Whose best interest CRIME Continued from page IA NEWS Thursday, October 12, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 7A is served when celebs adopt from Africa the Sexual Assault Prevention and Counseling Center - last year. There were two more rapes last year than in 2004. There were two more on-cam- pus robberies in 2004 than last year, five more cases of arson, three more motor vehicle thefts and 14 more drug law violations. Aggravated assault has gone down from 16 cases in 2004 to 12 cases last year. The total number of larcenies has increased during the past three years to 1,244, up 23 percent from last year. Burglaries have more than dou- bled since 2004. The hike is likely due to only a few perpetrators com- mitting multiple crimes, DPS said. "Two pairs of people have been identified as suspects in upwards of 20 burglaries," Brown said. JOHANNESBURG,SouthAfrica (AP) - Reports that Madonna may have adopted a Malawian child have focused attention on foreign adop- tions in Africa - and raised ques- tions about whether it's in an African child's best interest to be spirited away to the wealthy West. "Are celebrities doing it for the right reasons and not to make a state- ment?" asked Pam Wilson of the Johannesburg Child Welfare Society. Comments on talk radio across the region have been even more pointed, with callers accusing the pop-music star of going on a "shopping expedi- tion" At this time, current legislation in Malawi does not even allow forinter- country adoptions. This would make it illegal for Madonna to take home a child from Malawi, although there are rumors that restrictions were to be waived for her. The adoption of children from poorer nations - Cambodia, Ethio- pia, Romania - by rich foreigners has been happening for decades. Angelina Jolie adopted her son, Maddox, from Cambodia and her daughter Zahara from Ethiopia. Mia Farrow, now the mother of 14, began adopting children from poor coun- tries in 1973 with an orphan from the Vietnam War. Wilson said there would always be a "demand" for children from developing countries. "There is a shortage of healthy babies in the First World, particularly now when there is no longer such a stigma to being a single parent and there are few babies in the system," she said. Adoptions of orphans from abroad have been increasing steadily in the UnitedStates - tomore than 22,000 in 2004. Russia, China and Guate- mala have been the main sources of these children; only a few hundred per year have come from Africa. By 2010, the U.N. estimates, 18 million African children will have lost a parent to AIDS. Already there are more than 43 million orphans on the world's poorest continent. In Africa, orphans usually are absorbed into extended families, but AIDS has affected many of the people who might have traditionally provided support. So, many of those millions who have lost parents to AIDS or other causes are cared for by orphanages - or find themselves living on the streets. While some may see a great need being left unfilled, international adoptions are not "an easy option;' said Jackie Schoeman, executive director of Cotlands, aSouth African organization that cares for children affected by HIV. "For us, first prize is to place the kids locally or even regionally. If the only other option is for them to be in a long-term institutional then we would consider international adop- tion." Schoeman said there were advantages to international adop- tions. Recently one of the children for whom her organization cares was adopted by parents in the U.S. and now can receive medical care unavailable in South Africa. However, Schoeman and others are concerned about the long-term effects of such a big move on a child, particularly in the development of cultural and individual identities. "We don't really know enough about what a black child growing up in Finland is going to feel. I don't think it would be an alien culture because they would have grown up exposed to it. But will they have felt better staying at home?" she asked. At the heart of the matter is the motivation of people wanting to adopt orphans from troubled coun- tries, especially HIV-positive chil- dren. EXERCISE Continued from page 1A palsy. Their treatment of choice isn't a drug or an operation, but a simple machine feared by all middle-aged couch potatoes: the treadmill. Twelve years ago, University researchers Dale and Beverly Ulrich started researching how to get Down syndrome infants to walk at earlier developmental stages. After years of trials and research, they've found a way to teach Down syndrome babies to walk almost as early as their peers using tiny treadmills built for infants. "Long before these children can walk, we try to train them by holding and supporting them on a treadmill," said Dale Ulrich, who heads the Center for Motor Behavior and Pediatric Disabili- ties under the Division of Kinesi- ology. His wife, Beverly, is dean of kinesiology. The treadmill pulls their legs back, which stretches the leg muscles and springs them for- ward. These repetitions train the babies' brains to stimulate move- ment. Their success with Down syn- drome babies has turned their research toward a new goal: applying the same methods to infants at risk for cerebral palsy. The cerebral palsy infants present a special challenge, Dale Ulrich said, because their high muscle tone causes