iQA - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 11, 2006 Learn more about Erin Towery and tell us more about you. Visit Your life. You can bring it with you. *con nectedthinking (D )200(6 Pricewvaterhousedioopers LLP All rights reserved. "F mnember firms of the network, each ot which is a separate ar l o" Ems; e f sax F 3U y + n " waa k r T f. ir tC} e. e {rc " j* " , "n z r 5 ^.in A: xs a^ ° ""° Tom. ' r r7 4 r tx r. r xr sit FO 'r t v fi y,, ? e, rw -0 , ti x, pN'N i wr O o° tir es t +U~ firr phi a NIL NOcs+ r aA 1 4 { . VAN i + i pL X r r 'k { -ter' Iv, 4 nsv; v+ r a 4 4 I PRICE WATERHOUS~eDOPERSU Pricewaterhousedioopers" refers to Pricewaterhousedioopers LLP (a Delaware limited liahility partnership) or, as the coetext reqaires, the PricewaterhoaseCoopers global network or other and independent legal entity. *connectedthioking is a trademark of Pricewaterhoosedioopern LLP (US): We are proud to hen Affirmation Action and Equal Opportunity Employer __j 1