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December 07, 2006 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2006-12-07

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
Scotland Yard
treats former spy's
death as murder
Scotland Yard said yesterday
it is treating the death of former
Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko
as murder.
The announcement came nearly
two weeks after Litvinenko died in
a London hospital; the rare radio-
active substance polonium-210
was found in his body. Scotland Enginee
Yard detectives are in Moscow as Environr
part of the widening investigation showed
into his death.
"Detectives ... have reached the ('
stage where it is felt appropriate
to treat it as an allegation of mur-
der," the Metropolitan Police said.
"It is important to stress that we m
have reached no conclusions as to
the means employed, the motive
or the identity of those who might LOS
be responsible for Mr. Litvinenko's photog
death." that wa
Earlier yesterday, Mario Scara- the frig
mella, the Italian security expert ing th
who met with Litvinenko on Nov. that th
1, the day the former agent fell ill, to life,.
was released from a London hospi- day.
tal after showing no signs of radia- The
tion poisoning. NASA's
Clouds may delay at.
tonight's space
shuttle launch Co
Clouds of concern gathered for
tonight's liftoff of the space shuttle C
Discovery as NASA downgraded
launch chances to 40 percent due WAS
to weather. Congre
"The forecast has trended for tapped
the worse right now," said Kathy patrick
Winters, shuttle weather officer. an for
An expected cloud ceiling at black la
3,000 feet was the biggest obsta- power i
cle for getting Discovery off the Kilpa
ground at 9:35 p.m. today. school
NASA won't launch with low Detroit
clouds because officials want to was cho
track it visually and allow enough ceeds R
visibility in case the astronauts "Wat
need to make a difficult emergency
landing atthe Kennedy Space Cen-
tera runway. D e
Taco Bell pulls
green onions after ed early
E. coli outbreak hescuff
stole an
Taco Bell ordered scallions deered
removed from its 5,800 U.S. res- Dean
taurants yesterday after tests sug- 23, wa
gested they may be responsible for yesterd.
the E. coli outbreak that has sick- He 1
ened at least three dozen people in Detroit
three states. compla
The fast-food chain said prelim- feeling:
inary testing by an independent Ther
lab fosnd three samples of green

onions appeared to have a danger-
ous strain of the bacterium. n
"In an abundance of caution, air
we've decided to pull all green
onions from our restaurants until
we know conclusively whether
they are the cause of the E. coli
outbreak," said Greg Creed, presi-
dent of Irvine, Calif.-based Taco
Missing man found
dead in Oregon
I mountains
A San Francisco man who got
stranded in the snowy wilderness
with his family nearly two weeks
ago was found dead yesterday in a
mountain creek, authorities said.
James Kim's body was discov- To pl
ered about seven miles from his
car in Oiregon's snowy Klamath
Mountains, two days after his wife
and two daughters were rescued
from the vehicle, stuck on a remote
road. Kim had set out on foot over
the weekend to find help.
- Compiled from
Daily wire reports

Thursday, December 7, 2006 - 3A


Iraq study group: Bush
war policies failed

Group urges military
to switch from
combat to training
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Bush's war policies have failed in
almost every regard, the bipartisan
Iraq Study Group concluded yes-
terday, and it warned of dwindling
chances to change course before
crisis turns to chaos.
Nearly four years, $400 billion
and more than 2,900 U.S. deaths

into a deeply unpopular war, vio-
lence is bad and getting worse,
there is no guarantee of success
and the consequences of failure are
great, the panel of five Republicans
and five Democrats said in a bleak
accounting of U.S. and Iraqi short-
comings. The implications, they
warned, are dire for terrorism, war
in the Middle East and higher oil
prices around the world.
It said the United States should
find ways to pull back most of its
combat forces by early 2008 and
focus U.S. troops on training and

supportingIraqiunits. The U.S. also
should begin a "diplomatic offen-
sive" by the end of the month and
engage adversaries Iran and Syria
in an effort to quell sectarian vio-
lence and shore up the fragile Iraqi
government, the report said.
The report's release followed by a
day the sobering assessmentby Rob-
ert Gates, confirmed yesterday as
Bush's new Pentagon chief, that the
United States is not winning in Iraq.
"Despite a massive effort, stability
in Iraqremains elusive and the situa-
tion is deteriorating," itsaid.

ring junior Zahid Hasan looks at an exhibit presented by the Graham
mental Sustainability Institute and the College of Engineering. The exhibit
creative solutions to environmental problems.

.ay flow on Mars

raphs from space suggest
ter occasionally flows on
id surface of Mars, rais-
e tantalizing possibility
e Red Planet is hospitable
scientists reported yester-
new images, taken by
Mars Global Surveyor
it lost contact with Earth,
actually show flowing
Rather, they show chang-
craters that provide the
st evidence yet that water

coursed through them as recent-
ly as several years ago, and is per-
haps doing so even now.
"This is a squirting gun for
water on Mars," said Kenneth
Edgett, a scientist at San Diego-
based Malin Space Science Sys-
tems, which operates a camera on
the Global Surveyor.
The news excited scientists
who hunt for extraterrestrial life.
If the finding is confirmed, they
say, all the ingredients favorable
forlifeonMars are inplace: liquid
water and a stable heat source.

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ngressional Black
ucus names new chair

ssional Black Caucus
Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kil-
yesterday as its chairwom-
the next two years, when
awmakers will wield more
n Congress than ever.
trick (D-Mich.) a former
teacher and the mother of
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick,
sen unanimously. She suc-
ep. Mel Watt (D-N.C.).
ch for us," Kilpatrick told

reporters. "We will take this cau-
cus to another level."
Because Democrats will be in
control when Congress convenes a
caucus will take up a historic slate
of leadership positions, including
the third-ranking member in the
House, Majority Whip James Cly-
burn of South Carolina.
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) will
chair the House Judiciary Com-

troit man on the run
er escaping arrest

ROIT (AP) - A man arrest-
'yesterday on suspicion of
a car was on the run after
led with police at ahospital,
officer's gun and comman-
an ambulance, police said.
dre Deshon-Russell Riley,
s arrested around 1 a.m.
ater was transported to
Receiving Hospital after
ining to police that he was
e, he initiated a struggle

with two officers and managed to
make off with a Glock handgun
around 6 a.m.
He grabbed a hospital clerk,
walked to the front door of the
hospital and released her before
fleeing the hospital grounds in
a private ambulance, which had
three people inside.
Riley, a Detroit resident,
abandoned the ambulance sev-
eral blocks away near the cam-
pus of Wayne State University
and fled on foot.


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_~ r
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! .

Number of charges dropped
in Operation Trick or Treat,
a high-profile drug roundup
in East Texas, a local Texas --
news station reported. An7
informant misled authori-
ties by making up evidence.

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