The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 07, 2006 - 7
Continued from page 1
Washington Street for 99 years - opening
before World War I as Ann Arbor High
School. In 1956, the University purchased
and expanded the structure.
"The historical preservation part is
very important," Wood said. "I think it's
a cop-out on the University's part to have
the sentiment that because it's old it's not
good anymore."
Wood began the project in January
and has since obtained a permit from
the University to use the Frieze parking
lot. The building's exterior lights will be
turned off for the exhibition. The exhibi-
tion will take place the last day of classes
- the latest date the University would
allow amplified sound on campus before
it interfered with students' final exam
Terri Sarris, a professor in the Depart-
ment of Screen Arts and Cultures and
one of Wood's thesis advisors, said the
project has received University and
department support. The department has
granted Wood funding from its honors
account for the event.
"She's doing an interesting project that's
linking a written thesis with this produc-
tion process," Sarris said. "Her project
involves expanded cinema; it is a very cre-
ative event:'
Sarris said much of Wood's work
involves projected imagery that delves
beyond the typical cinematic experience,
changing the relationship between specta-
tor and film.
But the project is still lacking commu-
nity involvement. The pair is looking for
public stories and memories, either positive
or negative, to accompany the projections.
"For me it's a building, but for others it's
so many other things," Wood said. "Every
person's story is unique. We're trying to
give people that voice, that outlet. The
audio is so important because it is the easi-
est way to contribute"
Wood hopes her project will give the
Frieze Building the farewell it may not
have gotten otherwise.
"I'm doing this to create a community
event and show respect for the place,"
Wood said. "It's a communal goodbye."
Plans originally called for the
wrecking ball this summer. Last
month, though, the schematic designs
for North Quad were pulled off the
schedule of the University Board of
Regents meeting at which the regents
were to be asked to approve them. The
exterior designs needed some refine-
ment, officials said. It is not clear what
effect of the delay will be on the time-
line for the demolition of Frieze.
Continued from page 1
you move into a community and contact the Michigan Alumni
Association, you'll get a foot in the door at a job. You're paying
for all that."
Responding to a question about how the University prepares
students for careers, Coleman said the University offers unique
opportunities like the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Pro-
When another student asked about the necessity of the Univer-
sity's language requirement, Coleman said it's far more important
than students realize.
"Does it give you a successful life? No. But does it give you a
leg up? You bet," Coleman said.
Coleman described a student with stellar career opportunities,
mostly because the student learned Mandarin while working as
an intern in China.
"She's interviewing for jobs now, and the only thing they're
interested in is that she's worked in China and she speaks some
Mandarin," Coleman said. "When I see what's happening in
globalization, I think (the language requirement) will be more
For a University graduate with only a bachelor's
degree, finding a job is not too difficult, Coleman said.
"There are plenty of young people who can go out and get bach-
elor's degrees and get wonderful jobs," Coleman said. "My son is
one of them."
Coleman said after the discussion that her favorite question
came from a student who criticized the University's faculty for
discouraging creative thinking in classes. He said students could
only get A's if they followed professors' expectations.
"Even though I do think students need to learn how to buttress
their opinions with the facts, I think he poses a very important
point," she said.
But the University must make sure it teaches students the skills
they need, Coleman added.
"We need to be finding ways to say 'Look, did the individual
faculty member accomplish what they said they would accom-
plish by the end of the course?' " she said.
Neuman's class covers a variety of topics like interdisciplinary
education, the economics of education and human capital theory.
He first taught the course at Yale, where he invited for-
mer Yale President Bart Giamatti to speak. Neuman said
Giamatti's discussion of governance was a valuable addition,
so he decided to invite Coleman to take questions from his
Because of her initiatives involving team teaching and inter-
disciplinary studies, Coleman was a natural speaker candidate,
Neuman said.
The students' aggressive questioning was impressive and
showed their interest in academic issues, Coleman said.
"I was really glad," she said. "I enjoy that kind of give-
Continued from page 1
group in Ann Arbor and they suggested that we
go through an evaluation. They've convinced
us that we should talk about these things rather
than keep them suppressed," he said.
Now he tells his story freely, carefully
showing inquiring eyes his small collection of
mementos, including dog tags, medals, Nazi
knickknacks and various pieces of correspon-
Life in a war camp
As a former orisoner of war, Zimmerman had
quite a bit to put behind him. He was captured in
1944 in German territory when Nazi fighters shot
down his plane in a firestorm that claimed the lives
of 160 men in his squadron.
"At that time, (the Allies) were putting 1,000
planes or 1,500 planes over Germany in a given
day. All that is exciting, and then they start shoot-
ing at you and you realize the game is over- they
are trying to kill you," he said.
After taking heavy shots from anti-aircraft
machinery, he and his men bailed out of their
burning plane, only to parachute into Nazi hands.
He and the rest of the crew, some with serious
shrapnel wounds, were taken to a bombed-out
military camp near Leipzig, Germany. There
they were imprisoned in 6-by-8-foot cells and
detained for more than eight months.
The guards were friendly at first, but once
interrogations began, things turned ugly. Zim-
merman said conditions at the camp were crude
to say the least, with more than 10,000 prisoners
living on the same compound. Food was small
pieces of black bread littered with glass and dirt
in addition to soup laced with strange meat.
"We never knew the genesis of the soup, but
we used to think it was horse meat," he said.