their legs to move spastically. Down syndrome children have more relaxed leg muscles. A year and a half ago, the Division of Kinesiology won a five-year grant from the federal Department of Education to con- tinue this research. Since then, researcher Rosa Angulo-Barro- so, who works with the Ulrichs, has been working on finding ways to help children at risk for cerebral palsy. Right now, researchers are trying to collect data by working with at-risk infants between the ages of six months and one year. The research team separates these infants into one of two groups for a study that will fol- low them until six months after they start walking. The control group receives no intervention, and the experimental group has mini-treadmills installed in their homes. For the experiment, each child's parents support him on the treadmill for an eight-minute workout five days a week. The research team then makes visits to the homes once a month to assess the infant's motor devel- opment. Six months after the babies can walk on their own, their parents bring them to the research lab for a final evalua- tion. "We use assessment batteries, which are typically used in the clinics by pediatricians," Angu- lo-Barroso said. "We assess in general, not only their progress in walking, but also in their motor and cognitive develop- ment." Researchers are looking not only at the infants' progress in walking, but also their other motor skills and even mental ability. Dale Ulrich explained that being able to walk early allows infants to explore their environment sooner, which helps their cognitive development. Graduate students perform the bulk of the assessment. Graduate student Meghann Lloyd is one of the research assistants who has been working closely with the Ulrichs and Angulo-Barroso for the past few years. She describes the work as a great learning experience. "We get to build a really inter- esting relationship with the fam- ilies and kids," Lloyd said. "That is definitely one of the perks for working in the family's home in a longitudinal study. We become a bit of a resource for some of the parents, because they often have questions for us." Many undergraduate students have also lent a hand in the research. Lloyd estimates that 10 to 12 undergrads are working on the project. "(Undergrads) are there to learn about research and help us by assisting, but we make an effort to make sure that they all get a chance to go out to the homes to see the families and kids," Lloyd said. "Also, when the infants come into the CCRB research center, they get to see them and their progress. They are getting more than just numbers on a page or pictures on a file." Angulo-Barroso estimates that the final results of the research on cerebral palsy will become public around 2008 or 2009. "We have seen tremendous amounts of success in our Down syndrome infants," Dale Ulrich said. "Our infants at risk for cerebral palsy are taking a lot of steps, but it is too early to tell." IDEAS Continued from page 1A A mastadon fossil replicated by Palentology Prof. Daniel Fisher was displayed at another booth. Fisher wants to sell the copies to museums for display and data analysis. "This is a great event to raise awareness about what is done and get ideas by seeing what other people are doing," Fisher said of the fair. Two booths introduced alter- native power sources. Michael Bernitsas and Kamal- dev Raghavan may have discov- ered a new water-based source. Their invention uses ocean cur- rents to produce electricity. Engineering Prof. Levi Thompson works with his team to convert hydrogen into efficient, non-polluting fuel. More than 300 guests, half of whom were faculty members and researchers attended the confer- ence. An assortment of appe- tizers and drinks was set up for guests as they mingled with the scientists. Marketing manager Mark Maynard said the event was "like a cocktail party where people could wander around and discuss research:' The Office of Technology Transfer, which is responsible for marketing inventions by Univer- sity researchers, sponsored the convention. "On average, one brilliant idea comes out of research every day," Maynard said. "It is our office's job to make sure that it comes out in the world." Amish school to be razed today RELIEF Continued from page IA NICKEL MINES, Pa. (AP) - The Amish school where a gunman shot 10 girls last week, killing five of them, is expected tobe demolished today, a fire depart- ment official said. "Tomorrow morning the school is going to be torn down," Mike Hart, a spokesman for the Bart Fire Com- pany, said late yesterday. Hart said private contractors are scheduled to start demolishing the school before dawn today and haul the debris to a landfill, a process expected to take about four hours. "There will be no burning," he said. The West Nickel Mines Amish School has been boarded up since Oct. 2, when gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV stormed the one-room schoolhouse, releas- ing 15 boys and four adults before tying up and shoot- ing the 10 girls. Roberts, who had come armed with a shotgun, rifle, handgun and a stun gun, then killed himself. The five wounded girls are all still believed to be hospitalized. The hospitals are no longer providing any information about the patients at the request of their families. One of the hospitals, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, announced