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November 08, 2006 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-11-08

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 3A

Michigan Senate
race remains too
close to call
As of 4 a.m. today, the race for
the state Senate was still too close
to call, with 12 seats confirmed for
the Democrats and 11 confirmed for
the Republicans.
Previously, the GOP held 22 seats
in the Senate, while the Democrats
held 16 seats. Democrats would
need to gain at least four seats in
order to become the majority party.
Republicanshave heldthemajor-
ity in the state Senate since 1984.
Results unclear, but
Dems poised to take
over state House
For the first time since 1999,
Democrats may gain control of the
state House of Representatives.
As of 4 a.m. today, results for the
state House raise were inconclu-
sive, but Democrats had picked up
several key seats and were likely to
gain control of the chamber.
Republicans previously held a
58-49 majority with three vacan-
cies. To gaina majority, Democrats
needed to retain three and win four
additional seats.
Kunselman lone
new face on council
Stephen Kunselman, a Demo-
crat, was the only new member
elected to the Ann Arbor City
Council last night.
Kunselman beat Green Party can-
didate Peter Schermerhorn to cap-
ture the open Ward 3 seat, receiving
6,189 of the 8,722 votes cast.
"(Winning) feels great," Kun-
selman said while enjoying a gyro
and a basket of fries at the Fleet-
wood Diner. "I"m really excited.
It's been a long journey because I
first contemplated (running) back
in July of 2005."
Kunsleman said he looks for-
ward to bringing a unqiue perspec-
tive to the counsel, one influenced
by his lifelong residence in Ann
Arbor. He also said if students
truly want to participate in city
government, he will be willing to
work with them.
Schermerhornwas in good spir-
its last night, despite being some-
what disillusioned by the number
of straight Democrat ballots that
had been cast.
"Clearly, (the Green Party) has
done better than it has ever done in
town," Schermerhorn said. "So we
are building momentum towards
eventually winning office."
Schermerhorn won . about 16
percent of the vote.
City Council member Ron
Suarez (D-Ward 1), whobeatDem-
ocrat John Roberts in the August
primary, Joan Lowenstein (D-
Ward 2), Margie Teall (D-Ward
4) and Chris Easthope (D-Ward 5)
did not face challengers yesterday.
Two more years:
Hieftje wins again
John Hieftje will sit in Tree

Town's mayoral suite for yet anoth-
er term.
Hieftje won his election last
night, receiving30,929 of the 39,362
votes cast, ensuring a fourth term
inoffice and maintaining his record
of never having lost a precinct.
"I'm really happy to have anoth-
er opportunity to serve," Hieftje
said. "My thanks go out to Ann
Arbor voters."
Hiefje's opponent, independent
Tom Wall, could not be reached for
comment last night.
In his upcoming term, Hieftje
said he hopes to focus on transpor-
taion and environmen-
tal concerns in Ann
- Anne Joling,
Daily News

Brater, Wrren bnlloz
Incumbent state senator wants
to make student voting easiere

Daily StaffReporter
Incumbent state Sen. Liz Brater defeated
Republican challenger John Kopinski yesterday to
earn her second term in the Legislature.
Brater represents the 18th District, which
includes most of Washtenaw County.
Celebrating at the Arbor Brewing Company
last night with fellow Democrats, Brater said
she plans to continue working on environmen-
tal and education initiatives as part of what
will likely be a Democratic minority in the
state Senate.
"If Democrats control the Legislature, we
would puta higher priority on spending for upper-
level education," she said.
In the past, Brater has devoted much of her time
to environmental issues. She has also introduced
bills in the state Senate aimed at making it easier
for college students to vote on campus.
At a Monday-night rally for Gov. Jennifer Gra-
nholm in the Michigan Union, many Democratic
candidates didn't discuss the specifics of policy
issues, instead using their time on stage to fire up
the crowd.
But not Brater.
Before a raucous crowd of College Democrats
and other supporters, she displayed her ardent
enthusiasm for the environment.
Brater's commitment to environmental activ-
ism has earned her national recognition.

e opponents
Strong student support helped
propel newcomer to victory
Daily StaffReporter
Democrat and pro-choice activist Rebeah
Warren beat Republican Erik Sheagren and Inee-
pendent Matt Erard for the 53rd District's state r p-
resentative seat yesterday, taking 80 percent of the
vote. Sheagren won 17.5 percent and Erard, an ILSA
senior, took 2 percent.
Current Representative Chris Kolb (D-Attn
Arbor) had reached his term limit.
In the August primary, Warren defeated ltity
Council member Leigh Greden (D-Ward 3).
Liberal student activists supported Warren ely
on and throughout the election cycle.
Warren's positions on issues like education, he6)th
care and abortion rights are solidly Democratic. Fier
ideas on local issues are decidedly pro-student: 'Ar-
ren is against both banning couches on porches (sd
stricter regulation of street parking. a
In Lansing, she plans to seek an appointment to
the House Appropriations Committee to address
the state's economic problems. She also said she will
work to lower the cost of higher education.
Erard, Warren's independent opponent, is chair
of the Socialist Party of Michigan. Because the Sec-
retary of State does not recognize the party, Erard
appeared on the ballot without party affiliation.
MON/Daily He conceded the loss last night.
n victories "That we got the campaign on the ballot and pro-
oth won vided working people with an alternative to corpo-
rate candidates is a victory in and of itself," he said.


State Sen. Liz Brater (top) and Rebekah Warren (bottom) celebrate their electior
last night at a Democratic Party gathering at the Arbor Brewing Company. They b
by comforta ble margins.

Proposals 1, 4 pass easily as 3 fails


Voters say no to dove
hunting, yes to limit
eminent domain
Daily StaffReporter
Give up your dreams of hunting
mourning doves.
Voters buried Proposal 3 with
68 percent as of 3:20 a.m. with 92
percent of precincts reporting. It
would establish a hunting season
for the birds. Voters also blacked
in their ballot bubbles and decided
on two other less hotly contested
proposals yesterday.
Proposal 1 passed with 81 per-
cent as of 3:20 a.m. with 92 per-
cent of precincts reporting. It will
add an amendment to the state
Constitution that requires all

funds generated by the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources to be
used exclusively to support the
department's own programs.
It would have been possible
under current law for the state
Legislature to reassign DNR funds
to the state's general fund. Under
the new amendment, the Legisla-
ture cannot re-appropriate DNR
funds without a public vote.
Public Policy Prof. Elisabeth
Gerber said the passage of the
proposal could induce other state
departments to try to hold onto a
greater share of the state's dwin-
dling financial resources by lob-
bying for similar legislation.
"The less discretion the Legis-
lature has, the greater the incen-
tive for policy advocates on all
different kinds of issues to try
to secure their own piece of the
pie, because the pie is shrinking,"
Gerber said.

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Friday, November 10, 2006
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Election returns evoke looks of disbelief from students at a College Republicars
election-watching party early last night.
university unions-
almost as good as
[we've got what you need.]
M IBUniversity
I$ lUnions

Years since 1956 that
Ann Arbor had a
Republican mayor

3 .... .


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