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October 02, 2006 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-10-02

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2A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, 2006
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In this picture taken from video and provided by
The Sunday Times London, a man identified as
Osama bin Laden talks to followers in a video
dated Jan. 8, 2000.
9/11 hijackers
smile, joke in
2000 video
Ringleader of attacks and
accomplice then turn serious in video
obtained yesterday
LONDON - Mohamed Atta, the ringleader of the
Sept. 11 terror attacks, smiles and jokes with another
hijacker before the two turn serious and speak intently to
a camera in a new video.
For more than 30 minutes, the video obtained yesterday
by AP Television News, shows Atta, who flew one of the
planes that brought down New York's World Trade Cen-
ter, and Ziad Jarrah, who piloted United Airlines flight 93,
which crashed into a Pennsylvania field, sitting in front of
a bare white wall, alternately alone and together.
The Sunday Times, which originally reported the
video and posted it on its Web site, said it was made in
Afghanistan and dated Jan. 18, 2000 - about a year and
a half before the attacks against the United States - for
release after the men's deaths.
The newspaper said the hourlong video was made at
an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan. It includes
images of Osama bin Laden speaking to supporters in
Kandahar, Afghanistan. A time stamp indicated that the
footage was shot on Jan. 8, 2000.
It has no sound, and the newspaper quoted a "U.S.
source" who was not identified as saying that lip readers
had been unable to decipher what the men were saying.
At times in the video, the two men look relaxed,
laughing and chatting together before they grow serious
and speak directly into the camera. At one point, they
lean over a document the newspaper identifies as a will,
studying it intently and sometimes pointing to specific
sections and commenting to one another.
The Sunday Times said it had obtained the video
"through a previously tested channel" but gave no fur-
ther details. It said sources from al-Qaida and the United
States had confirmed the video's authenticity on condi-
tion of anonymity.
A U.S. "intelligence official," who declined to be iden-
tified, citing government protocol, told The Associated
Press that "we're aware of the tape and we're reviewing
it." The official refused to answer further questions.

Israel abandons positions in Lebanon
The Israeli army abandoned positions in Lebanon early yesterday, withdrawing
the last of its troops from its neighbor and fulfilling a key condition of the Aug. 14
cease-fire that ended a monthlong war against Hezbollah.
Witnesses said the Israelis began moving tanks and armored carriers out of a few
pockets near the border in southern Lebanon after midnight. Under the cover of dark-
ness, the roar of Israeli tanks and armored vehicles could be heard on the Lebanese
side as they moved across border.
Israeli military officials said the last soldiers returned to Israel around 2:30 a.m.
ahead of the onset of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, at sun-
down. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity under military guidelines.
Israel had gradually reduced its troop presence since the Aug. 14 cease-fire from
a peak of 30,000 during the fighting to several hundred in recent days. The final
pullout was swift, taking just several hours to complete.
Feds worry terrorists, mob might collaborate
The FBI's top counterterrorism official harbors lots of concerns: weapons of
mass destruction, undetected homegrown terrorists and the possibility that old-
fashioned mobsters will team up with al-Qaida for the right price.
Though there is no direct evidence yet of organized crime collaborating with
terrorists, the first hints of a connection surfaced ina recent undercover FBI opera-
tion. Agents stopped a man with alleged mob ties from selling missiles to an infor-
mant posing as a terrorist middleman.
That case and other factors are heightening concerns about a real-life episode of
the Sopranos teaming with Osama bin Laden's followers.
"We are continuing to look for a nexus," said Joseph Billy Jr., the FBI's top
counterterrorism official. "We are looking at this very aggressively."
The new strategy involves an analysis of nationwide criminal investigations, par-
ticularly white collar crime, side by side with intelligence and terrorist activity.
"We have developed an ability to look harder and broader in a greatly
enhanced way to see if there is any crossover," Billy said in an interview with
The Associated Press.
LAVAL, Quebec
Overpass collapse near Montreal kills five
Quebec provincial police said yesterday that at least five people were crushed
to death in their cars after the collapse of an overpass near Montreal.
The cars were pulled out about 15 hours after Saturday's dramatic lunch-
time accident when a 65-foot stretch of three lanes of a viaduct collapsed,
sending several other vehicles crashing onto Highway 19 below.
Firefighters and other workers had to use cranes and other heavy machin-
ery to painstakingly break up the concrete into as many as 18 huge slabs, 4
including a pedestrian sidewalk.
Captured al-Qaida suspect was planning attack
The U.S. military said a captured al-Qaida suspect and members of his cell
were "in the final stages" of planning an attack on the Green Zone. An unprec-
edented curfew prompted by the arrest left millions of Baghdadis stranded at
home on Saturday without supplies during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
The U.S. military said the suspected al-Qaida in Iraq member was arrest-
ed late Friday at the home of senior Sunni Arab political leader Adnan al-
Dulaimi, where he was working as a personal bodyguard.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports
A woman's soccer photograph on page 10A of Wednesday's paper should have
been credited to Emma Nolan-Abrahamian.
A headline on page 6A of Thursday's paper (Blue let down after tying Tigers)
should have said that the Michigan men's soccer team tied the Titans, not Tigers.
Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com.


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