Wednesday, September 6, 2006 - The Michigan Daily -19 D Eri Tower Your~~ lie Youca bring Twite yu *connectedthinking JUWTWUCP C 2006 PrioeaterhouseCoopers LiP All rights reserved , Pricewateilmirse~oapers" refers to Priewraterrousetoplets L.LP (a D~elarsare limitedi liability patrtershrip) oras the contiext emires, the PricewaterfrosseCoopers global network or other mnember firms of the networfk, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity,. coonectedfhinking is a trademark of Pricewaterhouse~oopers LLP (US). We are proud to be an Affirmative Action and hqual Opportsnity Employe.