Ad mmkkb.- 9 46F oan4, ailm 1 V N Y E i* -) 11 1. , \ ., , 11 If ;, 'I VFE;]-, V IiAIIS OF1 Dl P I'l I (Al 7 N -) 1.1 JJ . .. .1. f, .) Ann Arbor Michigan riday February 2, 2007 Anewhope for cancer treatment. 'U'researchers find stem cells that cause tumors By ARIKIA MILLIKAN Daily StaffReporter While some stem cells are known for their potential to cure cancer, University researchers have discovered evidence that a different kind of stem cell causes cancer. Understanding them may revolutionize the way cancer is treated. Now researchers at the University's Comprehensive Cancer Center say they have found exactly which cells are responsible for pancreatic cancer, which kills the fourth- most people of any type of cancer. The cells of a tumor are like weeds in a garden. Pulling the weedswillmakethemgo away for a while, but unless the root of the weed is destroyed, they will keep growing back. Cancer stem cells may make up less than 1 percent of a tumor, but research suggests they drive the growth of the entire tumor. Like other types of stem cells - such as adult and embryonic - cancer stem cells have the abilities to make exact copies ofthemselves and differentiate to make many other kinds of cells. They also live much longer than ordi- nary cells. However, unlike adult and embryonic stem cells, which are crucial to development and the production of healthy cells, cancer stem cells make the wrong amount or the wrong type of cell, resulting in tumors that impair vital functions. FROM THE EDITORS It's been quite a ride. More on that later; the outgoing 'seniors will wax nostalgic about the year that was in the Daily on pages 7 and 8. For now, here's what you need to know. You're holding - or reading online - the last issue of the Daily under the current class of editors, If you turn to the next page, you'll see the list of the old guard. That list will change in Monday's paper. If you've been on campus for a while, you might remember that for the last decade or so on the last day of the outgoing edi- tors' tenures, the Daily published a farcical, sometimes Onion-style edition in which we had a little fun. The edition also included senior goodbyes. We've tweaked that a little this year. The senior goodbyes are still there. The rest of the paper, though, is just like the one you read last Friday and the one you'll read a week from now, Everything's factual. Thanks for reading, and enjoy. "We know out of thousands or millions of cells in a tumor, there are only a small percent that cause problems," said Mark Prince, residency direc- tor of the University's Depart- ment of Otolaryngology, where he researches the stem cells responsible for head and neck cancers. One theory suggests that cancer stem cells are either a mutant version of adult stem cells that replenish all of one's healthy bodily tissue or are produced by those cells. Although the hypothesis has existed for decades, a team of University research- ers discovered the actual can- cer stem cells in 2001. They found the first stem cell in a solid tumor while studying breast cancer. Over the past six years, University researchers have gathered evidence that points to can- cer stem cells as the culprit behind several types of can- cer, if not all. So far, cells fitting the bill have been found in breast, head and neck, leukemia, brain, prostate, blood, colon and melanoma tumors, said Mix Wicha, director of the Comprehensive Cancer Cen- ter. "I believe that every cancer has got a stem cell," he said. Results from a study head- ed by Diane Simeone, direc- tor of the Gastrointestinal Oncology Program at the Comprehensive Cancer Cen- ter, were released in the Feb. 1 issue of Cancer Research magazine. The study identi- fied markers associated with the stem cells in pancreatic cancer. This research will provide a starting point for the develop- ment oftreatments for pancreatic See CANCER, page 3 GAME SHOW GLORY Price is right for Engin rosh By DREW PHILP Daily StaffReporter Over Winter Break, Engi neering freshman Jeremy Posner won $40 worth of anti-itch cream. He also won a ceiling fan, which his dad said is "too ugly to put in the house," and $12,500 in cash. And he got it all by playing Plinko with Bob Barker. Posner fulfilled his lifelong dream by competing on the CBS game show "The Price is Right" while in Pasadena over the break. The episode will air Feb. 9 at 11 a.m. Contestants on the 33-year- old game show compete to win money and prizes by guessing the prices of household items like jelly, golf clubs and micro- waves. "This was the highlight of my life," Posner said. "My dad told me I have six Months to get a new goal in life - and this time it couldn't be stu- Posner, who confessed to sometimes faking sick in high school to watch The Price is Right, nearly didn't make it onto the show. After getting in line at 5:30 a.m. wearing