4A - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 OPINIWNdDThe Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com KIM LEUNG TETK-U O Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 413 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 tothedaily@umich.edu EMILY BEAM DONN M. FRESARD CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK JEFFREY BLOOMER EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. Allother signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views oftheir authors. FROM TEDx t Renaming a partnership Together, research universities can aid stalling economy T he University of Michigan, Michigan State University and Wayne State University announced last week the creation of the University Research Corridor, a collabo- ration that they hope will help transform Michigan's economy and solve the state's economic woes. The corridor's website even says the partnership will "lead us all to a better future." Tomorrow's only Wednesday. It feels like it should be Friday." - A PEDESTRIAN, overheard at Huron and Fifth last night around 8 p.m. r7- Ex/ The tragedy ofJosePadilla That certainly sounds promising - everyone wants a better future. But what is the University Research Corridor? As it turns out, not much. The name refers to the partnership between these universities, but that relationship is nothing new. There is a longstanding tra- dition of cooperation between the three schools, and it is unclear what, if anything, will change under the new name. The Uni- versity, for instance, is not dedicating any new staff or funding to the initiative. This union of the state's research universities signals a change in rhetoric, not a change in policy. Despite its superficial nature, the cor- ridor already has done something by attracting public attention. Getting more Michigan residents and legislators to recognize the role the state's research universities can play in turning around Michigan's economy is a worthy end in itself. The formalization of this partner- ship also could translate to increased cooperation between the schools, helping them earn grants and form partnerships with the private sector. Research and development at the state's research universities can create jobs and contribute to the growth of high-tech industries like alternative energy, nano- technology and life sciences. Although the partnership may appear to be little more than a PR strategy, it can help the pub- lic and the state Legislature understand the unique role the state's research uni- versities play. In an era of declining state support for higher education, any effort that can increase public awareness of the importance of Michigan's research uni- versities is welcome. Still, simply giving a name to the existing relationship between these universities can't produce the much- needed change Michigan's economy needs to diversify beyond its decaying manufac- turing base. At the naval brig in Charles- ton, S.C., he was referred to as "our enemy combatant." But to American activists enraged over President Bush's blatant disregard for due process, Jose Padilla became an icon for the deterioration of constitu- tional rights in the post-Sept. 11 era. The argument over whether suspected "enemy com- batants" are entitled to constitution- al protections is a debate the incoming Democratic Congress should have. In the mean- WHITNEY time, Padilla's trial is sched- DIBO uled for Jan.- 22 - but his lawyers are saying he isn't mentally stable enough to go through with it. Arrested at O'Hare International Airport in May 2002, Padilla was held in a military prison without charges for 21 months. Deprived of his Sixth Amendment right to a speedy and pub- lic trial and his Fifth Amendment right to due process of law, Padilla was kept in solitary confinement, sleeping on a steel platform and eating food passed to him through a metal slot. Although Padilla begged for legal help, his request was repeatedly denied. Activists were placated last Novem- ber when Padilla was finally indicted on charges of "providing material sup- port to terrorists" and "conspiring to murder, kidnap and maim" individuals overseas. Curiously, the original rea- son given for Padilla's arrest - that he planned to detonate radioactive "dirty bombs" in American apartment build- ings - appeared nowhere in last fall's indictment. In fact, the charge doesn't include anything about a planned ter- rorist attack on American soil. Appar- ently that accusation, which the U.S. government had a lengthy 21 months to substantiate, didn't pan out. In a recently released video, Padilla is shown preparing for a rare trip to a prison dentist. He is wearing sound- proof headphones and blackout gog- gles. His feet and hands are shackled and chained to a metal belt. The video is a startling glimpse into Padilla's extreme isolation. Padilla has also told his lawyers that his prison interrogations included exposuretoextremehotandcold,sleep depravation, stress positions, hooding, harsh lights and threats of execution. He was also allegedly forced to swal- low a drug, possibly LSD, as a "truth serum." A forensic psychiatrist has con- firmed after examining Padilla that due to the severity of his confinement, he now "lacks the capacity to assist in his own defense." Padilla is so para- noid that he suspects his own lawyers are part of a government interrogation scheme and desperately begs them not to speak about his incarceration. Let's be clear about one thing. Padil- la's case was not that of an innocent traveler randomly seized at the airport en route to his grandmother's funer- al. Upon arrest, Padilla