4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 DONN M. FRESARD EMILY BEAM JEFFREY BLOOMER d M. FrEiARDf CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK itor in Chief Editorial Page Editors Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 413 E. HURON ST. ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 tothedaily@michigandaily.com OPINION NOTABLE QUOTABLE Today's debates are far more about profile than cour- age; the real issue is who can put across the better image, especially on television." -Jack Lessenberry, writing in anticipation of the first debate between Gov. Jennifer Granhom and DickDeVos, which occurred last night, as poated yes- terday on jackshowblogs.com. E5 ALEXANDER HONKALA Furo CuroucT I Recycling to the rescue City must intervene on recycling to help students _ a '' s : c.. ts a shame that in a city otherwise at the forefront of the recycling movement, the city leaders them- selves are undermining environmental policy. While Ann Arbor's recycling program is well established, the process is often far too cumbersome due to the city government's reluctance to ensure landlords provide students with ways to recycle. In its failure to enforce this policy, the city risks aggravating rela- tions with University students, many of whom live in off-campus housing and want to recycle. Furthermore, the effectiveness of city ordinances in gen- eral largely relies on the city actually following through with its own policy. In an effort to show that it respects stu- dent concerns and the democratic pro- cess, the city government must make enforcement of the recycling ordinance a higher priority. A city ordinance requires owners of rental units to supply renters with out- door recycling containers. Those oper- ating larger housing complexes must also provide a plan explaining how they will meet these requirements. According to the city's systems analyst, however, this ordinance is generally not enforced. Residents at University Towers, for example, must choose to either not recycle or haul their recyclables somewhere else because management has failed to provide recycling options. The city's neglect on this issue has caught the attention of many environmentally conscious students, who have taken recycling efforts into their own hands. While the student response to the city government's inaction should be applauded, the city is ultimately at fault for failing to enforce the recy- cling ordinance. In complexes such as University Towers, where manage- ment claims it was unaware of the ordinance, the city has an obligation to intervene on behalf of students. In failing to do so, the city is essentially creating a double standard. Indeed, when the tables are reversed and stu- dents fail to follow a city ordinance, punitive actions are more likely to be taken. Though it is the city's responsibil- ity to be an active force in the recy- cling process, it is also in the city's best interest to do so because it would demonstrate an interest in stu- dents' concerns. Given that roughly 70 percent of the student body lives off-campus, enforcement of the ordi- nance could improve the often conten- tious relations between students and city government. Conversely, a pas- sive role may ultimately weaken the city government's authority; though a recycling ordinance may be consid- ered petty, this example of negligence' may lead students to doubt that more serious measures, such as the new lease-date ordinance, will actually be enforced. With the establishment last year of a joint Michigan Student Assembly-City Council committee, relations between students and their city have improved since the infamous attempt to ban porch couches three summers ago. By enforcing its recycling ordinances, the city could build more goodwill. In the meantime, however, it is up to cam- pus groups and off-campus students to put the mantra of "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" into action themselves. The case for apathy JAMES DAVID DICKSON 4 "Students don't care to think about periph- eral issues because they're wrapped up in doing what they have to do ... and because getting involved inpolitical issues isn't going to boost anyone's MCATscore,polit- ical apathy is the unfortunate result for many University students." - Theresa Kennelly (The mind- less student, 09/29/2006) As the editor in chief of the conservative bi-weekly The Michigan Review last year, I had a little slogan: Anyone who refused to pick up the Review without having read it - whether because they were too conserva- tive, too libertarian or too contrar- ian - probably shouldn't. Anyone who'd prejudge the paper without giving it a chance would likely waste the hard work of our writ- ers if they actually did grab a copy - and those "readers" we could do without. A read-through of the Daily's columns over the last year would lead you to believe the sky is fall- ing, that we occupy a bizarro cam- pus: University students, known at one point in history for their sup- posed activism, have grown apa- thetic - and during a time of war, no less. How sad. Precious little analysis has been attempted regarding this trend, and what little has been done barely cracks the surface. More energy is spent bemoaning our supposed apa- thy than is spent understanding it, and even less is spent on solutions. The lack of analysis begins with the questionable (yet largely unchal- lenged) assumption that people our age should, for whatever reason, be interested in politics. But student apathy is under- standable and even logical given the current state of affairs. At a time where the voices of politi- cal dissenters often go unheard and almost always go unheed- ed - especially with the Bush Administration - it's easy for a political outsider to wonder what his