4A - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com I Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 413 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 tothedaily@umich.edu KARL STAMPFL IMRAN SYED JEFFREY BLOOMER EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Cheap rides Megabus helpful to students, should be expanded W hat can you buy with a dollar? Believe it or not, you can buy a 4-hour-40-minute bus ride directly from Ann Arbor to the hippest city in the Midwest - Chicago. I've always cared about global warming ... but now there seems to be an urgency." - Actress Jennifer Garner admitting that learning the scope of global warming made her cry, as reported yesterday by the Post Chronicle. Admitting a mistake 4 Megabus.com, a company that provides cheap transportation between Midwestern cities, recently announced that it will be offering rides from Ann Arbor to Chicago for as little as a buck. Prices range from $1 to $30, and rides can be booked up to 45 days in advance. Not surprisingly, the sooner you book, the cheaper the fare. Finally having a viable alternative to the expensive Amtrak and the slow and just generally bad Greyhound is obviously good news to students. Greyhound is noted to have tedious routes: A simple one-hour trip to East Lansing can turn into a 4.5-hour trek through every cor- ner of Michigan. Amtrak, on the other hand, while more pleasant to ride, is also signifi- cantly more expensive than Megabus. Not only will Megabus be a cheaper, faster and more convenient mode of travel for out-of-state students, it can also work to strengthen this area's important connec- tion to Chicago. With minimal investment required by the state, the new bus service links this area to the hustle and bustle of the Windy City. It's great that students can access this new and improved service for their traveling needs while promoting public transporta- tion. Also, the service is convenient enough to be used by more than just students. More people travelingbybus will mean less people will be driving their cars, a definite bonus considering what such a switch can do to curb greenhouse emissions. Along those lines, expanding this service to more than just Chicago should be a priority. With public transportation within this region almost non-existent, perhaps a service like Megabus can help change perceptions. was a little reluctant to go see the new movie "300." This film about a heroic Spartan king whose defeat by invading Persians united Greece and preserved the ideals of freedom and democracy seemed like propaganda for Bush's war against terror- ism. After all, Per- sia is the old name for Bush's next target, Iran, and ' treacherous Dem- ocrats - oops, I mean Spartan pol- ticians - oppose the heroic Spartan TOBY king's troop surge. MITCHELL It turns out I didn't need to worry. There's no mistaking this pubescent power fan- tasy for political allegory. A kind of war pornography full of blood and guts, the film does manage to drum up sympathy for the freedom-lov- ing, borderline-psychotic Spartan kamikazes and their cause. But the analogy to current events doesn't fit. No American war since the Second World War could be considered a fight for freedom. Bush has tried to put this war on the same footing as the fights against communism or fascism. Over the past several years, even liberals like New York -Times columnist Tom Friedman, Sen. Joe Lieberman (D, then I-Coon.) and a couple of recent Daily editorial page editors have sup- ported the war on similarly simplis- tic terms. But from the perspective of the Middle East, America is not the noble freedom fighters. It's the invading empire. The history ofthe Americanempire in the Middle East is an open secret. In the early 1950s, a leader named Mosaddeq in Iran tried to found a genuine Middle Eastern democracy. Since Mosaddeq wanted to take back control of Iran's oil industry, the Brit- ish asked America to intervene to protect their oil fields. The CIA instigated a coup that put a dictator called the Shah in charge of Iran. The Shah kept the oil flow- ing westward, all the while suppress- ing dissent, imprisoning opponents, spending huge sums of state money on lavish parties and monopolizing power for nearly 20 years. The Islamic revolution broke out in Iran not because its people hated our freedom but simply because they hated our foreign policy. America became their "Great Satan" partly because we had placed a brutal dicta- tor in charge of their country. To push back against Iran, Amer- ica allowed the sale of weapons of mass destruction to an anti-Iranian dictator in Iraq. His name was Sad- dam Hussein. President George W. Bush claimed that Hussein possessed facilities to manufacture chemical weapons in Fallujah. He had good reason to believe it: President Rea- gan had allowed the British firm Uhde ltd. to build a chemical weap- ons facility there. When "Operation Iraqi Freedom" began, you could forgive the Iraqis for being skeptical. They suspected that their would-be liberators were playing a cynical geopolitical chess game, because that's what America has done in the region for 50 years. Is this a Chomskyite radical-left- ist conspiracy theory? Not really. My main source is the Encyclopedia Britannica. The facts aren't hidden, they're ignored, and they're ignored because Americans would rather believe that they're heroes. The