4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 25, 2006 OPINION r * " r ° DONN M. FRESARD Editor in Chief EMILY BEAM CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK JEFFREY BLOOMER Editorial Page Editors Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIDAN SINCE 1890 413 E. HURON ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 tothedaily@michigandaily.com NOTABLE QUOTABLE 4 4 I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since." - Former President Bill Clinton, defending his administration's efforts against Osama bin Laden, during an interview on Fox News Sunday. KATIE GARLINGHOUSE HII E ARRu-T Gp A Uninteligent delay Politics has no role in state science curriculum The populist dilemma IMRAN SYED After a knockout punch in Kitzmiller et al v. Dover Area School District and a continuous barrage by the best in the scientific community, intelligent design is dragging itself up by the ropes for another round. This time the venue is the state Leg- islature, where lawmakers are attempting to weasel it into the state's science guidelines under the new Michigan Merit Curriculum. Not only is this a shameful attempt to disguise a religious belief as a scientific theory, but also it is a disgraceful attempt by lawmakers to allow partisan politics to shape the state's curriculum. The state Board of Education approved the Michigan Merit Curriculum, a new set of graduation requirements, last December, and it seemed likely that lawmakers could quickly enact the monumental policy. But nine months later, politicians are still argu- ing over the details of the bill as well as the funding required to enact it. The last part of the curriculum portion awaiting approval is the science guidelines, as some legislators are still pushing to broaden the science guidelines on evolution, opening a window to include ID lessons in science classrooms. Intelligent design, a veiled version of cre- ationism, establishes that some aspects of life are too complex to be explained by any factor but an omnipresent force. This theory has no testable hypotheses; rather, it gives up on sci- ence itself. The National Academy of Sciences, the nation's most respected body of scientists, condemns its merit as a scientific theory and asserts that evolution is "the central concept of biology" that should be taught in science class- rooms. Even federal courts agree that teaching ID as science in public schools is a violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause. AlthoughIDmayhave a placein acompara - tive religion or philosophy class, given its lack of scientific merit, it has no place in science classrooms. And yet here is where conserva- tive politicians enter the state curriculum play- ing field. Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos said last week that he believes ID is a "legitimate, competing scientific theory" and that he would support local school dis- tricts' right to teach ID. DeVos's comment revealed that the image he has attempted to build as a businessman who distances himself from the more evangelical members of his party is far from a complete picture. By pro- viding a glimpse of his true character, DeVos has given Michigan voters all the more reason to be wary of his candidacy. The state Board of Education's decision and DeVos's comments will only manage to further entrench Lansing in debate over the state's sci- ence education guidelines. This will only serve to stalemate an important piece of legislation, as well as continue to reinforce Michigan's tainted image as an undereducated industrial state. The new requirements are aimed at send- ing more Michigan students to college and creating a more educated workforce - thus weaning the state economy off manufacturing jobs that are becoming increasingly scarce as the automotive industry falters. Religious pseudoscience has no business shaping school curricula. Michigan's Legis- lature must sufficiently fund and quickly pass the bill just as the state Board of Education drafted it - not the way its members who lack faith in Darwin would like it to be. "Power is in the hands of the pow- erless, and those hands have handed it to me ..." That's what Willie Stark, the colorful populist governor of Louisiana, declares in the recently released film "All the King's Men." But unless you've seen the film, read the classic novel by Robert Penn Warren or know something of the real-life stylings of former Louisi- ana Gov. Huey Long (on whose life Warren based Stark), you'll need a clarification on the full meaning of that quote. Allow me tocomplete the quote with what it implies: "... and so I can do with it what I please." And that captures the complicated dilemma of balancing the spirit of populism and democracy. Strictly speaking, not all populist leaders are democratically elected, but they do at some point enjoy popular sup- port. In a way, populism - roughly, the political inclination that appeals to the masses by accusing society's elites of taking advantage of them - is the purest form of democracy. It is the epitome of "a government of the people, for the people, by the people.' Its highest goal, it would seem, is a world where average peo- ple have access to their leaders and everything that government does is for the benefit of everyone. Sure, that sounds unrealistic, but that's hardly the biggest problem. When people see a man, pale and sweaty from his grueling campaign schedule, mount the stage at the county fair, curse every politician that ever screwed them and promise to "nail 'em up,' something happens: They believe him. They believed Huey Long. He became governor of Louisiana and built thousands of miles of roads, numerous bridges, hospitals and schools. He provided free textbooks to schoolchildren, worked to elimi- nate poll taxes and then, as sena- tor, crafted the "Share Our Wealth" program - which made even Presi- dent Roosevelt's New Deal reforms appear moderate. But that's not all he did. Nepo- tism, bribery and even blackmail were nothing out of the ordinary for the man who came to be known as "The Kingfish." He was a man of the people - to a fault. His desire to do good for the common folk was so strong that its implementation justi- fied even the most ruthless of means. Many came to see Long as a dicta- tor, and the state Legislature even attempted to impeach him. But if absolute power corrupted Huey Long