,4- nn+~h~r C Onncz T6,., n-;k, CA O PEDhIursay, uctober , 2 6- Te vMichigan Daily - ichigan ivl ights nitiative Campus speaks out on Proposal 2 5A MCRI and the price of admission MCRI's systematic voter fraud BY NESHA Z. HANIFF I admire the commitment that RC Prof. Carl Cohen has for equality and individual rights. I think that this is a wonderful idea and one that we should all work towards. The problem is that the world he wants exists only for some, not for all. We do not live in a color-blind society or one in which hiringadmissions or contracting is privilege-blind, and to pass the Michigan Civil Rights-Initiative is to further inscribe the rights of those who already have great individual and civil rights. In his book "The Price of Admission", Pulit- zer Prize-winning writer Daniel Golden exposes the university admissions process in the United States, particularly at elite universities, as an affirmation of the individual rights of the white and privileged. In an interview on CBS's Sun- day Morning on Sept. 24, he said of elite uni- versities: "The school will say (applicants have) a one in 10 chance, but in reality, since the alumni chil- dren may have a one in four chance, the kids of big donors have a one in two chance, the actual kid who doesn't have a connection may face a one in 20 or one in 30 or one in 40 chance of getting in. It strikes at the very basic American notions of fair play and equal opportunity and upward mobility." In his letter to the Daily (MCRI ends racial preferences, not affirmative action, 09/14/2006), Prof. Cohen said this about the language of the initiative to correct what he saw as a misinter- pretation of the initiative by University Presi- dent Mary Sue Coleman: "Some people use the phrase 'affirmative action' to refer to ethnic preferences with a more palatable name. In the light of that usage, the State Board of Canvassers settled upon ballot language (the language voters will it see at the polls) which says, correctly, that the MCRI will 'ban affirmative action programs that give pref- erential treatment to groups or individuals based on their race, gender, color, ethnicity or national origin for public employment, education or con- tracting purposes."' In light of Golden's expose, will MCRI ban affir- mative action for the privileged on the basis of race? As the big donors and alumni are almost all white, will it ban affirmative action on the basis of legacy? On the basis of wealth? None of these words are in the language of the initiative. Race and privilege are not historical. Privilege on the basis of race continues to exist largely for those who had uninterrupted individual rights for hundreds of years. A program that seeks to give individual rights to those who have been excluded from such opportunities is one way to make amends. I am afraid, Prof. Cohen and Rep. Leon Drolet (MCRI supports rights of individu- als, 09/25/2006), that giving the excluded any preference will only make a minimal dent on the unassailable rights of the privileged in this country - at least not until the excluded them- selves become big donors to elite universities and inundate their alumni rosters. And when and how will that happen? Hasifmfis a lecturer in the Centerfor Afro-American and African Studies and the Department of Women's Studies. BY MARICRUz LOPEZ AND LIANA MULHOLLAND "(T)he MCRI engaged in systematic voter fraud"; if it "passes, it will be stained by well- documented acts of fraud and deception ... (T)he state has demonstrated an almost complete insti- tutional indifference to the credible allegations of voter fraud." So wrote Federal District Court Judge Arthur Tarnow. Judge Tarnow was unequivocal in his denun- ciation of the voter fraud perpetrated by the anti- affirmative action campaign - the so-called "Michigan Civil Rights Initiative". He also lam- basted state officials for their failure to protect the integrity of Michigan elections. Yet Tarnow, despite his finding of systematic voter fraud, failed to issue an injunction because of his interpretation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Tarnow claimed that because white voters were victims of voter fraud as well as black voters, no one would receive the protections of the Voting Rights Act. This makes no sense. Now the issue is in front of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati awaiting a hearing. At the heart of the Voting Rights Act challenge brought by BAMN, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kil- patrick, the Detroit City Council, the Legislative Black Caucus, Operation King's Dream and oth- ers is a simple idea that until now no one would have thought was controversial: You can't amend the constitution by defrauding the people. Each body that has investigated the voter fraud perpetrated by MCRI has found evidence of a "systematic," "sweeping," "deliberate," "well- documented" "pattern" - to use Tarnow's words - of