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October 03, 2006 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-10-03

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Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 11

71-year-old Alou fired
after two losing seasons

Cowboys lineman Andre Gurode ices his head after being kicked by Titans defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth.

five games for kid
NEW YORK (AP) - Ten- Haynesworth was penalized a 45-14 victory.
nessee Titans defensive tackle and ejected from the game Gurode's helmet ca
Albert Haynesworth was sus- early in the third quarter and Haynesworth, s
pended five games for kicking after he twice kicked Gurode over him, used his rig
Dallas center Andre Gurode in the head following a five- to kick Gurode in the 1
in the face during Sunday's yard touchdown run by Julius Gurode said they
game. Jones of the Cowboys. been talking or havi
The NFL said yesterday "What I did out there was exchanges that led to F
that Haynesworth was sus- disgusting," Haynesworth worth kicking him tw
pended for flagrant unneces- said Sunday. "It doesn't mat- received stitches abo
sary roughness. ter what the league does to forehead and beneath I
The suspension, which me. The way I feel right now, "In all my years of f
is without pay, is effective you just can't describe it." this has never happenec
immediately. Titans coach Jeff Fisher I've never been kicked
Haynesworth will be eli- said Haynesworth's actions face like this, and I'v
gible to return to the field were unacceptable. seen anybody kick nobc
Nov. 19 for the Titans' game "I felt there needed to be in the face," Gurode sa
at Philadelphia. some serious action taken Before Monday, the
"There is absolutely no from a discipline standpoint, suspension for on-field
place in the game, or any- and I believe that what the ior was two games for
where else, for the inexcus- league has done right now is Bay defensive lineman(
able action that occurred in adequate," Fisher said. Martin for throwingC
yesterday's Titans-Cowboys Jones had just scored on a quarterback Jim McM
game," NFL commissioner five-yard run, putting Dallas the ground during a g
Roger Goodell said. up 20-6 in what wound up as Nov. 23, 1986.

The San Francisco Giants cut
ties with manager Felipe Alou
yesterday, a day after the team
finished its second straight los-
ing season.
The change had been expected
for some time, with the 71-year-
old Alou's contract expiring.
He said he would like to stay in
baseball in 2007, possibly with
the Giants, the franchise that
signed him out of the Domini-
can Republic in 1955.
After winning 100 games
and the NL West in his first
season in 2003, the Giants did
not make the playoffs in Alou's
final three years. He had a 76-
85 mark in 2006, ending his
tenure with a 342-304 record.
"I'm proud of my behavior,
my respect to the game, people,
to the cities and countries, the
flags," Alou said last week. "I
don't like .500. A .500 man to
me is mediocrity. You don't
choose your tools."
Alou, the winningest Latin
American manager, replaced
Dusty Baker after the Giants
lost the 2002 World Series.
Hours before the Giants
announced that Alou was gone,
the Chicago Cubs let Baker go
as their manager.
Los Angeles Angels pitching
coach Bud Black is considered a
strong candidate to replace Alou,
while Bob Brenly, Lou Piniella
and Giants bench coach Ron
Wotus also have been mentioned.
"Tough decisions are always
painful, and this one is espe-
cially painful," Giants general
manager Brian Sabean said.
"Felipe is a man of unques-
tioned integrity who has put his
heart and soul into the Giants."
The split with Alou is the
first major move in what prom-
ises to be a busy offseason in
San Francisco. The most closely
watched decision will be wheth-
er the Giants decide to bring
back slugger Barry Bonds, who
needs just 22 homers to break
Hank Aaron's career record of
755 but has been plagued for
years by allegations of steroid

Alou, who returned home to
Florida after Sunday's season
finale against the wild-card
Dodgers, asked for privacy
Monday and issued a statement
through the club.
"Even though I will not be the
Giants manager next year, I will
always be a Giant," Alou said.
"Ever since I was signed by the
Giants as a student out of the
University of Santo Domingo,
I've always considered myself
a Giant."
The 42-year-old Bonds is eligi-
ble for free agency after the World
Series. Age, a balky knee and
sore elbow have diminished his
skills since he won four straight
NL MVPs from 2001-04.
After missing all but 14
games in 2005 following three
operations on his right knee,
Bonds batted .270 with 26 hom-
ers and 77 RBIs in 367 at-bats
in the final season of his five-
year, $90 million contract.
Sabean has said Bonds would
likely have to take a pay cut to
stay with San Francisco. But the
team is expected to try to keep
him so he can become home run
king in a Giants uniform.
"Barry aside, that type of
chunk of money probably won't
be dedicated to any one indi-
vidual player because of our
relative needs," Sabean said.
"We're going to have to spread
the wealth throughout the ros-
Alou, who began his big
league career with San Fran-
cisco in 1958, was the personal
choice of owner Peter Magowan
and Sabean. That made the
decision to move forward with-
out Alou in the dugout even
more difficult.
"I came in on nobody's
terms," Alou said. "The only
term was that the Giants went to
talk to me at home in Florida."
Alou dealt with numerous
controversies during his tenure,
especially the past two seasons
when injuries and steroid alle-
gations followed Bonds.
"No job is perfect," Alou said