slogan everyone will remem- ber is "they hate our freedoms" - as if the terrorists were simply so jeal- ous of America's overwhelming awesomeness that they attacked out of sheer envy. The real solution- for Iraq is as simple as it is humbling. Admit the war was a mistake. Formally apolo- gize to both Iraq and the world for going to war without international sanction against a non-threaten- ing country and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Stop demanding that Iraqis "step up and take responsibility"; that's like telling a woman you've just raped to stop whining and get over it. Investigate war profiteering, con- tractor fraud and detainee torture. If the chain of responsibility goes all the way to the top, impeach Bush, Cheney, Rice and company en masse and deport them to the Hague to stand trial for war crimes. Then ask for international aid to help Iraq - only when the world knows that America has given up its imperial ambitions will it offer help. And only an international force will give the reconstruction effort the legitimacy it needs. More than '300' have died for Bush's vanity. This is the real way forward in Iraq. Anything less is a palliative designed to soothe the egos and cover the asses of the fools who led this nation into war to serve their narcisstic wish-fulfillment flight- suit fantasies. In their defense they'll claim as Vice. President Cheney has that such a plan means that "our troops will have died in vain." To this admin- istration, our soldiers are props to stand next to Republican officials. The amputees, the brain-damaged, all the unglamorous used-up detri- tus of real flesh-and-blood war are shoved into dilapidated hospitals and forgotten before they cansmudge our image of the conquering hero. The real question is not whether our troops have died in vain, but whether they will continue to die for vanity. Toby Mitchell can be reached at tojami@umich.edu. MICHIGAN ACTION PARTY Vote MAP for MSA, LSA-SG On March 21 and 22, students will have the opportunity to vote for their next student gov- ernment representatives and executives on both the Michigan Student Assembly and LSA Student Government. Although voter turnout has hovered around 20 percent in recent elec- tions, the impact of these elections on the lives of students throughout the University should motivate all of us to cast informed votes on election day. As the presidential and vice-pres- idential candidates for the Michigan Action Party, we would like to outline our party's commitment to improving the lives of students at this university. We chose to run as candidates with MAP because of the passion and experience of its members who are working on issues that most affect students. Our party slogan, "Protecting Your Rights, Protecting Your Wallet, Taking Action for YOU!" emphasizes our commitment to focus on the concerns that students consider mostimportantin theirlives -without bringing specific political ideologies to student govern- ment. From campus safety to academic require- ments, MAP will continue to work tirelessly in MSA and LSA-SG on behalf of the students. In the spirit of our goal of "Protecting Your Rights,"the candidates for MSA will work with the Ann Arbor City Council to close the loop- hole in the recently implemented Lease Sign- ing Ordinance to keep landlords from bending rules in their favor instead of yours. We will also work with city and campus officials to improve lighting, both on campus and in the surrounding community, so that students will be safer walking home at night. Additionally, the candidates for LSA-SG will develop an Academic Rights Campaign that will publi- cize students' academic rights and make them more accessible to everyone. The information will include helpful facts like the requirement for professors to accommodate students who miss classes and exams for religious holidays. Along with our commitment to the rights of students, MAP will work to protect your wal- let. Both the MSA and LSA-SG candidates will continue their efforts to make textbook lists available earlier so you have the opportunity to search for the lowest prices. The MSA can- didates will also push for the addition of more materials to be available on the CTools website so that students can choose whether they wish to print out the readings for a fraction of the price of a course pack or save even more money and read them online. The LSA-SG candidates will also work to protect students' wallets by increasing the number of study abroad pro- grams recognized by the University, allow- ing students to apply for financial aid to cover their expenses. We members of the Michigan Action Party will also "Take Action for YOU!" on important issues in all areas of student life. The MSA can- didates will continue to improve the student group funding application process by reaching out to student groups to educate them on the process and to help them save time and effort. The LSA-SG candidates will work with admin- istrators to help facilitate smoother transitions for international and transfer students by sim- plifying registration for their first semester of classes. One of our major goals for both MSA and LSA-SG involves addressing the climate of our campus in the wake of the passage of Proposal 2.We are strongly dedicatedtomaintainingthe valuable diversity of the student body, and we will work with