this week it would waive the children's huge medical bills. Hart had said previously that classes were expected to resume this week at a makeshift schoolhouse in a garage on an Amish farm in the Nickel Mines area. Bill Kiger, executive director of Pennsylvania One Call System Inc., a Pittsburgh company that processes requests from excavators, builders and others for the location of underground utilities, said his records show the demolition will take place tomorrow. SPRING BREAK 2007 Celebration 20th Anniversary w/ Sun Splash Tours. Free trip on every 12 before Nov. 1. Free Meals & Parties, Hottest Deals Ever. Group Discounts on 6+. Hottest Spring Break Destinations. Call 1800-426-7710. www.sunsplashtours.com SPRING BREAK W/STS to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas & Florida. Sell Trips, Earn Cash, Travel Free! Call for group discounts. Info/Reservations 800-648-4849. www.ststravel.com For Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) This is a good day to sit down with someone and discuss (in practical terms) the best approach to a creative project or how to work with children. Romantic couples might also make seri- 01s plans. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Not only do you have a lot of energy today, you're also determined and extremely persevering. You can accom- plish a tremendous amount. Get down to it! GEMINI (May 21lto June 20) Your efforts to work with children will be very successful today. Similarly, the arts and creative projects will go extremely well. You're tireless in going after what you want. CANCER (Jane 211o July 22) This is a great day to make repairs at home. You're in the mood to work, and you want long-term results for your efforts. (Great!) LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Sit down with someone today to make long-range plans. You're very convinc- ing because you believe what you're saying. (A good product always sells itself) VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Work hard to increase your earnings now. This is also an excellent day for business, commerce and all financial transactions. You smell money! LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Any kind of physical activity will please you today. Your endurance levels are particularly high. You can work or exercise for a loooong time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) You might have to work on behalf of others today. You're working behind the scenes as well. At some point taday, you'll be selfless and put others ahead of you. SAGITTARIUS (N'ov. 22 to Dec. 21) Group sports will please you today. Actually, any kind of group activity (especially physical) will be satisfying. You have a lot of determination and strength today. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Others are extremely impressed with you now. For one thing, you're working hard. This does not go unnoticed. Keep it up, because you might get a raise or a promotion. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) You can really plow through some dry studying if you have to today. You have the disciplined energy necessary to get the job done. You're very focused. PISCES (Feb. 1910o March 20) This is the day to tackle detailed, pre- cision work that requires concentration and focus. You'll have no trouble finish- ing the task at hand. Insurance matters, shared property, inheritances and debt are good places to begin. YOU BORN TODAY Everyone knows that you're generous and big- hearted. This is often why you're the center of attention. You have a good business sense. People enjoy your wit and entertaining personality. You're def- initely not afraid to indulge yourself! Your flamboyance and flair for life are memorable. You will have to make an important decision this year. Do what's best for you. Birthdate of: Hugh Jackman, actor; Luciano Pavarotti, tenor; Martie Maguire, singer native Lebanon swelled, Ayna was stunned and appalled. "I had two options," he said. "Either weep and stay in shock, or try to do something about it." He spoke with Susan Wilson, director of the Office of Stu- dent Activities and Leadership, who advised him to channel his efforts through an official stu- dent group. He contacted the Lebanese Student Association and began corresponding with Jaber. Jaber, who is also an edito- rial cartoonist for The Michigan Daily, said planning was diffi- cult at first. "There was nobody really on campus. No vigils or support - the things a solid campus com- munity would do;" he said. Mostly through e-mail, Ayna and Jaber brainstormed and coordinated fundraising strate- gies and activities. When Ayna left for Beirut and the fall semes- ter began, Jaber and his group started to carry out what the two had planned. So far the Lebanese group has managed to raise more than $1,000 by soliciting donations from fellow students, friends and family. They plan to contin- ue and expand the drive, adding T-shirt sales, club nights and a Halloween dance. Most of the money will go to the Lebanese Red Cross. Sev- eral other philanthropic groups - like CHF International, a nonprofit that provides youth employment training and small- business loans to impoverished communities in the Middle East - are still being considered for smaller donations. "We're looking to get the best bang for our buck, the most