mation gathered from MSA and
from the public hearing.
The ordinance,which was fierce-
ly opposed by landlords but sup-
ported by MSA, effectively delayed
lease signing until Dec. 1 for Sep-
tember-to-September leases.
Before its passage, supporters of
the ordinance argued thatstudents
interested in off-campus hous-
ing. for the following year would
return to campus in the fall and
immediately hunt for properties.
There is a loophole in the ordi-
nance, though, that allows land-
lords to show and sign properties
if the current tenants sign a waiver
saying they don't want to resignothe
Supporters said the immediate
housing rush put a strain on fresh-
men who wanted to move off cam-
pus their sophomore year.
The ordinance aimed to allow
more time for students to research
housing options, investigate prop-
erties and settle into the new
The City Council originally
passed the ordinance unanimous-


DAAP: Sara Barnard.

MAP: Mohammed Dar

Our party isn't just about
affirmative action,
candidate says
Daily News Editor
Sarah Barnard, the Defend Affirmative
Action Party's vice presidential candidate
in Wednesday and Thursday's Michigan
Student Assembly election, doesn't want
you to be intimidated by her - or her
"People think we take ourselves way
too seriously," she said of DAAP. "I'm not
as serious as people think Iam. Because of
that, people are intimidated by me."
The LSA senior said she's not the type
of person who sits silently through her
classes. She said it's her duty to represent

a point-of-view she feels would channel
the underrepresented minorities she finds
absent from her academic life.
"I think it's an obligation to speak up for
the people not in the class," she said.
Barnard wants to model herself after a
strong female image that manifests itself in
her favorite books and music.
In music, there's no question S
about who she loves - Corrine
Bailey Rae, the strong-voiced
British soul singer. Barnard said eh
she's going to see Rae in concert, Vote t
and Rae's music is one of Bar- open
nard's ring tones. at mid
In literature, Barnard fol- They wi
lows that same image; one of 11:59 PN
her recent favorites is Charlayne VisitI
Hunter-Gault's autobiogra- www
phy, "In My Place." In the book,
Hunter-Gault recounts her experience as
See BARNARD, Page 7

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Junior lobbied for lease
date ordinance
Daily StaffReporter
LSA junior Mohammad Dar
'It sometimes seems a little bit
rent older than his Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly counterparts. He
aS eschews the black North Face
. Polls jacket for a long, beige trench
dent coat. His brisk, clipped speech
tonight. and neatly-combed hair some-
pen until times make him seem more like a
hursday. senior statesman than a campus
/vote. politico.
K.edu Still, he's not all business. Dar,
the Michigan Action Party's
candidate for MSA vice president, is also
president of Wolverine Soft, a University

videogame club.
Dar, who is running against Defend
Affirmative Action Party candidate Sarah
Barnard, said he has always viewed MSA
as a way to improve the community.
"There is nowhere else I can have-more
of an impact and make life better for stu-
dents than on MSA," he said.
He said his track record is what won him
the MAP vice presidential nomination.
When Dar first ran for the position of
MSA representative as a freshman in 2004,
he ran as an independent and lost.
Next semester, he ran with the Students
4 Michigan party and won a seat.
Dar then spent three semesters as the
co-chair of then-defunct International
Student Affairs Commission. Dar has
since revitalized the commission. He also
spent two semesters as vice chair and then
chair of the Executive Relations Commit-
See DAR, Page 7

Tax help, pro bono

'U' law clinic seeks
to help poor deal
with IRS
For the Daily
A woman taking care of a child
whose father is in jail finds her-
self in a dispute with the Inter-
nal Revenue Service over a tax

deduction for dependents, which
would save her money and allow
her to better care for the child.
The child's mother is not in the
picture, but the woman performs
all the duties of a parent. Because
she makes less than $30,000, she
can't afford legal representation
in order to fight for her deduc-
It's clients like these that the
Law School hopes to help with
the low-income taxpayer clinic it
opened in January.

April 15 is the deadline to file
for federal taxes, and many find
themselves unsure of how to
tackle it or in need of legal assis-
tance, which can be expensive.
The clinic is designed to offer
local, low-income clients legal
representation for tax contro-
versy cases. Tax-licensed attor-
ney and Adjunct Law Prof. Nicole
Appleberry supervises the six
law students who run the clinic,
which is funded by an IRS grant
See COURT, Page 7

School of Music Junior
Amos Wolf, part of
the cast of the musical
'Assassins', at Firing
Line shooting range in
Westland on Saturday
morning. Director Ste-
phen Sposito took the
group there so the cast
could feel what it is like
to hold and fire an actual
gun.Nineof the17 cast
members in assassins
fire propguns during the
tshow. The guns used at
the range were chosen
based on similarities to
those in the musical.

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Davidson College goes loan free

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