voter fraud. Ignoring such a pattern of voter fraud would be unacceptable under any condition. To do so when the voter fraud forms the basis of an effort to amend the Constitution is entirely unacceptable. Allowing the MCRI to go forward on the cur- rent basis of systematic voter fraud will com- promise the integrity and authority of Michigan elections, irrespective of the outcome. The Con- stitution is the highest law of the state. If Pro- posal 2 passes and thereby amends this highest law of the state on the basis of systematic voter fraud, the authority of that law will be withered. The prospect of amending the Constitution on the basis of a campaign that has been found by each body that has investigated it to be guilty of sys- tematic voter fraud is unfathomable. Targeting black voters for fraud in an effort aimed at attacking progress for women and minori- ties is an unwarranted and ill-advised provocation. If it passes on the basis of sweeping voter fraud tar- geted at Michigan's black voters, it will not only be "stained'; it will lead to an angry mass political awakening of black people across the state. Had two consecutive, independent evaluations both found systematic voter fraud to permeate an effort to amend the State Constitution on any other issue, the call for its removal from the ballot would be clear, loud, bi-partisan and uncontroversial. The assumed norms of honesty and basic integ- rity in Michigan elections must be maintained. MCRI must not go to the ballot. Lopez is an LSA sophomore and Mulholland is an Art and Design sophomore. They are writing on behalfof By Any Means Necessary. The Daily misrepresents MCRI Racism doesn't exist? BY RYAN FANTUZZI AND BRYAN KELLY We take offense to the editorial published on Monday's editorial page Code-word cam- paign: Politics, the English Language and MCRI (10/02/2006). First, the article details the deceptive use of the English language by MCRI supporters, equating our use of the terms "fairness" and "equality" with "political lies." But if the pro- MCRI use of "fairness" and "equality" is a lie, what can anyone interested in the meanings of words make of, in a One United Michigan com- mercial, the term "Affirmative Diversity" float- ing across the screen? (This occurs while a black girl and a white girl talk about how badly they want opportunity in their future, as though it is only through a system as immoral and nefari- ous as affirmative action that these two would be considered at all). Though the irony is that the opposite would be true - and that both of these girls would, under a race-conscious system like that in Michigan now, be evaluated differently because they were of different races - that is not our point. Our objection is with the euphemistically fluffy term "Affirmative Diversity." Can anyone tell us what that term means? It is a positivity rolled up into a burrito of a word, and it is a joke, Orwellian in its manipulation of language If fairness and equality are "grossly misrep- resentative polemics," then what of "affirmative diversity?" And what of a diversity founded on evaluating skin color above all else, as though someone's race makes his opinion more desir- able than someone else's? Second, the issue of Jen Gratz's enroll- ment/waitlist status can be clarified as long as the public understands the difference between the waiting list, which is still in use, and the now-defunct "extended" waiting list, the list on which Gratz was placed and which was used in the years preceding her lawsuit. This is the exact language used to describe the "extended" wait- ing list by the University: "Because the class is selected on a rolling basis, rather than at-one point in time, a certain number of seats is designated during the admis- sions cycle for in-state students and for certain other groups of students, including, for example, athletes, foreign applicants, underrepresented minority candidates, and ROTC candidates (sometimes referred to as 'protected' space). This space is 'protected' to enable (the Office of Undergraduate Admissions) to achieve the enrollment targets of the University and of the individual units while using a rolling admissions system. If this space is not filled by qualified candidates from the designated groups toward the end of the season, it used to admit students from the postponed pool or the extended waiting list ... " This means that under the "extended" waiting list, spaces were reserved for minorities at the expense of Gratz's matriculation. The Univer- sity tried to argue that Gratz lacked standing. The federal district court and the U.S. Supreme Court looked at this and said that the entire pol- icy was riddled with discrimination. The phrase "protected seats" is pretty outrageous. In light of these new facts, we challenge the Daily to defend the use of an "extended" wait- ing list that is, ironically, nothing more than a euphemism for the quota system, which, as