6A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 30, 2006 the michigan daily A 7 MINUTES TO campus. 2 or 3 bdrm. condo 4 sale. Don't waste your money on rent! Build equity while you learn. Nearly New 1458 SF. 2 baths. Only $143,500. Stone School Cr. Call Di- anne Johnson 734-476-0238 or Keller Williams Realty 734-424-9400 Ext. 402. www.diannejohnson.biz Be part of something. Something BIG. And pay less than you do now. CAMPUS PARKING SPACES Avail- able. 665-8825. PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE Near Business & Law School Call 668-1100. The Inter-Cooperative Council. Living without landlords since 1932. www.icc.coop 734-662-4414 !! GREAT APTS. & Hses. for 07-081!! A combination of quality and prices you can't Beat! We have Hses. & Apts. all over A2 w/ something to fit every need. Studios, I bdrms., 2 bdrms., 3 bdrms., and houses still available. PICK UP OUR LISTINGS TODAY at Campus Management 337 E. Huron (663-4101). "CMI proudly serving the Ann Arbor & U of M community for almost 45 years!" Beautifully appointed. Linens, kitchen- ware, laundry, util. incl. Perfect for Prof., Grad., Dr., Scholar, etc or person w/ only personal belongings. UM affili- ate only. Refs & dep. req. 662-8109. * AVAIL. Fall '07. 5 bdrm house. 833 Brown St. Near U of M Stadium. Earn income for prkg. during ftbl. games. $2000 per mo. 610-952-5269 or louisbreskman@yahoo.com *1033 MICHIGAN AVE. Lrge., 6 bdrm. beautiful, furn. home. 3 Full bths, Idry. & 6 no-block prkg. Close to U of M B & Law. 734-475-2577. Studio & 1 Bdrm. Units Tower Plaza Condominium Quiet &aSecureas Cneblockfrom Campus, 734-663-1530 * AVAIL. Fall '07. 5 bdrm. house. 930 Dewey St. Great loc. 3 firs. & plenty of prkg. $2500 per mo. 610-952-5269 or louisbreskman@yahoo.com *AVAIL. NOW. CLOSE to Med. & Central Campus. Modern 2 bdrm. Furn. & Unfurn. Balc. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. www.housing.umich.edu *HOUSE FOR FALL. Furnished, nice 7-8 person, I blk. from CCRB, dshwr., ldry., A/C, fireplace, prkg. 12 mo. tse. $4100/mo. 646-5548. 1003 PACKARD 2-4 bdrm. $900-1840 116 N. State 1-2 bdrm. $720-1050 prkg. 248.231.5309. kliao22@fgmail 1350 GEDDES AVE. across from CCRB. 6 bdrm. w/ 2 large studies. Furn., free ldry. Plenty of no-block prkg. available Sept. 734-475-2577. 2 BDRM., 2 bath., fireplace, indoor pool, workout facility, Pauline & Sta- dium, 248-318-9759. 4 BDRM. HOUSES avail. May '07. 505 Sauer Ct. $2300. 1117 S. Forest. $2400. Tenants pay all util. Call today 734.996.1991. cappomanagement.com 4 BEDROOM...AVAILABLE IMME- DIATELY!!! Furnished and Great Lo- cation. Call today to see and move in. 761-8000. . . AVAIL. NOW or later. 4 blks. to campus. Effs. 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. in beautiful homes. Mo.-mo. ok. Rent neg. w/ long term. For appt. & price, 972-7030. For pix a2apartments.com or a2realproperty.com ! ! ROOMS IN beautiful homes with flower beds. 3-5 blks. to UM central campus. $455-$635. Month to month tease ok. Rent neg. with long term. For appt. and price call 972-7030. For pic- tures annarborooms.com I & 2 Brdm. furn. apts. 402 Hill St. ! APARTMENTS AND HOUSES now and 1313 S. State. Avail. Sept. 2007. leasing for '07/'08. 