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April 18, 2006 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-04-18

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Palestinian suicide bomber kills 9


Bloodshed could
set the stage for harsh
Israeli reprisals
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - A Pales-
tinian suicide bomber struck a packed
fast-food restaurant during Passover
yesterday, killing nine people and
wounding dozens in the deadliest
bombing in more than a year.
In a sharp departure from the previ-
ous Palestinian government's condem-
nations of bombings, the Hamas-led
administration defended the attack as a
legitimate response to Israeli "aggres-
The bloodshed and the hard-line
stance could set the stage for harsh
Israeli reprisals and endanger Hamas'
efforts to secure desperately needed
international aid and acceptance.

Israel said it held Hamas responsible
for the attack in Tel Aviv even though a
separate group, Islamic Jihad, claimed
"Hamas' constant preaching for the
destruction of Israel serves as a catalyst
for these attacks," said David Baker, an
Israeli government spokesman.
Israel's security chiefs met Mon-
day and were expected to recommend
stepped-up operations against Islamic
Jihad, security officials said. Israeli
officials were to decide on a response
In an initial response, Israeli aircraft
attacked an empty metal workshop in
Gaza City early today, causing no inju-
ries. The army said the workshop was
used by the radical Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine to manufac-
ture homemade rockets that militants
launch at Israel.

Israeli police explosives experts inspect the site of a suicide bomb attack near a
fast food restaurant in Tel Aviv yesterday.

Continued from page 1.
Facebook users can edit their privacy
settings so that alumni and staff are pro-
hibited from viewing their profiles.
Students had mixed reactions when
they learned that potential employers may
be looking at their profiles.
LSA freshman Gary Foreman was a
member of groups like "Potheads" and
"Legalize absinthe" until he spoke to a
Michigan Daily reporter yesterday. A few
minutes after the interview, Foreman had
left the groups.

"Obviously that would probably send a
bad message to employers about what my
extra activities are," he said.
School of Music senior Charlie Kle-
cha said he is not worried about potential
employers being turned off by his mem-
bership in "I smoke entirely too much
"In general, the type of employment I
generally seek, I wouldn't say is condoning
of that, but wouldn't exclude me for that
sort of information," Klecha said. "I've
never been a very private person about the
fact that I smoke weed."
Klecha is a theater major and plans to
seek employment as a freelance lighting

Sebille-White said students should
approach their Facebook profiles in the
same way they would approach an inter-
"It's a matter of how you want to be
seen and how you manage your image,"
she said. "It's sort of like being your own
PR agent."
Many students have posted on the site
pictures of themselves pole-dancing, under-
age drinking or doing illegal drugs. Even
Facebook walls, where other members post
public messages on their friends' profiles,
often contain objectionable content.
Sebille-White also cautioned students

about other uses of the Internet. E-mail and
personal websites could pose problems for
job applicants as well, she said.
"You need to at least be thinking about
it and making some conscious decisions
about what you put in a public space," she
said. "It may not even be something from
your (Facebook) profile but from corre-
spondence with other people."
Klecha said he is unsure whether
employers should use Facebook to evalu-
ate candidates.
"It's a very gray area," he said. "It's a
really public, easy to use way to find out
a lot information. I guess its sort of use at
your own risk."

Bush's new chief of staff signals shake-up
President Bush's new chief of staff said yesterday it was time to "refresh and re-
energize the team," and he told senior White House aides who might be thinking
about quitting this year to go ahead and leave now.
Taking charge in a time of crisis, with Bush's poll ratings at their lowest point
ever and Republicans anxious about the November elections, Bolten laid down his
pointed directive at his first meeting with top presidential aides.
He did not ask for anyone's resignation, and none of the senior aides stepped for-
ward to say they would go, White House press secretary Scott McClellan reported
later. But Bolten has Bush's full authority to make changes to the president's staff,
and McClellan said he would expect announcements soon.
One of the first jobs to be filled is that of budget director - the position that
Bolten left to become chief of staff. The job of domestic policy adviser at the White
House is open as well. Further changes are clearly on the horizon, and Bolten gave
top aides the option of leaving first.
Former governor convicted of racketeering
Former Gov. George Ryan, who drew international praise when he com-
muted the sentences of everyone on Illinois' death row, was convicted of
racketeering and fraud yesterday in a corruption scandal that ended his
political career in 2003.
Ryan, 72, sat stone-faced as the verdict was read and afterward promised he
would appeal.
"I believe this decision today is not in accordance with the kind of public service
that I provided to the people of Illinois over 40 years, and needless to say I am
disappointed in the outcome," he said.
Iran claims to be testing further nuclear power
Iran's president has thrown a new wrinkle into the nuclear debate by claiming
his country is testing a centrifuge that could be used to more speedily create fuel
for power plants or atomic weapons.
But some analysts familiar with the country's technology said yesterday that
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could be deliberately exaggerating Iran's
capabilities, either to boost his own political support or to persuade the U.N.
nuclear watchdog agency to back off.
The U.N. Security Council has demanded that Iran cease enrichment work,
which the United States and some of its allies suspect is meant to produce weap-
ons. But Russia and China, two of the council's five veto-holding members, have
opposed punishing Iran.
Gulf Coast newspapers snag Pulitzer prizes
The Times-Picayune of New Orleans and The Sun Herald of southern Missis-
sippi each won the Pulitzer Prize for public service yesterday for their dauntlest
coverage of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.
The Times-Picayune also received the Pulitzer in breaking news reporting for it.
storm coverage. The two papers managed to keep putting out the news - online, ii
necessary - despite damage to their buildings and disruption to their staffs.
The Washington Post won four awards in all, followed by The New Yorl
Times, with three. The Rocky Mountain News, like The Times-Picayune
won two.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports
A story on yesterday's front page (MBA grad aims to educate students in
personalfinance) incorrectly referred to student lender Sallie Mae as Nellie
A story on yesterday's front page (Alum got her start in 'U' writing program)
misspelled the name of film producer Douglas Wick.
Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com.