Sunday. "I don't believe one
manager enjoys having play-
ers die in their hands. I had a
number of players the last two
years who had their careers end
When hired, Alou was excited
to take over a team that had the
financial resources to acquire
and retain star players. That
wasn't the case in his 10 years
managing the Montreal Expos,
who fired him in 2001.
"He's a credit to the organiza-
tion as a baseball man and as a
man," said Hall of Famer Orlan-
do Cepeda, a former teammate
of Alou. "He was the right per-
son. He's a Giant and he cared
about the team. He gave every-
thing he had and he's a great
ambassador for baseball."
Alou was reunited with his
son, outfielder Moises, before the
2005 season and the pair spent
the past two seasons together -
with Moises often bringing his
father food before games.
"I'm thankful we got to be
together," Moises Alou said.
"I felt when I played for him in
Montreal, the time went fast and
I didn't appreciate it enough.
That has been a highlight in my
Moises Alou is among the
11 Giants who could become
free agents - a list that also
includes ace Jason Schmidt,
second baseman Ray Durham,
outfielder Steve Finley and
third baseman Pedro Feliz. The
Giants will have a similar pay-
roll for next season - around
$85 million, Sabean said.
In 17 major league seasons
as a player, Felipe Alou was
a career .286 hitter with 206
home runs, 852 RBIs and 2,101
hits. He has a managerial record
of 1,033-1,021.
"He's always go-with-the-
flow," left-hander Noah Lowry
said. "He handles himself very
professionally and never tries to
stir up controversy. I've had a
good time playing for him and
I have a lot of respect for what
he's done for the game and as a
manager and for us."


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Duquesne player in rehab

forward Sam Ashaolu, the only one
of five injured basketball players
still hospitalized after last month's
shootings, was moved from a criti-
cal care unit into rehabilitation yes-
Ashaolu spent several days
fighting for his life with mul-
tiple gunshot wounds to the
head following the Sept. 17 on-
campus shootings, but is pro-
gressing faster than expected
at Mercy Hospital. Doctors
initially thought that he would
still be on a ventilator at this
stage of his recovery.
"This is a great sign,"
Duquesne coach Ron Everhart
said Monday. "This is a big
step in the right direction. This
is terrific news after only two
Ashaolu, a 23-year-old junior
college transfer who grew up in
Toronto was shot several weeks
after enrolling at Duquesne.
Whether he can play basket-
ball again is uncertain, but he
is walking with assistance and
became increasingly respon-
sive over the weekend follow-
ing a procedure to clear up a
sinus infection.
Doctors felt the infection
was causing Ashaolu to run a
fever, and his temperature has
dropped since the procedure
5 P.M.?

was performed. Ashaolu's
older brother, John, said Sam
was able to talk clearly with
younger brother Olu over the
weekend after the anesthesia
given him during the proce-
dure wore off.
"It's the clearest conversa-
tion he's had yet," John Asha-
olu said.
Olu Ashaolu, a 17-year-old
high school basketball star in
Texas, was especially close to
Sam. Family members said the
shooting has hit the youngest
of the four Ashaolu brothers
especially hard.
"It was really great they
were able to talk because Sam
has been asking about him,"
John Ashaolu said.
Doctors are uncertain how
long Sam Ashaolu must spend
in rehabilitation, but have told
Duquesne officials they are
pleased with his progress so
far. A surgeon removed a bullet
fragment from Ashaolu's head
on Sept. 25, slightly more than
a week after the shootings,
but several other fragments
The other four injured play-
ers have returned to classes,
although three - center Shawn
James, guard Kojo Mensah
and forward Stuard Baldona-
do - still cannot practice as

their wounds heal. James and
Mensah were ineligible to play
this season after transferring
from other Division I schools
but can practice when they are
Duquesne will open pre-
season practice Oct. 13 without
Ashaolu or Baldonado, a 6-7
forward who also transferred
from a junior college. Baldo-
nado faces several months of
rehabilitation and recovery
after being shot in the back
and left arm and is likely to be
redshirted to preserve his two
seasons of eligibility.
During their informal pre-
season workouts, Duquesne
players have been wearing
wristbands with the number
"5," symbolic not only of the
number of shooting victims but
of the number Ashaolu planned
to wear this season.
Four people are accused
of crimes in the shootings
that followed a Black Student
Union party at Duquesne. Two
- William Holmes and Derek
Lee - are accused of firing
at the players. A suspended
Duquesne student,sBrittany
Jones, is accused of helping the
two get into the dance. Anoth-
er woman, Erica R. Sager, is
accused of urging the players
be shot.

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