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Ann Arbor Michigan
* top court
. rejects
BAM suit
"You have to get up, you have to get out,
and you have to live your life."
- University of Michigan at Dearborn senior Lindsay Hollandsworth, whose boyfriend is serving in the Army in Iraq
Suit continues in
district court
Daily StaffReporter
The U.S. Supreme Court
on Friday rejected a request
to allow the University of
Michigan, Wayne State Uni-
versity and Michigan State
University a delay on the
implementation of Proposal
2, which prohibits the use of
affirmative action by public
institutions in Michigan.
The request, which was
filed by the pro-affirmative
action group By Any Means
Necessary, sought to delay
the implementation of Pro-
posal 2 until the universities
finished their current admis-
sions cycles.
Proposal 2, passed in
November, was supposed to
take effect on Dec. 23. But
the three universities, seek-
ing to complete their admis-
sions cycles under a uniform
policy, succeeded in petition-
ing a district court to delay
the measure until July. In
late December, though, the
6th Circuit Court of Appeals
overturned the previous rul-
ing, saying the University
had to comply with Proposal
2 immediately.
Because BAMN's appeal
of the appeals court's rever-
sal decision was rejected,
Proposal 2 remains in
University spokeswoman
Kelly Cunningham told The
Associated Press on Friday
that the University would
refrain from commenting
on the Supreme Court deci-
sion until school officials
had time to review it.
Despite the Supreme
Court's decision, BAMN
will continue its fight
See COURT, page 7A
Lindsay Hollandsworth, a senior at the University of Michigan at Dearborn, at her home in Livonia with a photo ofther fiancee, Christian Bakken, a member of the Michi-
gan Army National Guard who is serving in Iraq.
By Emily Angell j Daily Staff Reporter
Old college try
" for new ideas
Linds y Hollandsworth just wanted to lie in
bed. The University of Michigan at Dearborn
senior wanted to wear her pajamas all day and
go to class with wet hair and no makeup. She
wanted her fiancee, Christian Bakken, who
had just been deployed to Iraq, to call.
First in an occasional series about the
University's connection to the Iraq war
Student group
seeks solutions
* to diversity
Daily StaffReporter
With the passage of Pro-
posal 2 in November, the
campus community was
left with one question: now
A new group composed of
some of the biggest names in
student leadership wants to
find an answer.
Visit the study
group's website at
The Affirmative Action
Study Group, started by
Michigan Student Assem-
bly representative Kenneth
Baker and former LSA Stu-
dent Government President
Andrew Yahkind, is a bipar-
tisan group composed of 10
student leaders active on
both sides of the Proposal
2 debate. The group will
examine diversity issues on
campus and make recom-
mendations to the Univer-
See COMMITTEE, page 7A
"Once they leave, you're lost,"
Hollandsworth said. "All you can
do is wait for them to call."
Students like Hollandsworth
juggle the stress of college life with
the constant worry that a boyfriend
or girlfriend, fiancee or spouse may
not make it home.
And as President Bush's plan to
send 21,500 more troops to Bagh-
dad looms, some service members
are preparing for their third tour
of duty.
An elementary education major,
Hollandsworth spoke casually
about her sorority and classes.
But when asked about Bakken,
who left for Iraq in October, her
gaze became wistful.
"The day he left happened in
slow motion," Hollandsworth said.
"It started off as a beautiful day.
Eighty degrees and the sun was
shining. There was a short cere-
mony with some other families and
then we said our goodbyes. I com-
pletely lost it. As he boarded the
bus, tears were streaming down his
face. Then storm clouds filled the
sky and rain came pouring down. I
had to drive home in that storm all
The couple met in January 2004.
They hit it off immediately. Two
years later they were looking at
engagement rings,
Bakken's grandmother was so
struck by their commitment that
she offered to give him money to
move to Canada so he wouldn't
have to fight, Hollandsworth said.
