4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 7, 2006 E 1th IriBa Ii OPINION 4 4 4 All you need to know ... about Facebook JAMES DAVID DICKSON DONN M. FRESARD Editor in Chief EMILY BEAM JEFFREY BLOOMER CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK ME nagEY EdOOMR Editorial Page Editors Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 413 E. HURON ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 tothedaily@michigandaily.com Rushing into it Fall rush should be later in term It's that most wonderful time of year again - students' room are still lit- tered with unpacked boxes, textbook stores have lines that stretch around street corners and freshmen tightly grasp their campus maps in their desperate efforts to locate their classrooms. Unfortunately, one more hassle has also been crammed into the beginning of year scramble - rush week for the Greek system is start- ing already, two weeks earlier than in past years. The Greek community moved up fall rush to avoid time conflicts with religious holidays, but in doing so it will force freshmen - who barely know the names of their hallmates - to make important decisions that will drastically affect their University experience. With no time to learn what "Greek life" means here at the University, freshmen may rush into a decision they will later regret. While the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association were correct in adjusting rush to accommodate students who head home for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the date was moved in the wrong direction. Instead of pushing the date forward, the Greek community and potential pledges alike would be better served if rush week were later in the year. By winter semester, those who decide to pledge will be more likely to stay with the Greek system, because they will have had more time to consider their decision. Delaying rush could also help prevent incidents of hazing. If students have more time to decide which fraternity or soror- ity to rush, they will be better informed and may be more aware of anti-hazing policies established by their chapters. Past incidents have shown that losing a charter is not always incentive enough to prevent a house from mistreating its pledges, and better-informed students who know to avoid any organizations that haze will provide an additional motivation. Practically the only serious argument traditionally trotted out for an early fall rush is that holding rush later in the semester or during winter term would make it difficult for Greeks to fill their houses, given pressure on freshmen to sign housing leases for next year early on in the school year. But with the city's new lease-signing ordinance now in effect, that argument for a premature rush week is far from compelling. The ordinance prevents the signing of new leases until one quarter of the exist- ing lease expires - typically in early December. Even if Greek organizations choose not to switch to winter rush, there is no longer any excuse for holding rush in September, and rush should be moved accordingly. Greek organizations can best preserve their autonomy from the University administration by using that autonomy wisely - and that doesn't mean compel- ling students to rush within six days of the beginning of classes. Although this year's calendar is already set, the Greek community should push rush week later in the year, ideally to winter semester, so that students have more time to think before rushing into Greek life. it's the ulti- mate network- Sing tool. The mas- terpiece of Mark Zucker- berg, a dropout from - where else? - Harvard, Facebook.com has managed to network our generation of col- lege students. Because of Face- book, students keep in touch with and keep track of one another; relationships with friends or lovers studying abroad can sur- vive without the pain of paying postage; and alumni can keep in touch with buddies on campus. It's a win-win. Facebook's beauty (before its News Feed feature went off the deep end by making any and every transaction available for all your friends to see) is that it offers two things no other type of communication does: favorable numbers and relative anonymity. Numbers, in that one can send dozens or messages, pokes, and wall posts at a rate with which telephone calls cannot compare - and with none of the risks of a bad phone call. Relative anonym- ity, in that an unreturned message or unrequited poke doesn't pack the same psychological punch that an unreturned voicemail would. With Facebook, one can send many seemingly personal messages, wall notes and other social love-taps to large num- bers of people, at minimal risk to pride, because by putting out so many hooks, one expects a cer- tain number will bite. Through Facebook, we can numb our- selves to the harsh possibilities of personal communication - things like unanswered phones, uncomfortable silences and the word "no." With Facebook, one can shoot shotgun shells of com- munication at minimal cost to the old ego, with little effort and to great benefit. Facebook might be the Hotel California of the Internet: You can check out, but you can't ever leave. Reactivating a "closed" account is but a confirmation e- mail away. And if your account is never completely closed, who's to say that your pictures and any information you've ever put on Facebook aren't sitting in some room in a file with your name on it? With the new News Feed feature, we know that Facebook is tracking all of this informa- tion, and we know it will assume liberties in spreading that infor- mation to other account holders. We complain about things like wiretaps while making our lives open books. If Big Brother is in fact watching, let's