2A - Monday, January 29, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com TUESDAY: Arbor Anecdotes WEDNESDAY: Before You Were Here THURSDAY: Campus Characters FRIDAY: Explained Oh, the brews you can choose The best-selling beers at AZ's best-stocked watering hole 413 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigatidailycom DONNM.FRESARD ALEXISFLOYD Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-647-3336 734-764-0558 freoord@micbigaodaily co Cfloyd@miebigandaily.com CONTACT INFORMATION If you want a beer a little more gravitate towards familiar choic- interesting than the ones on tap at es - which is why Bell's Winter your typical Friday night frater- White is the best selling beer at nity party, there is no place in Ann Ashley's. Arbor with a better selection of Manager Andrew Draganski premium beers than Ashley's Res- said the bar sells about 350 pints of taurant and Pub on State Street. this tangy, yellow wheat beer every Typical bar staples like Bud- month during the winter. weiser, Miller and Coors aren't During the summer months, available, though - meaning that the brewery switches over to the visitors have to venture a little far- well-known Oberon wheat beer ther afield to quench their thirst. - which is Ashley's best-selling Ashley's has Ann Arbor's larg- summer brew. est multi-tap bar, with 70 beers on Draganski said the bar always tap and dozens more available in keeps one keg each of all beers on bottles. . tap, plus two backup barrels of Ashley's catalogues its beers in the Winter White. Fresh kegs are a somewhat daunting drink menu, delivered to the pub twice a week. complete with a ranking system to Nick Klau's, a waiter at Ashley's, give patrons an idea of each beer's said many people tend to order flavor and color. beers with names they know, Even when submerged in an which is why Bell's beers sell so ocean of new and different beers, well at the pub. though, many patrons seem to Strongbow, a widely available hard cider, is Ashley's second most popular offering, with about 250 pints sold each month. "On the weekends we sell a lot of Strongbow to girls," Klaus said. The third best-selling beer is another brew from Bell's Brewery, the Two Hearted India Pale Ale. The Two Hearted is a dark gold beer, which the menu describes as having an "incredible floral hop aroma." Draganski said the three most popular beers account for about 15 percent of Ashley's total beer sales. None of them, though, are among the bar's most "extreme" beers, he said. That title belongs to Dogfish Head World Wide Stout, which Ashley's beer menu calls "the world's strongest dark beer." WALTER NOWINSKI Newsroom office hou News Tips Corrections Letters to the Editor Photography Department Arts Section Editorial Page Sports Section Display Sales Classified Sales Online Sales Finance EDITORIAL STAFF ,,cvr,@,,ioiciga,,loily.rom, coi(i,,@isohigadily.om totloedaily@riichigaovloily.r,, rhooiohigandoily.com arloye@inichigoedaily.om, clarifiod@inicigandily.eon poli,,'3d@miOiicoodily.com, cafied@,mg ihigadily.om 0 0 CRIME NOTES Explosion threatened at 'U' Towers WHERE: University Towers WHEN: Thursday at about 1 p.m. WHAT: A subject called the Department of Public Safety and said "there are bombs at University Towers," DPS reported. Officers and bomb- sniffing dogs found no evidence of explosives at the building. Drunk student confused on bus WHERE: 1400 block of Hub- bard Street WHEN: Friday at about 1:15 a.m. WHAT: A bus driver called in a drunk student who did not know where he wanted to go, DPS reported. The student was given a minor in possession of alcohol citation and taken to the University hospital. CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Money and soda Performance by Recycling stolen from Yost 'U' symphony contest kick-off Domino's stand WHERE: Yost Ice Arena WHEN: Friday at about 9 p.m. WHAT: A subject not affiliated with the University was caught stealing $17.50 and a soda from a Domino's Pizza stand during a hockey game at Yost Arena, DPS reported. The stolen goods were recovered, but the thief was not arrested. Charges run up on debit card WHERE: Baits It Residence Hall WHEN: Friday at about 3 p.m. WHAT: A University student reported fraudulent use of his or her debit card, DPS report- ed. The card's unlawful user had spent-$2,017.50 at various locations in Michigan and Portland, Ore. orchestra WHAT: A free concert fea- turing the world premiere of a piece by David Kirkland Garner and pieces by Rach- maninoff and Brahms WHO: The University Sym- phony Orchestra WHEN: Today at 8 p.m. WHERE: Hill Auditorium Public Journal mass meeting WHAT: A chance to work for a publication that annony- mously publishes creative writing, secrets and confes- sions WHO: The Public Journal at the University of Michigan WHEN: Today from 5 to 6 p.m. WHERE: 3460 Mason Hall WHAT: An event to cel- ebrate the start of a contest between universities to recycle the most goods per capita and produce the least trash WHO: University Waste Management Services WHEN: Today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. WHERE: Duderstadt Center C ORRECTIONS 0 A story in Friday's Daily (Prof who leadpeace move- ment dies at 95) said Anatol Rapoport served in the U.S. Air Force during World War II. The U.S. Air Force was not formed until 1947. Before that it was called the U.S. Army Air Forces and the U.S. Army Air Corps. Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@ michigandaily.com. 1The University has settled with Jennifer Gratz and Patrick Hamacher over their 1997 lawsuit, which ques- tioned the legality of the Uni- versity's admissions process, the Detroit News reported. If the settlement is approved by U.S. District Court, the Univer- sity will pay the plaintiffs an undisclosed cash settlement. Supported by a sellout crowd at Cliff Keen Arena on Saturday, the top- ranked Michigan men's gym- nastics team beat two-time defending national champions Oklahoma. >>FOR MORE, SEE SPORTSMONDAY Microsoft will release its long-awaited Windows Vista operating system tomorrow. The software will be available as an upgrade for PC owners and will come pre- installed on most new PCs. Jeffrey Bloomer ManagingEditor bloomerr5mnichigandaily.com Karl StampflManagingNews Editor stamnpfl@michigandaily.com NEWSEI.DITORS: Leah Graboski,Christina Ii dreth, A neJoling, AbnevanderMey Emily leanmiEdit~oilPage Etoro bea0m@michigaedaily.com Christopher Zrozek EdiorialiPag Editor zbrozrk nichigandaly.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR IAL PAGE EDIT'ORS:WhitnieyDibo,Thieresa Kennelly, Imrah Syed Jack Herman ManagingSports Editor herman@michigandaily.corm SEN IOR SPORTS E DITORS: Scott Bell, H. 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Dowd Magazine Editor dowd@michigandaily.cor, ASSOC IATrE MAGAZINE ED'JITOR:Chriis Gae-ig BUSINESS STAFF Robert Chin oisplayS alesManager ASSOCIArE DISPLAY SA.ES MANAGER: lBen Schrotenboer Krishna Diamantoni Ciossii eOoiManager ASSI STA NTC LASS[ FIED SALES MANAGER: M ichael Moore EmilyCipriano OnlineSales Manager DavidJia Soh Finance oManagoer Brittany O'Keefe iyout Manager Chelsea Hoard Production Manager Thevichigan Daily (SSN074-967)is published Mondaythrough Friday duringthe fa and winter termsby students at the University of Michigan.One copy is available free of chargetoallreaders.Additionalcopies maybe pickedup at thelDaily's office forS2.Subscriptionsfor fallterm,startinginSeptember,via U.S.mailare$110. Winterterm (January through April)is $115,yearlong(September through April) is $195. University affiliates aresubjecttoa reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptionsfor fall term are $35. 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