involvement in the political process would accomplish, if any- thing. And it's tough to come up with suitable answers - especially for college-age youth, who occupy the bottom rung of the political ladder. In many ways, campus is the perfect storm for an apathetic student body. Mix together equal parts overtly political teaching; the Daily's editorial page, which tilts decidedly and overbearingly liberal; and Diag activists, rang- ing from misguided "preachers" to anti-MCRI advocates to right- wingers hoping to "catch an ille- gal immigrant," and you have an environment where it's easier, less time-consuming and less frustrat- ing to avoid politics altogether. Why sit around "debating" with holier-than-thou members of Stu- dents Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality or always- angry Young Americans for Free- dom when you can simply go home and drink a beer with your roommates without drama? Call it cynical, call it "mindless," call it whatever you need to make your own political activity seem more principled, but it makes sense. None of this is to disdain the efforts of politicos on campus. In fact, it's just the opposite. Part of my attraction to the University when I was applying was the idea that the student body was smart enough to provide the intellectual challenge I needed, the challenge my high school couldn't. In some ways it has, and although 3 a.m. debates have long ago lost their novelty, I can't help but respect the efforts of people who wake up at 6 a.m. to hand out campaign stickers on the Diag or who spend entire weekends knocking on doors and making phone calls in the hopes of changing one person's mind on the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative. Those people are great, and their work is important. I just wonder whether glorifying their efforts as somehow embodying what our gen- eration "should be" actually works to encourage further apathy. This is why I advise extreme caution in making the politically active among us the gold standard to which all should aspire. Let us not pretend that political activity is some higher formof existence, pref- erable to volunteering, internships, athletics or any of the other activi- ties University students do to keep themselves busy; to do so would only encourage the apathy we decry by alienating the apolitical. Politics isn't for everyone, and given the overstated conviction with which many express their beliefs, and the sheer intolerance many express for anyone who dare disagree, politics, at least on this campus, isn't for most people. Why is this a problem? Any- one who isn't political probably shouldn't be. They'd probably just ruin it for the truly committed. That type of "involvement" we can do without. Dickson can be reached at davidjam@umich.edu. 4 4 4 VIEWPOINT How low should gas go? By KEVIN BUNKLEY Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez prob- ably expected an outcry after calling Presi- dent Bush the devil at the United Nations a few weeks ago - but did he expect 7-Eleven to cut off a source of his country's income? Last week, the company announced it would end its contract with Citgo, the subsidiary owned by the Venezuelan government's state oil industry. But 7-Eleven aside, the United States is heavily dependent on foreign oil. It imports about 13 percent of its oil supply from Venezuela, and the U.S. Navy just negotiated a $60-million fuel contract with Citgo. U.S. dependency isn't the only factor driving the energy debate; sliding gas prices and a mix of industry successes and setbacks have brought fuel prices back into the public eye. The national average at the pump is now at $2.33, down from $2.81 per gallon just one year ago. This recent drop came on the heels of Chevron's announcement of an oil discov- ery in the Gulf of Mexico that could increase the U.S. strategic reserves by as much as 50 percent. The low price caused a stir in the OPEC nations and worries two of its poster boys - Hugo Chavez and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Americans should not take these low pump prices at face value; gas prices won't stay this low for long because OPEC won't allow Chavez and Ahmadinejad to lose out on profits. New York Times columnist Thomas Fried- man argues that Chavez and Ahmadinejad, the "oil dictators," depend so heavily on our dollars for their oil that gas prices will surely go back up in time for winter heating season. Under pressure from Venezuela and Iran, OPEC will simply bump the price of oil back up to pay for subsidies in those countries - subsidies that allow Iran to use its $44.6 billion in oil profits, according to Bloomberg. com, to continue enriching uranium and that allow Venezuela to keep Chavez in power and use his influence to incite anti-American sen- timent in Latin America. ERIN RUSSELL JOY With our own elections approaching, Amer- icans should be skeptical of the timeliness of these recent drops at the pump. Recent Gallup polls indicate 42 percent of Americans think the price is being manipulated by Republicans or that the price will go back up before elec- tions. It is important to remember that histori- cally, prices dip due to a decrease in demand after summer driving season, according to The New York Times. If prices are low, Americans forget about cutting off dependence on foreign oil, and the automakers forget about working to solve it. One solution to eliminating dependence is through developing ethanol, paid for by prof- its from higher gas prices. Brazil has already succeeded in using ethanol to make up 40 per- cent of its automotive fuel consumption. In the United States, oil companies and automakers were beginning to make significant gains in developing ethanol when prices were above $3 a gallon. Come November, Americans need to vote