was actually deplaning from a tour around Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq carrying $10,526 and the e- mail addresses of al-Qaida operatives. But despite Padilla's less-than-stel- lar track record, his defense's insanity plea is no ploy to dodge trial. Padilla's lawyers have relentlessly fought for a fair and public trial for their client since they first met with Padilla in March of 2004. They clear- ly aren't afraid to bring their case to court, considering it has already been heard multiple times. The Second Cir- cuit Court took it up first and ruled Padilla must be charged immediately or released from military custody. But that decision was suspended after the Bush Administration appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court - which prompt- ly punted the case back to the circuit courts, saying the case was "misfiled." After the Fourth Circuit Court found that the Bush Administration did in fact have the power to hold Padilla indefinitely without charges, his lawyers appealed once again to the Supreme Court - which refused to hear the case. Talk about a holdup. It's hard to believe that now, after literally years of delay, Padilla's law- yers would voluntarily throw away their long-awaited opportunity to defend their client in court. Padilla's defense lawyers aren't avoiding trial; they are making sure their now mentally disturbed client, who is now suffering from post-trau- matic stress after four years of solitary confinement and abuse, is finally given his due process. It remains to be seen whether Padilla has the capacity to stand trial next month. But whatever the courts Tampering with constitutional rights is never OK. decide, it's a lose-lose situation for the American justice system. If Padilla is found mentally unfit to stand trial, the U.S. government will have lost the chance to convict its enemy combatant. Nor will Padilla get the opportunity to detail the abuse he suffered at the hands of the U.S. government. And if Padilla does go to court in January, that too will be a sad. day for the U.S. court system - when a man who has been declared mentally unstable and incapable of assisting in his own defense is forced to stand trial. The bottom line is that there are no shortcuts in the justice system. When the U.S. government tampers with the Constitution and revokes our most basic rights, something is bound to go awry. Unfortunately, in this case, it was Jos6 Padilla's personhood and sanity. Time to plug tax holes Prompt action would give businesses time to adjust Politicians don't like voting for new taxes, but with Mich- igan's Single Business Tax scheduled to sunset at the end of 2007, the state Legislature has little time to waste in replacing the $1.9-billion hole the SBT's elimination will leave in the budget. Granholm released a plan for a new business tax last week, and it is up to this Legislature to make it law. oing without the SBT's revenue is simply not an option, unless the state wants to eliminate its public universities or get rid of its prison system. And even restoring just part of the rev- enue is unwise - inflation-adjusted gen- eral fund revenues have already fallen 28 percent in the past seven years, and fur- ther reductions would only deepen state's structural budget deficit. The plan has substantial support from both sides of the aisle, and with good reason: The tax restructuring avoids a number of the SBT's problems while fully replacing its revenue. The next step is for the state Legislature to consider the plan thoroughly and adjust it as needed before the end of the year. Instituting a new tax plan now, however, is a must to give the state and businesses adequate time to implement the new rules. 'U'must be responsible to the state before the world TO THE DAILY: Ryan Fantuzzi was unfairly portrayed in Alese Bagdol's article, Activists revisit war on Coke (12/05/2006). Fantuzzi's concerns lay with the local union workers whose jobs and livelihoods were put into jeopardy as a result of the campaign to rid campus of Coca-Cola products. Today, Michigan faces grave economic dif- ficulties. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Michigan's families to find work and to survive on full-time wages. The loss of more JOHN OQUIST I LVE Y Those seeking a net tax cut argue that restructuring Michigan's business tax now is irresponsible. This claim is misguided: Legislators have had months to consider how to fix Michigan's business tax, and there is no reason why they can't reach a decision now. What is irresponsible is eliminating a tax that provides one-quar- ter of the general fund and heading into the new year without a plan to replace it - the result of Oakland County Executive Brooks Patterson's hasty petition drive, conveniently timed a few months before November's elections. After Democrats take control of the House in January, it maybe easier to reach a consensus on Granholm's plan. But the plan on the table is reasonable and a sig- nificant improvement over the SBT. The current set of legislators broke the tax code, and they should fix it. good union jobs is the last thing Michigan families need. In the future, studentgroups must take the interests of Michigan's working families into accountwhenundertakingsocial justice proj- ects. It is important that students don't for- get the needs and wellbeing of our neighbors and fellow residents. Gripes with the human rights practices of the Coca-Cola Corporation in Colombia and India are wholly legitimate and cannot be ignored. However, calling for change without taking into consideration the effects on Michigan's working