4C - Thursday, January 4, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com S Rumsfeld and Cheney and the president made a big * mistake in justifying going into the war in Iraq." - FORMER PRESIDENT GERALD FORD in a 2004 interview with journalist Bob Woodward, published following Ford's death. Time has a way of clarifying past events, and now we see that President Ford was right." - SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY (D-Mass.) when presenting Ford with the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in April 2001. The man who became president. Gerald Ford Alum made lasting contribution through public service lthough Gerald Ford is most remembered for his tenure as president, his legacy does not stop there. The only president to hail from this state and to be a University alum, Ford was a star football player who was voted most valuable player by his team- mates in his final year. Following his service in World War II, he overcame impossible odds to win his first House election. He soon became the right's voice of reason, and he gained influence on both sides of the aisle as House Minority Lead- er. His congressional record was defined not by bills written but by compromises made. His appointment to the vice presidency was a tes- tament to the immense respect Ford had from his colleagues; no one else could have won a speedy confirmation in that bitterly divided Congress. Nevertheless, in his few years in the White House, no action stands out more than his par- don of Richard Nixon. Although history has looked on the decision more kindly than the nation did in 1974, the pardon remains a mis- take that denied Americans closure on Water- gate while setting the unfortunate precedent of arbitrary presidential pardons. Government should always be held accountable, and Ford miscalculated the full scope of his well-inten- tioned action. Even in pardoning Nixon, however, Ford exuded the one quality that defined his politi- cal career - acting independently to do what he thought was right. That Ford's intentions in granting the pardon were honorable was prov- enby his willingness to testifybefore Congress under oath about the pardon. He became the only sitting president ever to do so, living up to his promise of bringing about a more open presidency. Ford was president in an especially difficult era in American history. Civil rights legisla- tion was still violently contested in much of the country, the nightmare of Vietnam left citizens disillusioned with their government and the Watergate scandal had done seeming- ly irreparable damage to the nation's highest office. In the harshest of times, Ford promoted unity and reconciliation. He granted condi- tional pardons to Vietnam-era draft dodgers, laying the foundation for an unconditional pardon from President Jimmy Carter. A liberal on issues of race and a member of the NAACP, Ford was an outspoken supporter of affirmative action. In a New York Times op- ed article published in 1999, Ford supported the University's quest to maintain its affirma- tive action policies and build a diverse student body: "I don't want future college students to suffer the cultural and social impoverishment that afflicted my generation," he wrote. Later in his life, Ford advocated full rights for gays, becoming the highest ranking Repub- lican before or since todo so. However, the one contribution liberals should most remember him for is his nomination of Justice John Paul Stevens to the U.S. Supreme Court based on his qualifications rather than his ideological leanings. Today, Stevens is the anchor of the dwindling liberal wing of the court, and we can only imagine what the court - not to men- tion the country - would be without him Ford's legacy, both in Congress and in the White House, was of checking govern- ment power and trying to mediate disputes. Despite his mistakes in handling the after- math of Watergate, Ford's service to his country in politics and in war is commend- able. He was one of the few true moderates who could draw support from both sides of the aisle when he voiced his opinions. For being his own man in politics, his legacy will be one of respect. By Imran Syed Gerald Ford has been unflatteringly called "the accidental president," but the only American president never to be elected on the presiden- tial ticket probably wouldn't mind that label. In what American politics has become - dominated by money, campaign tricks, empty promises and personal attacks - an accident is the only way an honest and moderate man like Ford could ever have become president. And our nation is immensely indebted to that swift turn of providence that put the plain, loyal and brave man from Grand Rapids in the White House in its most trying time. Perhaps the University's most accomplished alum ever, Ford had a modest Midwest upbringing. Aban- doned by his abusive biological father, he was raised by his mother and stepfather, whose name he took for his own. By the time he came to Ann Arbor, Ford was already a respected athlete, and he would go on to be a Integrit part of two straight national champi- I e onships. But his greatest achievement h would come in his senior season. White The lone star -of the disastrous Onlyb 1934 season, Ford was named most O l y valuable player by his teammates, who recognized him