for officials who can improve the United States' pathetic infrastructure of just 700 etha- nol fuel stations (compared to 34,000 Brazil- ian stations, according to Friedman) and that can put pressure on the Big Three auto compa- nies to up the percentage of ethanol-ready cars that come off the production lines. Lower gas prices leave automakers with little incentive to pursue ethanol or cars that can run on it. U.S. gasoline consumption is now at 9,287 barrels a week according to the Energy Infor- mation Administration, and if Americans wish to finally break what even President Bush's. calls an "addiction to oil," they can't get too comfortable with low gas prices and must pressure lawmakers to buck up the courage of 7-Eleven and the resolve of Brazil. Hugo Chavez and Co. will still laugh their way to the bank as long as we think low gas prices are a permanent thing. Bunkley is an LSA junior and a member of the Daily's editorial board. He can be reached at kevrbunk@umich.edu LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send all letters to the editor to tothedaily@michigandaily.com. I Three Ann Arbor spectacles give insight into Republican Party TO THE DAILY: I would like to extenda large thank you to Morgan Wilkins, Justin Zatkoff - the college Republican who cried political hate crime - and the anti-gay preacher for providing the University community with a fine glimpse of the dysfunction associated with your hate-fueled, terrorist-fearing, intoler- ant ideologies. Your true colors have shown the logical extension of your philosophies - hate and aggression toward people with differing opinions and lifestyles, coupled with a shoot-first-and-ask- questions-later approach. Zatkoff's superiors' and affiliates' attempt to make him into a martyr before the facts were known shows how the right does not need evidence to claim victimization - or to start a war, for that matter - even while they marginal- ize and victimize others. You all owe the University and BAMN an apology. Kudos to the three of you for giving us a lucid insight into the party that has ruled America for the past five years. Aaron Gonick Program in the Environment senior News article misrepresents Solidarity Day's purpose TO THE DAILY: As a primary organizer of last week's Solidar- ity Day on the Diag, I was extremely disappointed that the article about the event was misleading, poorly reported and trivializing of the unity of the participants' varying causes. The headline Groups vie for attention on Diag crowded with protest (09/28/2006) is frankly false. The organizations on the Diag were unified in their messages and their causes - acknowledging the humanity of all people, a central theme that was deliberately decided on. Only the ignorance of a nonobjective reporter would portray these groups as differ- ent and separate. The reporter's failure to make a factual analysis of events clearly demonstrates the Daily's continually poor reporting, especially on issues that affect students of color and almost always on issues concerning Palestine. Furthermore, the continuous need to have the pro-Israeli view represented in every single arti- cle where any mention is made of Palestinians is a reflection of the biased nature of this newspa- per, which needs to end as itsis discrediting the legitimacy of this newspaper's journalistic cred- ibility. Not once, as president of the Palestinian Students Association, have I been approached to present my response to an event planned by any of the pro-Israeli groups on campus. In response to the comments made by Joshua Berman, chair of the American Movement for Israel, in which he stated "Israel has a phenomenal record in terms of immigration ... to link the two is completely inac- curate": It is not the record of Israel's immigration of illegal transplanting and settler colonialism of an occupied land that was being linked to this event, but Israel's disregard for human rights and the humanity and existence of the Palestinian and Lebanese people. The disregard of humanity seen in the immigration issue is equally visible in Isra- el's continual disregard for the humanity of the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Cherine Foty LSA senior Girls wearing big sunglasses aren't hot and show weakness TO THE DAILY: Unlike the mini skirt or push-up bra, oversized sunglasses are part of a trend in women's fash- ion not specifically designed for men's enjoyment - and that's why reasonable people strongly dis- like them. Most girls who do wear the big tinted eye-boxes are totally unaware of the supposedly avant-garde statement the specs were designed to make ("I'm wearing these ridiculous things because I'm cool enough to not care about how cool I look.") Instead, they're loudly broadcasting a desperate cry for help exacerbated by the rest of their knock-off designer wardrobe that suggests they've barely caught the tail end of a whole line of "retro looks" made exclusively for carelessly indulgent wannabes. The rest are probably so caught up in the fact that they were clever enough to wear something "ironic" that they've forgotten the real reason they bought the things - namely to distract their frat-boy crushes from an uneven skin tone and jagged protruding nose. Hopefully, girls as a group will stop using eyewear to hint at their quest for strength and independence and will revert to the triumvirate of liner, mascara and shadow that's actually been useful to society for hundreds of years. James Somers Business sophomore 111111.1111111 , - - - 4, 1 - - I - I - . . .... .... . ...... Ep", 1 0 1 UP . - - - T. - - ! & - - AMERICAN5 aRa iau4r $TAR'TN8 TO g2EAUZE WQlS PON't WANT OUP~ TROIP$ /IsV TNEW~ C011P1T0Y. NC-f OlU' OU(0ANCE $01 ReAUZe T IPAO1.0 I-0 'MACH rHc-m Howro rHIAmer YOUMe KE /OlOrr" v m a I