absolutely, we can at least sympathize with his reasons; he never lost sight of the poor man that he was fighting for. The evil found in some practitioners of the populist persuasion, however, was even more glaring in the late 1930s in Germany. When an Austrian living in Munich began his rumblings against all those that threatened the prestige of Germany, people listened. When he promised to cut unemployment, build dams and roads and restore Germa- ny to economic and social superior- ity, Great Depression-starved masses listened and supported him. And then they watched as Adolf Hitler oversaw the slaughter of nine million people. Though he came to power by way of a coup, Uganda's Idi Amin espoused tinges of populism and briefly enjoyed popular support - right up until about the time he started eating his enemies. (See the upcoming film "The Last King of Scotland" for that sad embodiment of populist maneuvering. At least that's what I think you'd call it; one can never tell for sure because Amin was, first and foremost, insane.) Even in democracies, when power is in the hands of the people, they'll hand it to the guy who promises to serve them best. You can't blame them for that - after allit's what we ask of them. But once that guy has that power, there's no telling what he'll do. You can put in all the checks and balances you want, but the bottom line is that the perfect outcome of pure democracy - seeing the will of the people implemented - some- times entails many of the evils of dic- tatorship. America has never been a pure democracy, and perhaps that's a good thing, because desperate people make desperate choices. And now that desperation lives in the Middle East. It has brought us demagogues like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran and the popu- list Hamas government in Palestine. We can denounce them, we can bomb them, but the populist rises from among the people, and if you kill him, another will replace him. Their roots lie in destitution and we can only truly eliminate them when we eliminate the factors that sus- tain them. After all, would Willie Stark have had a chance in hell if all those bridges, roads and schools already existed? Syed can be reached at galad@umich.edu. 4 4 One idea worth dropping... Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day won't foster dialogue hough now postponed until later this to its potential to make some students feel month, Catch an Illegal Immigrant unwelcome smacks of the type of liberal Day has already gathered more than intolerance toward opposing views that the its share of attention. The planned stunt has group likes to skewer. attracted even the focus of the Michigan But if YAF's goal really is to create dia- Student Assembly, which passed a resolu- logue, it's hard to see how holding an event tion condemning it last Tuesday. The event's many perceive as bigoted will help. YAF backers claim that they're merely trying to chair Andrew Boyd said that his organiza- start dialogue about illegal immigration. tion chose to hold the event in part because But because the stunt is more inflammatory "as many people need to be educated about and intolerant than substantial, it will bring this as possible." But the "education" gener- anything but the type of discussion this issue ated by this event will have little to do with needs. immigration reform - and will likely fur- The event - sponsored by the University ther polarize two sides already divided on chapter of the far-right Young Americans for immigration. Freedom - is a contest in which participants Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day has a try to catch a volunteer dressed as an illegal tremendous amount of shock value, but its immigrant for a chance at a $200 cash prize. potential to offend undermines the potency Though the chair of YAF claims that the of the shock it does have. Efforts that rely so "illegal immigrant" will not represent any exclusively on jolting audiences often reso- ethnic group, the event's oversimplification nate only with those who are already sympa- of such a complex issue makes it understand- thetic. Those who are bothered by the event able why this event has generated such con- will see in YAF's intentions only xenophobia cern. and intolerance. YAF and its supporters, in By turning what should be an intelligent turn, will view the backlash as further evi- discussion regarding comprehensive policy dence that American society has become too reforms into a game of tag with overtones of politically correct. racism, YAF is oversimplifying a frightfully The event does open an opportunity for complicated issue and wasting an opportu- other politically oriented groups to pick up nity to make a serious statement about the the slack. The College Republicans -who shortcomings of the nation's current immi- have tried to distance themselves from YAF's gration policy. It may be easy for privileged antics - and the College Democrats should college students to make light of issues that seize the opportunity for facilitating con- they read about in the newspaper but which structive debate. Though immigration reform they have not internalized their whole lives. is needed, an inflammatory and insensitive Certainly YAF has the right to hold an event stunt is unnecessary in the already conten- that may alienate students who are interna- tious debate over immigration. Catch an tional, from immigrant families or from an Illegal Immigrant Day is offensive for many ethnic minority. Indeed, the argument that reasons - not least of which is that it serves YAF should abandon the event simply due mainly to waste the public's time. and one to add Unfair drop/add deadline leaves students guessing VIEWPOINT Hezbollah's roadblock to peace 4 4 4 By JosH BERMAN, BRAD STULBERG AND AARON ELuAS If on July 12, 2006 Hezbollah militants had not crossed the Israeli border, murdering and kidnapping Israeli soldiers, would there have been war? The answer is no. Unfortunately, Hezbollah, a terrorist organization funded and armed by Iran, initiated a war that nobody wanted. Some suggest that diplomacy was an option for Israel. However, Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, leaves no doubt as to his feelings. Nasrallah said in an interview in 2000: "I am against any reconciliation with Israel. I do not even recognize the presence of a state that is called Israel ... That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel ... (Hezbollah) deputies will reject it.' How can Israel sit down at the negotiating table with those sworn to its destruction? Had Hezbollah not fired about 4,000 rockets into Isra- el, would the Israeli Defense Forces have had to enter Lebanon? Israel was forced to do what any other sover- eign state would and should do - defend its people, Jews and Arabs alike. If Hezbollah had not launched rockets from schools, hospitals and neighborhoods, how many innocent lives would have been spared? Hezbollah fighters used Leba- nese children as human shields while deliberately target- ing densely populated civilian centers. Jan Egeland, UN undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs, summed it up best in July when he said: "Hezbollah must stop this cowardly blending in among women and children." If Israel had not sent soldiers door-to-door to seek out Hezbollah terrorists, how many more lives would have been lost? Israel could have shown disregard for civil- ian life through an intensified aerial campaign, but out of respect for innocent life, it sacrificed its own troops. More than 100 Israeli soldiers died in order to prevent unneces- sary harm to Lebanese civilians. There is no question: Hezbollah started this war, and Israel was forced to protect itself from a terrorist entity avowed to its destruction. While hundreds of thousands of Israelis huddled in bomb shelters and fled their homes in the north, Israel was forced to defend itself on yet another border. Hamas simultaneously kidnapped an Israeli soldier and launched more than a thousand Qassam rockets into southern Israeli towns. Let's simplify the issue. Imagine if Hezbollah and Hamas laid down their arms and recognized Israel's right to exist. Whereas Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmet openly supports the establishment of a Palestinian state, Ismail Haniyah, the democratically elected Palestinian prime minister, reiterated Friday that his government will not recognize Israel. There is no prospect for peace when only one side wants it. For years, Israel's enemies used its presence in the Gaza Strip as an excuse for terrorism. In a unilateral step toward peace, Israel uprooted 10,000 of its own citizens (many of whom are still homeless) and ceded control of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority. Instead of using this opportunity to build a civil society, the Pales- tinian Authority used this land as a launching pad for fur- ther terrorism, violence and indoctrination to hate. This has become an all too familiar theme - Israel makes unprecedented sacrifices, and in turn Israel is thanked with rockets and suicide bombings. Israel wants a real and lasting peace. Unfortunately, this sentiment is not being reciprocated. A 2006 report by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies on fifth-grade Palestinian Authority textbooks shows that Palestinian children are being taught the importance of dying as amartyr. Inaddi- tion, the maps in these textbooks fail to recognize Israel's existence,calling the entire region Palestine.Furthermore, in both Palestinian Authority and Hezbolah media, Jews are portrayed as evil people who drink the blood of Arab children. This hateful propaganda may cause even more damage to the peace process than any rocket or bullet. While buildings can be repaired in a few weeks, it takes a lifetime to repair the mind of young child. As long as children are taught to hate, there will not be peace in the Middle East. Along the same lines, as long as some at the University continue to inaccurately attack Israel while failing to understand, respect and listen to each other, we will not be able to make a positive differ- ence on this campus. It's time to be blunt. With thousands of Jews and Arabs on this campus, we have two options. Either we contrib- ute to a deteriorating peace process through irresponsibly inaccurate and disrespectful propaganda,or we set a tone for future dialogue by providing an exemplary model of coexistence and respect. As a campus community, the decision is ours - where on the road map will we stand? Berman is LSA senior and chair of American Movementfor Israel. Stulberg and Ellias are LSA juniors and members of Israel IDEA. I Want to take your sociology class pass/fail? Want out of that dull class that meets at 8 a.m.? Do it now. The LSA drop/add deadline is today, just three weeks into the fall semester. Some classes have met only a few times, and many students still haven't taken their first test. But because the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts has unnecessarily paired the drop and add deadlines, today is students' last chance to make a clean break without that nasty "W" on their transcript. The University claims that the "W" is neutral, but students are right in having their doubts. When handing over their transcripts to employers, a "W" next to the name of a course requires a thorough explanation at the very least. Yet what a late drop means is not necessarily that a student screwed up. Perhaps it took a student more than three weeks to realize he was in over his head, or that something else went wrong - a bout with mono, or a death in the family. Admin- istrators realize the "W" can be unfair; that's why first-term students are allowed to drop a class after the drop/add deadline free of any damning marks on their official transcript (though it remains on the unofficial one). There seems little reason why the adminis- tration couldn't extend the same courtesy to students well past their first term. The "W" is an unnecessary punishment for students who drop late, that have already paid their tuition and lost the credit. There's no intrinsic reason why the University must keep the drop and add deadlines on the same day, while there are strong reasons why a later drop deadline would benefit students. For now, make sure everything is as you want it on Wolverine Access, because you can't change it tomorrow. JOHN OQUIST YiOui Fr I. If X HAVE YOU HEARD? THERE ARE REPORTS THAT OSAMA BIN LADEN IS REALLY SICK. SOME EVEN CLAIM HE'S DEADI D0 Y00 HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS? '41 lC WE WONIII MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BABYI ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF PEACE BEGIN TODAYI I L 1 t + a "' f lk