_ i - 3* * 9UiWWv 0 M O Te ihianDay- edesa. D3 OS6,00 Wensa,. eebr6,20. . heMcia Diy-C COVER STORY At Big House and your house, being prepared for the worst ,,.._, i AO Saving lives during a catastrophe isn't just about firehoses and storm shelters. A look at the oily vigilance behind the University's disaster response plans. By Christina Hildreth I Daily News Editor J ust before 3 p.m. on Easter Sunday in 1988, widely - posted on DPS's website, printed on flip Engineering Prof. Perry Samson ran into his charts in buildings across campus and taught to backyard, anxiously peering up at the sky. ushers at football games. Like most policies at the Wind speeds were almost 70 mph and tornado University, disaster planning is decentralized but sirens were blaring. A vortex had been spotted loosely collaborative. DPS leads some initiatives, nearby and the building thunderstorm was about while University Health Services lead others. to drop a twister. Some areas of campus just require fire drills. Oth- His fell l re hiding in their ers, like Michigan Stadium, are more complicated. basements extreme-weather junkie, st b e examining the 11,000people withnowhere to go clouds for o ti He wor direction: It was Anyone who regularly attends Michigan foot- headed s the o 1' in the middle of ball games knows the cardinal rule of fandom: the Duala:'ii hmedontbring abig bag. sto in a mobile home Since Sept.11 game security at Michigan Stadi- on t su ttsi the city, rambled um has increased dramatically. Spectators aren't aphazar rth g several garages allowed bags larger than a two-slice toaster and along Scio police are constantly on the lookout for suspicious The twister petered out efore reaching cam- packages. pus, weakly touching down once more north of In line with federal regulation, airspace over M-14 before dying. the Big House is no-fly zone from one hour before That time, the University escaped relatively the game until an hour after. Any planes entering unscathed: the storm tore shingles off the Art and the 3,000-foot-high, 3-square-nautical-mile space rchitecu- uilding, cpower on e Hill and above the wt m o wrested a f light fixtures from Um rsity Tow- ficcontrol s.Ea ,a fi ers, but it harmed little else. parks near the gates and stays for the duration of For University officials in the Department of the game -justincase. Public Safety and several other emergency plan- "Do we need to plan for terrorism? Yes," DPS ning offices around campus, disasters like the 1988 Spokeswoman Diane 'Brown said. "Is it highly tornado are a constantsource oftconcern. likely it wouldhappenWho's to say?" DPS maintains extensive emergency response She stressed that other emergenci pose a plans mirroring that of a small city. They cover a much more likely dangrtofans. Thebi t prob- breadth of disasters like flooding, terrorism and lemisevacuation-ge ing110,000 peop o move hazardous material spills. quickly and orderly ou of abowl-shaped structure These plans are updated every day as Univer- with limited exits is ob'ously tricky. sity departments identify new safety hazards and Trampling is a very real threat, especially if reevaluate old ones. scared fans try to escape via the field. On the turf, Some prcedures -like how DPS officers there's only one way out: through the tunnel, would respond to an activegunman or a bomb which could easilybecomehblocke. It's not hard threat - ate top secret. Others are distributed to imagine panicked fans crushing others against The University Hospital maintains protective equipment for workers in the case of a hazardous situation. I, we ncounter that situ- ation, we'll try to do the best we can. A little bit of it is just the risk people take when they come to an event." - Diane Brown, DPS spokeswoman , , , : ;- r r,_... : ; t : ' s ;a :k ,_ Safe haven atthe'U' At the University Hospital, patients' lives depend on ventilators and intravenous drips. Something as simple as a power outage could kill hundreds. "The big difference between the hospital and a businessoranotherschoolisthatwehavepeoplein our care who are fragile," said Peter Forster, direc- tor of the hospital emergency department. "That puts a burden on us as caregivers to protect those people. Someone who's just had surgery can't run out of the building during a fire drill." The hospital is plugged into the University's 10-mile-long electric power grid, which conducts enough electricity each year to power a 100-watt light bulb for 563,000 years. The grid produces much of its own power. Several heavy electrical lines run to the hospi- tal, which also maintains its own backup diesel generators. Multiple main circuits and an intricate web of redundancy make sure the lights never go out. All of this proved.crucial during the regional power outage in August 2003, which left many parts of the East Cost and Midwest scraping for extraenergy sources. EverythinginAnnArbor wasdark,DPSSpokes- woman Diane Brown said. Except the University. The community looksato the hospital for help in times of disaster, Forster said. During the blackout, some students wandered into the hospital think- ing they could find something to eat. The hospital wouldbecome even more of a focal point during a public health crisis like the much- discussed possibility ofa bird flu epidemic. Health administrators have spent cou less hours over earsstudyingho bestrespondto an hich some estimatecould kill more See DISASTER, page 7B