administrators and students to find effective means to encourage people of all backgrounds to apply to our great university. We will also use the resources of student gov- ernment to encourage companies to continue recruiting students with the same intensity as before and not let the passage of Proposal 2 discourage this effort (which happened at the University of Wisconsin after it terminated its affirmative action programs). MAP is commit- ted to ensuring that the experience of every student is represented and valued in the uni- versity community. When you cast your vote for student gov- ernment on March 21 and 22, choose the party whose members are committed to the issues that matter most to you by electing the candidates of the Michigan Action Party. Check out our website at www.michiganac- tionparty.com for our complete platform and more information. Zack Yost is an Engineeringjunior and the MAP candidate for MSA President. Mohammad Dar is an LSA junior and the MAP candidate for MSA Vice President. Keith Reisinger is an LSA sophomore and the MAP candidate for LSA-SG President: Hannah Madoff is an LSA sophomore and the MAP candidate for LSA-SG Vice President. THE DEFEND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PARTY Vote DAAP in MSA election If you ... . Do not want to see our univer- sity resegregated . Oppose the occupation of Iraq . Do not think a college education should put you in debt for the rest of your life . Oppose prejudice and discrimi- nation SKnow that immigrants deserve the same respect and dignity as other human beings * Think that students should have rights and that student government should be independent * Believe that justice is worth standing up for ... then you should vote for the Defend Affirmative Action Party in the March 21 and 22 student govern- ment election. We believe deeply that the Michi- gan Student Assembly should be an independent voice for our interests as students; that it should stand up for students' rights, oppose tuition increases and marshal the kind of resources and collective effort nec- essary to make our campus safe for female students. All these things are possible; they will take deter- mination and struggle. There is no reason the student government of our university has to be simply an irrelevant student auxiliary to the administration. It can and should be a genuinely independent voice for students. Vote DAAP. Put people of principle on MSA. This MSA election occurs at a key moment; the next couple of months can determine whether or not the passage of Proposal 2 will result in the resegregation of our univer- sity and other campuses across the state. Following the passage of Proposi- tion 209 in California, administra- tors in the University of California system declined to continue using any effective measures to integrate their campuses. Underrepresented minority enrollment plummeted as a result. We can prevent that from happening in Michigan, but we must act now as the policies to respond to Proposal 2 are being formulated. Thrust into the national spotlight by the two recent anti-affirmative action lawsuits and Ward Conner- ly's ballot proposals, our university now carries both the burden and the opportunity of playing the leading role in defending integration nation- ally. Other colleges and universities across the state will gauge their responses to Proposal 2 based on the response of this university. Vot- ing for DAAP is one of the key ways that students can participate in this struggle. For all students on this campus, the fight over affirmative action is part of a larger conflict over the his- torical direction of the state and the nation, about what our society can and ought to be. For minority stu- dents in particular, this fight means far more than just an abstract, intel- lectual debate. What some have portrayed as being merely a dis- agreement over . legal interpreta- tion has, in reality, been an ongoing attack on the intellectual capacity of every black, Hispanic and Native American student on campus. It has meant the constant pressure to work twice as hard for half the respect, to forget or to hide one's true self and to perform under magnified scru- tiny. The Defend Affirmative Action Party completely rejects the notion that, having been "given" the opportunity to attend the Univer- sity, minority students must, in exchange, tolerate and defer to daily racist treatment. This hostile cam- pus climate is unacceptable, and DAAP aims to change it. We know that when we fight, we can win. The Defend Affirmative Action Party played a key role in organizing and leading the 50,000- person march on Washington that successfully urged the U.S. Supreme Court to defend affirmative action programs. But we also know that the fate of affirmative action pro- grams is not determined by indi- vidual lawsuits and ballot proposals. Defending the project of integration requires the power and the leader- ship of a new civil rights movement. DAAP exists to build and empower that movement. Maricruz Lopez is an LSA sophomore and the DAAP candidate for MSA President. Sarah Barnard is an LSA senior and the DAAP candidate for MSA Vice President. Liana Mulholland is an Art and Design sophomore and a DAAP candidate for MSA representative. Yousef Rabhi is an LSA freshman and a DAAP candidate for MSA representative. TIM HULL, Vote independent for change As you