Cagers stay in Big Dance chase with win over ranked
Indiana at Crisler Arena
112Midigan fail
nn Arborvhichi
Monday February 19, 2007
Minority admissions plummet
Numbers point to
dramatic effect of
affirmative action ban
Daily News Editor
The acceptance rate of under-
represented minorities has plunged
since the University was forced
to stop using affirmative action in
January, according to data provid-
ed by the University.
The numbers suggest that the
affirmative action ban passed by
state voters in November has had a
dramatic effect on admissions deci-
University officials, though,
are cautioning against reading too
much into the preliminary num-
Before the 6th Circuit Court of
Appeals overturned an injunction
delaying the implementation of
the affirmative action ban on Dec.
27 of last year, the University had
admitted 76 percent of the under-
represented minority applicants it
It only admitted 33 percent of
underrepresented minority appli-
cants considered after the Univer-
sity stopped taking an applicant's
race into account - a decline of 43
The acceptance rate of non-
underrepresented minority appli-
cants to the University also fell over
the same period, but by a less dra-
matic amount. Sixty-four percent
of non-underrepresented minority
applicants considered before the
ban took effect were admitted com-
pared with about 40 percent after-
wards - a decline of 24 percent.
Typically, the admissions rate
declines for all applicants as the
cycle progresses as the University
tries to admit the right number of
students to fill the freshman class.
During the 2005-2006 admis-
sions cycle, the acceptance rate for
non-minority students declined by
12 percent from the end of Decem-
ber through early February.
In the same year, the underrep-
resented minority acceptance rate
skyrocketed from 65 percent for
applicants considered before the
end of December to 84 percent for
applicants reviewed between Jan.7
and Feb. 11.
This year, the picture was quite
The acceptance rate among
underrepresented minorities
declined at a much more dramatic
rate than the rate of the applicant
pool as a whole.
University spokeswoman Julie
Peterson cautioned against attrib-
uting too much of the drop in
Percent of underrepresented minority appli- Percent of underrepresented minority appli-
cants accepted beforethe University stopped cants accepted afterithe University stopped
using affirmative action in early January using affirmative action in earlyJanuary
Percent of underrepresented minority applicants
accepted byDec.31 duringthe05-06cyle
Percent of underrepresented minority applicants
Group needles
'U' on apparel
A ta
the Un
a stop:
day aft
ers we
them it
by. Th
their w
to Uni'
the D
otesters call on gram. The program would restrict
production of University apparel
leman to adopt to suppliers that the program says
do not use sweatshop labor.
weatshop-free when they passed the tour
group, SOLE member Blase
program Kearney seized the opportunity,
approaching .visitors and urg-
By Paul Blumer ing them not to buy University of
Daily StaffReporter Michigan apparel until the Uni-
versity adopts the Designated
our group of prospective Suppliers Program.
ts roaming campus was After they were finished, they
I to a brief interruption of headed to Fleming.
iversity's sales pitch during The protest was sponsored by
in the Michigan Union Fri- the Sweatfree Coalition, an alli-
ernoon. ance of groups including Students
;pective students and their Organizing for Labor and Eco-
s gaped as about 30 protest- nomic Equality and the University
aring black T-shirts with chapters of Amnesty Internation-
Sweatshops" written on al and the American Civil Liber-
n stark white letters walked ties Union.
e protesters also wore blue The protesters were greeted
nas over their faces, bank- at the door of Fleming by a plain-
style. clothes Department of Public
protesterswere students on Safety sergeant, who told protest-
'ay to the Fleming Adminis- ers that no one was in the office
Building to deliver a letter who they could speak with.
versity President Mary Sue Kearney told the sergeant that
an urging her to sign on to the protesters were unarmed and
esignated Suppliers Pro- See SWEATSHOPS, page 7A
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: University students Katie Horne, Devin Drake, Kelsey Shultis, Kevin Stahl, Anna McAlpine and Jack Doehring in front of their art installation pro-
testing a diorama of Native Americans at the University's Museum of Natural History.
With art, students draw attention
to Native American dioramas
Depictions of
Native Americans
among animals
deemed insensitive
Daily StaffReporter
Children pressed their faces
against translucent mesh covering
the glass protecting dioramas of
Native American life before Euro-
pean colonization in the Museum
of Natural History yesterday after-
The children had come to the
museum to look at its exhibits, but
found themselves at an art show
meant to critique the museum's
The installation surrounding
the Native American dioramas was
one of many created by groups of
students from a School of Art and
Design class.
It was meant to draw attention
to the insensitivity of the diora-
mas, said Art and Design senior
Kevin Stahl, who helped create the
display. Some people believe the
dioramas objectify Native Ameri-
cans because other cultures aren't
represented in the museum.
The only other dioramas in the
museum are of animals.
"It constructs the idea that cer-
tain people belong in the museum
and certain people don't," said
Veronica Pasfield, a Rackham stu-
dent of Native American descent.
"Why are human beings in a muse-
um of natural history? Why are
they in there with the rocks and
dead animals?"
Pasfield inspired Stahl to do the
ate student instructor in an English
class last year. She is researching
the way Native Americans have
been depicted in museums.
The group stretched translucent
mesh across the dioramas to make
it hard for visitors to see them.
"It could be compared to the way
a television program censors foul
language or human body parts,"
See MUSEUM, page 3A
LsA juniors Adam Lax (front) and Andres Ramos (back) duringa silent protest
outside University President Mary Sue Coleman's office Friday.
Ex-NFL commish
talks about talking
By ANDY REID team's jersey to the event.
Daily Sports Writer The Ross School's Yaffe Center
for Persuasive Communication
Paul Tagliabue, the former welcomed Tagliabue for a public
NFL commissioner who led the lecture titled "Persuasion: Les-
league's transformation from a sons Learned in the NFL."
popular sports entertainment Tagliabue, whose tenure as
franchise into a $6-billion-a-year NFL commissioner spanned 17
industry, addressed a crowd at years, attributed much of his suc-
Rackham Auditorium Friday that cess to effective communication
was a mix of business savvy-stu- with owners, coaches, players and
dents and dedicated football fans, communities.
many of whom wore their favorite See TAGLIABUE, page 3A
U' aims to keep upperclassmen in dorms
Changes include
converting some
rooms to singles
Daily StaffReporter
University Housing is making
changes that it hopes will encour-
age students to stay in the dorms
after their freshman year.
While nearly all of the Univer-
sity's first-year students live in
the residence halls - over 5,000
students annually - just 4,100
sophomores, juniors and seniors
currently live in on-campus hous-
One of these changes is that
upperclassmen - students re-
applying for housing for their
junior or senior year - will receive
preference in the reapplication
To attract students who might
otherwise move to off-campus
housing, some double and triple
rooms in West Quad, South Quad,
Fletcher and Oxford will be con-
verted into singles and doubles.
The conversions will not lower the
number of students living in resi-
dence halls, though, said Michael
Zabriskie, director of the Housing
Information Office.
"It's hard to bring residents back
after they move out," said LSA
sophomore Tim Bekkers, VP for
public relations for the Residence
Halls Association. "We want to
retain residents by giving priority
to those already living here."
Students will also now be able
to apply to live in Cambridge
House, a set of former hotel rooms
attached to the Michigan Union
and West Quad.
Students living in West Quad
could previously apply to Cam-
bridge House before the rest of
the campus, meaning most of the
rooms were taken by current West
Quad residents before others could
sign up to live there.
"We wanted to give students
from all residence halls an equal
opportunity to live in Cambridge
See DORMS, page 7A
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Photos of Girl Talk in the Michigan League
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