as "the one guy who could stand and fight in a losing cause." When others became disillusioned by the enor- mity of the challenge they faced, Gerald Ford went to work. He would have occasion to do that again. After college, Yale Law School and a tour in the Navy during World War II, Ford returned to Grand Rapids to practice law. Unsatisfied with the policies of his Congress- man, Ford didn't just whine, he took the action that is our democracy ina nutshell: he stood up as an alternative. In the days when politics in western Michigan were dominated by Republicans of the mighty McKay political machine, Ford did what was first foolhardy, then admirable and finally successful. He challenged the Republican party establishment and defeated the machine in the primary, later winning election to the House of Representatives. And it was in the House that Ford became what America's leaders were intended to be, but rarely are - an open-minded mediator. He refused to be tied down by partisanship,,saying that his'party "simply had no right to shout 'no, no, no' " to Democratic legislation unless they had better alternatives. In the indelible tradition of George Washington, John Marshall and Henry Clay, Ford set aside personal ambition for the good of the country, becoming a leader first, politician second. As the Democrats and Republicans dueled fero- ciously in the turbulence of the 1960s, Ford, then House Minority Leader, soon became the one voice above the unscrupulouscongressional fray we know all too well today. When Richard Nixon began his 1968 presidential campaign, Ford was the obvious choice for vice presi- dent, but, sensing that his duty in the House was unfin- ished, he refused Nixon's offer. He would, however, _ V disapprove of Nixon's ultimate nomination - Spiro Agnew of Maryland - and for good reason, as the nation would later find out. With Agnew forced out under charges of tax eva- sion in 1973 and with the furor over Watergate mount- ing, the Democratic Congress knew it would soon have Nixon, too. In that divisive atmosphere, there was only one man who could win confirmation in the House and Senate, and it wasn't John Connally, Nelson Rockefeller or Ronald Reagan - all of whom Nixon considered. Instead, it was simple, reliable, righteous old Jerry Ford who alone could save the Executive Branch from further embarrassment and demise at the hands of Con- gress. Nixon picked Ford, who was easily confirmed; a governmental crisis was prevented. As Watergate exploded and Nixon hesitantly resigned, the man who was too fair, open-minded and nice to ever be elected president found his way into the Oval Office anyway. The demise of the presidency was minimized. A corrupt, y in the imperial administration was replaced y th withperhaps the most upstanding 2 president of the 20th century. House. And then came the pardon that " ~cost Ford reelection, but he always accident. believed it was the right thing to do. Asnewspapers nationwide decriedthe act as corrupt and unjust while imply- ing a secret bargain between Ford and Nixon, Ford never lost sight of why it was necessary. We as a nation laughed when he said the pardon was necessary for national healing, but time has proven Ford right. We Americans have been fortunate enough to never face the possibility of our government falling apart, but we came dangerously close in the furor sur- rounding the Nixon resignation. The presidency was robbed of all its prestige, splendor and influence. An indictment of Nixon would have been an indictment upon the presidency, one which threatened to perma- nently jar the delicate system of checks and balances this government was built upon. Ford sacrificed his political future to do whathad to be done and unconditionally pardon an already disgraced man. He also maintained till his death that in accordance withBurdick v. UnitedStates, acceptingapardoninvolves admitting guilt and that is what Nixon did. Few recognized the necessity of what had to be done and none but Ford had the conviction, courage and moral capital to do it. Luckily for America, he was the one in charge. As they say, eulogies are not given under oath, and it sounds pompous and opportunistic for critics and politicians on all sides to glorify Ford at his death. But as once staunch opponents like Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) come around on the pardon decision, it is impossible to deny the integrity with which Gerald * Ford shaped his decisions and by which his legacy will endure. Undeniably, Ford was among the best men ever to become president: It's no accident that he was the only one never elected. Imran Syed is a Daily associate editorial page editor. He can be reached at galad@umich.edu. Ano "He is a Nixon, you' The alm Republican the nomina Harrold Ca as the admi The almo Ford's nom the depthsi Perhaps claim is hi mark whicl functory C nation are Whether and visible to be seen. be very litt presidentia Ford rep break with And so far,l diversion t By actin dent Richa have comm Gerald For denying th inttt this try We do no tranquility the greates Alien and 4 ple to see. The Daily Editorial Page's stances on Ford through the years ther Richard Nixonn ticians and the governmental process itself has Demonstrate against Ford Ford will arrive at Willow Run Airport and diminished to a ludicrous