332-6000. Ldry., A/C, free prkg. Call 904-6735. CARLSONPROPERTIES.COM !! CHARMING 3 bdrm. house. Near Central Camp. Updated kitch. At- tached garage. Prkg. Aug. '07. $1650. Dwshr. Ldry. & Dryer. 248-515-7440. 5&6 Bedroom Houses for 2007 CO PI P RO PERTI E S !! BEAUTIFUL, LARGE Homes in the campus area. 6-10 Bdrms. Avail. NOW for 2007/2008. Cable & Ethernet ready. Free laundry and parking. For a list call 663-1370, visit www.nancylat.com or e-mail nancylat@umich.edu !!!MAY LEASES AVAILABLE!!! Stu- dio - 2 bdrm. apts. on central campus. 741-9300 annarborapartments.net ***MAY/SEPT. 2007 LEASE*** 8, 6, 4 bdrm. houses and 1-3 studio apt. 222-9033. JMS Properties. . a MADISON PROPERTY COMPANY r m e on cEast U.,Apabrtmens A a ExcilalenSev !. O " eat houest. b 2 734.994.5284e. 0 6 7 BDRM. HOUSE. 3 baths. New reno- vation, free prkg. Close to campus - cheap! $495 per person. 734-730-6988 or 517-349-1620. 8 BDRM. HOUSE on Oakland, north of Hill. Call for interest, 734-668-1118 www.noplacelikejones.com 8 BDRM. HOUSE. Newly renovated. 1026 Greenwood. May Lease. 332-6000. carlsonproperties.com o GREAT DEALS on Apartments> Short walk 2 campus. Rooms at 1021 E. University. Two Bedroom apts. on Second. Inquire about our spring leasing. MPC 734.994.5284 www.madproco.com ARCH AND PACKARD: 6 bdrm. hse., prkg. 4 cars. $3150. East U and Greenwood: Large 5 bdrm. apt. $2600 for 5 or $2750 for 6. prkg. 4 cars. No block-in prkg. Call 426-9437. ARCH ST. 6 bdrm. house, very nice. 2 car garage. Furn., fireplace, May '07. $3100. 426-4772, ask for Jit. AVAIL MAY, I Bdrm. hse. (a 1116 S. Forest. 4 full baths, freedry., fenced in yard. $4800-$5000. Also, eff. 1, 2, 3, & 5 bdrm. apts. 734-665-2723. FALL '07. 5-8 bdrm. houses. Great lo- cations & prices. Keysmanagementnet StudendtO We have the best apartments We have the best campus locations 625 Church St. 668-1100 www.varsitymanagement.com AVAILABLE JANUARY! Studio - 2 bdrm. apartment homes. Great Ann Ar- bor locations. FREE heat & parking. Pets welcome! 741-9300 annarborapartments.net AVAILABLE NOW & FALL 2007. 3 BDRM house near Yost - $1600. 4 BDRM house near B-School - $2100. Call 734-223-7777. Old West SideJ 1 Bedroom plus Den MUST SEE (734) 668.1100 AVAILABLE NOW Large 1 bdrm. apartment. 2 blocks to Business and Law. Free Prkg. Heat and Water Included. 734-944-2405. AVAILABLE NOW WILLIAM and Division, 1 Bdrm. apt. with security buzzer, separate storage & laundry fa- cilities. Gallatin Realty Co. 734-368-0256. BE PART OF SOMETHING BIG. Join a co-op! Furnished, free food, laundry, utilities, and fun. Diverse environ- ments. North & Central Campus. 662-4414 or www.ic.coop. BY OWNER: BEAUTIFUL west side home for rent in old Ann Arbor neigh- borhood. Classic brick farmhouse one mile from campus. 3 bdrm., 2 bath., big yard. $1800. 734.761.2324. Campus Fall'07 Address Bdrm. Bath. Price Prkg. 1417 S. University 7+ 3 $4700 Yes 1115 S. Forest 6 2 $3600 Yes 1215 Hill , 2 1 $1300 Yes 507 5th Ave. 2 2 $1300 Yes 102 Koch 1 1 $750 No 408 4th Ave. 4 1 $2400 Yes Call 429-2089 EXECUTIVE RENTAL YOU bring your suitcase and we provide every- thing else. Flexible leases. Avail. Dec. 741-9300. FALL '07 - 4bdrm/t.5bath. home, en- closed garage. Walking distance from Yost & Law school. Deck on front & rear. Bdrms. wired for networking. $2350/mo + util. Call Jerry (734) 834-1680. FALL '07. 