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April 07, 2006 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-04-07

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 7, 2006 - 3

' alum and
Nobel laureate
returns for lecture
University alum and Nobel laure-
ate Samuel C.C. Ting, a professor of
physics at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, will deliver the Tau
Beta Pi Centennial Lecture today.
Ting, will begin his lecture, called
"Encounter with 20th Century Phys-
ics," at 5 p.m. in room 1800 of the
Chemistry Building.
Friars to hold
'Best Concert
Ever' tonight
The Friars, an all-male vocal octet,
will be performing their 50th annual
"Best Concert Ever" tonight. The Fri-
ars will perform a cappella and dance
numbers. The event will take place at
Rackham Auditorium at 8 p.m. Tick-
ets are $6.
Society to give free
look at the stars
The Student Astronomical Soci-
ety will allow the public to use its
telescopes, including the one on the
Angell Hall Observatory. Along with
a free planetarium show, society
members will help interested partic-
ipants locate various astronomical
sights. The event begins at 9 p.m. It
is free and open to the public.
* Nearly $10,000
in frozen enzymes
Between $8,000 and $10,000 worth of
frozen enzymes were destroyed in the Bio-
medical Research Building Wednesday
evening, the Department of Public Safety
reported. Police suspect that a brief power
outage was responsible for the damage.
Roller bladers
evade police in
Mason Hall
Police responded early yesterday morn-
ing to reports that people were rollerblad-
ing inside Mason Hall, DPS reported.
The suspects fled the scene shortly before
police arrived.
Suspects issued
warnings for
Several people were issued trespass-
ing warnings Wednesday afternoon
after police found them illegally nap-
ping on University benches on the 400

block of Thompson Street, DPS said.
In Daily History
LSA students
to grade their
April 7, 1974 - Students will get a
chance to grade their professors this
Last night, the LSA Student Govern-
ment began distributing professor report
cards around campus. LSA-SG will
tabulate the completed report cards and
give every professor a grade for each
course they teach as well as an overall
grade point average.
Students are encouraged to grade
their professors on a scale of A to F.
The report cards give students tips on
how to grade their professors.
"Grade your professor on a five-
point scale," the instructions say, "and
remember that, like student grading,
faculty evaluation need not be based on
any objective basis."
The professor report cards are the latest
development in an ongoing feud between
the LSA administration and LSA-SG.
LSA-SG is unset that the college's

Arab student groups
unite in cultural show

Show includes spoken-
word poetry, fashion show,
stand-up comedy
By Andrew Klein
Daily Fine Arts Editor
This Saturday, ArabOrgs - the stu-
dent umbrella group that coordinates
events involving several Arab organiza-
tions on campus - will present "Arab
Xpression," a rich and diverse experience
in Arab culture.
The show's program is extensive. In
addition to spoken-word poetry readings
and a fashion show, which will include
clothing from North Africa, the Gulf and
the Levantine regions, the night also fea-
tures stand-up comedy acts.
Participating groups include the Arab
Student Association, the Egyptian Stu-
dent Association, the Lebanese Student
Association, Students Allied for Free-
dom and Economic Equality and Medi-

cal Students of Middle Eastern Descent.
"We feel the need to collaborate
between our respective communities,"
ASA President Saada Jawad said. "We
need to remain unified."
One featured comedian is Aron Kader,
part of the Axis of Evil Comedy Tour.
Kader has appeared in FX's "The Shield,"
Comedy Central's "Premium Blend" and
in the pages of The Wall Street Journal
and Newsweek magazine.
But each segment, even those that take
a light-hearted tone, is socially oriented at
a basic level, intended to address "issues
facing (the Arab) community" and "break
down negative stereotypes," Jawad said.
"People aren't used to hearing positive
things about the Arab community," said
Sirene Abou-Chakra, ASA's external
relations chair.
Hip-hop and spoken-word artist Will
Youmans, also known as The Iron Sheik,
will present his views on the Israeli-Pal-
estinian conflict, U.S. foreign policy, the
war on terrorism and his experience as

an Arab-American in the United States.
"He tries to educate and promote aware-
ness through his words," Jawad said.
Abou-Chakra said that it's impossible
to put on an Arab culture show that does
not involve politics.
"Even Arab entertainment is political,"
she said. "It's important in Arab society
- you cannot completely omit politics.
It's a part of what we are."
This year will mark the show's four-year
anniversary. It has grown in popularity
with each annual performance, growing
from an audience of 100 for the first show
to almost 700 in attendance last year.
"This is a great way to learn (about
Arab culture)," Jawad said.
ArabOrgs aims to present "who
(Arabs) are as people ... the humanistic
side of our culture," Jawad said. "We're
trying to bring everyone together -
Arab and non-Arab students alike."
The show will begin Saturday at 9
p.m. at the Michigan Union Ballroom. It
is free and open to the public.