point. proceed to Crisler Arena at about 3:30 p.m. His By shielding Nixon from justice under the T . c.r.j . arrival at the arena, any other movements on Richard Nixon. If you like Richard guise of" mercy," the president has shown an .onghn a capacity crowd will jam its way campus and his speech in the evening (open to 11 like Jerry Ford.". . u appalling lack of understanding for the people into Crslei Aiena to see one of the major events the public) provide an excellent opportunity for ust robot-like Nixoism of House he serves. Ford's disregard scheduled on campus this year. those concerned to voice and demonstrate their leader Ford led him to support even for the American legal What is being offered is the only U.S. feelings. But don't hold your breath. tions of Clement Haynsworth and G. process shows a . president running as an incumbent rrswell to the Supreme Court, as well disregard for while never having been elected. - Sept. 15, 1976 nistration's Indochina policy, the America nGerald Ford and his campaign ist euphoric Congressional reaction to citizenry. cronies have decided to try ination is just one more indication of And and capitalize on the cir- in which that organization flounders. actiocumstantial fact that he Vote for Carter in '76 the greatest distinction Ford can remov- / played football and s lack of distinction. And it is that in the went to school here by In the strange saga of Richard Nixon, it is h will make him a shoo-in once per- threat springboarding their time to separate ourselves from the torrent of ongressional hearings on his nomi- of quadrennial GOP hypocrisy, deception and mindless invective held. pub- traveling road show that has been part and parcel of the 1976 presi- Fard will prove to be a highly verbal lie at the big 'U.' dential campaign. It is time to take a sober look figure, like his predecessor, remains trial For example, Ford at the clear and explicit choice that will con- But it seems assured that there will is a time-proven front us all in the voting booth on Tuesday. It le that is iconoclastic about the vice- enemy of higher is, moreover, time to realize that there is indeed 1 nominee. education. With a choice. rresents more of a new face than a atypical consisten- The choice is between another four winters of customary administration policy. cy, he has vetoed waiting in utter despair while the government his appointment has served more as a almost every bill remains culpably oblivious to our needs, or a han as a breath of fresh air. from designed to ben- first, discernible step toward sanity. We vote for the efit higher edu- that step, and the man who can help us take it - Oct. 13,1973 shoul cation that has - Jimmy Carter. passed through Unemployment remains tragically and insuf- Richard the oval Office. ferably high. Our cities have been left to rot in Nixon; Ford should not a morass of crime and fiscal chaos, while cor- On the pardon Nkxon be allowed to exit porate avarice has left our environment on the ockery athe arena without brink of devastation. Our image abroad has g Sunday to pardon former Presi- of an "open first coming up with degenerated to one of arrogance and deceit. rd Nixon for all illegal acts he may presidency" a rationalization for The dismal failures of the Ford Administra- itted in the White House, President Ford will that voting record, tion transcend mere failures of policy. d has betrayed his country's trust by not restore however pathetic From the pardon of a president who may well e American people a public hearing peace to the the reasons have ended up a convicted felon, to the failure to agedy e country by this may immediately discharge a racist cabinet member, it believe, and can never believe, that last Watergate be. Gerald Ford has displayed a moral insensitivity will be restored to this country until cover-up so gaping, so unforgivable that it alone warrants t threat to the Constitution since the a resounding mandate from the American elec- edition Acts is laid bare for the pet- - Sept. 10, torate for his removal from office. 1974 No one in government ever seriously consid- .S The pardon of Nixon has removed from the reaches of American justice the central figure in this conspiracy against democracy. Nixon will be relieved of his responsibility for fac- ing the people of the United States at a public trial - and history will be denied a full look into our greatest governmental crisis. If Ford sincerely thought that by this arbi- trary action he could restore domestic tranquil- ity, we must believe that he has made a serious mistake. Instead of soothing unrest, Ford has further exposed the suspicions we developed after a continual succession of lies and doubletalk ema- nated from the Watergate affair. Trust in poli- ered the Congressman from Grand Rapids to 5 be of presidential caliber. Even Richard Nixon cursed the pen with which he signed Ford's vice-presidential nomination - his last sick leg- acy to history. But the repudiation of Gerald Ford and the election of Jimmy Carter should not delude any- one into believing that the struggle is over. Let it be clearly understood that what Jimmy 5 Carter stands for is not nearly enough. Let it be clearly understood thatthere mustbe a quantum expansion in the breadth of his commitments to all the issues he has embraced this year. - Oct. 29,1976