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March 09, 2007 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-03-09

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 9

The leaders and Dest

* Senior defenseman
makes key
contributions behind
the scenes
Daily Sports Writer
Heading into the season, alter-
nate captain Jason Dest was on
pace to become Michigan hockey's
Iron Man, breaking Rob Brown's
record of 164 consecutive games
played. After missing the first game
of his freshman season, Dest played
in every game for nearly three-and-
a-half seasons and, if healthy, would
have broken the record in the fourth
playoff game.
But Dest suffered a shoulder
injury on Dec. 2 at Western Michi-
gan and missed two games against
Notre Dame, ending his chance at
the record.
Even if that streak was intact, it's
doubtful Dest would be paying too
much attention to it. That's just not
the type of player he's become.
"Just because it didn't happen
it's not much of a disappointment,
because there are bigger and bet-
ter things to worry about with the
team," Dest said.
At the end of his classic book
about his life in hockey, former
Montreal Canadiens goaltender
Ken Dryden includes a poem about
what it means to be a hockey player.
Dryden paints the picture of the
consummate teammate.
I love to play.
I want to win ...
It matters to me ifI win or lose ...
I want to be part of something
more important than me...
I want to be better than I was yes-
That's Dest, according to assis-
tant coach Billy Powers.
"His concern for the team's suc-
cess overrides any personal success
that he would have," Powers said.
"That's the ultimate compliment
that you can pay a guy. He clearly
cares more about the 'W' than any-
thingthat has to do with his stats."
Unlike many of his teammates
who earn the accolades and hype
for their offensive success, it is more
difficult to quantify Dest's contri-
There is no official statistic that
tallies bone-jarring hits or pucks
cleared out of trouble. These are
qualities that can be overlooked
on the stat sheet. But his effort is
most reflected by the scoreboard or,
rather, what doesn't go on it. Silenc-
ing the opposing team's top line and
killing off penalties are of utmost
importance, especially in the play-
The Fraser native understands

draft-eligible, top-six defenseman
that has gone undrafted. Beren-
son believes this fact will have no
impact on Dest's post-collegiate
hockey career.
"It doesn't really matter if you get
drafted," Berenson said. "What
matters is the player that you
become.I don't know if Dest
wants to try pro hockey, but
if he does, I'm sure there
will be teams that are inter-
But professional hock-
ey is the last thing on
Dest's mind. Right now,
he is focused on quieting
the Northern Michigan
offense and doing what-
ever he can do to help the
team win.
"It's really going to be keep-
ing the puck out of our net and
letting the offense take care of
itself by taking care of our end
first," Dest said. "I'm going to
try to be a leader in that aspect
of the game."
When people look back on
great hockey moments, they
often remember overtime
goals that allow one team to
advance in the playoffs or
acrobatic saves that a goalie
made to keep his team ahead.
But fans rarely think about
the poke check that prevent-
ed a team from threatening or
the initial pass that started
the game-winning rush.
But these are the small
plays that can lead to the
memorable moments.
Though Dest has scored
just one goal and nine
assists this season, he
has been a steady
contributor on the
blue line through-
out his Michi-
gan career and
could make'
the season-
play in the
next few

Senior Jason Dest serves as an alternate captain, often mentoring younger teammates. Assistant coach Billy Powers compared
Dest's presence in the locker room to that of another coach's.

his role as a defensive defenseman
and knows where to look to check if
he's succeeding - the final score.
"(Dest is) a kid who takes pride in
playing againstthe other team's best
player and shutting them out, being
a plus player, being a physical pres-
ence on the ice, being a top penalty
killer," said Powers, who recruited
Dest from the Omaha Lancers of the
United States Hockey League.
When Dest first came to Michi-
gan, he was paired alongside then-
junior Eric Werner. Having aveteran
player next to him allowed Dest to
ease into the system, according to
Michigan coach Red Berenson.
"When the puck was dumped in,
Werner would be back," Berenson
said. "Dest did what he thought he
needed to do, but Werner was in
charge. Now, Dest's in charge."
Dest realized that he needed to
do more. He has developed into the
leaderonhis defensive pairing. Once
the rookie next to a junior, Dest is
now the senior next to the freshman
with newcomer Steve Kampfer. In
between shifts, Dest imparts some
of his observations and motivation
onto the freshman defender.
"On the bench, he lets you know

how he feels," Kampfer said. "If
you're not having a good shift, he's
is going to get on you and tell you
that you need to pick it up ... Any-
thing he says, I take to heart. I listen
to what he says and try to work on it
every day."
His transformation from pas-
sive to assertive has occurred in
the locker room as well. Dest has
provided the same vocal leadership
with the rest of the team that he has
with his defensive partner. When
seniors Matt Hunwick, T.J. Hensick
and Dest were announced as the
team captains before the season,
Dest's inclusion in that group sur-
prised many fans. But what those
outside observers don't see are
Dest's behind-the-scenes contribu-
tions, especially how he connects
with the team's younger players.
As an alternate captain, Dest has
separated himself from the team's
other leaders as the louder one. In
fact, Powers likened Dest's locker-
room presence to that of another
"He has taken it upon himself to
put his hat in the ring as far as mak-
ing sure that everybody is aware of
what is going onon a week-to-week

basis," Powers said. "He's kind of
the (team's) conscience."
Dest's consistency has made him
an example for his teammates to
follow. Playing in 159-of-161 games
will do that for a player.
"He's ready to play every single
game," senior Tim Cook said. "You
know what you will get from him
and there's no question that he'll be
ready to play. For the younger guys,
that's a really positive thing to see."
Cook can attest to this consis-
tency. He has been Dest's teammate
for the past six years. Two years
before coming to Michigan, Cook
and Dest first met at a "Planetof the
Apes" movie night for the rookies in
They have been teammates ever
"He's pretty much the same
player now that he was back
then," Cook said. "He is a lot
more experienced and a lot bet-
ter and stronger. But he's always 4
been a solid player who is very
responsible back there."
As dependable as Dest has been
on the defense, he has not garnered
the same NHL hype his fellow
blue liners have. Dest is the only


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