Tuesday April 11, 2006 arts. michigandaiy.com artspage@michigandaily.com RT S 10 It's hard to say goodbye Courtesy of Columbia Suddenly, the Andl tour got a shitload easier. 'BENCH ED SPADE, SCHNEIDER AND HEDER STRIKE OUT Nothing lasts forever. I'm discov- ering that the hard way as grad- uation rapidly approaches. And nowhere is that more apparent than on television. Each year, some of our favor- ite shows take their final bow. Some end on a high note, leaving the audience wanting more, while others overstay their welcome and end unceremoniously, tarnishing their legacy of past greatness. This season is no different. Even so, this May is shaping up to be one of the least memorable in years. If last year's uninspired slate left you cold, then you'll be less than pleased with this year's offerings. There's really nothing that will leave you standing at the water cooler the next morning a la "Seinfeld" or "Cheers." It probably has as much to do with the lack of a breakout hit the past . few seasons as it does withADi the declining quality of the ROTTE shows that are ending. "The West Wing." "Will & Grace." "Alias." At one time, these three shows were shoe-ins for constant appearances at awards shows and the top of the Nielsons. Even though "Alias" never had the ratings success of those NBC shows, it did receive plenty of buzz. Now, the end is near. I gave up on "The West Wing" when creator Aaron Sorkin did: after the fourth season. The few episodes I've seen since don't really inspire much hope, but at least they're calling it quits with the end of the Bartlett administration instead of pushing the show even further beyond its welcome. The once-mighty series took home four straight Emmys for best drama, but now can barely eek out an audience on a busy Sunday night. "Will & Grace" is just painful to watch. At first, it was somewhat funny in its mean-spirited banter. That didn't last too long. The series' faults are plentiful, and despite NBC's best efforts, the show will close with more of a whimper than a bang when it ends. The only question is how many more insipid guest stars the show can squeeze in before then. The only series of these three that's A N even still on my radar is "Alias." Its first two seasons still stand as some of the best television ever produced. But the creative failures of the past two years, coupled with an uninspired first half to the final year (thanks to Garner's real-life preg- nancy), leave a bad taste in my mouth when looking toward the end. From network hints, it looks like J.J. Abrams's thrill ride could still end on top, leav-. ing me with fond memories of Sydney Bristow's super spy. The series finale can work in many different ways. Most series choose to ease out long-lin- gering storylines or bring in numerous guest stars to help stir up sentiment. More often than not, though, these event-driven stories fall flat when compared to the heyday of a series. Sure, you wanted Ross and Rachel to end up together on LM "Friends," but did you really 4BERG need the convoluted story- line that accompanied it? The best finales eschew the temptation to deviate from the status quo. Just last season, "Everybody Loves Raymond" delivered a memorable and fitting send- off. Raymond went into the hospital for minor surgery, but his family received a momentary scare when the doctor told them that Raymond might not wake up from anesthesia. The episode was slight- ly more heartfelt than an average episode of "Raymond," but it still felt like any other and could pass as so. The shows ending this year should learn from this template. It's OK to make the finale feel special, but no more so than any other season finale. Stick to what works; that's why we watched it in the first place. In the end, it's fine to say goodbye, as long as you keep to the spirit of the body of work. - Rottenberg doesn't care about the rules of a good finale and thanks all of his friends at the Daily for giving him the opportunity to write about the shows he loves, even fno one else cares to read about them. This is your last chance to complain about his column. E-mail him at arotten@umich.edu. By Imran Syed Daily Arts Writer Rob Schneider stars in quality work, doesn't he? Adam Sandler's Happy Madison Productions, financer of such Schneider classics as "The Ani- mal" and both "Deuce Biga- low" movies, has a reputation to keep. Never mind messing around with social relevance or witty writing - kicking a guy in the crotch or farting on a kid's face is as tour de force as he gets. In this world, comedians The Bench- warmers At the Showcase and Quality 16 Columbia like Jon Lovitz, ten for Sandler. He's Gus, a landscaper who has a thing against playground bullies. When he sees a group of misfit kids get picked on by some meanies, he teams up with his two friends Clark (Jon Heder, "Napoleon Dynamite") and Richie (David Spade, "Tommy Boy") to form a baseball team to challenge the mean kids to a game of 3-on-9. Billionaire and "ex-nerd" Mel (Jon Lovitz, "The Stepford Wives") steps