at least make him do some work in finding the information he wants. I wonder if Facebook is indis- pensable despite its drawbacks. Most of us continue to use Face- book today, despite its grade-point ramifications and other risks. We all know that law enforcement and prospective employers use it to weed out unsavory charac- ters (pardon the pun), yet people continue to post pictures and tag others in pictures featuring too much booze or too little clothing - and, in the worst cases, both. All law enforcement and employ- ers want to know, they can learn on Facebook. In an ironic way, it's been funny to hear the outcry of those disturbed by the News Feed fea- ture. It's often the worst offend- ers of good Facebook judgment who complain the loudest. By their logic, it's not a problem that they put partially nude pictures of themselves online - rather, it's a problem that Facebook moved them to the front page. By way of Facebook, we've been given just enough rope to hang ourselves socially; it was only when Mark Zuckerberg tightened the noose that we began to ask questions. And now we're signing petitions. I wonder if we'll eventually reach the point where our enjoyment on Facebook comes not from actually making contact with someone else, but in destroying evidence. That brings to mind Face- book's most troubling problem: stalking. Because of Facebook - and our need to appear inter- esting - anyone curious enough can find most any information about you, down to your location" that moment. Our most intimate details are but a log-in away. Any- one can know what your interests' are, because you've written them- out. They know where to "acci- dentally" bump into you, because your schedule is available for all," to see. And now they even know with whom you've been commu- nicating, because News Feeds. just made stalking even easier. > Irony of ironies, then, that the, ultimate networking tool has become the ultimate aid of the kid too shy to talk to the girl who sits next to him in class. Face-: book hasn't brought this person- out of his shell - it's hardened 4 that shell, giving him little rea-- son to leave. Why bother? All"- he really needs to know, he can,4 learn on Facebook. Dickson can be reached at davidjam@umich.edu. A VIEWPOINT Proposal 2 is bad for blue KATIE GARLINGHOUSE IlosE AsTr ot / ~ NOTABLE QUOTABLE I cannot describe the specific methods used I think you understand why." - President Bush, acknowledging the existence of secret CIA prisons but denying that torture was used there, as reported yesterday by the Associated Press. BY ANDREW YAHKIND On November 7, our state will vote on Proposal 2, the "Michigan Civil Rights Initiative" - a refer- endum that seeks to ban most use of affirmative action by public insti- tutions in Michigan. Since I'm a white frat boy from the suburbs of Detroit who is in the midst of com- pleting law-school applications, you might think that I'd be cheerleading for the proposal. Indeed, like many students, I came to campus opposed to affirmative action. Yet I now find myself beginning my last semester terrified of what the MCRI's passage would mean for the University that I have come to love. Affirmative action is an imper- fect tool for promoting diversity. Despite the University's very pub- lic embrace of the idea of diversity, there are many related problems that administrators have not been nearly as open in recognizing or as successful in addressing. Any student who has spent significant time on campus knows that despite its great diversity on paper, the University remains a disturbingly segregated place. Beginning with freshman year, students enter a statistically segregated housing situation. This segregation con- tinues in extracurricular activities, with racially distinct Greek orga- nizations, welcome week events and homecoming festivities. Most troubling are the differences inside the classroom, where graduation rates for students of color are still significantly lower than those for white students. Out of those stu- dents who entered the University in 1997, 66 percent of black students, 75 percent of Hispanic students and 88 percent of white students graduated within six years. These are disconcerting prob- lems, and it is the University's responsibility to find better solu- tions to them. Yet eliminating affir- mative action - and subsequently endangering programs such as Women in Science and Engineer- ing, the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program and the Sum- mer Bridge Program - will only exacerbate these problems. To see what the passage of MCRI would do for campus, we must begin by looking to California and its experiences with the approval of a virtually identical proposal 10 years ago. This year, because of an inability to use affirmative action, the University of California at Los Angeles enrolled a grand total of 96 black students in a freshman class of more than 4,700. Proponents of MCRI overlook such troubling statistics, claim- ing that they live in a color-blind, gender-blind world that only takes merit into account. Sadlythe world in which such individuals may think they live is not grounded in reality. Discrimination is still alive and well, whether it takes an overt form - such as last year's cross burnings in metro Detroit - or a more subtle manifestation, such as in the fact that women in Michigan still earn only 67 percent of what men earn. MCRI's proponents ignore the realities of discrimination in favor of claims that their proposal is some- how advancing the aims of the civil rights movement by looking beyond skin color. Such assertions are not only wrong and offensive but also hypocritical. On several occasions, I have heard MCRI leaders claim