Continued from page 1.
Berman wants to create a more
friendly community in AMI and do
more outreach to help educate the
University community about the con-
flict between Israel and Palestine in
the fall.
Because of the large Jewish and
Arab populations on campus, one of
Berman's goals is to provide a model
for coexistence.
"There's a huge potential here to
try to make things right (between
Arabs and Israelis)," he said.
Berman's goals also include setting
up a study abroad program in Israel
sponsored by the University, which
many students have worked toward in
the past without success.
La Voz Latina: Xavier Segura and
Jenn Ortiz, co-chairs
Xavier Segura is filled with enthu-
siasm when inviting newcomers to La
Voz. Segura, now a sophomore, has
been involved in the group since his
freshman year.
The group elected co-chairs Segu-
ra and Jenn Ortiz as their new leaders
in mid-March.
In Segura's opinion, the most press-
ing issues for the fall are political -
MCRI and House Resolution 4437, a
bill that would increase enforcement
of immigration laws, raising the pen-
alties for illegal immigrants and those
who give them aid. Though many of
the United States's undocumented
workers are from Latin America,
Segura wants to educate the rest of
the University community about how
the bills would adversely affect many
different ethnic groups. He hopes to
work more closely with the Michigan

Student Assembly's Minority Affairs
Commission and the LSA Student
Government's Multicultural Affairs
Task Force.
Muslim Students' Association:
Nura Sediqe, president
Nura Sediqe had such an interest
in being part of the Muslim Students'
Association that she e-mailed mem-
bers about joining it even before she
came to campus. At orientation, she
socialized with current members.
Three years after her enthusias-
tic beginning, she has been elected
president of the group. Her term
officially starts at the beginning of
spring semester, but she is already
planning for the fall. Sedige's main
goal is to establish stronger ties with
other religious and cultural groups on
"If we work together, unified, it
can only help strengthen causes we
work on together," she said.
A long-term goal for the group is to
establish a Muslim center on campus
- run in the same fashion as Hillel
- with a prayer room and meeting
Sediqe also wants to expand the
group's outreach to Muslims in
Detroit, because she said blacks make
up a large portion of the American
Muslim community.
The group provides two merit
scholarships each year to underprivi-
leged Muslim students, and Sediqe
said she will find other ways to help
students who lack the- resources to
attend college.
Finally, Sedige said she will break
down stereotypes by making the cam-
pus more aware of Muslim beliefs
and how they fit into current events
like the conflict in Darfur.

"There are a lot of misunderstand-
ings that occur," she said. "The only
way to dispel that is through interac-
tion and education."
Native American Student Associa-
tion: Brooke Simon and Ron Wil-
lis, co-chairs
Brooke Simon wants to make the
Native American community on
campus more welcoming.
Simon originally became involved
in the group because she wanted to
do a minor in Native American Stud-
ies and became interested in NASA.
Simon and co-chair Ron Willis
plan to encourage more community
involvement by scheduling more
social events in the fall, including a
Pink Shawl Project for breast cancer
awareness in the Native American
community and a campus day for
Native American high school stu-
Perry Teicher, Hillel's governing
board, chair
Perry Teicher is brimming with
plans for next year.
Although he's been the chair of Hil-
lel's governing board since last Decem-
ber, Teicher has plans to further expand
the Jewish group's offerings in the fall.
A Jewish cultural group and sub-
sidiary of Hillel called Schmooze
made its debut on campus earlier
this month at Relay for Life, provid-
ing Jewish desserts to participants.
Pending the issuance of a vendor
permit, Schmooze is also planning
to start a kosher hot dog stand on
South University Avnue this fall to
offer Jewish students a religiously
viable alternative to the several hot
dog stands they might pass on the
way to class.

United Asian American Organiza-
tions: Theresa Tran and Nafisah Ula,
Theresa Tran's articulate opinions
about Asian American issues reflect her
commitment to the United Asian Ameri-
can Organizations.
Tran got involved in the umbrella
group for Asian campus organizations
her freshman year because it caters to a
broad range of interests, she said.
"It's really easy to get lost in your eth-
nic identity," she said. "UAAO combines
the voices of Asian Americans into one
Tran and Nafisah Ula were elected co-
chairs of UAAO last month. They plan
to campaign against the Michigan Civil
Rights Initiative. The group plans to bring
in expert speakers and to sponsor discus-
sions about the initiative on November's
ballot, which would ban some affirma-
tive action programs in Michigan.
"Being a person of color, it's important
to stand in solidarity with other people of
color," Tran said.
The pan-Asian cultural show, GenA-
PA, will be expanded to a festival and
include booths and vendors next year.
NAACP: The new president of the
campus chapter of the National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of Colored
People is Jamila Fair. Fair could not be
reached for comment.
Students Allied for Freedom and
Equality: Rama Salhi is the president of
Students Allied for Freedom and Equal-
ity. Because SAFE is restructuring its
executive board to make it more formal,
its has no firm plans for next fall at this
Black Student Union: The new head
of Black Student Union is Jessica Per-
kins. Perkins could not be reached for


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