a handwritten "Bob is Great" t-shirt, he was told he was the 35th standby. "I was upset," he said. "The people in the front of the line had been sleeping there since 10:30 the night before." After breakfast and a quick trip to a nearby farmer's mar- ket, Posner's luck turned. An entire tourist group had not shown up. He was in. RODRIGO GAYA/Da iy Despite what ii may seem Engineering freshman Richard Posner in a Bob Barker costume. Posner, a long-time fan of the game show, won $12,500 on "The Price like on television, contestants is Right" over Winter Break. See PRICE IS RIGHT, page 3A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST Slow-typing alum sues Law School I LSA senior Gia Parker edits a short film titled "Self-portrait" for a film class yesterday in the L SA Media Square. 'U' students go back to (elementary) school B A vers he b cies slow A clai grad slow dent wor( mor Z com cour ous ( Ii rias( are i skill the L opti exar Z his suit. his just Grad says structed wrist from a past injury. It is easier for him to exam format type, he said. A Law School spokes- hurt grades man said he could not com- ment on the case because it 3y EMILY BARTON is ongoing. In a statement DailyStaffReporter posted on the Wall Street Journal's Law Blog, a Law n alum is suing the Uni- School official said, ity Law School because "Beyond the typingpolicy elieves its grading poli- at issue in the lawsuit, every discriminate against effort is made to ensure typists. fairness and equitability in' drian 2-achariasewycz the grading and evaluation ms the Law School's process." ing policy is unfair to Zachariasewycz said his typists because stu- handwritten papers and ts who can type more multiple-choice examswere ds per minute can write an accurate reflection of his e during timed exams. grade - but that his typed achariasewycz filed the exams lowered his grade plaint in a Delaware point average significantly. rt in November. Because of his poor It's an incredibly obvi- grades, he is unable to find a claim," he said. job in the legal field, he said. n the complaint, Zacha- "It was wrecking my life ewycz says the exams - it still is," he said. more of a test of typing He claims he was not s than understandingof aware of the cause of his material. poor performance on these aw students have the exams until after gradua- on to handwrite their tion, when was unable to MS. find a job. achariasewycz said in While Zachariasewycz case this option is not a admits that he has not com- able alternative because pared his grades with other handwriting speed is law students, he said he as slow due to a recon- is confident that the same discrepancy between typed exams and handwritten papers will also be seen in other students' grades. The suit says that the school failed to notify him that aminimumtypingspeed was necessary for success, and that they did not compen- sate for anyone who might be deficient in this area. According the Law School's student handbook, the University's Service for Students with Disabilities arranges certain accommo- dations for students with document disabilities. Stuart SegaL, the Univer- sity's coordinator ofservices for students with disabili- ties, said the University makes accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Zachariasewycz said he didn't approach professors for special accommodations because he wasn't aware his typing was a disadvantage at the time. He said he approached the LawSchoolwith his con- cerns, but administrators said they couldn't change his grades without an expla- nation and they didn't have the expertise necessary to analyze his claim. By EMILY BARTON Daily StaffReporter LSA senior Franco Muzzio stood in front of a group of fourth-grade boys last week with a slip of paper. "My brother is a weird girl," he read from it. The class erupted in laugh- ter. Muzzio smiled. "Girls are weird!" one of the boys in the class cried out as another tried to get the attention of the girls across the table. "Guys, don't leave me hang- ing here," Muzzio said, grin- ning in spite of his serious tone. "We're talking among ourselves.Wekeepthisamong ourselves." Muzzio, along with East- ern Michigan University sophomore Alex McLean, was teaching creative writing to a class of 25 fourth graders at Martin Luther King Jr. Ele- mentary School in Ann Arbor. See TUTORS, page 3 TODAY'S HI: 24 WEATHER LO: 17 GOT A NEWS TIP? Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know, ON MICHIANDAiLY.cOM Sen. Barack Obama is leading an informal Daily poll of potential democratc candidates with 35 percent. INDEXN EWS....... Vol, CXyll, So. 89 tUDOKU. 2UTKe Daily M cginadailyycom 0 Pl II N. ..........................2 A R T S .......................... 3 C L A S ...................... 4 S EtN /SPO RTS.......................5 S I F I E .................6 DR GOODBYES...............7