in to organize a regional tournament in which the winner gets a brand-new baseball stadium. Can the team of misfits prove its worth to hostile fans? Will the meanies learn the value of sportsmanship? Will Rob Schneider break out the "you-can-do-it" line? So much intrigue ... You know there are actually some fools out there saying, "Wow, this film must be really bad if Sandler himself won't even star in it." Well, you see, Sandler is a busy man. His production company receives dozens of excellent scripts, but as otherworldly as Sandler is, he can't possi- bly star in all of the films. So I guess you'll just have to excuse him for keeping those border- line-acceptable projects ("Spanglish," "Punch- Drunk Love") while passing off crap like "Joe Dirt," "The Hot Chick" and now "The Bench- warmers" to his buddies. This one tries hard to be a sweet movie and avoid the usual mean-spirited humor a typi- cal Schneider/Sandler movie overflows with. It fails. There's just something about destroy- ing mailboxes with a baseball bat and eating boogers that doesn't exactly scream whole- some family fun. Of the three leads, only Spade manages a couple of laughs, employing his trademark one-liner schtick that worked so well on "Sat- urday Night Live." For the most part, though, he's terrible, as is Heder, who proves once again that "Napoleon Dynamite" was an acci- dent of marginal quality that he intends never to commit again. And Schneider? How does he still get work? No one involved escapes "The Benchwarm- ers" unscathed, least of all Sandler. Sure, you can hide out in a semi-legit movie (the upcom- ing "Click," maybe?) under Kate Beckinsale's halo, but we all know you were behind this. And we won't soon forget. Tim Meadows and Terry Crews are bonafide thespians, and the words "from the director of 'Big Daddy' " awaken feelings of euphoria, not imminent suicide. Alas, the products of this world are misunderstood and ostracized in the buzzkill that is cinematic reality. Their latest product, "The Benchwarmers," is no different. Schneider plays the lead in a role clearly writ- 'Teachers' fails out By Imran Syed Daily Arts Writer Just because there's never been a sitcom NOTakpaOOK Scholars look to put Seattle on map By Anthony Baber Daily Arts Writer focused on high school mean there should be. NBC, however, labors under the delusion that the recent line of insipid sitcom drab can be completely revital- teachers doesn't Teachers Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. NBC "Don't worry about it; she'll turn 18 next month." ized by minor changes in setting and characters. Let's not forget that comedy is a big part of what makes a sitcom, and even the most inspired set- ting can only go so far to garner laughs. It's writing that makes or breaks a sitcom - and "Teachers" is every bit as broken as "Joey" or "Four Kings." Somehow able to avoid the unfortunate temptation that has ensnared so many writ- ers and producers, the creators of "Teach- ers" managed not to set the show in New York City - opting instead for nearby New Jersey. Out there in the urban bustle of the Garden State lives Jeff Cahill (Justin Bartha, "Failure to Launch"), a high school teacher who apparently hates his job. Jeff spends his mornings and afternoons play- ing golf in school classrooms with his friend/colleague/token minority Calvin (Deon Richmond, who self-consciously satirized a role such as this in "Scream 3"), hitting on conveniently promiscuous sub- stitutes and making fun of teachers who actually teach. Sounds sweet, doesn't he? Jeff may hit on every woman he sees, but fear not: There's one central love inter- est. Alice (Sarah Alexander, the U.K:s "Coupling") is a walking, talking Aber- crombie mannequin, present for no reason other than to overemphasize her British accent in words like "Tuesday" (which comes out "Choose-die"), to the ecstasy of the overzealous laugh track. Should it matter that there likely isn't a single 30-something British teacher in New Jersey with a fixation on ski hats and collared shirts? Nah, this show has about as much to do with real high schools as "Grey's Anatomy" does with real emer- gency rooms. OK, so now that we've got a school and teachers, all we need is students. How about one who's just about to fail when the talented Mr. Cahill (now revealed to be an authority on Shakespeare, love and life), steps in to save his future? And wouldn't it be perfect if Sarah sees him preaching "Hamlet" to this lost little boy and falls in love with him? Man, these guys have thought of everything! In the show's pilot, there's not one gen- uinely funny joke. But there are, of course, several derogatory comments, hearkening back to the nonexistent era when putdowns were cool. At one point, Cahill exclaims, "That is so gay!" Now there's a guy who knows his Shakespeare. "Teachers" is about as bad as sitcoms can get,yet still makes it on the air. It should last another two to three weeks before the morons in charge of programming at NBC get the message: It takes