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September 19, 2006 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-09-19

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 13

Eagles move up
'after ballot mishap


12. Notre Dame lost to Michigan 47-21 at Michigan

1. OhIo State beat Cincinnati 37-7
2. Auburn beat Louisiana State
3. Southern Cal beat Nebraska 28-10

Penn State
at Arizona

13. Oregon
14. Iowa
15. Tennessee

beat Oklahoma 34-33
beat Iowa
State 27-17
lost to Florida 21-20

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Boston College
moved into sole possession of the No. 20 rank-
ing in The Associated Press Top 25 on Monday,
after the poll was recalculated to fix a mistaken
The revised poll breaks a 20th-place tie
between Boston College and Arizona State,
dropping the Sun Devils into the No. 22 ranking
behind California.
Poll voter Ken Tysiac of The Charlotte
Observer said he mistakenly sent his Sept. 10
poll ballot, rather than his Sept. 17 ballot, to The
AP on Sunday.
"I cut and pasted the wrong file, the previous
week's file, into the e-mail that I sent to the AP'
Tysiac said Monday, shortly after submitting the
correct ballot.
Even though the only change was in the order
of the Nos. 20,21 and 22 teams, AP sports editor
Terry R. Taylor said the poll was recalculated to
maintain its integrity.
"While we normally do not allow votes to be
changed, it was clear in this case that an outdated
ballot had been inadvertently submitted and we

simply allowed the correct ballot to be substi-
tuted," she said.
Tysiac said Observer readers caught his mis- 4. West Virginia
take after the paper published his ballot, as it does
each Monday during college football season. He
said several readers e-mailed to ask why he had 5. Florida
Notre Dame ranked ahead of Michigan, despite
the Wolverines' 47-21 victory at South Bend on 6.Mihia
Saturday. 6. MichIgan
"So I went back and checked the record of
what I sent;" he said. "That's when I realized, 7. Texas
'Oh, crud ...' "
It's the first time in memory that The AP has
re-issued a college football or college basketball 8. sie
poll to correct such a mistake.
Retabulating the poll with Tysiac's intended
ballot broke a 20th place tie between Boston Col- 9.Georgia
lege and Arizona State, who each had 384 points
in the original poll. Boston College now has 393
points, while Cal has 386 points (up from 383) 10. Louisiana State
and Arizona State remains at 384 points.
Cal andArizona State won't remain so closely
bunched for long. The Golden Bears host the Sun 11. Virginia Tech
Devils this Saturday.

beat Maryland 45-24 at East Carolina

16. TCU beat Texas
Tech 12-3
17. Oklahoma lost to Oregon 34-33

beat Tennessee 21-20 Kentucky
18. Florida State lost to Clemson 27-20
beat Notre Dame 47-21 Wisconsin 19. Clemson beat Florida
State 27-20
beat Rice 52-7 Iowa State 20. Boston College beat Brigham
Young 30-23
21.Arizona State beat Colorado 21-3

at Arizona State
at Illinois
Brigham Young
Tennessee State
North Carolina
at N.C. State
at California
Arizona State
at Ohio State

beat Miami 31-7 at Kansas State
beat UAB 34-0 Colorado
lost to Auburn 7-3 Tulane
beat Duke 36-0 Cincinnati

22. California beat Portland
State 42-16
23. Nebraska lost to Southern
Cal 28-10
24. Penn State beat Youngstown
State 37-3
25. Boise State beat Wyoming 17-10

Continued from page 10
honors while kicker Phillip
Brabbs took the special teams
award following Michigan's 31-
29 win against Washington.
It's the first time Michigan
has taken offensive and defen-
sive honors in the same week
since it defeated Penn State in
1997. That week, running back
Chris Howard won Offensive
Player of the Week and the
' entire Wolverine defense won
the defensive award.
MUST FLEE T.V.: Don't expect
Carr to get his own sitcom on
NBC in the near future.
During his weekly press con-
ference held Monday afternoon,
Carr ripped Notre Dame and
NBC for the length of Satur-
day's game.
For the past few years, Carr
has been a proponent of the
NCAA's efforts to speed up the
game. On Monday, he said that
television has too large a role in
the sport and is overextending
the games.
"We got there, and they
informed us that there were
four commercial timeouts per
quarter, at five minutes each
- that's 80 minutes," Carr
said. "That's where television is
having too big an impact on the
flow of the game.
"I know this - the last time
we were down there, I know we
didn't have five-minute time-
outs. It's an encroachment on
the game that, in my judgment,
has gone to far."
The game lasted three hours
and 28 minutes, largely due to
the 16 five-minute timeouts
mandated by NBC. Carr said he
couldn't remember a game he's
been a part of with that many
stoppages of time.
"If I'm a fan sitting up there
- you know, I love football,
but I was ready to go halfway
through the third quarter," Carr
ing noticeable holes in its spe-
cial teams against Central
Michigan, Michigan did much
better on Saturday against
Notre Dame.
A week prior, the Chippewas
began possessions near mid-
field on multiple occasions. On
Saturday, Michigan pinned the
Fighting Irish deep in its own
territory on almost all of its 10
"I thought our special teams
were much improved, particu-
larly our kick coverage," Carr
said. "Steve Breaston (also) did
an excellent job fielding punts,
getting the ball back up the
field and reducing the net punt-
ing they had."
The lone mistake Carr noted
was kicker Garrett Rivas's failed
extra-point attempt following
Michigan's second touchdown.
"Garrett Rivas kicked the ball
well," Carr said. "The one extra
point, Notre Dame has concen-
trated efforts to push inside and
get guys up. I thought the ball
maybe was a little low, but with
that exception, I thought Gar-
rett continued to kick the ball
very well."


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