IIMPROVED AN EDGE THE STATEMENT TOBY MITCHELL: AMERICANS, GIVE HOPE A CHANCE OPINION, PAGE 4A EXHIBIT SHOWS AUTOMOTIVE DECLINE IN PHOTOGRAPHS ARTS, PAGE 5A Oie ffidI43an BrIj Ann Arbor, richigar www.michigandailycom Wednesday, January 10,2007 'U'to stop using affirmative action today PETER SCHiOTTENFELS/Daily Every Three Weekly Editor in Chief Justin Wynn poses with a copy of the November issue of the pouaar campas humor yablic. Business School administrators considered throwing away copies of the issue being distributed in tbeir bailding, according toua leaked e-mail excbange. B-school takes on humor rag E-mails show fake front front-page story on Proposal 2 in the magazine's administrators November issue headlined "White Students with Black- considered Sounding Names Rejoice at Passage of Proposal 2." trashing copies The students complained to Business School adminis- By JAKE HOLMES trators. Daily StaffReporter In the correspondence, one of the administrators agreed An e-mail discussion to throw out copies of the between two Business School Onion-like parody newspaper administrators about how to distributed at the Business silence The Michigan Every School. Three Weekly, an often-con- An e-mail obtained by the troversial campus humor Every Three Weekly suggest- publication, backfired last ed, "Why don't we just agree month when the messages to toss 'em out when they get were leaked to the magazine's here?!" editors. The e-mails were leaked The Every Three Weekly and forwarded to the editors. printed the e-mails in its Justin Wynneditorin chief December issue. of the Every Three Weekly, According to one of the said he knew the identity of messages, sent by a Business the admissions staffer and Schooladmissionsofficertoan the person who leaked the e- assistant dean, several black mails, but he would not dis- students were offended by a close them. "He didn't seem to agree with what the (administra- tors) had decided," Wynn said. Wynn said because the newspaper is a student publi- cation funded by the Univer- sity, it can be distributed in any campus building. Having never experienced a distribution problem before, Wynn said he was unsure how to respond. The Every Three Weekly published the leaked e-mails in its December issue and asked readers to complain to University faculty. At least one student wrote to Univer- sity President Mary Sue Cole- man about the issue. Wynn said the Every Three Weekly would still be distrib- uted to the Business School, no matter what administra- tors do. "If they end up throwing them out, we'll bring more," he said. Business School spokesman CONTROVERSIAL NEWS The Michigan Every Three Weekly has lampooned just about everyone in recent years. Here are some examples: * Phelpsto Major in Pussy . DPS Attributes Sexual Assault to Presence of Vagina * North Campus Officially Renamed "Butt-F*king Egypt" * Michigamua office to be Converted to Big Chief Win-um Casino 0 President Bush to Forego Traditional Suit, Tie for "God Hates Fags" T-Shirt Admissions had been suspended while a plan was formulated ByAMANDA MARKOWITZ Daily StaffReporter The University will stop considering race and gender in admissions immediately, according to an e-mail sent to the University community early this morning. "We will proceed cau- tiously by adjusting our admissions and financial aid policies such that race and gender will have no effect on the decision-making pro- cess," University President Mary Sue Coleman and Uni- versity Provost Teresa Sul- livan wrote in the e-mail. "We take these actions with regret, because we believe it would be fair to applicantsfor us to wait until after the con- clusion-of the current cycle before making any changes." By Any Means Necessary, the confrontational pro- affirmative action group, has filed a lawsuit asking the United States Supreme Court to allow the University of Michigan, Wayne State Uni- versity and Michigan State University to complete their admissions cycles before implementing Proposal 2, the group's national chair said at a press conference on the steps of the Michigan Union yesterday. Last month, a federal district court granted the three universities a tempo- rary injunction, delayingthe implementation of Proposal 2 until July, allowing the three universities to com- plete their current admis- sions cycles under their current affirmative action programs. But the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed that deci- sion10 days later,requiringthe universities to comply with the law immediately. The Uni- versity of Michigan stopped considering applications until today to give it time to formu- late a plan. The BAMN filing asks the Supreme Court to prevent the 6th Circuit's decision from taking effect, sparing the universities from having to change their admissions poli- cies in the middle of the cycle. Alan Foutz, an attorney for The Pacific Legal Foun- dation, a law firm based in California that opposes affir- mative action, said he doubts that the high court will rule on the case. "I cannot conceive of the Supreme Court taking any action," he said. Foutz said that the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals was only able to stay the injunction that the District Court had allowed because it did not involve judgment on whether or not Proposal 2 would be implemented. Proposition 209, a sim- milar