may know, studentgovernment elec- tions are coming up. For most on this campus, this means absolutely nothing. After all, what does MSA do for most students? Yes, there are occasionally things that MSA does - such as the Airbus airport transportation service and the ill-fated Ludacris concert in the fall of 2005 - but these are the exceptions. Even if you are one of the few students who do make use of MSA, you may be wondering, why vote? After all, the Michigan Action Party is in position to easily win the vast majority of seats. As a former non-voter, I recognize this apa- thy. However, instead of simply not voting and poking fun at every MSA scandal, I decided to do something about it. I applied for a vacant representative position and was appointed to fill the position. After my term expired, I became the co-chair of the Students with Dis- abilities Select Committee. In the time I have been involved in MSA, I have been actively working on several impor- tant student issues. I met with members of the Residence Halls Association last year and dis- cussed possible improvements to meal plans - some of which were implemented. I worked on improving Advice Online to make the course information website a useful resource. Finally, I have been working on making MSA more aware of issues relating to marginalized groups on campus - especially students with disabilities. Although these types of issues are impor- tant to deal with, there is another issue that may in fact be more important - MSA's rela- tive inaccessibility to those outside the cur- rent establishment. I feel that MSA is failing students on this issue. For example, there are few defined positions for students who want to get involved outside of elections. Addingto the problem, MSA's disproportionalsystemofelec- tions makes it difficult to win a seat without being part of the majority party. If MSA ever wants to become more relevant to students, it needs to fix issues that make it difficult to get involved. In my time on MSA, I have done what I can to help resolve these issues, despite the general disinterest of the MSA establishment. Although I may not be able to change the world, I can ensure that your voice - that of the apathetic student - can be heard. The Michigan Action Party may very well win a vast majority of the seats,but that doesn't mean that I can't work to effect change as a represen- tative. By voting, you have the opportunity to help make MSA more relevant and to express your dissatisfaction with the status quo. For more info about my platform or to vote on March 21 and 22, please visit my website www.TimHull.org. Tim Hull is an LSA junior and an independent candidate for MSA representative. MICHAEL RADTKE Vote independent for results My name is Michael Radtke, and I am running as an independent for LSA Student Government represen- tative. Last September, I decided to join Student Government's Academic Affairs Committee. I decided that there were several issues facing the university community that I wanted to help solve. This January, I decided I really wanted to make an impact, so I applied and was appointed an LSA Student Government representative. I applied for this position because I was concerned about the impact party politics had on student govern- ment. The Michigan Action Party is the only political party currently involved in government, and I feel many students are not being well- represented by MAP. I wanted tobe a clear, independent alternative to the current one-party system. I felt many MAP representatives are letting their personal ambitions cloud their judgment. Most resolu- tions and business that have come up for a vote have only received token opposition and little debate, because almost all members of government belong to one political party. I wanted to use my vote as an inde- pendent to cast a bright light on gov- ernment and to make a difference for all LSA students. I want to make student government more open and accessible to the students it serves. Currently, I amwriting a resolution to require allmeetingminutes andissues to be placed on the LSA-SG website. My current AAC project is to stan- dardize internship credit across the LSA curriculum in order to encourage students to volunteer their time and effort to both political and non-profit organizations that work for change in our communities. I believe that stan- dardizing internship credit will help combat the apathy that many people feel has seized our campus. I also currently serve on the Race and Ethnicity Taskforce, working to revise this much-debated require- ment. The taskforce is striving to make the R&E requirement apply to more classes that focus on different forms of discrimination. Iencourage students to come to my office hours Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. in the Michigan Union room 4152, to get to know both me and my policies. I want to get to know the students I serve. I want to know what problems LSA students face and how LSA Student Government can better help them. I encourage students to join my Facebook group, "Mike Radtke for LSA-SG Representative," to ask questions and see how I want to help change our university for the better. And please vote for Michael Radtke, independent for LSA-SG representative, on March 21 and 22. Michael Radtke is an LSA junior and an independent candidate for LSA-SG representative. 4 I