Government to dole out
fuel cell research grants

$52.5 million will be given over three
years as part of Bush's plan to make fuel
cells a viable technology by 2020
DETROIT (AP) - The federal government plans
to dole out $52.5 million over three years in research
grants to advance hydrogen fuel cell technology, U.S.
Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said yesterday.
In a speech at the Society of Automotive Engineers'
annual conference in Detroit, Bodman also said ethanol
is key to curbing the nation's dependence on foreign oil.
Universities, national laboratories and private compa-
nies will compete for the hydrogen grants starting later
this month. They are part of the Bush administration's
goal of making fuel cells a viable technology by 2020.
Bodman said two major issues are preventing wide-
spread use of hydrogen fuel cells, which emit no pollut-
ants from vehicles. Fuel cells need more development,
and engineers need to figure out ways to store enough
hydrogen in vehicles to get the range that drivers need.
Bodman said a third issue - making hydrogen avail-
able to the public - likely will be solved by the market
once fuel-cell vehicles are on the road.
"I'm a great believer in the free-market system,"
Bodman told The Associated Press in an interview
before his speech. "If we've got vehicles that will use
hydrogen and perform in an effective fashion and have
range, I believe that we will find effective ways to

deliver hydrogen."
Bodman said producing hydrogen from nuclear
energy, rather than coal or renewable energy, appears
to be the best strategy, but the country will need far
more nuclear capacity. No new nuclear plants have been
built in the United States in 30 years, he said. Four are
expected to come on line by 2015, but the country needs
more, he said.
Bodman also said he was pleased last month when
General Motors Corp. and Toyota Motor Corp. said they
were ending a partnership on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
because the technology was moving into the proprietary
stage. Bodman said the end of the partnership is a good
sign and shouldn't hinder fuel cell development.
"The closer companies are coming to developing real
products that are going to be available in the market-
place, the more reluctant they're going to be to share
that information with their competitors," he said.
While fuel cells are in development, Bodman said the
government will heavily promote E85, a blend of etha-
nol that contains 15 percent gasoline. The Department
of Energy plans to form a public-private team that will
figure out ways to make ethanol more available.
There are about 6 million ethanol-capable vehicles
on U.S. roads today, according to the National Ethanol
Vehicle Coalition, but many people may not realize their
vehicles can run on ethanol and regular fuel. Only 605
fueling stations offer ethanol out of an estimated 170,000
stations nationally, according to the coalition.

Continued from page 1

Most of the candidates have close
ties to the University and view the
office as a way of supporting the Uni-
versity they treasure.
"It seems to be above politics, since
the people running really care about
the University and want to do what's
best for it," White said.
Although White teaches law at Wayne
State University, she grew up in Ann
Arbor watching Michigan football.
"When I was young, many of my
friends' parents were administrators,
professors and staff at the University,"
she wrote in an e-mail interview. "I have
a deep affection for this institution."
Brandon, the CEO of Domino's
Pizza, attended the University on a
football scholarship and played as a
defensive end. He credits his entrance
into the business world to a recommen-
dation from former University football
coach Bo Schembechler.
"The fact that I am a graduate of our
University and was a student-athlete
for four years relates to my desire to
serve as a regent in a very personal and
significant way," he said.
Brown is an alum, and her family has
been involved with the University for
generations. Her husband, Bob Brown,
was a captain of the University football
team and a member of Michigamua.
His father, Robert Brown, was a regent
from 1967 to 1974.
She serves on the Advisory Board
of the University of Michigan Museum
of Art and on the volunteer board for
the Committee for the Ford School of
Public Policy.
"I want to preserve the University's
great traditions," Brown said. "Being a
regent appeals to me - it's just plain

Ulbrich, a director of development
and alumni affairs at Wayne State Uni-
versity, said she knew she wanted to go
to the University when doctors at C.S.
Mott saved her brother's life.
The first in her family to attend col-
lege, Ulbrich went to a community col-
lege for two years before earning her
degree at the University. She said she's
thankful to the University for helping
her with scholarships, grants and loans.
She has since served as a member of the
Board of Directors of the University's
Alumni Association of Greater Detroit.
"The University gave me an oppor-
tunity to get an education. I would not
be the person I am today were it not for
the University," Ulbrich said.
Darlow, a veteran lawyer who spe-
cializes in nonprofit organizations,
has no previous involvement with the
University, but said she sees running
for the Board of Regents as a way to
benefit the state.
Darlow has ample experience in
governance and business, particularly
from her tenure on the Board of Direc-
tors of the Detroit Medical Center.
"(The regent position) is a challeng-
ing job that makes a difference to all
the constituencies," she said. "I think
I'm qualified for it."
Democrats and Republicans typi-
cally win Regent seats - the board
currently includes five Democrats and
three Republicans - but smaller par-
ties also run candidates.
Two Libertarians - James Hudler
from Chelsea, and Eric Larson from
Grand Rapids - are seeking nomi-
nations from the Libertarian Party
of Michigan, party chair Nathan
Allen said.
Doug Campbell, vice chair of the
Green Party of Michigan, said he didn't
know of anyone seeking nominations.


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