anti-affirmative action law, was passed in Califor- nia 10 years ago and was the model for Proposal 2. An injunction, later over- turned by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, delayed the implementation of Prop- osition 209 for nearly a year and gave California's state universities considerable time to adjust their affirma- tive action programs. Still the University of Cal- ifornia system saw minority enrollment plummet at its flagship universities in the years immediately following the passage of Proposition 209. Paul Gediman said he doesn't believe any copies of the paper were actually removed, and said that staff merely dis- cussed the possibility. Gediman said the admin- istrators mishandled the matter. He said the Busi- ness School must monitor the contents of papers dis- tributed in their buildings for "inappropriate or offen- sive" material, because the Business School attracts both students and business professionals. One ofthe anonymous Busi- ness School administrators agreed in an e-mail published by the Every Three Weekly. "I'm thinking the paper may claim free speech, but Larry Flynt and Hustler are protected by free speech and we wouldn't have to let them give away copies in our lobby," the administrators wrote. The November issue of the publication, with its poten- tially offensive front page, sat See HUMOR RAG, page 3A At housing fair, pleasant surprises A PICTURE OF BRILLIANCE Students happy, but some landlords are struggling By KATIE MITCHELL Daily StaffReporter Despite waiting until January to look for a place to live next year, Engineering freshman Alex Manwell and two of his friends weren't worried as they wan- dered through the car- nival-like booths at the University's Housing Fair in the Michigan Union Ballroom Mon- day afternoon.M Just over a month into the leasing period for many off-campus prop- erties, most students and landlords said they were content with this year's housing market. "There is a lot more available than I thought WHAT'S LEFT there would be," Man- well said. A sampling of listings f That may or may campus housing still a' not be the result of a new housing law. Last 0 715 Hill St. March, the Ann Arbor Five units available City Council passed an ordinance prohibiting 0 3660 Windemere Dr landlords from show- Three units available ing properties and sign- ing leases until 90 days 0 602 Catherine into the current leasing Two units available period. For most leases, that meant potential 828 Greene St renters couldn't sign One unit available until Dec. 1. A clause in the ordinance requires . 912 S. Forest St. its review by the City Oneunitavailable Council this spring. Before the ordi- Kelley Deegan,; nance, students often resentative from felt pressured to sign lowtree Apartmen leases as early as Sep- North Campus, sai tember. Freshmen in leases at the compl particular were often up from last year. forced into a market Deegan said that they may not have thought the ordi understood. which many area Several landlords said lords opposed, end they are faring better being a good thingf than last year. See HOUSING, p for off- vailable 'U' alum has received Marshall, Fulbright scholarships By EMILY BARTON Daily StaffReporter Movie stardom isn't the only way to get into Glamour Magazine. Lyric Chen, who graduated from the Universi- ty last spring, snuck her name in the glossy fashion maga- zine a different way - aca- demics. Chen was named one of Glamour's "Top Ten Col- lege Women of the Year" in November. Glamour top ten list isn't the only award Chen grabbed last year. Chen is one of the 2006 recipients of the prestigious Marshall Scholarship, award- ed to about 40 graduates of American universities each year. The scholarship gives stu- dents two years to pursue an education in the United King- dom. It requires its recipients to be "talented, independent and wide-ranging," accord- ing to Elleanor Crown, Chen's academic advisor in the LSA Honors Program. In addition to her stellar work in the classroom, Chen spent her summers immersed in policy and social concerns. She worked for organizations like South Carolina Center for Equal Justice, the Wisconsin Employment Relations Com- mission and Sen. Russ Fein- gold's campaign committee. After graduation, she worked on extradition cases for a gov- ernment prosecutor. Chen said her impressive resume is the result of a wide range of motivations. "Curiosity is a big driving force," she said in an e-mail interview. "I love to learn new things and delve deeply into topics," she said. Chen saidshe plans to "pur- sue a combination of teach- ing, conducting research and See SCHOLARSHIP, page 3A a rep- Wil- nts onY d new ex area sheP nance,? land-r led up RCsophomores Susan Reed (left) and Elizabeth Fox (in red) discuss housing notions for her with Landmark Real Estate owners Julia Yeh (bottom right) and Jon Wilson at the age 3A housing fair in the Michigan Union Monday. TODAY'S WEATHER HI:31 GOT ANEWS TIP? Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail LO: 26 news@michgandaily.com and let us know. COMING THURSDAY The year in music: Daily Arts picks its favorites from 2006 B-SIDE INDEX NEWS... ol. CXVINo 73 NEVV3.. (02007 The Michigan Daily S U D O K U... michigandaily.com OPINION.. ..........2 A A RTS ................... .3A SPORTS ................ .........4A THE STATEMENT.. .SA .7A ..1B I