more than a slight twist on the sitcom formula to find success, and no matter how innovative the setting, "Teachers" flunks. Ever since they joined up in 2002, Geologic and Sabzi have been known as the Blue Scholars, a Seattle hip- hop powerhouse. Already known for their blue-collar work ethic and social commentary, their style of music truly resides where the hustle and the struggle coincide. Unfortunately for their PR peo- ple, all their artistic desires geo- graphically coincide in the Blue Scholars' home: Seattle. It's a fine city for latte and yellow tail, but it's historically a place more flannel than Def Jam. But coming from such inauspi- cious surroudings just highlights that the Blue Scholars are becoming true representation of what is known in hip hop as "the come-up," the shift in fame and popularity that can take a no-namer from the county fair to Times Square. This process is vital to the growth of hip hop, because when one star dies, another must be born. And Seattle is a city desperate to birth a star. "We're re-evaluating what our goals are," said Geologic, Blue Schol- ars' MC. "We've been doing ground work on the local crowd, making sure we have love at home, but we want to make sure we make a push nationally. We want to put Seattle on the map for quality hip hop." Putting Seattle on the map is a difficult task when rap has long been dominated by New York and Los Angeles. Even though they are a part of the West Coast, their style is not that of the typical West Coast rapper. They don't rock old Cut Supremes or puff the same amount of greenery as SoCal's giants. Their path to fame is more difficult not because they're from Seattle, but because they're not from New York or Los Angeles. Thankfully, the roads less trav- eled are being shorn down each day. Houston and Atlanta - once second-tier cities - have reshaped the frame of what hip hop is sup- posed to be. Atlanta is outselling New York year in and year out. Rap has become diversified to the point where Seattle can actually form a style and aesthetic true to its own surroundings. Luckily, that's exactly what the Blue Scholars wants to do. Seattle's aesthetic, a clear strain in the Scholars' work, is what you'd expect from the Emerald City: pro- gressive, quirky, eager to prove its worth, eclectic and, most of all, unafraid of swinging political themes. After years of existing only on the underground Seattle circuit, working small clubs and shows, they finally gained the opportu- nity to broaden their musical hori- zons and hit the road for their first national tour. "We're going through Toledo, Chicago, Madison and we're going to end our part of the tour in Min- neapolis," Geologic said. The group also performed last month at the Blind Pig. Coming from the small stage of Seattle hip hop, which gets little to no recognition, being a part of a national tour is a dream come true. "I'm excited to be out here because it's kind of a test to see how far your music has reached and how much more work you have to do," Geologic said. "There's this whole perception of Seattle with the grunge scene, but we know about good hip hop. Anyone who still only knows Seattle for Nirvana and Sir Mix-A-Lot needs to wake up and get in the mix." On the Ann Arbor leg of their tour, Sabzi cut on Marvin Gaye's "What's Goin' On" and spun back over the lyric saying, "War is not the answer." Geologic incited the crowd to repeat the lyric as a chant over and over, leading into the pow- erful, political "Blink," where he questions the war in Iraq and Presi- dent Bush. "I love the energy I get from per- forming; it's like a political rally where I'm gearing everybody up," Geo said. "I see everything around me as political - other people's actions, people I meet on the street, every rhyme." The group continues to work its way to the top, and after an emo- tionally charged series of concerts, they'll continue spreading the mes- sage to all within earshot. "It's incredible to be embraced by people who really appreciate hip hop," Geologic said. "We really feel welcomed." "*1 M (GERALD K FORD SCFIOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy is pleased to announce a new undergraduate public policy course, to be taught in the Fall 2006 semester by Paul N. Courant, Professor of Public Policy and Economics and past Provost of the University of Michigan - Public Policy 201: Systematic Thinking About Problems of the Day " Open to all undergraduate students " Pre-reqs: Economics 101 and any other introductory social science course " 4 credit class, sophomore level, class number - 28438 " Tuesday/Thursday 1:00-2:30pm 1120 Weill Hall (Joan and Sanford Weill Hall, the new home of the ford School, located at the corner of Hill and State.) U I THE FOURTH ANNUAL NANCY CANTOR DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP ON I NTELLECTUAL ,. . .4~, *. 'k*"' -t..... .S (~. .5, 5' ST IN GUI L ECT U RE R Frank Wu, Dean Wayne State University Law School Author of Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White I