A member of the Michigan Army
National Guard, Bakken attended
training sessions one weekend a
month. He joined to earn money for
college, never expecting to be sent
overseas, Hollandsworth said.
But in May 2006, the phone
Before Bakken left for Iraq, Hol-
landsworth went to visit him in
New Jersey, where he was train-
"I got really sick on that trip,"
she said. "I had a fever and couldn't
drive home, so I stayed an extra
night. That's when he proposed."
Since Bakken left, Holland-
sworth has realized how important
it is to stay busy.
"You have to get up, you have to
get out, and you have to live your
life," she said.
But the occasional blackout -
when the military cuts off all com-
munications between soldiers and
their loved ones just after someone
is killed so that the deceased ser-
vice member's family isn't acciden-
tally told about the death before the
military can give an official notifi-
cation- still makes her pulse race.
"I didn't hear from him twice
this week, so I assumed there was
a blackout," Hollandsworth said.
"Blackouts always reiterate the
danger of the situation."
Although Bakken often makes
light of the situation during phone
calls home, he is aware of how the
dangers he faces daily affect Hol-
"One time he sent me an eight-
minute long video," Hollandsworth
said. "The first seven minutes were
See IRAQ, page 3A
Tenure track
faculty down
Civil rights hero laments
declining' equality in U.S.
At'U', percent of
non-tenure track
faculty up
Daily StaffReporter
Universities across the
country are hiring more fac-
ulty who are not on the tenure
track, according to a Decem-
ber report by the American
Association of University Pro-
The new non-tenured hires
often teach the introductory
classes tenured professors
don't want to.
The University is a part of
that trend, statistics show.
The percentage of non-ten-
ure-track faculty at the Uni-
versity increased 15.5 percent
between 1988 and 2005.
Most non-tenure-track
instructors are lecturers,
but their ranks also include
adjunct lecturers, guest lec-
turers, visiting professors and
anyone else not being consid-
ered for tenure.
They generally teach under-
graduate students, especially
first- and second-year students,
in fields like foreign language or
English, which are required for
These faculty members don't
have the same level of job secu-
See TENURE, page 7A
argued Brown
v. Board for
For the Daily
One of the last remain-
ing lions of the Civil Rights
Movement said the drive for
today at
lecture at
the Law
School on A
who argued the landmark
Brown v. Board of Education
case in 1954 with Thurgood
Marshall, spoke to a crowd
made up mostly of people a
fourth of his age.
Everyseatin250 Hutchins
Hall was filled. Overflow
attendees stood in the aisles
to hear the attorney who
argued against school seg-
regation in front of the U.S.
Supreme Court. Greenberg,
a retired Columbia Univer-
sity law professor and former
dean of Columbia College,
said the drive for equality
continues today.
He demonstrated the con-
tinuing relevance of the proj-
ects that began a generation
ago. His message was serious
but optimistic, simultane-
ously veteran and fresh.
In his lecture "Uniting
Civil and Human Rights"
Greenberg said that since
the Civil War, the Civil
Rights Movement has gone
in cycles. There have been
moves toward equality fol-
lowed by periods of regres-
sion from that goal.
The event was organized
by Human Rights Through
Education, a studentgroup at
the University.
The United States has
retreated from the desegre-
gation that resulted from the
Civil Rights Movement of the
1950s and 1960s, Greenberg
said. Now, he said, "we are in
a low spot and declining."
After beginning with a
history of American perspec-
tives on the right to equal-
ity, Greenberg distinguished
between what he called
"basic" or "absolute" human
rights, like free speech, vot-
ing and due process, and
those involving distribution
of resources, like access to
education, health care and
Greenberg said the feder-
See GREENBERG, page 7A
Ann Arbor resident Zack Powers tries out an American-themed gui
tar at Herb David Guitar Studio on East Liberty Street. The shop sells
a wide variety of handmade instruments.
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news a michgandaily.com and let us know.
The Michigan Solar Car Team takes on the Detroit
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Vol. CXVIl, No. 80 S OKU
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