6 bdrm. 1209 Packard. Free laundry, Prkg. $2700/mo. 323-7198. GREAT HOUSES AND Apartments for next year. Don't call us if you want a really beat up and cheap place. Do call us if you want a house or apart- ment in a great location, well main- tained and managed by people that care. Up to 24 bdrm. available. Call 668-1110 or noplaceikejonescom HOUSES AND APARTMENTS for rent for 2007 at Mdigs.com LARGE FURNISHED 2 or 3 bdrm. apt. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich. Union. Avail. Now, win- ter, Fall '07. Heat & water incl. Bale., A/C, prkg., Idry. $950 -$1650. No smkg./no pets. 734-996-3539 or 734-678-7250. ehtseng@comcast.net LARGE GROUPS LOOKING forMay housing-Call for interest, 734-668-1118 www.noplacelikejones.com LOCATIONLOCATION LOCATION 2 Bedroom, fully furn. w/georgous leather furniture, very 1g: kitch. w/ mod- ern appliances, full-size wshr. & dryer, on-site parking, located on Church St. Call Laura @ 734-994-0644. MINUTES TO UNION. 5-6 1g. bdrm. (5-7 persons). +Study, Rec. rm. 2 kitch., 2 baths. Formal dining & living rm. prkg., Idry. 717-2017 or 971-3193. NOW LEASING FOR May 2007 Great Locations & Amenities Wilson White Co., Inc. 734.995.9200 www.wilsonwhitecompaty.com TREE CITY PROPERTIES LLC. Houses now available for 2007, May 2007: 616 S. Division, 1104 Prospect, 915 Greenwood, 905 Packard, 1110 Prospect. Sept. 2007: 1016 S.Forest, 1108 Prospect, 1019 Packard, 1115 Packard. More houses and apartments available! 734-994-8733. www.treecityproperties.com TOWER PLAZA FURN. I bdrm. Smoke-free, Stadium view, Garage. $1250. 248-644-6366. APTS., SUBLETS, & Rmmte(s). List and Browse FREE! All Cities & Areas. 1-877-367-7368 or www.sublet.com DRUNK DRIVING DEFENSE. $500 and all other traffic matters call David Bower, P.C. at 313-333-0309. PRIVATE TUTORING FOR LSAT, LAW SCHOOL, BAR EXAM My credentials: - perfect 180 on LSAT - Michigan Law graduate (3.85 GPA) - licensed attorney - 14 years of teaching experience - hundreds of delighted students 734.996.2861 www.TESTGURU.com !!!BARTENDING!!! $300A day poten- tial, Age 18+ ok. No exp. necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 x 125. $10.00/HR. MICHIGAN TELEFUND now hiring. Great Resume Builder! Ap- ply @a, telefund.umich.edu or 763-4400. * * NOW HIRING! * * The Michigan Daily Classifieds Department is now ac- cepting applications for Account Execu- tives. For more info. please email us at classified@michigandaily.com or visit us in person at 413 E. Huron. **EGG DONORS WANTED** Currently seeking healthy, compassion- ate women 18-34to help infertile cou- ples realize their dream of parenthood. Donors must be free of drugs, nicotine, & genetic diseases. All eligible women are encouraged to apply. Compensation for your time & effort begins at $5,000 but may be significantly higher depend- ing on the situation. For more informa- tion or to apply please contact Sandra at Conceivable Solution: 847-234-9606 or visit www.conceivablesolution.com *SIDEWALKSHOVELERSNEEDED Part-time positions, $18-20/hr. Great work environment. Those with own 4x4 type vehicle more $$$. Mostly nights. Call between 9am-4pm for in- terview. 