2A - Thursday, January 18, 2007 2A Thrsdy, anury 8, 007The Michigan Daily - michigandlailycom 40 MONDAY: TUESDAY: The Extremist Arbor Anecdot 'Stranger' in the alley. A2 man moonwaiks his way to campus stardom Ann Arhnr native Brian Wooiridge has heen dancing the moonwalk in the alley behind the Liberty Square parking structure since 1995. Woolridge, 34, first began dancing in the alley when he noticed that it wasn't being used fnr anything else. Sonn his sulo performances set to Michael Jatkson began to garner attention. "I guess people would walk by and watch," Woolridge said. "I guess I became 'the Michael Jack- son guy." Over the years, he's perfected his technique by watching videos of Jackson's performances, which have heen given to him by other Michael Jackson fans. He said his collec- tion includes everything from tapes of The Jackson Five's early variety show performances to Jackson's solo concerts. "You'd he surprised at the stuffI have of him," said Woolridge, who grew up with the nickname Michael. "Probably stuff that people will never, ever see again." He lists "Sad," "Billie Jean" and "The Way You Make Me Feel" among his favorite songs to perform to. But one tune, "Stranger in Moscow," from Jackson's epic HIStory two-disc album, carries a deeper meaning for Woolridge. Woolridge said he identifies with the song's lyrics and its video, both of which express feelings of loneliness and isolation. "I guess I'm really kinds isolated sometimes," he said. He said that while dancing helps him deal with this isolation, it can also contribute to it. Sometimes, people stop to watch him. But when he approaches them, they often walk away. Once a crowd of police officers stopped to watch. "Should I put my hands up or what?" he remembered thinking. After watching for a few moments, the officers moved on. But another encounter with the law wasn't as harmless. After an article appeared in a local newspaper insinuating that the "Michael Jackson dancer" had groped a girl, officers approached Woolridge while he was dancing across from Mongolian Barbeque on Main Street to ask him aboutcthe incident. The case was later dropped because Woolridge was at work at e time of the incident. Woolridge said he can usually he found dancing in the Liherty Street alley on weekend afternoons after he gets off work at the Meijer on Carpen- ter Road, where he's employed as a jan- itor. The recenttcold weather, however, has kept him from dancing, he said. He'll he dancing again at the Project Suyana Date Auction on Feb. 2. He said he*spends a lot of money on batteries for his boombox and on replacing shoes he has worn out over the years. TARYN HARTMAN - Know a campus character worthy of a profile? f-mail suggestions to news@ michigondaily.com. 413KE. Horon St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaiy.comn DONN M. 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Subsciptios for all ermsartingin September, via US.mail are $110. Winter term (January throuth April)s $115, yearlong (September through Aril) is $195.3Uniersityatffilates aresubjrct toa reduced subscription rateOn-campus subscriptions for falterm7are775. 53bs67703i773 must be prepaid. The Mi017037 0ai1y is a ember he Asociated Pressand The ssocated Colleiate Press. 40 40 Z3AC0A763MEISNER Daily Brian Woolridge, an Ypsilanti resident, dances to Michael ackson musc in a Liherty Street alley last fall. Woolridge sad he has wornro0670 number at pars of shoes dancng. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Suspected thief actually a friend WHERE: University Hos- pital WHEN: Tuesday at about 10 arm. WHAT: A doctor called police after seeing a roan going through a patient's belongings, the Department of Public Safety reported. The man had the patient's permission to look through the items. Person slips on North Campus sidewalk WHERE: Pierpont Coin- WHEN: Tuesday at about 1 p.m. WHAT: A person slipped and fell on the sidewalk ootside of the boilding's entrance, DPS reported. Employee slips in bathroom, injures ankle WHERE: Ruthven Museum WHEN: Tuesday at shout 10 am. WHAT: A female staff member fell and injured her ankle in the restroom, DPS reported. A Huron Valley Ambulance transported her to the emergency Atomic Cafe movie screening WHAT: A showing of a film of collected clips from the 1940s to the 1960s related to the atomic bomb scare. Admission is free. WHO: The Department of Screen Arts and Cultures along with Women Make Films Too WHEN: Today at 7 p.m. WHERE: Modern Languag- es Building, Lecture Hall 2 Fiction and poetry reading WHAT: Authors Sean Nor- con and Patrick OKeefe read their work WHO: The Zell Visiting Writers Series WHEN: Today at 5 p.m. WHERE: Rackham Amphi- theatre Space mass meeting WHAT: An Engineering lab recruits students for upconm- ing projects WHO: Student Space Sys- tems Fabrication Lab WHEN: Today from 8:30 and 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Room 1500, Elec- trical Engineering and Conm- puter Science Building CORRECTIONS Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@ michigandailycom. 1The University's Kellogg Eye Center is one of a handful of hospitals performing phakic intraocular lenses implants, an alternative to LASIK eye sur- gery. The new procedure is an option for patients who don't qualify for LASIK or who prefer a reversible procedure. 2Aspiring musicians can use a recording studio on North Campus for free if they complete a two-week course first. >>FOR MORE, SEE THE B-SIDE, PAGE 2B. 3Nine-year-old Samaj Booker successfully snuck aboard Iwo separate Southwest Airlines flights Monday. He was caught when he took a wrong connection and landed in San Antonio instead of Dallas, The Associated Press reported. 6 60 I 0 0 4 Talk with friends Create or join groups Find internships and jobs Post pictures umaLmnicom/incircLe I 4