that in an institution of higher learning such as ours, decisions on admission should be based purely on academic merit. If they truly believedthis,why does MCRI not seek to ban prefer- ential admissions treatment for ath- letes? These individuals received the same infamous 20 points that under- represented minorities received under the University's old under-. graduate admissions formula, and' they continue to receive significant preference under the current system, More perplexing, however, is the question of why MCRI does not seek to ban non-merit based preferential treatment for sons and daughters of University alumni - a practice that primarily benefits white applicants.,: In addition to its internal con tradictions and illusions about reality, MCRI fails to address why organizations like the University use affirmative action. Contrary' to popular belief, it is not because they are forced to do so or because they are seeking to redress societal' problems; it is because diversity benefits them. In the case of the University, psychology Prof. Patri., cia Gurin has demonstrated that " ... students who had experienced the most racial and ethnic diversity, ... showed the greatest engage-, ment in active thinking processes, growth in intellectual engagement and motivation and growth in intellectual and academic skills." Simply put, students who experi- ence the diversity that affirmative action helps to create receive more', of what the college experience is intended to provide. Whether you're a person of color or white, man or woman, Repub-' lican or Democrat, affirmative, action benefits you. It's not a per- fedt instrument, but it is one that, must be preserved. If you want to carry on the fight against inequal- ity, as well as ensure the continued, success of the Maize and Blue, you should not hesitate to vote no on- Proposal 2. Yahkind is an LSA senior and former president of LSA Student Government. A APPLY FOR A FALL OPINION COLUMN BEFORE SUNDAY. E-MAIL OPINION@MICHIGANDAILY.COM FOR DETAILS. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send all letters to the editor to, tothedaily~michigandaily.com> Hezbollah to blame for the latest Ann Arbor City Council violence in the Middle East unwise to ignore developer To THE DAILY: I think Fahad Farugi should do some fact checking before writing his next letter to the edi- tor (U.S. should jettison corporate ties, act justly in Middle East, 09/0612006). The war fought between Israel and Hezbollah was started when Hezbollah militants violated Israel's sovereignty by crossing its border, killing eight Israeli sol- diers, and kidnapping two others. Israel, like any other country would, reacted forcefully to such an attack. Unfortunately, Hezbollah decided that the best way to wage war from among the Lebanese civilian populace. This cowardly act by Hezbollah led to many civilian deaths. Itsis true that the United States did not exert pressure on Israel to cease its military response. This is because the U.S. government wisely saw that an immediate cease-fire would reward the mili- tants, the true source of the conflict. Nicholas Kohn Class of '03 TO THE DAILY: While I can't say that I'm shocked that the Ann Arbor City Council is turning a deaf ear toward the recommendations brought forth by the urbanist Peter Calthorpe, I am disappointed that basic logic doesn't even seem to play a role in the Council's planning and development. The Metro 202 fiasco - when City Council fell one vote shy of the six votes needed to approve construction of a nine-story mixed-use building on the corner of Washington and Division streets -is just another example of the Council undermining the very ideas Calthorpe said were essential to the creation of a sustainable downtown core when he came here last year to dis- cuss the future of downtown Ann Arbor. Unfor- tunately, this needless politicking isn't confined to the downtown business district, but is widespread throughout Ann Arbor. Instead of being a typical "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" situa- tion, the city is instead sending the message that "You'll scratch my back or you'll never see your project built." So much for the progressive ideals the city claims it holds. While I'm saddened by the fact that this project isn't going to move forward - unless the council does indeed bring it back for a second vote - I have to applaud McKinley, the project's develop- er, for opting not to revise and resubmit its plans. Until the city realizes what its needless muddling around is going to do to the city, the system will not change. The three members that voted down the project got caught calling a bluff and ended up getting seriously burned from it, plain and sim- ple. They expected the developer to jump through the same idiotic hoops they force everyone else through, wasting endless amounts of money and time. Now, after getting caught with their pants down, the city wants a do-over. If I were McKinley, I don't know if I'd really want a second vote. The city had its chance. Let them deal with the abandoned lot right in the middle of downtown. Jason Roberts The letter writer is aformer Daily managing arts editor. Letters Policy All readers are encouraged to sub- mit letters to the Daily. Letters should include the writer's name, college and class standing or other University affili- ation. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to edit for length, clarity and accu- racy. Submissions become the property of The Michigan Daily. Letters will be run according to time- liness, order received and the amount of space available. Letters should be sent to tothedaily@michigandaily.com. Edi- tors can be reached at editpage.editors@ umich.edu. 0