the editorial pointed out, is unconstitutional. For any sort of legitimacy in the MCRI debate on the English language, or on Gratz's Supreme Court case, our advice would be for the Daily to do its homework. Fantuzzi is an LSA junior and a Washtenaw County MCRI co-chair. Kelly is an LSA junior. BY ALEX MOFFETT In his article Why racial preferences are a product of white guilt (10/04/2006), Carl Cohen argues the follow- ing: "Universities, like corporations, do not pay to the measure of any actual racism; they pay to the measure of racism's bloated reputation in the age of white guilt." In other words, according to Cohen, racism doesn't actually exist; it is just a figment of the imaginations of those who are oppressed and those few members of the majority group who feel compelled to right those injus- tices. By making this argument, Cohen totally dismisses the hundreds of experiences of students at the University who have encountered racism first-hand. He dismisses the countless hate incidents that are so frequent that Uni- versity administrators were forced to develop a hate and bias hotline and website that deals solely with students who are physically and emotionally assaulted. He dis- misses professors who refuse to call on students of color in classrooms and white students who refuse to work with students of color in study groups. He dismisses a city that has almost zero resources for students of color and forces students to go to Ypsilanti for things like hous- ing that doesn't cost $1,000 a month, affordable places to eat, somewhere to get their hair cut and entertainment. How dare you tell me, a black woman at the Univer- sity, that my experience of having a car full of white men drive up next to me screaming "you stupid piece of shit" isn't real. I have had it with these privileged, entitled white and black men (Shelby Steele, Ward Connerly, Clarence Thomas) telling me my oppression isn't real. Walk a mile in my shoes and then we'll talk. Cohen's article is underhanded and plays on the emotional biases of the people in this state. He polar- izes the issue into one of whites versus blacks when that couldn't be further from the truth. He goes so far as to argue that Proposal 2 will not "forbid affirmative action." According to Cohen, "the initiative does not mention affirmative action, many forms of which are clearly worthwhile and not at all preferential" and that proposal 2 "only bears upon discrimination and prefer- ences given by the state:" But what Cohen doesn't tell you is that his definition of "preferences" is not solely limited to black people. It also encompasses other underrepresented minority groups and women. So programs that help women get into science and engineering - gone. Programs that aid students of color at the University - gone. Cohen goes so far as to imply that black students get by at the University just by accusing professors of racism. Excuse me, Prof. Cohen, but my community and I earn our grades through harder work than most students at the University could even imagine. What is even more flooring about this article is how Cohen describes the black power movement of the '70s as a "band of black accusers" filled with "invin- cible" "black rage." He argues that the black action movements unfairly targeted college presidents "who were certainly not racists" and were "filled with integ- rity." But he completely ignores the fact that the black action movements - and the many other movements that happened on the University's campus and many campuses like it - occurred after failed attempts at negotiating diplomatically with administrations that were simply not interested. These movements were not random explosions of rage where black students manipulated college administrators into agreeing with unreasonable demands. These were students who were demanding that they be treated like their histories and their futures mattered! It is heart-breaking that as a graduating senior at the University, I still have to defend my right and the right of everyone like me to have equal access to edu- cation. It is ironic that as the Detroit Public Schools fall farther into disrepair, as more people of color are being sent off to fight in a war that may never end and as enrollment rates for students of color at many universi- ties around the country fall, these people want to take away affirmative action. Moffett is an LSA senior. Technology Days at Michigan You know that iocredihle challeogo you're lookiog for? Ifs hero! Schlumberger is the world leader in Oilfield Services. At Schlumberger, the projects we take on force you to think beyond the OPEN HOUSE - DUDERSTADT CENTE expected - not to mention beyond your area of expertise. As the leadiog Monday, October 9 10 am - 4 pm name in oilfield services, we surround you with talent from every corner Tuesday, October 10 - 9 am - 3 pm of the world. 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