663-3343 ext. 21 (Roger). EARN $4,000! Be an Egg Donor. Must be 20-27 years of age and a non- smoker. Please call Alternative Repro- ductive Resources at 248-723-9979 or www.arrl.com for info. FOR 07/08 Campus Realty Formally Campus Rentals. New Name, same Great Location, Quality and Service. Stop in & pick up our listings for 2007-2008 school yr. 13355. University 734-665-8825 www.campusrealty.com I ,www.Bartonbrook.com, /.74-65-501n 2007 RENTALS Address Bdrm., Bath., Price, Term $ FALL 2007 $ 1, 2, 3 bdrm. apts. Excellent, conve- nient, great location, prkg. 734-883-7771 or 734-834-2488. 1020 Church 1143 S.Forest 1110 Judson Ct. 954 Greenwood 7 2 4350 May 6+ 2 3400 May 6 2 3600 May 5+ 2 3400 May Attention MCATA Students! Enroll now, and get up to 3 months of prep before your Kaplan class even begins!A Register by October 31st for a Kaplan MCAT class that starts in January, take your diagnostic, and geta FREE science review! You will get 3 months of 24/7 access, 46 interactive media lessons and over 600 questions found no where else in our course! KA PLAN www.kaptest.com 1-800-KAPTEST *Test names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.**Must enroll in an MCAT classroom or class +5 course, online course, or private tutoring program between 10/1/06 -10/31/06. cannot be combined with any other offer, discount, rebate or promotion. For more listings check: www.MichiganRental.com Call 734-327-0529. 6 BDRM. BEAUTIFUL house. Linden St. Large rms. Central A/C, fireplace, 2 bath., furn., free prkg. - no block in. Sept. '07. $3400. 734-426-4772. 6 BDRM. HOUSE, lovingly main- tained, large bdrms., S. Forest. Prkg., furn., private owner - no management. company. Sept. '07. $3100. 426-4772, ask for Jim. Los Angeles Times Daily{ Edited by Rich Norris and Joyc ACROSS 2 Perched on 32 Drin 1 Roundup rope 3 Versatile bean mar: 6 Like well-cooked 4 Toys on grooved 34 Lanc bacon tracks mea 11 Fourth-yr. 5 Cry heard at a 35 Egg collegians bullring 37 Pub 14 Coral island 6 Onerous task perc 15 Biblical prophet 7 Howard and 38 Sup 16 Granola bit Silver cou 17 Fluctuating 8 Prefix with 40 Clas marketplace metric 41 San 19 Sault _ Marie 9 Advanced study lette 20 Quibbling quarrel groups 43 Qty. 21 Hosp. trauma 10 Monthly rent, for 44 Enjo centers instance cruit 22 Wear out one's 11 Thumbs- ANSY welcome, e.g. sideways from 24 Sugar source Ebert? T H E 26 Golf club with a 12 "Midnight R O S nearly vertical Cowboy" role A P P face 13 Dutch painter 27 "Casablanca" Jan P E N star 18 Coin with 30 Grove fruit , Lincoln's profile O P E 3! 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A L D E B T EMARY C L O ON E Y L E P I E A L A M O D E VS E E S R E V I S E S 0 R R G E N N S E A Y E S 0 R N 0 AS D U P E D S E E R rA R A N T S A S I A iM A E L A T AN E N D M T V R N A ?E T O S P 1 S T O L A >T IL E T AK E 0 E R R A SS E S S M E N T S ditor@aol.com 10/29/06 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 19 22 23 as 33 34 a35 44 47 49 50 51 22s53 83 10/30/06 4 Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to public: Rates: $4.10 per line for the first issue and $2.05 per line for ea additional consecutive issue. * Frequency and Bulk contracts a: contact our staff for details * Students may receivea 20% disco ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizatio business ads only) * All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing p have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, America! 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