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September 11, 2006 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-09-11

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News 3A Detroit students
back to school
despite strike b
Opion 4A From the Daily:
Educatiot today
fo jobs tomorrowW
Arts 16A The Wire: TV's'
most dangerous
narcotic One-hundred-sixteen years (fediorifreedom

f .i zw.micikandazly.com

Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVII, No. 5

2006 The Michigan Daily

., ,

By Anne VanderMey Daily News Editor
IT WAS TUESDAY MORNING. Asad Tarsin, president of the Muslim Students' Asso-
ciation, was sleeping. University President Lee Bollinger was in New York City,
where he would accept the job as president of Columbia University in about a
month. Students, recovering from the rigors of Welcome Week, were adjusting
to the rigors of classes. Those unfortunate enough to have 8:30 courses were
showering. The Michigan Daily hit newsstands early, proclaiming that caller ID
was finally coming to the dorms. LSA freshman Amanda Czop was talking with
her roommate, who was instant-messaging a friend. IT WAS SEPT. 11, 2001.

8 A.M.
B. Joseph White sat
down in his faculty office
overlooking the Law Quad
to prepare a lesson plan. He
had been dean of the Busi-
ness School for 11 years but
had stepped down a few
months earlier to teach.
He'd returned six days ear-
lier from a trip to New York
City, where he'd attended a
board meeting with sev-
eral alumni who worked on
the 93rd floor of the north
tower of the World Trade

At about 8:50 a.m., his
phone rang. It was his
She told him to turn on
the television.
9 A.M.
E. Royster Harper,
vice president for student
affairs, was in a routine
staff meeting with her top
advisors and she was tired.
She excused herself to get
a cup of coffee. Walking
down the hall, she passed

a large conference room
and noticed the television
was on. She paused briefly,
watching a tiny speck dis-
appearing into the side of
what looked like the World
Trade Center with a poof.
That's odd, she thought
to herself as she returned
to her staff meeting.
When she got back to
her office, Dean of Stu-
dents Frank Cianciolo
said, "Royster, we're under
See 9/11, page 7A

Daily launches new site

Brandon gives back
R Regent's sons
were once saved Brandons on
by hospital that 'U' boards
gift will go toward
g Brandon and his wife Jan - along
By, Kelly Fraser with football head coach Lloyd Carr
Daily Staff Reporter and his wife Laurie - are co-chairs of
C.S. Mott Children's and Women's
It was Valentine's Day Hospital's Champions for Children
1980 when the University fundraising campaign, a branch of
Hospital's neonatal inten- the Michigan Difference campaign B
sive care unit saved the lives
of University Regent David Jan Brandon is a member of the University Muse
Brandon's twin sons. Art's National Advisory Board and has been active i
The premature newborns, museum's renovation plans.
Nick and Chris, were rushed
to the University Hospital's David Brandon is also part of the Graduate "M" Club
neonatal intensive care unit, tors Club, the Director's Circle and the Stephen M. Ros
because doctors at the com- of Business Visiting Committee.
See BRANDON, page 7A

um of
in the
b, the Vic-
s School

Last week. 1 told
you today's Daily
would introduce our
comprehensive redesign.
It turns out we're going
to hold off on that for a
short while. I won't waste
valuable newsprint going
over the details - they
involve fonts and money.
Forgive us our delays, and
we will forgive the bean-
counters who delay us.
Now, the good news:
we are launching a new
website today. We hope
you'll like the cleaner
design, easier navigation
and new RSS feeds. We've
also added two new blogs.
The Circuit will include
commentary on on-campus
and off-campus technology,
and The choice will provide
a forum for students,
faculty, administrators
and other readers to
discuss ethical issues.

Unlike the Daily's other
blogs, The Choice will be
written mostly by non-Daily'
staffers. Members of the
steering committee for
University President Mary
Sue Coleman's initiative on
Ethics in Public Life, along
with other contributors
of various ethical
perspectives, will provide
the bulk of the discussion.
E-mail Managing Online
Editor Phil Dokas at
com with comments-
and suggestions.
And watch for our print
redesign, which should
emerge in the very near
future. (No promises as
to when this time.)
Donn M. Fresard
Editor in chief

'U' profs research
nano-Trojan Horses
to cure diseases
By Arikia Millikan
Daily Staff Reporter
University scientists are
doing big things in the sci-
ence of the small, and it could
change how and how long you
will live.
The University hosted the
first Nanotechnology Sym-
posium at the Biomedical
Science Research Building
Nanoparticles are only
a few billionths of a meter
wide, but their applications
to the medical field are wide-

University Prof. Mark
Banaszak Holl, a founding
member of the Michigan
Nanotechnology Institute
for Medicine and Biologi-
cal Sciences, recognizes the
monumental potential in
nanotechnology, the process
of taking nanoparticles and
assembling them into larger
Banaszak Holl is investi-
gating how the similarities
between a dendrimer - type
of synthetic nanoparticle -
and naturally occurring bio-
logical particles could benefit
the study of medicine.
A dendrimer is some-
what like a cellular Trojan
See NANO, page 7A

Small science, big


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