families is elit- ist, irresponsible and short-sighted. Nick Israel LSA senior Whitney Dibo is a Daily associate editorial page editor. She can be reached at wdibo@umich.edu. e When all eyes are on you Beware, comrades: We're liv- ing in a panoptic society. With cameras and video cameras in every classroom, any action poten- tially draws their gaze. Anything spontaneous, anything out of the ordinary and click - at least one of them is going to catch it. Perhaps the greatest irony in this panoptic society is the fact that we've done it to ourselves. While Jeremy Bentham envisioned a society in which gov- ernments spied on their subjects (particularly in relation to punitive measures), the gaze of RAFI the panopti- MARTINA con is rather self-inflicted in our case. Those cameras in our classrooms? I speak of nothing other than the digital cameras and camera- phones nestled in the pockets of near- ly all of my peers. By nonchalantly pressing a button, any of us can discreetly (might I even say surreptitiously) record our sur- roundings, even going so far as to pub- lish - or, in common parlance, "post" - a record of that surveillance on the Internet. With both the proliferation of post-it-yourself video sites and the low cost of caching information found on the Web, it hardly needs reminding that the momentarily hilarious video of you defecating on someone's porch becomes an indelible record of your, shall we say, lapsed judgment. No, Big Brother isn't watching you, but that friend of your older brother who you've always hated might be - and he might just send your brother (or mother) the video of, say, you puking after a late Saturday night. Indeed, many of you might not know you've been recon- noitered until you unexpectedly come upon it on YouTube.com. Undoubtedly all this talk of a pan- optic society sounds rather alarm- ist, perhaps even paranoid. But I ask you to consider for a moment the effect such ostensibly benign surveil- lance has on something as basic as life itself. Perhaps I romanticize that concept too much, but when actions must anticipate the potential of being captured, the very spontaneity and impulsiveness that inspire hilarity or unforgettable moments are lost. It might not even be overly philosophi- cal to suppose that the presumption of being watched (which inevitably affects one's decision-making and actions) inhibits our free will. Like an eight-year old hamming it up for the family video camera, once-earnest acts become mere contrivances. To be sure, much of the entertain- ment in witnessing unscripted acts in life comes from their ephemeral nature: They are unpredictable and nearly impossible to reenact. And much of their charm comes in the sometimes fumbling act of retelling such memorable events. Without videography, every wit- ness to an interesting event becomes an empowered part of that event, rather than a casual and ancillary blur in an image of that event. It is the power of retelling an interesting event - without the formalism inherent ina filmed version - that makes life worth recounting. But yielding to technol- ogy to do the work for us, we abdi- cate our roles as storytellers: Every one of us is a potential witness to a great event. So too are we all poten- tial raconteurs of such events. And the beauty is in the plurality of per- spectives that such recounting leaves us - in contrast to videography that yields only a singular retelling. When we can play someone else's video of an interesting occurrence with greater ease than giving our own recounting of that event, we become merely an audience in our own lives, giving oth- ers the responsibility (and power) of crafting our own memories. Sure, camera phones have served the purposes of amateur journalism. The would-be sleuths who captured the use of a Taser on a harmless stu- dent at UCLA is a case in point. The videographer capturing Michael Richards's racist tirade is another case in which camera phones proved effective in giving witness to an egre- gious act. George Allen's "macaca" remark serves as another example. But relative to the enormous cache of amateur-filmed events - banal vid- eos of everyday life included - such instances appear more as the excep- tion than the rule. Just like the pan opticon crafted to monitor grievous acts such as those above, the unin- Cell phone cameras are the new Big Brother. tended consequence of viewing every- thing has a rather pernicious effect on our lives. While no overly aggressive UCLA policeman is likely to stun a hapless student with a Taser again, while no moronic politician will like- ly utter an ethnic slur in public, the prominence of camera phones hasn't made those policemen docile or cured Allen of his racism. No, the panopticon has merely made fumbling public figures more delibera- tive in public. Stump speeches won't deviate from scripts. Policemen will conduct their business more mechani- cally. The presence of camera phones has merely demanded all of us not to let our guards down. But the novelty of capturing once-candid happenings is lost when all public displays become charades of inauthentic decorum. If I may be so bold as to offer one suggestion: Allow life to play out both unscripted and unfilmed. Rafi Martina can be reached at rmartina@umich.edu. Editorial Board Members: Reggie Brown, Kevin Bunkley, Amanda Burns, Sam Butler, Ben Caleca, Devika Daga, Milly Dick, James David Dickson, Jesse Forester, Gary Graca, Jared Goldberg, Jessi Holler, Rafi Martina, Toby Mitch- ell, Rajiv Prabhakar, David Russell, Katherine Seid,Elizabeth Stanley, Jennifer Sussex, John Stiglich, Neil Tambe, Rachel Wagner. A