But living conditions and ferocious guard
dogs were not the prisoners' biggest concern.
Instead, it was fear of friendly fire. Prisoners
were often transported in German trains that
were prime targets for Allied bombers. Zim-
merman and his fellow captives often imag-
ined their own train being strafed by American
fighter planes.
"We were concerned, but it never happened,"
he said.
Despite their confinement, prisoners at Zim-
merman's camp were able to keep abreast on
news from the outside world via a small radio
given to them by friendly guards. Often he
was able to send short messages, not knowing
whether they would reach his home.
The messages made it home, unbeknownst
to him until after the war. Ham radio opera-
tors on the East Coast sent his mother dozens
of postcards saying they had heard his name
announced on military radio.
To this day, Zimmerman keeps those post-
cards in a carefully covered portfolio. One,
dated February 18, 1945, reads:
"Mrs. Zimmerman, Last night via short wave
from Berlin the following message was sent
to you from your son who is a prisoner of war
in Germany: Dear Folks, I am ok and was not
injured. I am at Stalag Luft. See Red Cross for
any information you desire. I can study here and
I'll be able to send money. Love, 'Leon.'"
Red Liberation, Blue Education
Though Zimmerman was held at the camp
from November 1944 to May 1945, he said his
stay was "not anything compared to a lot of
guys." Many were held for years.
His liberation came unexpectedly. When
German troops heard news of the Russian
Army advancing on the peninsula where the
camp was located, Zimmerman said, the Nazis
"got up and left." Shortly after, Russian tanks
roared up to the gates of the prison and freed
the prisoners.
. When the Russian officers discovered the poor
health and general emaciation of the men, they
ordered every living animal in the area to be
slaughtered in a feast for the newly freed soldiers.
But it didn't turn out to be the blessing intended.
"You hadn't had fresh meat in so long that
you couldn't keep it down," Zimmerman said.
After returning home, Zimmerman enrolled
at the University with help from the GI Bill,
which paid his tuition and offered him a month-
ly stipend of $100. While he had to work to sup-
plement this money, he said the GI allowance
made a difference for his family.
"One hundred dollars today doesn't mean
anything, but then it was substantial," he said.
Zimmerman now lives in a quiet stone house
on a serene lane in Jackson with his wife. Even
as an octogenarian, he remains highly active in
his community-serving at his church, deliv-
ering meals for Jackson County Meal Service,
maintaining membership with the Kiwanis and
donating to the Ella Sharp Museum, a local his-
torical society.
SA FETY select a sex toy from a basket of vibrators
and other various sexual trinkets.
Continued from page 1 One group at the event encouraged
LSA junior Kip Stringfellow said he students not to have protected sex - or
initially stopped to see what was hap- any sex at all. LSA sophomore Monika
pening on the Diag when a girl handed Chaudhry said she was disheartened
him a free packet of personal lubricant. when she saw a flyer for the Safe Sex
After the initial shock, Stringfellow Fair. She sent an e-mail out to a group
approached one of the tables to speak of friends asking them to join her in pro-
with student volunteers from the School moting abstinence at the event.
of Public Health to learn about safe oral "I decided I couldn't get upset about it
sex. unless I decided to do something about
"I just came from class, but this was way it;" Chaudhry said.
more informative;' Stringfellow said. Chaudhry and her friends, donning
RC senior Clara Hardie won a fake orange shirts that said "I'm 100% safe"
orgasm contest, sponsored by Students - implying abstinence is the only fool-
for Choice, whose display encircled the proof way to prevent pregnancy or sexu-
'M' in the center of the Diag. For win- ally transmitted diseases - handed out
ning the contest, Hardie was allowed to pamphlets on abstinence.
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For Friday, April 7, 2006
(March 21 to April 19)
This is a romantic, flirtatious day.
Catch a movie, see some sports and play
in any way that you can. Enjoy playful
activities with children as well.
(April 20 to May 20)
You have an opportunity to see just
how strongly your habits from the past
control your present life. This is some-
thing we all need to learn more about.
Today is your chance.
(May 21 to June 20)
Trust your "gut" level of communica-
tion today. You have a chance to learn
something about yourself right now,
because memories of the past come to
(June 21 to July 22)
You will feel best if familiar objects
surround you today. You want to enjoy
your own possessions. You seem to iden-
tify with what you own right now.
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
The Moon is in your sign today. This
can make you emotionally giving to oth-
ers; but it makes you emotionally
demanding as well. (It's OK to be con-
cerned about yourself.)
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
You might nrefer to he ione todav.
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
This is a good day for any kind of PR
work or making sales presentations to
the public. You're not afraid to be in the
public eye. (Plus, VIPs are impressed.)
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
This is a good day to get in touch with
ideas, philosophies and concepts that are
new to you. You might meet new friends
from other cultures who can teach you
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Whatever happens today, you will
probably feel it more emotionally or
more intensely. This could make you
rather possessive about what you own or
your close friends.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Close friends and partners are more
important to you today. In fact, you
might feel rather protective about some-
one. Be patient, because conflicts with
others could be emotional.
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
You find it easy to put your own inter-
ests second today. You want to please
someone. In fact, you feel joy doing a
job correctly, whether you get credit for
it or not.
Because you're dynamic and ener-
2etic von annroach life with much nhvs-
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