Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 7A
Democrats took both of this state's House
seats from Republican incumbents. Both
seats were considered safe for the GOP in the
campaign's final stretch. Then polls began to
show 2nd District Rep. Charlie Bass's position
weakening. He lost to attorney Paul Hodes.
In a surprise upset, social worker and activist
Carol Shea-Porter defeated Republican Rep.
Jeb Bradley in New Hampshire'so1st District.
servative Republican Sen. Rick'
e-election to this seat by a
- margin. Instead, they chose
sey, a moderate Democrat.
it victory
i Brown
t for
n Party
go when
26th District
Rep. Tom Reynolds, chair of the Republican
congressional campaign committee,
survived a scare in this Western New York
district anchored by Buffalo. He defeated
Democratic businessman Jack Davis.
One of the Senate's most moderate Republicans,
Sen. Lincoln Chafee, lost his race for re-
election yesterday to former state Attorney
General Sheldon Whitehouse by 6 percentage
points. Chafee had struggled to hold on in
this Democratic stronghold. In John Kerry's
2004 attempt to unseat President Bush,
Rhode Island gave him his highest margin.
Sen. Joe Lieberman hung on to win one of the
wildest races of this year's election with 50
percent of the vote. Lieberman changed his
party registration to independent after he lost
the Democratic primary to anti-war activist and
political newcomer Ned Lamont this summer.
2nd District
As of 2:30 this morning, Democrat Joseph
Courtney led Republican incumbent Rep. Rob
Simmons by 239 votes with 97 percent of
precincts reporting. Simmons, a former CIA
agent, had tried to parlay his national security
credentials into a victory in this democratic
district, but his prospects looked grim.
4th District
One of the Democrats' biggest targets,
Republican Rep. Chris Shays, defeated
Westport First Selectwoman Diane Farrell
for the second time. Shays hangs on to
his seat in a Democratic district made up
mostly of wealthy New York City suburbs.
5th District
Democratic State Sen. Chris Murphy defeated 12-
term veteran Rep. Nancy Johnson in a district that
split its presidential vote almost evenly in 2004.
16th District
Democratic businessman Tim Mahoney narrowly
won this race against state Rep. Joe Negron.
But Mahoney had substantial help. Negron's
name wasn't on the ballot - that of disgraced
former Rep. Mark Foley was. Foley resigned
after sexually explicit e-mails between him
and underage pages surfaced. His resignation
came too late for Republicans in this district to
replace his name with Negron's on the ballot.
22nd District
Voters in this Ft. Lauderdale district threw
out Republican Rep. Clay Shaw, one of the
most senior members of the powerful House
Ways and Means Committee. They elected
State Sen. Ron Klein to replace him.
One oftthe
down to th
victory ove
Allen refus
of less thar
recount, b
of Canvass
this race'sc
the Senate
1 District
Real-estate speculator and former professional
football player Heath Shuler defeated eight-
term incumbent Rep. Charles Taylor to
win a seat in North Carolina's 11th District.
Throughout the campaign, Shuler and Taylor
traded insults. Taylor tried to paint Shuler as
a liberal, while Shuler called Taylor dishonest.
Polls leading up to the election favored Shuler
by margins between 2 and 11 percent, but
Shuler pulled out an 8-percent victory.
nation's closest Senate races was
e wire in Virginia early this morning.
c challenger James Webb declared
r Republican Sen. George Allen, but
ed to concede. Webb led with a margin
n 1 percent. Allen will likely request a
ut cannot do so until the state's Board
ers convenes on Nov. 27. That means
outcome, which could decide control of
, may not be certain for another month.
, ,
1l 49
'y govern?
aily News Editor
(results as of 4 A.M.)
gy and engi-
on. Leading
n. Ted Ken-
posed bills
e tax shel-
rom $4,050
uts in work-
ins loans.
the new blue
take on any
:ially those
cial conser-
hipan said.
ing to touch
ig that they
ht happen
it would be
ts to cobble
n their own
to put forth
tty wide-
he war," he
said. There's a very vocal faction
that maintains the United States
never should have gone to war, a
set that agreed with the war ini-
tially but now wants to cut losses
and a group that still sees a pos-
sible victory at the end of the tun-
But Republicans still hold con-
siderable sway on the Hill. The
Senate, even if the Democrats take
the majority, will be narrowly
divided, and Bush could still block
any legislation that might get
through Congress. But the impor-
tant distinction between the 109"'
Congress and the 110th is that this
class can force Bush to veto an
unfriendly bill, Shipan said. Up
until now, Bush has only vetoed
one piece of legislation: a bill to
give more federal funds to stem
cell research in September.
The wildcard issue in the new
Congress will be immigration.
Bush, at dramatic odds with his
party over his proposed
guest-worker program, could find
some favor in House Democrats.
But new immigration bills defi-
nitely won't involve guest work-
ers, Shipan said, and Democrats
will "bend over backwards" to
prevent passing something that
could be tagged as amnesty. Still,
the odd couple of a Pelosi House
and a Bush White House might
join forces to pass a bill that would
institute various penalties or pay-
ments of back taxes in exchange
for a road toward American citi-
Much, including the final bal-
ance of the Senate, is yet to be
determined. But Democrats have
made inroads on Republican
power, and if analysts
predictions prove
true, they could get
a chance to have
things their way
for the first time in
many of our politi-
cal memories.
" " O "
m 0
Bomb threat in
A bomb threat at a high school in Madi-
son, Wisc. forced election officials there to
close and relocate one polling place yesterday
Democrat Independent Too Close
(caucus of Dems) to call
"I just think democracy is great." .'
-SEN. HILLARY CLINTON (D-N.Y.), a likely presiden- B
tial contender in 2008, declaring victory in her re-
election campaign last night.
The one indispensable
erson for this Democrat-
victory was George W.
-Democratic pundit
PAUL BEGALA on CNN last night.
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