repu- table (organization)," Jaber said. The group acknowledges that many Middle Eastern charities are facing intense scrutiny. With reports of FBI raids on Muslim relief groups hitting the news regularly, soliciting money for Lebanon can raise eyebrows that a drive for Hurricane Katrina victims would not. "Everything is political over there," said Rhana Natour, com- munity chair for the Lebanese group. "Some people may be suspect - 'Oh, you want money for this region or this region' - they want to know that it's going only to relief efforts." This is not overly discourag- ing, she said. "Ultimately, the humanitarian interests are what override anything." Despite the intensity of Middle Eastern political dialogue at the University, Natour and Jaber say the campus response has been overwhelmingly positive. A few vocal students have confronted members of the Lebanese group about their ideologies, Jaber said, but it happens rarely. In the end, he said, "We're just a few students trying to see if you have any change to help someone build a house." Across the border, across the Diag The American Movement for Israel's program - known as the Michigan Invest in Israel Initia- tive, or Mi3 - began in April as a response to campus activists who were calling for the Univer- sity to divest from Israel. Mi3 is an attempt to show more productive and sustainable solutions for the region, board member Tamara Livshiz said. "(We) donate money to organi- zationsthat promote co-existence and demonstrate constructive and productive change," she said. Since this summer, AMI has been working with Magen David Adom - Israel's official emergency aid society. Livshiz volunteered with the society, which functions as the state's Red Cross, this past summer. While helping run ambulances, she witnessed the agency's com- mitment to cross-cultural aid firsthand. She was inspired to help further. "We chose Magen David Adom because they serve and employ all people, Jews and Arabs alike," Livshiz said. "It shows a certain unity among the two peoples." Mi3 has sponsored regular bar nights, raffles and other events. In November, they plan to bring an ambulance to the Diag to help raise money. Though it is not a formal member, Magen David Adom is officially recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross. It is also a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, along with the Leba- nese Red Cross. The trouble with teamwork Some see the similarities between the Lebanese Stu- dent Association and American Movement for Israel's efforts as an opening for cooperation. "I think that there's a lot of room for us to actually do something together," Berman said, "Especially if we're doing almost the same charity." Joint fundraising could increase the ability to raise a meaningful sum of money, Ber- man said, as well as sending a strong message of unity to the University community. Unfortunately, politics and relief make quarrelsome bedfel- lows. An embroilment of issues, both abroad and on campus, make discussion of dual efforts difficult, and execution even more so. For the Lebanese group, a major concern is staying with- in the scope of their mission statement and organizational structure. Targeting money to Lebanon makes sense, Jaber said,-because going outside of that country - to the Gaza Strip or Northern Israel, for instance - could detract from their goal. "We are the Lebanese Student Association," he said. "It makes sense to give back home." The Lebanese group is not political. As such, it focuses on helping the Lebanese communi- ty, rather than engaging in wider regional debates. The desire to avoid entangle- ment in sensitive issues also breeds a wariness for organiza- tions with overt political under- tones. The politics of relief extend beyond the University. On August 27, U.S. Rep. Tom Lan- tos (D-Calif.) asked that a $230- million Lebanese aid package be frozen on the grounds that the Syrian border was too "porous," and that the funds could easily end up in the hands of terror- ists. Berman said he has similar concerns. "The problem is, when you give money, you never know who you're giving it to," he said. "I would gladly give 100 dollars to a group that was legitimately rebuilding a Lebanese person's house without Hezbollah ties. But I don't know how to find that organization." The solution, in Berman's mind, starts on campus: in open- ing dialogue between groups with similar values, but poten- tially conflicting politics. "We're all students at Michi- gan," he said. "We go to football games and cheer for the same team. We have more in common than we think." Berman believes a level of personal familiarity and con- fidence must be established before politics can be discussed seriously. "I feel if I admit that Israel isn't perfect, I make myself open to a lot of attack. Before you admit that, you need a level of trust," he said. For both sides, it will always be difficult to discuss issues surrounding this complex and volatile part of the world with- out getting tangled in politics. But Berman said he believes moving beyond the fundamen- tal tensions would be worth- while for at least one party: the innocent casualties of the cross- fire. "We can sit and talk about the war all day," he said, "That's not going to build a house." MODELS, PHOTOGRAPHERS wanted. 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